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  • #1422216


    I installed an accordion in a grid row. The Grid Row has 2 sections. It opens and closes correctly on the desktop.
    When mobile is closed, a white area remains under the respective accordion section.


    Hey Markus,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The page above doesn’t load properly on our end, and it appears that it no longer exists. Did you remove the page?

    Best regards,


    No, I didn’t remove the page. That’s my second problem, it takes a long time to load and I don’t know why. Since the last Enfold update, the speed of both the backend and the frontend has been very slow.

    I urgently need help here



    Thank you for the update.

    You may need to ask your hosting provider to reconfigure the .htaccess file. Additionally, we noticed that the theme is a bit outdated (version 5.6.2). Please try to upgrade the theme to version 5.6.6, as this might help resolve the issue with the toggles.

    Best regards,


    Hello Ishmael,

    have carried out the update. Unfortunately I still have the problem with the Accordion Mobil. The page speed hasn’t really improved either.
    Can you please check the backend to see what the problem could be???? Thanks for the help



    Thanks for following up.

    We added the following css code and temporarily deactivated the cache plugin to fix the issue.

    .toggle_wrap {
        display: none;

    To improve the loading speed of the site, you can start by compressing the images and configuring a cache plugin. Please check the following articles for more info about site optimization.


    Best regards,


    Hello Ismael3,

    I still have the problem with the Accordion. Have you already found the error?



    Did you remove the code? We added the code back and adjusted it a bit. Please make sure to purge the cache and do a hard refresh before testing the page on mobile view.

    .toggle_wrap {
      display: none;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
      /* Add your Mobile Styles here */
      .av-layout-grid-container {
        display: block;

    Best regards,


    Hello Ishmael,

    Unfortunately it does not work. Now the page jumps to the top of the page when you click on a toggle. It now does this on the desktop too.
    It can’t stay like this. Please take another look at what’s causing this. If you test it yourself you will notice that it doesn’t work that way. Thanks for the help



    The toggles are now opening and closing correctly, without leaving a space or gap below. However, we did notice that they scroll up when clicked. We haven’t been able to reproduce the same issue on our installation, so it’s possible that the scrolling is caused by a plugin. Would it be alright if we temporarily deactivate the plugins while testing?

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Hello Ishmael,
    That’s great that you’re working on the problem. I just can’t understand why you don’t see what happens when you scroll up when you click on a tongle.
    when you enter the following in the browser:

    then scroll down to the section
    “Why train with us?
    10 reasons to become a roofer”

    and if you click on the first tap of the Accordion on the right, you can see that the page automatically jumps to the top of the page.

    And that’s the case on desktop and mobile

    You are welcome to deactivate the plugins to test


    Hello Ismael,
    There’s something wrong with the Accordion, the page shouldn’t jump up when you click on the tab


    Hello Ismael,
    can you help me please?


    Hello Ishmael,

    I found out that jumping to the top of the page when opening a tab in the Accordion only occurs if “Allow only one open toggle” (Accordion mode) is activated in the Accordion’s settings under “Behavior”.
    If you activate “Allow multiple open toggles (toggle mode)” then it doesn’t jump to the top of the page!

    I also deactivated all plugins and the problem still persists. I’m sure it’s not the plugins, but the current Enfold version. The problem did not exist before updating to the current version.



    Thank you for the information.

    We are still uncertain about the cause of this issue. We will reach out to you once we have a better understanding of the problem. Please keep the option as it is for the time being.



    Thank you for your patience, on your /dachdecker/ page I changed the element to Accordion mode and added this css:

    .togglecontainer .single_toggle {
        float: none;

    and tested on desktop and mobile Android and the issue seems to be solved now.
    Please note that if you are testing with an iPhone it can be hard to clear the cache, often you need to also clear the history to fully purge the cache, following these steps for Safari and note Step 4 where you will Clear the History.
    Please check.

    Best regards,

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