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  • #1443788


    I wanted to express my love for ENFOLD : – D … and ask a question.

    As a coder/designer, I’ve utilised Enfold extensively in creating many clients websites. The ALB stands out to me as exceptionally user-friendly, and beats Elementor and Divi hands down.

    Also, the consistent rollout of theme updates, coupled with comprehensive documentation and support, is brilliant.

    However, I find myself investing considerable time refining the styling of demo designs and elements, which inevitably impacts my productivity.

    While I believe this investment is 100% worthwhile as the theme rocks!, I suspect it may be a shared issue for other Enfold users.

    Considering this, I’ve contemplated creating professionally designed ALB elements for fellow Enfold users. Essentially, designing ALB elements, exporting them as .txt files, and offering them for sale.

    Could you provide guidance on whether such a thing would be possible in any circumstances? or licensing terms?

    I’ve yet to come across any third-party providers offering similar services for Enfold, so I guess its not allowed due to TF licensing : – 0 But I thought I would ask for a definitive answer.

    Thank you for your continued efforts in maintaining and improving the Enfold theme GUYS :-D


    Hi Lee,

    I’m sorry for the delayed response.

    You can definitely create your own elements for Enfold and offer them to Enfold users in a stand-alone plugin. A fellow Enfold user offered some elements ( ).

    You can also create your own Enfold demos ( ).

    I hope this helps :) Let us know if you have any other questions.


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