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  • #119445

    I tried the codes below in the Quick CSS section of Enfold Theme Options Styling. Here is the code:

    #header_meta {
    background: #0772A1;

    .header_color .sub_menu > ul > li > a {
    color: green;

    .header_color .sub_menu > ul > li > a :hover{
    color: orange;

    But only the top bar colour changed. The rest did not happen. Am i doing somthing wrong?



    I tried the codes below in the Quick CSS section of Enfold Theme Options Styling. Here is the code:

    #header_meta {
    background: #0772A1;

    .header_color .sub_menu > ul > li > a {
    color: green;

    .header_color .sub_menu > ul > li > a {
    color: orange;

    But only the top bar colour changed. The rest did not happen. Am i doing something wrong?



    I changed all values to 200, uploaded new images, but nothing changed.

    Images have following properties:

    style="opacity: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px; display: block; height: 257px; width: 257px;"

    So the size is 257*257, not 200*200.

    Is there any other place, where the size is set to 257?



    I want to use enfold with a fixed header, but without social links etc. So I have to go with small, fixed header… how can I increase the size of header in generall and logo as well and add some padding to the top and bottom?

    regards chris

    I see. I am not familiar with iframe (don’t really know what that is and how to use it), thanks anyway.

    I don’t know if you ever heard it or not, but OptimizePress is a WP theme created for sales pages and the like which has an infrastructure allowing self hosted videos on places like AWS3 to be embedded seamlessly. I use it for my membership site and it works great.

    I just wondered whether it was possible to do that too in Enfolder, since your theme is so awesome.

    You might want to investigate into AWS3 sooner or later, for it is much better than YouTube or Vimeo if you want videos to play fast, seamlessly and in a pretty professional way.

    Thanks for the support anyway.

    So the only way to have a video autoplay would be to use a layer or the text editor within the text block element and stuff the embed code which has the autoplay from Vimeo/Youtube?



    Hi markpevans,

    Try adding the following CSS to your Quick CSS (located under the Styling Tab in the theme options) or the custom.css file in the css folder of your theme files:

    p {
    margin-bottom: .55em;

    You can adjust the .55em up or down as needed as well as add/replace the margin-top in the same way if you would like.



    Hey Nick,

    Dude seems to be addressing the same problem here:

    Should I try that fix?


    Hi formateins,

    The hardest thing to do with any software is finding bugs for individual use cases. So if you can give us some specific instances, we can try re-creating them.

    With wordpress unfortunately, the flexibility of plugins doesn’t always lead to things working easily with each other and when activating, creating content and general doing those every day things that we do when creating a site stuff can go wrong with seemingly no explanation.

    At that point, we are left with try to re-create it, find the cause and then fix that cause. So in this instance, we’ve had quite a bit of testing with WPML and various other plugins. For the most part with no major issues like the whole theme breaking.

    With the builder, there will definitely be plugins that wont work with it. We can’t do anything to stop that from happening. However, everything done with the builder is just a visual representation of the shortcodes from the theme. So if you have an issue with the builder on a specific page/plugin usage you can just use regular shortcodes to create that page and get the same effects.




    Hi Elly,

    Please only make single topic for an issue. It helps keep the forums easier to search, us to answer and generally for everyone to use. Ismael responded to your other topic with the same title and content so I’ll close this one.



    Hi Jasmine,

    You can set up standards if you want them to apply site wide or on all posts. So, for your example you could make all links in a post blue but it would effect all links inside the post.


    #top .entry-content a {
    color: #0022ff;
    #top .entry-content a:hover {
    color: red; /*hover color for links*/

    Is this what you mean? If its trying to get standard layouts for specific types of posts, then Ismaels suggestion above is the best way to do it by adding consistant classes to your items so that they are automatically styled based on css.




    Same issue as you Jasmine:

    Also wondering if this is the fix. My issue only occurred in FF and not Chrome.

    Thank Nick. It fixed it for FF, but Chrome then became angry. If you check out this page and scroll down to the centered images…

    The top 2 images I left as centered image links. When you hover over them, they break the centering and left justify (like they did previously in FF).

    The next 2 images I put the links in paragraphs with: <p style=”text-align: center;”> That at least centers them in Chrome, but as it was with the centered images in FF, if you hover over them, the image moves down several pixels.



    Please use css from that page, it will do what you need since it removes the box as well from boxed background.




    @andypeck try out the code first. boxed layout stops being boxed when one removes the box. (i guess that makes sense, lol). Yes it can be done how you indicated custom bg image with a transparent png of an orange inside a slider. Can use boxed layout and my css, just need to switch off the menus and logo with display:none;

    @jasmine good. enjoy the theme.




    Open up the /js/avia.js file in your enfold folder, find lines 245-287 that look like:

    elements.on('mouseenter', function(e)
    var link = $(this),
    current = link.find('img:first'),
    url = link.attr('href'),
    span_class = "overlay-type-video",
    opa = 0.7;

    overlay = link.find('.image-overlay');

    if(current.outerHeight() > 100)
    if(link.height() == 0) { link.addClass(current.get(0).className); current.get(0).className = ""; }
    if(!link.css('position') || link.css('position') == 'static') { link.css({position:'relative', overflow:'hidden'}); }
    if(!link.css('display') || link.css('display') == 'inline') { link.css({display:'inline-block'}); }
    if( url.match(/(jpg|gif|jpeg|png|tif)/) ) span_class = "overlay-type-image";
    if(!url.match(/(jpg|gif|jpeg|png|.tif|.mov|.swf|| ) span_class = "overlay-type-extern";

    overlay = $("<span class='image-overlay "+span_class+"' style='opacity: 0;'><span class='image-overlay-inside'></span></span>").appendTo(link);

    if(current.outerHeight() > 100)
    overlay.css({left:current.position().left + parseInt(current.css("margin-left"),10), top:current.position().top + parseInt(current.css("margin-top"),10)})
    .css({display:'block','height':current.outerHeight(),'width':current.outerWidth()}).stop().animate({opacity:opa}, 400);

    }).on('mouseleave', elements, function(){

    overlay.stop().animate({opacity:0}, 400);

    and replace the entire block above with the block below

    var link = $(this),
    current = link.find('img:first'),
    url = link.attr('href'),
    span_class = "overlay-type-video";

    overlay = link.find('.image-overlay');

    if(link.height() == 0) { link.addClass(current.get(0).className); current.get(0).className = ""; }
    if(!link.css('position') || link.css('position') == 'static') { link.css({position:'relative', overflow:'hidden'}); }
    if(!link.css('display') || link.css('display') == 'inline') { link.css({display:'inline-block'}); }
    if( url.match(/(jpg|gif|jpeg|png|tif)/) ) span_class = "overlay-type-image";
    if(!url.match(/(jpg|gif|jpeg|png|.tif|.mov|.swf|| ) span_class = "overlay-type-extern";

    overlay = $("<span class='image-overlay "+span_class+"' style='opacity: 0;'><span class='image-overlay-inside'></span></span>").appendTo(link);

    elements.on('mouseenter', function(e)
    var link = $(this),
    current = link.find('img:first'),
    opa = 0.7;

    overlay = link.find('.image-overlay');

    if(current.outerHeight() > 100)
    overlay.css({left:current.position().left + parseInt(current.css("margin-left"),10), top:current.position().top + parseInt(current.css("margin-top"),10)})
    .css({display:'block','height':current.outerHeight(),'width':current.outerWidth()}).stop().animate({opacity:opa}, 400);

    }).on('mouseleave', elements, function(){

    overlay.stop().animate({opacity:0}, 400);

    I’ll ask Kriesi to implement this fix in the next version.



    Fix can be found here:

    Best regards,




    Yes I have the latest version and no it won’t work…As I told you, I insert an image but I can select any image from the library, I have tried with several, but the image won’t show. On the page builder I can see it, but on the page it’s only text…

    Something else, is there any issue with this forum? I have many lines on top of the forum and cannot access my “favorite posts”…

    Kind regards,


    HI guys,

    is it possible to add videos hosted on AWS3 (AmazonS3) rather than Vimeo or Youtube? If so, how?

    They load much faster and result in a mich better user experience.

    I would like to add them also within a slide in the Layerslider and play them automatically when the slider loads.

    I tried adding a shortcode from OptimizePress that has the video on AWS3 autoplay but I only see the same shortcode in the front end once saved?

    Any clue?



    Great theme, I love it!


    Now the images don’t jump, but the white box with the arrows (when you mouse over an image) are below the image, not on top of the image. Look at


    Fixing the issue I had here seems to have fixed this menu issue. as well…


    It seems like you insert the code at the very top of avia.js.

    Please revert the change and don’t insert the code at the very top but replace the (already existing) line

    if(!link.css('display') || link.css('display') == 'inline') { link.css({display:'inline-block'}); }


    if(!link.css('display') || link.css('display') == 'inline') { link.css({display:'inline'}); }


    Try following – in wp-contentthemesenfoldjsshortcodes.js replace:

    form.slideUp(400, function(){responseContainer.slideDown(400); send.formElements.val('');});


    form.slideUp(400, function(){responseContainer.slideDown(400); send.formElements.val('');});


    My images jump too. I added them through the Add Media when editing in display mode. I am not using columns, so how do I stop the jumping? It does it in Chrome, IE and Firefox….



    Add a new layer > select Div / Video, insert the google map code

    <iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=",-95.677068&spn=48.287373,107.138672&t=m&z=4&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href=",-95.677068&spn=48.287373,107.138672&t=m&z=4&source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>

    Go to Style tab > Layout & Positions > width and height should be 100%. Top and left position is “0”. Drag the layer at the top of every other layers to place it behind. Save changes.




    In reply to: Adding Custom Icons

    Help Please!

    I followed these instructions and now certain hard-coded icons in the theme aren’t working, specifically: the icon on the “Go to Top” button that appears on long pages, and the next and previous buttons on either side of the blog posts. Can you tell me what to edit in the charmap.php file to fix this? The site is still in development so I can’t give you a link.


    Stop telling me that you are unsure. Test it again with a real scenario. Yes, I do have always the latest revision of any theme.

    Sorry, but this really fucks me up. It’s 4 a.m. now here in germany and I’m trying to get a development website up and running messing with this sh*t for the whole day (worth of 4 hours plus)!!!

    Another screen that happend JUST NOW:

    I’ve added the entry at the bottom of the toggle, saved builder, saved page, started editing over – there ya go. Pretty much useless! After that I have to deactivate a plugin (Google Doc Embedder or sometimes also WPML and I don’t have any other plugin active) and the editor shows up again.

    The WP feature to automatically save drafts seems to have affect on this behaviour. So get into it instead of telling me after a few clicks that everything works fine… :(


    You need to create a backup of your custom.css or copy the code on the Quick CSS on a notepad or something like that. Yes, it would be nice to be able to save a custom theme style. You can request that on this thread





    To change the background of the top header completely, you can use this

    #header_meta {
    background: red;

    To change the color of the menu font use this.

    .header_color .sub_menu > ul > li > a {
    color: blue;

    And the hover color, with this

    .header_color .sub_menu > ul > li > a:hover {
    color: black;

    Change the color value.



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