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  • #23187

    Topic: XING icon

    in forum Enfold


    as XING is the most important business social network in Germany and many other countries, it is inevitable important to have it in the top header like and with facebook, LinkedIn and all these. With the XING icon and the link. Very important!

    How can I do this?




    Add this on your custom.css

    .header_color .header_bg {
    background: white url(https://localhost/kriesi/enfold/wp-content/themes/enfold/images/background-images/dashed-cross-dark.png) top center repeat fixed;

    Change the image url. This will render a white header when you scroll down.




    I’m sorry but it seems like Ismael mixed something up. Enfold doesn’t support Cufon but only google fonts. You can use filters to add them to the font list – see:

    Note that you can only use a font from the google font api:


    Thanks for the fast reply, Ismael

    I’d like to use first way, without additional plugins.

    But it doesn’t work.

    What i did:

    1) Generate Cufon js font file here: and at the fifth input field from the top with the label: “Use the following value as the font-family of the generated font (optional)” enter the word “cufon” (without quotation marks).

    2) Then place the cufon file into the enfoldframeworkjsfonts folder

    3) Open up enfoldincludesadminregister-admin-options.php and add font to the font array. I put the font in 2 places:


    $avia_elements[] = array( “name” => “Heading Font”,

    “subtype” => apply_filters(‘avf_google_heading_font’, array(‘no custom font’=>”,


    AND HERE:____________________________________________________________

    $avia_elements[] = array( “name” => “Defines the Font for your body text”,

    “subtype” => apply_filters(‘avf_google_content_font’, array( ‘:: :: Web save fonts :: ::’=>”,

    ‘:: :: Google fonts :: ::’=>”,



    I also tried to write file name without extension, like this:



    Use the selector .avia-menu-fx to move it up or down.

    .avia-menu-fx {
    top: 45%;




    It still happens for me, but it’s kind of random to pinpoint. If I had to go off my observation, I’d say It has to do with copying a content block or perhaps a copy of that copy. Fresh blocks that get pulled down from the top toolbar don’t seem to have this issue.

    I also had another thread about images not lining up vertically. Again this seemed to occur when I tried to be efficient and copy the original block and then again. It would start to stagger out of line after that second copy.

    I’m fairly confident there’s a bug or something resulting from the block copying option.

    Hope that helps.


    – John



    Glad it is fixed. Kriesi manages all the updates for the theme. You should probably post something here





    Refer to this link The only difference is on the register-admin-options.php

    $avia_elements[] =		array(	"name" 	=> "Heading Font",
    "slug" => "styling",
    "desc" => "The Font heading utilizes google fonts and allows you to use a wide range of custom fonts for your headings",
    "id" => "google_webfont",
    "type" => "select",
    "no_first" => true,
    "class" => "av_2columns av_col_1",
    "onchange" => "avia_add_google_font",
    "std" => "Open Sans",
    "subtype" => apply_filters('avf_google_heading_font', array('no custom font'=>'',




    'Dancing Script'=>'Dancing Script',
    'Droid Sans'=>'Droid Sans',
    'Droid Serif'=>'Droid Serif',

    'EB Garamond'=>'EB Garamond',

    'Fjord One'=>'Fjord One',


    'Josefin Sans' => 'Josefin Sans',
    'Josefin Slab'=>'Josefin Slab',


    'League Script'=>'League Script',

    'Mate SC'=>'Mate SC',

    'News Cycle'=>'News Cycle',

    'Open Sans'=>'Open Sans:400,600',

    'PT Sans'=>'PT Sans',



    'Signika Negative'=>'Signika Negative',

    'Terminal Dosis'=>'Terminal Dosis',
    'Tenor Sans'=>'Tenor Sans',

    'Varela Round'=>'Varela Round',



    $avia_elements[] = array( "name" => "Defines the Font for your body text",
    "slug" => "styling",
    "desc" => "Choose between web save fonts (faster rendering) and google webkit fonts (more unqiue)",
    "id" => "default_font",
    "type" => "select",
    "no_first" => true,
    "class" => "av_2columns av_col_2",
    "onchange" => "avia_add_google_font",
    "std" => "Helvetica-Neue,Helvetica-websave",
    "subtype" => apply_filters('avf_google_content_font', array( ':: :: Web save fonts :: ::'=>'',
    'Helvetica Neue'=>'Helvetica-Neue,Helvetica-websave',
    ':: :: Google fonts :: ::'=>'',
    'Droid Sans'=>'Droid Sans',
    'Droid Serif'=>'Droid Serif',
    'Maven Pro'=>'Maven Pro',
    'Open Sans'=>'Open Sans:400,600',


    Another way is to use a this plugin





    Please add this on your custom.css

    #header {
    position: relative;
    max-height: 120px;

    #header_main {
    border: none;

    .main_menu .menu ul {
    top: 85%;

    .avia-menu-fx {
    bottom: 25px;




    Topic: Shortcode problem

    in forum Enfold

    I am using the Simplemap Plugin.

    [simplemap search_title=’Quelle finden:’]

    As soon as i use the “Advanced Layou Editor” – meaning Avia shortcodes – simplemaps stops working.


    In reply to: Portfolio categories

    Do you mean the category selection at the top: ? If yes just add all portfolio categories to the portfolio and deactivate pagination. If the pagination is activated it will only show the items/categories which are displayed on the current page because the other category links make no sense (the user would see an empty page/portfolio).


    The problem is that you didn’t set a featured image for the post(s). However you can use following code to display the placeholder icon:

    .related-format-icon-inner {
    margin-top: 0px;

    .related_posts a {
    width: 82px;
    height: 82px;

    Insert the code into the quick css field.


    Add this to your custom.css to fix the nice square issue

    #top.single .fullsize .template-blog .blog-meta {
    width: 100%;

    About the blurriness… I am not too good with that. My world is blurry, had laser eye surgery but forgot to take off my contacts. AHem. You can try this code and see if it does anything

    #top .avia_textblock{
    webkit-perspective: none;
    -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
    -webkit-text-stroke: 0.24px

    I am still looking at the other one. Please reply in 7 hours or so if you hear nothing.





    (Read what Peter wrote above first)

    I did a trace on the message you quoted and its a 1 year old forum post( ) by the developer of the plugin, but since that time there are quite a few other posts, including video tutorials

    But first things first. Remove Jetpack. Also remove all plugins except mailchimp and that lightbox. ALL of them.

    Then you need to upgrade the theme. I can see you are not using the latest framework version and there were lots of changes. when you finish updating, and only have mailchimp and the lightbox on, let me know.





    Oh. Sorry was a bit late and I failed to pay any attention to the parallax effect. Lets try to straighten that out then.

    You see I don’t like that its position is ”fixed” … but what exactly is being fixed but a tiny square image being repeated. But here are a few avenues I would start with in the QA process::

    A) I would see how it will look with one large image of the background fixed (no repeat and also stretch to fit). Somehow I have a feeling that this may do the trick.

    B) Do you have a background color that you are using concurrently with the image, if not see if there are any changes with red or blue.

    C) I would try position left/top

    D) Do horizontal tiling starting from left/center

    But as I said, I think the size of the tile feels wrong for what you are trying to accomplish. Stick it back in and run a few of these tests please and let us know if any difference was observed in the behavior.




    1.) Move or remove the menu underline.

    .avia-menu-fx {
    top: 50%;

    Adjust the top position.

    or to remove it entirely

    .avia-menu-fx {
    display: none;




    Hi Jim,

    If you download the whole folder from you downloads on Themeforest (not just the wordpress files) you’ll get the documentation as a folder along with the license, psd files and the theme as a zip.

    You can also watch some of the videos we have made recently going over various aspects of the theme here:




    Hello, first off I really like the theme. I am using the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin. I have noticed when I use the layout editor this plugin dosen’t pickup the content. As a result I have chosen to use the default editor. When I make a portfolio entry in order for a image to appear in a sortable gallery I have to set a featured image. The problem I’m having is that the feature image is being inserted into the top of the portfolio post. How do I remove the featured image?



    Nice colors. Looks good.

    1) “there is a faint line that appears at the top of the menu which spans the entire width of the menu” Umm.. I can guess without seeing code, but not sure what else will be affected.

    #top .container_wrap {
    border-top-width: 0px;

    2) Css to change padding between menu items. Change 13 to 10 in the css.

    #top .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a {
    padding: 0 13px;

    3) Just recreate the html structure of the orange thing and the line from the top of the menu and add it to wherever you want to. Since we are talking abstract here, not much more I can offer. Show me the page with code and I can give a better answer.




    You always find the not so easy ones, lol.

    Well, its possible of course, but would require the menu to be changed in multiple ways. Right now the css below controls those vertical lines and as you can see its a border.

    I added the very last one border-image, and you can see how it looks so without having to rebuild the menu, I think something like this would be the best solution, so you would need to create an image of a border and then plug it in there. Obviously the image i am using is not going to work out well. You can see for yourself though.

    Don’t mind for now that it affects the sub menus, the css can be targeted better, but first need that border image.

    /*only the vertical line for very first menu item*/
    #top .main_menu ul:first-child>li:first-child a {
    border-left-style: solid;
    border-left-width: 1px;
    border-color: rgb(225, 225, 225);
    #top .main_menu ul:first-child>li a {
    border-right-style: solid;
    border-right-width: 1px;
    border-color: rgb(225, 225, 225);
    -moz-border-image: url( 1 6 56 27 stretch;
    -webkit-border-image: url( 1 6 56 27 stretch;
    -o-border-image: url( 1 6 56 27 stretch;
    border-image: url( 1 6 56 27 stretch;

    Of course if you want to try on for size something easier, like changing ”solid” style to dashed, or dotted. Otherwise border image is the way to go, There are a number of generators that can help you along, once you have your image ready. like this one





    How did you make this? Because this is showing up as a portfolio ( ) not as a blog. Can you explain.

    Also what page is set as a blog in Enfold > Theme Options ?

    On Settings > Reading …. the ”Your latest posts” is set as the top option, correct?


    Please open up functions.php located in the base folder of the theme and find line 79 that looks like this

    $avia_config['imgSize']['portfolio']  = array('width'=>495, 'height'=>400 )

    and change it to look like this

    $avia_config['imgSize']['portfolio']  = array('width'=>248, 'height'=>186, 'crop'=>true );

    As I said something is wrong with the way you are doing this because that page may say its a blog, but it is not, that’s why we are changing the size here for the portfolio. Just remember that changing this doesn’t automatically change the images. For that you will need to install the Simple Image Sizes plugin ( ) and regenerate the current images (or re-upload them). To test , you can just delete one of the big images that you wanted cropped and reupload it again.


    Please look at this video , as to how to add Advanced Layout Editor to Posts. Once you have it there, you can chose whether to display an image or not on your individual posts.




    Hey there,

    I do know the limitations of a template builder, but I have to ask this question (I’ve searched already the forums):

    Any chance to get the table-template into a tab within the builder? I don’t need this very urgently, but it would be neat due to customer satisfaction.

    Background: I’m using the portfolio as product showcase and I would like to use the table for the products specifications. The question itself doesn’t depend on tables – it could fit any other content element.

    Another question: how do I activate some (or maybe all of) the shortcodes for the MCE within the template builder? Currently there’s only dropcaps showing up (for some reason)… If I missed a topic on that, please point it out for me. :)

    Thanks and have a nice weekend,



    Topic: Google Map

    in forum Enfold

    Is there a way to make the google map flush with the top and sides, similar to the layer slider? I have tried several map plugins, but can’t get the map to show full width and flush. If I use the Color Section with image, it seems to work. But I need to be able to use a google map and not a static image. Thanks.


    See – however we noticed that the button is not responsive when it’s used with the slider and I’m not sure if Kriesi can make it responsive with a future update..



    This seems to work, adjust the css. You need to supply your own image.

    .header_color .main_menu ul:first-child > li a:hover {
    background: url(../images/layout/download.png) no-repeat center top;
    color: #1F87C5;





    I use the “Dropdown Menu” in the header settings.

    I’m trying to rename the mobile menu to my own language from the default “Select a page”.

    I changed topOptionText: ‘Sayfa Seçiniz’, in js/avia.js but the text on the menu does not change.

    what is problem?

    Hi Ismael and Devin,

    Not sure what happened but somehow I have tried again and it works on the original page created (called /blank) but i cannot re-create the same effect with any other blank page (now up to version /blank-5).

    Would appreciate if you can let me know what to do as i have spent lots of hours on this and ran out of options.

    Here is what i have so far:

    1.) original page settings screenshots:

    1.1 – advanced layout with selected “Color Section” and inside inserted an image and few other elements

    1.2 – opening “Color Section” and inserting background with Stretch to fit

    1.3 – and i get exactly what i need the sunset background with an image (and other elements) in “front” so this is what we need

    2.) now i tried to recreate this with many other pages and every time i get the same thing and here are screenshots:

    2.1 – first step i create a new page and choose blank page on the right (no footer/header) and also below on the right no side bar nor header or footer here is a screenshot and i used to get blank white page like on the demo of enfold but in stead i get the background that is on regular pages plus a white line in the middle here is a screenshot

    2.2 – 2nd step i choose advanced layout editor and insert “Color Section” as in the original here is the screenshot and in stead of getting the full stretched background like in the 1st one i get a line in the middle here is the image

    2.3 – now if i insert another image like i did in the original (/blank): screenshot it doesnt cover the whole screen in stead it has still the background from regular pages on top and bottom you can see it here

    3.) we also tested on different screen sizes and on smaller screen it covers the whole screen so here are the 2 screenshots (sorry these are different images as not sure where to get the code so can copy paste so added some other elements)

    3.1 – 15-inch covers the whole screen

    3.2 – 24-inch it does not stretch full screen

    so not sure how to re-create the original (1.3) so any tips would be appreciated

    thx so much




    I know what you mean, but for me, arrows working, and stop working but still don’t Restart slide show again… For example: I stop the slider, and I don’t know the way to restart slide again.



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