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  • #1285572

    I just tested the new ALB Custom Elements and created a few customized buttons. I noticed a change in page loading times and checked with the Query Monitor plugin. SQL queries went up from a normal 20-30 to over 200 (even when logged out of admin).

    I though maybe it was my child theme messing something up and I did a clean WP install with latest Enfold. No child theme, no plugins and the problem was still there. Clean Enfold did 23 queries, but with Custom Elements it was 182.

    These queries rocketed from 1 query –> 80 queries when Custom Elements is activated:

    Any advice?



    Thanks for contacting us!

    Could you please refer to this post – and let us know if that does not help?

    Best regards,


    No, but that helped earlier when Enfold was creating hundreds of merged css/js files.

    Just to clarify, I’m talking about this new feature in Enfold 4.8:
    March 3rd 2021 – Version 4.8
    feature: ALB custom elements – allow an editable layout of ALB elements on your site

    SQL problem is still there. I tried with two different server setups and Opcache/Redis enabled/disabled.

    • Without Redis, 200 database queries
    • With Redis, queries drop from 200 –> 80
    • With Redis and ALB custom elements disabled, queries drop from 80 –> 5

    Watching with interested as someone hoping to make extensive use of new Custom Elements – but not at this big a hit.




    Thanks for your interest in the new feature and reporting this.

    Checking the code I found an unnecessary query for the frontend. Removing this the amount of queries dropped for me on a testpage.

    As a CET is stored in a post, there is a little overhead, depending on the amount of different CET used on a page ( we cache already queried CET ).

    If you want to check:

    Replace enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\element-templates.class.php with the content of:

    If you use WPML you also need to replace enfold\config-wpml\class-avia-wpml.php with

    Do not forget to make a backup of the original files for a fallback and clear server and browser cache.

    Best regards,


    Thanks, it’s working, but unfortunately those same queries are still cluttering the backend.

    CET is a really welcomed feature, especially the attribute locking thing,
    but until it’s working way faster, I’m going with my own custom elements.

    And is somebody still using WPML?



    Thanks for your feedback!

    We actually saw performance improvement in our initial tests after this fix.
    Could you please point out the queries and if possible, check without any active plugins?

    We are going to test further as well however we would like find out more so we can make sure performance is as good as possible :)

    Best regards,

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