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  • #1187884


    After I installed “Post Type Switcher” plugin and run it to convert a post to page, it convert but I can’t edit the page anymore.
    All changes that I do on the page are forgotten after I save.

    Please, how can I resolve that?

    Best regards,

    Vini Rocha


    Hey Vini,

    Thanks for contacting us and sorry for the late reply!

    I honestly do not have any experience with mentioned plugin however could you please try going to Enfold theme options and choose “classic WP editor” as your editor instead of Block Editor and also enable debugging mode – then try once again and check if that helps?

    If it does not, please point out an example page so we can look further into it :)

    Best regards,



    Sorry for the late reply either. :)

    I’ve disabled the plugin and some pages don’t save any changes.
    Please check or

    After the creation of /escolas and first save, I cannot save any changes.
    I’ve tried to create a copy in /alunos and I save a blank page for test, and also allows no changes.

    Please, check with the credentials I sent before.

    Vini Rocha



    Thank you for the update.

    We managed to add a new text block in the “escolas” page and properly update it. We also created a new page. Can you still reproduce the issue on your end? (see private field)

    Why do you need to switch the post type?

    Best regards,

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