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  • #118518

    Hi chryseis,

    Posts don’t have the same capability as the pages with regard to the advanced layout editor. So you aren’t able to do the same complex layouts without using regular shortcodes at this point.

    So, for example if you want a small easy slider you first add a layout shortcode and then add the easy slider shortcode with the smaller image option inside the smaller layout. Ex:

    [av_three_fourth first]
    Add 3/4 Content here


    [av_slideshow size='square' animation='slide' autoplay='true' interval='5']
    [av_slide id='4846']
    [av_slide id='4646']



    Hi andyhoodified,

    I see the same issue though I don’t know how it might be fixable as it seems to be a rendering bug with chrome. I’ll tag Kriesi on the topic to see if he has any ideas.

    As for email alerts, no I don’t think so though you can add the topic to your favorites (at the top of this page) and keep track of them that way.




    Topic: nav menu questions

    in forum Enfold

    I posted this earlier. The response had a closed topic and there was no way for me to respond.

    I want to move the navigation menu down and keep the logo the same size. I was given this code:

    .nav {

    position: relative;

    right: -20px;

    top: 55px;


    #top .logo, .logo a {

    height: 90px;

    width: 210px;

    left: 8px;

    top: -11px;


    The only thing I was able to do was to change the size of the logo. I could not move the nav menu down.

    Other questions:

    How do I remove the search magnifying glass from the menu?

    How do I change the text height, bold, etc?

    How can I remove the current page from the menu?

    Thank You


    Hi mmoesslang,

    A) Try adding the following CSS to your Quick CSS (located under the Styling Tab in the theme options) or the custom.css file in the css folder of your theme files:

    #top .main_menu .menu li a {
    font-family: Arial;

    Read more about font-family

    B) I don’t know of a way to easily move the search icon/functionality from the main menu as its kind of a theme function. I’ve asked Kriesi about it just now and will update when I know more.

    C) We’ll need to see the issue live to inspect the code and see whats going on. So if you can provide a link, we’ll look further.




    I’ve been recently experiencing lots of troubles with making pages. Seems like there is some conflict somewhere and the only thing I can think of is an embed code I inserted from a video I upload on vimeo today. I used the “text block” content element to insert the following embed code in the text editor tab:

    <iframe src=”; height=”375″ width=”500″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

    which is an autoplay, looped short video, and I can’t save whatever I am doing most of the time. I tried with different browsers, different computers yet the result is the same. Sometimes I can save, other times I cannot save the work I am doing.

    Sometimes the windows open on the visual editor, sometimes on the text editors by default, within the same element, such as the “icon list”.

    Sometimes it shows everything blank in the visual editor although there should be some content there, which shows up in the text editor instead (!!!), other times it rolls back to previous content I wrote, losing the most recent one. And all within a few minutes of working on the page…

    Also, after inserting the embed code above, I see the video playing immediately inside the back end of the Avia layout builder. Is that normal?

    I tried removing the code and erasing the box altogether, yet the problem persists. So I added the box and the code again, maybe it’s not that fault…

    I haven’t installed any plugin recently, nor has the theme any other plugins that I installed before I experienced these problems, apart from the following which have been there for two weeks:

    Akismet (active)

    BBpress (active, without any forum started yet).

    Cashie Commerce (no active)


    Statcounter (active)

    Woocommerce (not active)

    Also: I have the “default editor” showing the Avia layout builder and the “advanced” editor showing the regular empty page with the content box. Is that correct or is it reversed?

    Thanks for your help;-)


    Perfect. That’s what I needed. Thanks.


    Topic: Socket 540px

    in forum Enfold

    If there is little or noe content on a page the socket goes 540px high!

    Whats wrong? Im using child theme from here:


    Hi pureoption,

    Try adding the following CSS to your Quick CSS (located under the Styling Tab in the theme options) or the custom.css file in the css folder of your theme files:

    #top .grid-entry .inner-entry {
    margin-right: 0px;
    box-shadow: none;




    Hi sunshineh,

    Generally no, I don’t think so but I’m not sure what license Kriesi has those images under (if its transferable or not). I’ll tag the topic for Kriesi however as he will be able to give a definitive answer one way or another.





    This produces the background color, please add it to Quick CSS or to /css/custom.css file

    #top .iconbox {
    background: rgba(110, 128, 128, 0.49) !important;

    You can play around with the colors and transparency levels here to find what you like best.




    In reply to: XING icon


    Please open up /includes/admin/register-admin-options.php and find line 803 that looks like

    'Behance' 	=> 'behance',

    and somewhere in that block of social networks, add

    'Xing' 	=> 'xing',


    Please open up /config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/team.php and fine line 300, and between lines 300 and 301 (or in that block of social networks) paste the code below.



    In file functions.php at the base of the theme find line 141 and follow the instructions on lines 117-121 about finding the symbol for Xing

    'tumblr' 	=> '',			//219

    and here you will need to go and get a code from the entypo icon fonts. After finding the code to the xing icon that looks same as the codes you see in that block all the way up to line 141 you add

    'xing' 	=> '',			//except instead of 62229 you add the code for xing from entypo icon fonts.


    Please add the following css to Quick CSS or to /css/custom.css

    #top .avia-team-member .xing:hover     { color:#345574; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_xing:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#345574; }

    Thanks. Let us know how it goes.




    Hi, I love the Enfold theme you created and I am currently working with how I would like to use the LayerSlider. I create for mobile first so I am testing the new design and performance on cellphones. I currently have a need to swap the image that is loaded as background for layerslider for mobile devices as I am using full width on the images. The fullsize images should be at least 1920 width images to give full quality on a PC computer. However, this is too heavy to load on mobile devices so I would like to have a responsive break on 900px and exchange the full image with slideimage_900.jpg and maybe the same on even more sizes to reduce the amount of KB loaded to the device.

    Is this supported in the theme or layerslider? Is there a 3rd party plugin that we could use with the theme to make this happen? That would be the perfect feature for this theme to give the best possible experience to both mobile and desktop user.



    Thanks for this…

    in regard to using a Flickr plugin I have used Slickr Flickr before so Ive set it up and have place some CSS to turn it into a 4 row by 3 thumbnails whiich appear in column 3 of my footer.

    In a previous theme I had help setting up some Java Script to enable me to get the thumbnails to glow on rollover. The theme had a similar CSS window in the theme styling as yours but also had a Java Script window where the script was placed. Where do I put this within Enfold? I assume its a PHP file? do I have to add anything to the code/format to make it work and where should it be placed?


    Here’s the code…….

    Query(‘.slickr-flickr-gallery ul li a’).hover(




    jQuery(this).animate({‘opacity’:’0.75′}, 200 );





    jQuery(this).animate({‘opacity’:’10’}, 100 );




    I can use the contact form (send messages) but I don’t get any autoresponder mails, etc.). This can be a hoster restriction/limitation – see:

    Best regards,



    After the mega menu opens up it leaves error lines on top of my slider. ( It only happens on Chrome Browser )

    View post on

    Source site:

    1. Scroll down the page first

    2. Go back up and mouse over “all programs” and mouse out.

    3. You’ll see a line or dotted error lines

    thanks for the help!


    ps. Is there also a way to setup email alerts on your forum? There’s no way of alerting me when I have a new response.



    Go to Theme Options > Header > Select “Header with Social Icons and bottom Navigation”.

    Or add this on your custom.css to move the menu below.

    #menu-main-menu {
    margin-top: 45px;

    .main_menu .menu ul {
    top: 70%;

    .avia-menu-fx {
    top: 70px;




    Tbh I guess this is not a bug but a feature. Personally I also feel that it’s better to stop the slideshow if the user wants to navigate with the buttons. If you want to add a “restart/autoplay function” open up wp-content/themes/enfold/js/shortcodes.js and replace:


    this._navigate( 'prev' );

    and A-2

    this._navigate( 'next' );

    and A-3

    this._navigate( false, pos );

    with B-1

    this._navigate( 'prev' );

    var $sliderobj = this;
    setTimeout(function(){ $sliderobj.options.autoplay = true; $sliderobj._startSlideshow(); }, 500);

    and B-2

    this._navigate( 'next' );

    var $sliderobj = this;
    setTimeout(function(){ $sliderobj.options.autoplay = true; $sliderobj._startSlideshow(); }, 500);

    and B-3

    this._navigate( false, pos );

    var $sliderobj = this;
    setTimeout(function(){ $sliderobj.options.autoplay = true; $sliderobj._startSlideshow(); }, 500);

    You can replace 500 with any other value – it’s the delay in ms (500 converts to 0,5s before the slider starts again).

    2) There’s no pause/play button atm – but you can add it to the feature request list.



    IE8/9 – The theme uses a lot of css3, and IE8 always had problems displaying… well everything, but especially its alergic too cool looking css transitions. I think that besides employees forced to use IE8 at the office, the rest of the loyal users expect the web to be a weird , gloomy, and always semi-broken place with lots of error popups. I think its misplaced nostalgia , but I am always worried that if too many websites start optimizing for IE8, that might spook the nostalgic users into downgrading further to IE7 or 6 heaven forbid.


    Wow. Charged you $100 just to blame the theme. Gotta get in on this racket, but can’t, since Kriesi despises greedy charlatans with a support department acting like a robot on a loop – blaming everybody else. Only programmers, an expensive technical staff, can properly support WordPress, an expense that too many companies balk at paying. On that note,.. lets see what we got here…,


    On ie9 some map comes up on your homepage i don’t see with other browsers. … Might be your missing browser. See and you worried about IE optimizations!


    Please look at the top of styles.css. The current version of the theme is 1.41 . If that’s not what your’s show on top of styles.css, then please download the updated version from, make a backup of your site, and using ftp overwrite your current site with the update.


    Look in functions-enfold.php in the root of theme, for line 568 and add // two forward slashes in front of the line just as shown below

    //add_action('admin_menu', 'avia_check_updates', 1, 1);

    Please see if the error went away. By the way, are you even able to login to the admin backend, because this error should be on every page of the backend.? Reread what you wrote. Hmmm.. Renegade javascript for sure.


    Right now you are probably in the top 3 of all wordpress sites i did support for .. yes, for sure … in the total number of .js and .css files attached to your site. It’s amazing there isn’t a single javascript error or even a warning.

    Is cloudflare compressing them correctly? (would you please disable cloudflare while doing this and empty the cache). then please disable every single plugin you have with the exception of that magic multiple listing . All others disabled! logout as admin, Clear the cache,, and browse the site to see if maps/widgets are being displayed correctly now.

    If none of this works you can send me login credentials , but please disable cloudflare, make sure its not doing anything more that what a normal DNS does. My email is usjahm (at) gmail (dot) com.




    To remove the featured image, just add this on your custom.css

    .big-preview.multi-big {
    display: none;

    Open includes > loop-index.php then find this code

    if(has_tag() && is_single())
    echo '<span class="blog-tags minor-meta">';
    echo the_tags('<strong>'.__('Tags:','avia_framework').'</strong><span> ');
    echo '</span></span>';

    Replace that with

    if(has_tag() && is_single())
    echo '<span class="blog-tags minor-meta">';
    echo the_tags('<strong>'.__('Tags:','avia_framework').'</strong><span> ');
    echo '</span></span>';


    It will create a neat Edit this link at the bottom.





    Click the Advance Layout Editor button. That is the blue button at the top of the Add Media. If you are experiencing any trouble, we suggest to download the theme again.




    Topic: Default sidebar?

    in forum Enfold

    Problem: I have extra links on my sidebar.

    FYI – I started by importing the dummy data.

    Ok my setup on my page is

    Layout : left sidebar

    Sidebar setting : Sidebar pages

    on the widgets page I took everything except “search” out

    Sidbar Pages: my custom menu

    all the other widgets are empty.


    my sidebar has the search and my menu AND

    what looks like another menu but not the main menu.

    it starts with

    About Us

    “then one of my pages”

    Black Pages

    “then one of my pages”


    “then one of my pages”

    “then one of my pages”


    “then one of my pages”


    “then one of my pages”

    Landing Page

    Meet the Team


    “then one of my pages”

    how do i get rid of that menu?

    also that menu is at the top of my sidebar.


    My menu overlaps the logo but I need all the menu items.

    A How can I set a different font (at the moment it is Signika Negative in bold) for the menues only?

    B How can I get the magnifier from header menu to top menu? Or in the sidebar?

    C My top menu has only two entries plus the telephone number, but the number is shown beyond those two instead of nearby. What can I do?



    I made a video tutorial about this topic . It will probably take another hour or so for it to be posted on that link. It’s not quite your issue, but I had no problems with a bit of css to stretch lots of things.




    In reply to: Demo Content


    Take a look the video list here:

    Specifically this video I go over setting up something similar to the image you referenced from the demo in this video:

    The width for the demo is I believe just the standard width so it should be the same once things are set up.




    Under general settings -> Blog Style, I’m using “Multi-author Blog ( Displays Gravitar and featured image above )

    I would like to remove the featured image from displaying above the blog post – without editing the 100s of posts with featured images.

    Also, separate question: If I’m logged in as the admin how do I get the “edit post” link to appear near the post/page title for quick editing?

    Thanks in advance,



    In reply to: how to install?

    Thanks for responses, but i have still not been able to upload, via upload theme, getting ‘wordpress failure notice’

    some more detail.

    i am trying to upload via my windows laptop the smaller zipped folder entitled ‘themeforest enfold responsive theme wordpress theme’ which as i said is 10.2mb. it contains sub folders ‘enfold’ and ‘_macosx’. is it the enfold sub folder that i have to upload after first zipping? or another folder?



    Ok, now i understand what happened. Thanks Devin.

    I marked the topic resolved but would love to see this feature added at some point so the full screen is covered regardless of how many elements we add (will post on feature list) ~




    Topic: XING icon

    in forum Enfold


    as XING is the most important business social network in Germany and many other countries, it is inevitable important to have it in the top header like and with facebook, LinkedIn and all these. With the XING icon and the link. Very important!

    How can I do this?




    Add this on your custom.css

    .header_color .header_bg {
    background: white url(https://localhost/kriesi/enfold/wp-content/themes/enfold/images/background-images/dashed-cross-dark.png) top center repeat fixed;

    Change the image url. This will render a white header when you scroll down.



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