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  • #119294

    Stop telling me that you are unsure. Test it again with a real scenario. Yes, I do have always the latest revision of any theme.

    Sorry, but this really fucks me up. It’s 4 a.m. now here in germany and I’m trying to get a development website up and running messing with this sh*t for the whole day (worth of 4 hours plus)!!!

    Another screen that happend JUST NOW:

    I’ve added the entry at the bottom of the toggle, saved builder, saved page, started editing over – there ya go. Pretty much useless! After that I have to deactivate a plugin (Google Doc Embedder or sometimes also WPML and I don’t have any other plugin active) and the editor shows up again.

    The WP feature to automatically save drafts seems to have affect on this behaviour. So get into it instead of telling me after a few clicks that everything works fine… :(


    You need to create a backup of your custom.css or copy the code on the Quick CSS on a notepad or something like that. Yes, it would be nice to be able to save a custom theme style. You can request that on this thread





    To change the background of the top header completely, you can use this

    #header_meta {
    background: red;

    To change the color of the menu font use this.

    .header_color .sub_menu > ul > li > a {
    color: blue;

    And the hover color, with this

    .header_color .sub_menu > ul > li > a:hover {
    color: black;

    Change the color value.




    Hi there,

    I just posted a similar question and I just tried your suggestion Nick. Thanks.

    However (and theres always a ‘but’) it only works in boxed mode. I want to replicate the following

    …….. which means the dark footer needs to reach edge to edge (left and right) with no margins and I guess the transparent slider would need to do the same. Is there no way to do the same effect without being in boxed mode but instead be in full width. It needs to be responsive too.

    The large oranges at the top would be in the transparent slider. Is it also possible to have the bottom oranges overlap between the main body and the footer.




    Hi there,

    Here’s a link to the image effect im trying to reproduce. The large oranges at the top would be within the transparent slider. Possible????


    Hi there,

    Slightly unusual this but is it possible to somehow use one big image to cover everything from the nav, header,slider (with a transparent background) and main body. I dont want to segment the sections but instead create one seamless image with minimal interaction on the top. Im guessing something has to be made tranparent or invisible. In which case I would need to switch off the ruled lines between Header & Main and quite poss the alternative background too.

    How do I do this… CSS?



    In reply to: Portfolio columns/grid

    Hi this is the css code that will push them apart, but it all depends on how many column there are. This code assumes its 3 or 4 column portfolio. And ofcourse you can play with these values yourself. Initially the first one was 33.3% and the second 25%

    #top .no_margin.av_one_third {
    width: 31.3%;
    #top .no_margin.av_one_fourth {
    width: 23.5%;





    Anything is possible. Can you be a bit more specific about what specifically changing into what else. If you can take a snapshot of the demo portfolio page and on (or other image storage) there are objects like little arrows you can add to the snapshot to better flush out your thought as well as convey your idea to the support team better; then just paste the link to the image here

    Please try this css. You can add it to Quick CSS located in Enfold > Styling at the bottom of the page or to the /css/custom.css

    #top .grid-content, #top .grid-entry-excerpt, #top .grid-entry-title {
    background-color: grey;
    #top .grid-entry-excerpt {
    color: white;
    #top .grid-entry-title {




    Never mind, I found this post about it!


    Hi Nick,

    Thanks for the response!

    I am running locally on Desktop Server (mamp).

    What I can do is first try what you have given me, and tonight load this to a test site and post the credentials for you.




    You both are asking very abstract questions that are difficult to answer without seeing what you have on the pages, etc.. so there are multiple possible combinations with the theme. Could you provide a url please (you can mask it with so that we can give you the code for you to use with your designs.

    Here is the css code I use to make everything including header, body, footer, socket transparent. Please add this CSS below to Quick CSS or to /css/custom.css file.

    #top #main,#top .html_stretched #wrap_all,#top .alternate_color,#top .header_color,#top .main_color,#top .header_color div,#top #header,#top .header_color .container_wrap_meta,#top .header_color .header_bg,#top .footer_color,#top .footer_color,#top .socket_color {
    background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0) !important;
    #top .container_wrap {
    border-top-width:0px !important;
    #top #header_main {
    border-bottom-width: 0px !important;

    Just please make sure that you add a background in Enfold > Styling > General. and remove the color from ‘Body Background color’ input box right above where you will upload the image on that page.





    Best regards,



    I am experiencing exactly the same problem as you are, Ivana. I’ve resorted to using Firefox only for editing purposes. That was fine, until recently, when Firefox started crashing on me whenever I tried to edit the slider on my homepage. But that is a different topic altogether.

    By the way: I am no techie, so please bear that in mind when proposing a solution :-)



    Topic: Map in Slider

    in forum Enfold

    Hello. I saw a topic from jwferne, where he placed the google code in the layer slider to make the map flush with top and sides. Can someone please provide a few more details on how to accomplish this. What map code is used and in what type of layer is it placed? Can you still use the pop-up marker? Thanks.


    No problem Devin we understand.

    Thanks for your help so far, appreciated and will mark the topic resolved.



    HI Devin,

    thank you so much for your explanations. I’ll try deactivate Jetpack, since I am not using it.

    I was able to solve the issue with the Testimonials before you probably saw it, since I realized I had to insert a content block first, then insert the testimonial element within.

    Not doing so produced the testimonial acting weird and juxtaposing over the icon boxes and being half cut off from the following section underneath.

    So I still haven’t clearly understood when you can place an element by itself and when you need to place a content box first, then the element within instead…

    I’ve been working all day on the page yesterday, which is why you possibly didn’t reproduce the issues on your end.

    One thing I can’t fix at the moment is how to change the color of the top titles (or headline) of the sections within the footer / footer widget:

    I would like to have them white, yet when I go to the styling panel within Enfold and select “Footer” I tried all different part to be “white”, yet I always get a blueish color which blends in very bad with the background color and makes it hard t read.

    Any clue on that?

    I am currently experimenting with the footer too, so I am trying different background, however the general headers always set colors automatically and not what I would want them to be (mainly white to come up from a colored background)


    In reply to: Menu Font Changes


    Did you try to add !important to your code like:

    #top .main_menu .menu li ul a:hover {
    color. #000 !important;

    Best regards,



    You can use to order the portfolio items. Another user had problems with the free version: – you maybe need to upgrade to the advanced post types order plugin.



    1) I’m sorry but imo it’s not easily possible to add the greyscale effect to the portfolio thumbnails (at least not if you’re using Enfold). I also gave a honest answer to another user.

    Can you point me to the post which suggest that “this would be relatively easy”?

    2) 5/6 is not supported for the portfolio grid at the moment. You can select a 2,3 or 4 columns layout. You can try a workaround though – create 2 columns and add a 3 columns portfolio element to each column – it will look like:



    I’m trying to add the email icon via the shortcode (✉) into the content of an icon box. I find that although the first time the icon appears as it should, if I update the page and do a hard refresh the icon becomes a question mark. For example in the top left icon box on the below page I’ve tried to put an icon near the email address and it has broken.

    Is there a specific instruction I’m missing? If possible, I’d also like the icon I insert to have the circle around it for more definition.



    In reply to: Next and Prev Arrows


    It should be there automatically, there is no option to turn it on or off but you can hide it through css. Maybe the slider is covering it. Try this on your custom.css

    #top .avia-post-nav {
    z-index: 9999;
    display: block;





    Use this

    .page-id-1735 .column-top-margin {
    margin-top: 20px;




    In reply to: Menu Font Changes

    Oh that’s perfect, thank you!

    separate note —

    I can’t get the hover state to work properly. I tried the following cods and it didn’t do anything:

    hover state:

    #top .main_menu .menu li ul a:hover {

    active state:

    #top .main_menu .menu li ul a:active {

    Thanks bud



    It is not humanly possible to memorize every customization on every page of all 25+ themes created by Kriesi. Our expertise allows us to hear your issue and based on experience to find a solution.

    There is a setting when you add icon boxes to chose between the two types. On the page you showed one setting is the top box, and another setting is for the bottom box.

    ”Icons” is a deceptive word for what those objects are, and I think the word ‘glyphs’ better describes them. They are actually letters in a font, so normally they use the background color of the surface they are displayed on. You can see this for yourself by selecting a glyph/icon from the url you included, and then pasting it into a text editor.There is a finite number of these glyphs, but more are created by font designers.

    So your question “How do we create those icon boxes with secondary background color?”

    Go to Enfold > Styling … These settings produce this look

    So you can match the colors to see what causes what. Obviously if you leave the color completely out of the setting, the glyph will take a background color of anything below it including an image.

    If you want the direct css to be able to change the colors, here it is ( ) <– css blocks explained in image

    Icon Position Setting : Left (on the above link to image, it is CSS BLOCK 1)

    /*---background,color,border color of the settings:left glyph---*/
    #top .iconbox_icon.heading-color.avia-font-entypo-fontello {
    border-style: solid;

    Icon Position Setting : Top (on the above link to image, it is CSS BLOCK 2)

    /*---background color of the box itself (orange)---*/
    /*---shadow around the box itself (raspberry)---*/
    #top .iconbox_top .iconbox_content {
    box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px 2px rgb(160,49,49);
    /*---background,color,border color of the circle and of the glyph---*/
    #top .main_color.iconbox_top .iconbox_icon {
    border-style: solid;

    *If you want to make every icon box on a page to have its own colors, you will need to use CSS with firebug or Chrome Developer Tools to look at the code ***after*** creating the boxes to get their individual ID numbers and add those to the above css. To learn more about CSS, a highly recomended resource is CSS Beginner Tutorial or 5 Baby Steps to Become a CSS Sorcerer

    I hope this answers your question :)




    Hello, everyone,

    I found this code, and I added it:

    .menu a:hover {

    color: red!important;


    But, if I change the text color to blue in the code above instead of red, then is difficult to read. Also Red, on top red, is difficult . If I put black, or grey, is the same problem. I found solution with white, but, then you do not see in the menu bar because my background is white also.

    some suggestions?

    I don’t want to change my top dark red color in the top bar.

    I want to change menu hover text color without changing the menu text color, or if this is not possible, then change the menu hover background without changing the menu top bar color.

    Hope you will understand me.




    In reply to: Menu Font Changes


    You should use this

    #top .main_menu .menu li ul a {
    width: 100%;
    height: auto;
    float: left;
    text-align: left;
    line-height: 23px;
    padding: 8px 15px;
    font-size: 12px;
    min-height: 23px;
    max-width: none;
    text-decoration: none;




    I have a page ( that after you submit the form, the page does not scroll to the top for you to see the “thank you” message, you have to manually scroll up. Is there a way for this to auto scroll? Please feel free to test it out and see for yourself.





    You can post them here




    I’ve put a ‘special heading’ field above a slider on my site but the padding above and below is very wide. I’ve found the CSS to shrink it but it seems to be a global property (line 961 of layout.css).

    .content, .sidebar{
    -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; /* Safari/Chrome, other WebKit */
    -moz-box-sizing: content-box; /* Firefox, other Gecko */
    box-sizing: content-box;
    min-height: 1px;
    z-index: 1;

    How can I specify the change to only target this area?


    the navigation is left-aligned now!

    the logo is still on the left side – should be right-aligned…

    i use a fixed header with fixed y-dimension:

    #header_main .container, .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a {

    height: 80px !important;

    line-height: 80px !important;


    html.fixed_header #main {

    padding-top: 80px;


    div .logo {

    float: right;

    position: absolute;

    right: 0;


    .main_menu {

    left: 0;


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