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  • #116028


    I am looking at your pages, and am still trying to figure out what exactly the problem is.

    On this page , i see the portfolio is working. I would do something about that area above the portfolio since it looks strange and nearly empty.

    Please point to specific problems, and if you would, please use to post screen captures with arrows, because perhaps we are seeing different pages or are using different browsers, because everything looks good from here.

    I would just use this css to get rid of that square box during mouse over on the portfolio item pages

    #top .avia-team-member .team-social {
    border: 0px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) !important;




    It is possible yes but you need to add a lot of css modification. This is the closest I can get. I used a 1500x640px image with the text or whatever elements already included on image itself.

    Create a new page. On the Layout Option select “No Sidebar”, “Don’t Display the Header”, “Don’t Display the socket & footer widgets” respectively.

    Go to Advance Layout Editor > Media Elements > Insert Full Width Easy Slider > Select the Splash Image.

    On your custom.css insert this code

    .page-id-1380 #header {
    display: none;

    .fixed_header.social_header .page-id-1380 #main {
    padding-top: 0;

    Notice the .page-id-1380? That is the unique id for my own splash page. You need to inspect your page then find the body class and use that instead.




    You remove them with this

    #top .social_bookmarks li {
    border: none;

    Or you can change the color using this

    #top .social_bookmarks li {
    border-color: red;

    Always glad to help. :)



    I just noticed that Kriesi uses the function get_previous_post/get_next_post functions for the next/previous links. Unfortunately these functions rely on the get_adjacent_post() function in wp-includeslink-template.php which does not support custom taxonomies (like portfolio entries, etc.) yet. It just supports standard posts and categories if you want to select posts from the same category. So for now this won’t be possible but you can add it to the feature request list:

    A workaround would be to use a plugin from here: and to replace the get_previous_post/get_next_post function calls in functions-enfold.php:

    $entries['prev'] = get_previous_post($same_category);
    $entries['next'] = get_next_post($same_category);

    with a custom next/previous page function. I guess we need to wait for WP3.7 – then the next/previous page functions should also support custom taxonomies:


    Afaik not because ( ) does not offer a icon set which contains numbers and we use this service for the icon font. However you can suggest the feature here:

    Ismael you rock! That looks cool. Last question regarding that section… how can I remove the vertical separators between the social icons. They stand out harshly against the black. I’d just take them out completely.



    You can add this on your custom.css or Quick CSS

    #header_meta {
    background-color: black;

    .header_color ul {
    border-color: gray;




    I’m trying to find the code that will enable me to make the top section black to add some “pop”. I don’t want to make the menu’s dark, so I can’t change the alternate color. Flip-side I’d need the text & social icons lighter. Is this all controlled in the css?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    A nice feature would be to allow that top section to be defined in the Styling settings. I’m sure others would want to change it too.


    – John


    Even if a plugin is critical, it can still be coded poorly or just have a conflict because of the way it integrates with the wordpress admin.

    Installing the theme files on top of themselves shouldn’t cause you to lose any data as all of the data is stored in the wordpress database and just changing the files doesn’t effect it unless you instruct wordpress to do so.




    Hi DavyE,

    Not that I know of but I’ve tagged the head of support on the topic to see if he has any insight.




    Hi Devin,

    oh yes, i forgot that there is an option button at the top ….

    Thanks for pointing me to the right direction.

    Cheers, Sebastian



    Please update to v1.31 which has an update to the tabs widget.

    Please log into using the account you’ve purchased the theme under and download the latest update. Please be aware that the update will overwrite every single theme file including custom.css , so make sure that you created a backup first. The best way to upgrade the theme would be via ftp, renaming your current Enfold them folder on your server and then uploading the newest version of the theme. If you have made customization to your templates, but are no longer sure exactly where, I’ve made a comprehensive video outlining the easiest way to solve that issue.

    But right now the way to prevent it from disapearing would be to add this css, but first, let make sure we got the latest theme to work with

    #top .avia-slideshow-inner {
    height: 384px;
    -webkit-transition: none;
    transition: none;
    -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);




    Hey ! This topic was locked : but Ismael didn’t answer at my question.

    I would like to insert an icon in the main menu as the site mentioned in the other topic.

    Like this : 827400Capturedcran20130430111558.png


    I’m looking for the same solution! Separate portfolios with previous and next working only in the specific portfolio.

    Will follow this topic to see if any solution becomes available.


    In reply to: Portfolio Order


    In reply to: Gallery Question(s)

    1) You can remove the padding around the gallery images with:

    #top div .avia-gallery img {
    padding: 0;

    – insert it into the quick css field.

    2) Atm it is not possible but we’ll include this feature in the next version: – the new option allows you to deactivate the links, to activate the lightbox or to open the images in a new (or the same) browser tab/window.

    3) The image size is controlled by the columns setting.



    No, a youtube icon is not included atm. You can request it here:

    Best regards,



    1) Open up wp-contentthemeschoicesincludeshelper-post-format.php – at the very top you’ll see several filter calls like:

    add_filter( 'post-format-standard', 'avia_default_title_filter', 10, 1 );

    If you want to modify the filter (eg use another, custom filter funtion instead) insert following code into your child theme functions.php:

    remove_filter( 'post-format-standard', 'avia_default_title_filter', 10, 1 );

    (actually its the same code but you need to replace add_ with remove_).

    Now you can call a custom function. So add following code to the functions.php file:

    add_filter( 'post-format-standard', 'avia_custom_title_filter', 10, 1 );

    and duplicate the avia_default_title_filter() function and rename it to avia_custom_title_filter():

    function avia_default_title_filter($current_post)
    $output = "";
    //$output .= "<h2 class='post-title ". avia_offset_class('meta', false). "'>";
    $output .= "<h2 class='post-title'>";
    $output .= " <a href='".get_permalink()."' rel='bookmark' title='". __('Permanent Link:','avia_framework')." ".$current_post['title']."'>".$current_post['title'];
    $output .= " <span class='post-format-icon minor-meta'></span>";
    $output .= " </a>";
    $output .= "</h2>";

    $current_post['title'] = $output;
    return $current_post;

    Now you can modify it and overwrite/modify the default content.



    Go to the LayerSlider WP > Slides, at the bottom edit each layers then click the “Style” tab. You can control the top and left position of each element.




    In reply to: Menu + Top Bar Colors


    You can start with these codes. Place them on your Quick CSS or custom.css

    #header_main {
    background: #585858;
    border-color: #2B2B2B;

    #header_meta {
    background: #585858;
    border-color: #2B2B2B;

    .header_color ul {
    border-color: #2B2B2B;

    .menu-item a {
    color: white !important;

    You can also edit the color theme on Theme Options > Styling > Click on the Header tab.





    Open js > avia.js then find and remove this code

    //check if the browser supports element rotation
    function avia_header_size()
    var win = $(window),
    header = $('.fixed_header #header'),
    elements = $('#header_main .container, .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a:not(.avia_mega_div a)'),
    el_height = $(elements).filter(':first').height(),
    isMobile = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement,
    scroll_top = $('#scroll-top-link'),
    set_height = function()
    var st = win.scrollTop(), newH = 0;

    if(st < el_height/2)
    newH = el_height - st;
    newH = el_height/2;

    elements.css({height: newH + 'px', lineHeight: newH + 'px'});

    if(!header.length) return false;

    return false;





    When I pick the wide version of the responsive layout (1210 px instead of 1030px), Enfold stops being responsive when viewed on an iPhone or iPad. The site simply gets scaled down. On a desktop computer, everything works as it should. Any clues?




    In reply to: Menu + Top Bar Colors

    Any suggestions please?


    I have a tab system set up on one of my pages to showcase different galleries, but once you click on two or three tabs, the galleries stop working. How can this be fixed? I have simply added the shortcode for the easy slider to each tab. Here is a link to the page:


    In reply to: Scroll to top button

    Hi baseartco,

    A couple of things to try: First, re-upload the theme after re-downloading it from themeforest. There could have been an issue with the files at either part and hopefully this time the download/upload overwrites any of the corrupted files on the server (if this was the case).

    The second is to deactivate any active plugins you have installed. If you have any caching plugin installed, clear its cache before deactivating.




    In reply to: menu bar colour

    I’m sorry but this doesn’t work either :( Does something have to be struck out first? It only affects the TOP BAR and not the menu background..


    Hello there. On my enfold theme the header Social Icon for YouTube and some others do not appear or show on the drop down menu. So for now I am using the VIMEO Social Icon header so my client does not get mad at me.

    The layout.css stylesheet shows the youtube is included (see extract below), however, It does not show up on the Social Icon header drop down menu.

    #top .social_bookmarks li a:hover{ text-decoration: none; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_youtube:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#a72b1d; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_rss:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#ffa133; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_facebook:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#37589b; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_twitter:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#46d4fe; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_mail:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#9fae37; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_dribbble:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#e44885; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_linkedin:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#419cca; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_search:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#222222; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_gplus:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#de5a49; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_behance:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#008cfa; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_flickr:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#ff0086; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_forrst:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#234317; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_myspace:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#000000; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_tumblr:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#345574; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_vimeo:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#31baff; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_pinterest:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#cb2027; }

    #top .social_bookmarks_skype:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#12a5f4; }

    I know some CSS and some HTML but that’s it. The website is:

    Any help here? I really need to fix this issue ASAP!


    Ariel Freaner


    Topic: Menu + Top Bar Colors

    in forum Enfold

    Hello. Is there a way to change the background colors and font colors of the Logo/Menu + Social Icon/Menu area in the Theme options panel? I could not find such settings, so I assume they need to be modified via css. Is there any examples that have been created yet, for example, to have a darker logo/menu and top bar area? Thanks.


    Topic: Logo-Menu Height

    in forum Enfold

    Regarding the option called “fixed header with social icons and additional navigation”, how can you adjust the height of the main menu and logo area; need to make it smaller? Also, is it possible to hide the top bar when the menu bar is shrunken when scrolling? Thanks.


    1) I’d love to see masonry added to the portfolio. This way I don’t have to make sure all my pictures have the same size, which in some cases doesn’t work well. It would also enhance the layout as it breaks the grid in a nice way. Hopefully others agree.

    2) As I saw someone else request in a different topic for this theme, I would also like to request the ability to edit CSS from within WordPress (not just PHP) so there’s no need for Dreamweaver (or such tools). It’s easy for many reasons:

    – No DW license needed, especially for clients expecting to edit the site themselves.

    – Able to edit much of the site solely within WordPress, allowing to modify nearly the entire site even on mobile devices (again without extra tools).

    – Quick access without having to change applications.

    and so on …

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