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  • #999315

    Dear Enfold,

    I can not update ENFOLD to the latest version. In the past this worked perfectly.
    On all my different projects I’m getting the following error ( see screenshot ).

    Do you know why this might be happening?

    View post on

    Thanks in advance,
    Kind regards


    Hey jeroenvandessel,

    Have you attemped to update via FTP?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    I can try this, but every previous update worked just fine. I realise it’s a pretty basic procedure but I havent done it with FTP before, which means chances of doing something wrong are real :D.

    Suddenly with enfold 4.4.1 it doesn’t work on many of my different projects… weird



    Have you had any recent server changes that you know of?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Same Problem here… from 4.4 to 4.4.1 there is no update possible. i checked the themeforest api keys. but there is no change. And we have enough valid licences. WordPress 4.9.8, PHP 7.0.24

    wp enfold update fail

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by roeschke.


    Maybe the issue is caused by a known bug in the themeforest api. To fix it use the theme editor (Appearance > Editor) and edit Enfold. Go to enfold/framework/php/auto-updates/ and open the class-pixelentity-theme-update.php file. Clear the entire file (remove the code) and copy the entire code from here into the blank file. Afterwards save the file and the update should work.

    You can also use ftp to update the file. Save the code from here: to a file called class-pixelentity-theme-update.php. Then connect to your server via ftp, go to the directory wp-content/enfold/framework/php/auto-updates/ and overwrite the class-pixelentity-theme-update.php with the updated file you created before.

    Best regards,


    That was the problem. Works now! Thank you!


    Hey Dieter,

    Great! I’m glad this was able to be resolved.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    It did the trick for me too. Thanks ;).


    Hi jeroenvandessel,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Did not work for me :-(


    Hey Caorda,

    Please elaborate on your specific issue.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon



    at our page it not work. Everytime i want to change the code i get a error.

    The error:
    Deine PHP-Code-Änderungen wurden aufgrund eines Fehlers in Zeile 83 der Datei wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/includes/slider_markup_init.php zurückgesetzt. Bitte beheben und versuchen, erneut zu speichern.

    Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/includes/slider_markup_init.php:83
    Stack trace:
    #0 wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/wp/shortcodes.php(218): include()
    #1 wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/wp/shortcodes.php(159): LS_Shortcode::generateSliderMarkup(Array)
    #2 wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/wp/shortcodes.php(49): LS_Shortcode::processShortcode(Array)
    #3 wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/slideshow_layerslider.php(129): LS_Shortcode::handleShortcode(Array)
    #4 wp-content/themes/en

    I hope u can help me.

    Thank you





    Please create me an admin account and I’ll look into it.

    Best regards,


    Hi there,
    I have the same problem. Editing the the class-pixelentity-theme-update.php file did’t solve it. I get the same error as jeroenvandessel. the given url is not right. The current version is 3.6.1 and I wish to update to the latest version.
    When I updated through FTP, I had a blank page and couldn’t get to wp-admin (also blank page). Do you have a solution?

    Thanks in advance,



    If you use ftp to update the theme please make sure to replace the entire theme folder. If you just overwrite the existing files you’ll get a blank page. Connect to ftp, go to wp-content/themes and rename the theme folder “enfold” to “enfold_bak”. Then download the new files from themeforest, unzip the theme files and upload them to wp-content/themes/enfold. Make sure the style.css file is located in wp-content/themes/enfold (file path wp-content/themes/enfold/style.css). If the theme works, you can simply delete the enfold_bak folder. If not, delete the enfold folder and rename enfold_bak to enfold.

    Best regards,



    in the private Content you see the admin account information.

    Thanks and regard

    Florian Meise



    I tried to log in but I get the error message “FEHLER: Das Passwort, das du für den Benutzernamen XY eingegeben hast, ist nicht korrekt.”

    Best regards,


    Thanks, it worked out great!

    Kind regads,



    Great, glad it’s fixed now :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Peter,

    i have checked the login with a new password and it worked for me. I give you the new password and then check it that you can login :)

    Best regards,
    Florian Meise



    I modified the file for you – you should now be able to update the theme :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Peter,

    i have tried to update and got the same error as befor.

    Der Aktualisierungsprozess beginnt. Dies kann eine Weile dauern, bitte hab etwas Geduld.

    Anschalten des Wartungsmodus …

    Aktualisierung des Themes Enfold (1 von 1)
    Herunterladen der Aktualisierung von T …
    Beim Aktualisieren von Enfold ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: Download fehlgeschlagen. Es wurde keine gültige URL übermittelt.

    Abschalten des Wartungsmodus …

    Alle Aktualisierungen wurden vollständig durchgeführt.

    Can you look it up again and if you got the fix than please update the theme for me ?

    Best regards



    I couldn’t update the theme on your website however the download url from envato seems to be correct (I debugged the code). Maybe a third party plugin breaks the update process.

    Personally I’d recommend to use ftp to update the theme ( ) otherwise you’d need to deactivate all plugins to chec if they may affect the update. If you use ftp make sure to replace the entire theme folder. If you just overwrite the existing files you’ll get a blank page (500 error). Connect to ftp, go to wp-content/themes and rename the theme folder “enfold” to “enfold_bak”. Then download the new files from themeforest, unzip the theme files and upload them to wp-content/themes/enfold. Make sure the style.css file is located in wp-content/themes/enfold (file path wp-content/themes/enfold/style.css). If the theme works, you can simply delete the enfold_bak folder. If not, delete the enfold folder and rename enfold_bak to enfold.

    Best regards,


    Hi. I have just uploaded 4.4.1 by ftp and all looked good.
    Now however, when I try and do something in the dashboard Theme Options I just get a blank window???




    If you have a site with several thousand posts it might be necessary to update themes\enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\element-manager.class.php


    Do not forget to make a backup of the file for a fallback.

    We need to update the post content of all posts for better performance and this leads to timeout problems. After updating the file you must reload the backend several times after getting the timeout to allow the update process to finish (user reported it took up to 2 hours for very large sites).

    Best regards,


    I have similar problems but not sure if this is the right place to ask.
    I run Enfold 4.2.2 and for some time it caused me problems to update the theme and plugins. I tried the usual procedures (deactivating single plugins, deleting them, reinstalling them), but nothing worked: Plugins could not be updated; also I couldnt open the WP appearance / themes side (blank page). I switched now to another server with PHP 7.0.30 because I thought that may cause the trouble. But no change at all.
    Updating Enfold doesn’t work (through WP Dashboard or Enfold on my wordpress site directly) – the Error message is “Update failed. Download failed. A valid URL was not provided”. I went to Themeforest and logged in with my buyers account, but all I get to download is the same Enfold version. Any idea what the problems may be and where/how to get the Enfold update?
    many thanks


    Hi Mark,

    Please open a new thread and include admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,


    Updating without using FTP does not work anymore for me.
    I don’t feel comfortable using FTP.

    I’ve been using ENFOLD for years and it worked perfectly all the time… Hopefully this bug gets fixed soon.


    Hi jeroenvandessel,

    Updating to 4.5 has to be done manually unfortunately, there is a fix in that version though so it should only has to be done this one time. Please try this plugin, it should enable you to update by uploading the Enfold .zip file instead of using FTP:

    Best regards,

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