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  • #119442

    That works great!

    Thank you Dude –




    You can delete the header meta, that is the top part of the header. Just add this on your custom.css or Quick CSS.

    #header_meta {
    display: none;

    You need to create a backup of your theme files especially the custom.css and the files you edited when you update the theme.




    According to Kriesi it is not possible.




    Yep, create a blank page. Then add this on your custom.css. Inspect page using Chrome or Firebug for FF, look for the unique body class. #wrap_all {
    background: red url(../images/background-images/Abducted.jpg) !important;

    Mine is .page-id-1236. You might need a fairly large image for this to cope up to the theme’s responsiveness or use a pattern.





    You can use the fixed header with social icons and navigations. Just add this on your custom.css to remove the top part.

    #header_meta {
    display: none;




    In reply to: Finding our topics?


    Click on the link “Member” below your username.





    Please try this

    #header_meta {
    background: #0772A1;
    #top ul:first-child > li > a {
    color: green;
    #top ul:first-child > li > a:hover {
    color: orange;



    Try this, though I am not sure what you are trying to do since your last 2 css blocks are identical above

    #header_meta {
    background: #0772A1;
    #top ul:first-child > li > a {
    color: green;
    #top ul:first-child > li > a:hover {
    color: orange;

    To continue go to post





    Please open up header.php and find line 104 which looks like:

    if(strpos($headerS,'bottom_nav_header') === false) avia_social_media_icons($social_args);

    *copy* and then *delete* line 104

    and paste that code above that you just deleted on line 113. line 114 looks like the code below, so paste the line before it:

    $phone = avia_get_option('phone');

    You should probably delete line 115 or put // in front of it, because there doesnt seem to be room for the phone number now, unless you want to move that block to line 104 (left side)

    Add this css to you /css/custom.css file or to Quick CSS to position the social buttons

    #top .main_menu {
    top: 15px;
    .noLightbox.social_bookmarks {
    top: -2px;
    display: block;
    position: relative;




    Topic: Finding our topics?

    in forum Enfold

    Is there a way to look at our own topics and posts within this support forum to see if replies have been made after some time away? I just don’t see the profile links that I am used to seeing on most forums. Sorry if I’ve missed something obvious.



    Have a look at this thread:

    Best regards,



    Thanks, but this is not working. Now the top cat. will be shown everytime even if i only select the sub categories for the portfolio grid. I only want the for the grid selected categories to be shown as filter options.


    I was attempting to use DesktopServer’s professional migration plug-in. I will contact them for support.


    As a developer (and programmer) I do know about the probs we can run into. But I’m serious about ANY issue and just to the fact that I can’t recreate a specific prob with the given information won’t stop me from trying to fix it.

    In this case I do unterstand that other plugins may break your builder. It is uncommon especially when you try to add a whole bunch of plugins and always the same error occurs.

    Have a look at the other thread:

    Another info for you:

    I reduced the amount of revisions to 3 now. And AFTER raising the autosave-value to 20 minutes (value 1200) the annoying stuff stops from happening! So I started to recreate the error/s by setting autosave to 30 secs, open up a page and start editing a toggle-block (single toggle element with working MCE). When the autosave is invoked (you can barely see this in the background) and I do close the single toggle modal with the MCE, the toggle modal (showing all toggle elements) renders corrupt to a empty value of “undefined”. If I close the page (with or without saving), the MCE renders corrupt with the shown error/s above.

    After a short view to the avia-modal.js (and some other files related to it) I do think there is something going wrong with the callback. I can’t state if this behaviour does belong to the plugin probs I encounter.

    So I pointed out every information I can provide. WordPress started from scratch, business website with at elast 3 languages, using WPML to provide more comfort to my customer instead of WP Multisite, chosen Enfold as a complete solution WITH a page builder, creating page structure, menus and all that stuff. Run into probs after adding (some well shaped) plugins, encountered probs related to the autosave feature of WP. Here we are now.

    Oh, I have to mention, the Google Docs Embedder Plugin (which adds a Button to the MCE and uses a modal) is working somehow fine. Bit it is not causing the error… ;)

    If you are unable (or any other reason you can provide) to investigate on this issue, just drop me a note. Then I can stop asking questions at this support forum.

    Thanks & regards,



    Topic: portfolio layout

    in forum Enfold

    hello, my portfolio seems to be putting new posts to the bottom and older posts at the top.

    I’d like my new work to showcase at the top naturally, i tried changing the date i published the portfolio item to make it before another post but it stays in the same position any clue on how to force new items to the top based on date

    When using embed code/iframe code you’ll get the best results while not using the advanced layout editor at the moment.

    Some users have mentioned that when trying to show autoplay videos, the advanced layout editor has issues.



    Jasmine Lovelstzy

    (originally posted on another topic – posting here after Peter’s message )

    Hi Team,

    An image uploaded via Advanced Layout Editor goes from right to left after clicked or hoovered in Firefox.


    Live pages:



    Can this be corrected with css or it would be fixed in the next update?




    No problem Peter will post a new topic.




    Topic: Blyrry portfolio items

    in forum Enfold

    First I wanted all my portfolio works to be 200×200 px. Now I see it’s impossible, because, as Dude said

    “Actually you can’t re-size the portfolio grid – this will probably break the layout.”

    So The solution is to use 227×227 px images.

    What I have done:

    1) Set all sizes connected to portfolio to 227×227 via Simple Image Sizes plugin.

    2) Disabled flexebility of the theme(it’s a pity I need to disable it, but having a clear portfolio images is more important)

    Now I see interesting effect(here on portfolio page: ): when I reload the portfolio page first time all images are shown ideal and clear, but the next second something changes. seems like browser makes them 1 pixel smaller and they all get blyrred.

    I have I task close to this one:

    Dut I did not understood how to solve my task…


    Check this out:

    I installed Worpress (3.51) and installed your theme. After that, I opended the “Homepage” Page and deleted all Content except the stuff you see on the screen.

    Now when I click on the footer, hold the mouse button and slide with it to the right side of the page, this happened.

    It is the same on your Themeforest – live Preview:

    What can be the reason?

    Another Question. I also got both menus (Mobile Slide in Menu and dektop page menu) on the IPad when I open the Page (on a fresh installation)

    Thanks and cheers


    In reply to: Menu Font Changes


    Try following code:

    #top .main_menu .menu li.current-menu-item > a
    font-weight: bold !important;

    Best regards,



    In reply to: Enfold Instagram Icon

    Here is what I did to add the Instagram icon in there:

    1. Open the functions.php found in the /wp-content/themes/enfold folder, find the list of font icons and add Instagram to the list. (I added it underneath Facebook)

    ‘instagram’ => ‘’,[/CODE]

    [B]2.[/B] Open the register-admin-options.php found in the /wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/admin folder , find the list of social icons and add Instagram to the list. (I added it underneath Facebook)
    [CODE]’Instagram’ => ‘instagram’,[/CODE]

    [B]3.[/B] Open the layout.css found in the /wp-content/themes/enfold/css folder, find the social_bookmarks and add Instagram to the list. Pick a colour for the icon too. (I added it underneath Facebook and the icon is brownish)
    [CODE]#top .social_bookmarks_instagram:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#61380B; }[/CODE]

    You can see the edit live on my site at – social icons are in the footer. Hope it helps!

    [CODE]’instagram’ => ‘’,[/CODE]

    2. Open the register-admin-options.php found in the /wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/admin folder , find the list of social icons and add Instagram to the list. (I added it underneath Facebook)

    ‘Instagram’ => ‘instagram’,[/CODE]

    [B]3.[/B] Open the layout.css found in the /wp-content/themes/enfold/css folder, find the social_bookmarks and add Instagram to the list. Pick a colour for the icon too. (I added it underneath Facebook and the icon is brownish)
    [CODE]#top .social_bookmarks_instagram:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#61380B; }[/CODE]

    You can see the edit live on my site at – social icons are in the footer. Hope it helps!

    [CODE]’Instagram’ => ‘instagram’,[/CODE]

    3. Open the layout.css found in the /wp-content/themes/enfold/css folder, find the social_bookmarks and add Instagram to the list. Pick a colour for the icon too. (I added it underneath Facebook and the icon is brownish)

    #top .social_bookmarks_instagram:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#61380B; }[/CODE]

    You can see the edit live on my site at – social icons are in the footer. Hope it helps!

    [CODE]#top .social_bookmarks_instagram:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#61380B; }[/CODE]

    You can see the edit live on my site at – social icons are in the footer. Hope it helps!


    In reply to: Adding Custom Icons


    This is the code for the scroll to top link

    &#59231 ;

    You can find it on footer.php, find this code.

    <a href='#top' id='scroll-top-link' class='avia-font-entypo-fontello'></a>




    Topic: Enfold Instagram Icon

    in forum Enfold

    Hey, I’m using the Enfold theme for a Real Estate site. I was trying to add an Instagram icon to the icon list and add that to the top of the site. I can’t find the icon folder in the theme files to change or add to that. I found in the functions file that there were all these numbers and thought that maybe it might be more complicated to do that than I thought.

    ‘tumblr’ => ‘’, //219

    ‘twitter’ => ‘’, //210

    ‘vimeo’ => ‘’, //208


    In reply to: Adding Custom Icons

    Can you tell me which one of these icons is for the “go to top” link that appears at the bottom of long pages. I’m not seeing it.


    Nick – Just had a thought and wondered if I could kill two birds with one stone without having to go live…

    If this doesnt help you then let me know and ill get the first few pages uploaded

    Here’s my thoughts

    I’ve attached a link to a set of images that outline three things

    a) what I want to achieve overall with the nav (look n’ feel) as created in Photoshop

    b) what I’ve achieved thus far (still missing the feint grey line we’ve discussed before)

    c) whats going wrong in responsive mode

    Here’s the link to the images I’ve grabbed:


    two things:

    1) Can you help me create the feint line still missing from the top of the nav (see image). Its 1 px deep and spans the width of my menu, its grey, should be responsive and allow the HIGHLIGHT BLOCK to travel along it. Obviously, I may add sections so it needs to adapt when I add or take away pages

    2) Can you help me remove the superfluous thick line that appears in the slide out responsive menu. I don’t want it at all in this mode. I just want the menu to behave/look like yours in the demo.

    Here’s the code I’m using to adapt the nag (as requested)

    /* MENU BORDERS */
    #top .main_menu .menu ul li:last-child>a {
    border-bottom-style: solid;
    border-bottom-color: #33302b;
    border-bottom-width: 1px;
    border-top-style: solid !important;
    border-top-color: #33302b !important;
    border-top-width: 1px !important;
    #top .main_menu .menu ul li a {
    border-right-style: solid;
    border-right-color: #33302b;
    border-right-width: 1px;
    border-left-style: solid;
    border-left-color: #33302b;
    border-left-width: 1px;

    #top .header_color .main_menu ul:first-child >li > ul, #top .header_color .avia_mega_div > .sub-menu {
    border-top-color: #423e38; !important;
    border-top-style: solid;
    border-top-width: 1px;

    /* Top Menu width spacing */
    #top .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a {
    margin-top: 1px;
    padding: 0 10px;

    #top .container_wrap {
    border-top-width: 2px;

    /* Main Menu - ROLLOFF TEXT */
    #top .header_color .main_menu ul:first-child>li>a {
    padding-top: 7px !important;
    color: #eee6de ;
    font-size: 1.4em;
    letter-spacing: 0.0em;

    /* Main Menu - ROLLOVER TEXT */
    #top .header_color .main_menu ul:first-child>li>a:hover {
    color: #d83300;
    font-size: 1.4em;
    letter-spacing: 0.0em;

    /* Main Menu - SUB MENU OFF */
    #top .main_menu .menu ul li>a {
    color: #e2e2e2;
    font-size: 1.2em;
    letter-spacing: 0.0em;


    /* Main Menu - SUB MENU HOVER */
    #top .main_menu .menu ul li>a:hover {
    color: #e2e2e2 !important;
    background-color: #d83300;

    /* Main Menu - HIGHLIGHT BLOCK */
    #top .avia-menu-fx {
    top: 28px;

    /* HEADER - BOTTOM LINE (attached to slider) */
    #header_main {
    border-bottom-style: solid;
    border-bottom-color: #3b3330;


    My website is

    If I can’t use the other kind of header, I want to delete the top line (class=”container_wrap container_wrap_meta”)

    Where can I delete the lines for the top? What is going on when I start an update of the theme, do I have to make this changes again?

    Than I would like to write my telefon number on the left side from the social icons.

    Can I also delete the small line between the menu points and the line above the menu points?

    Lot’s of thanks for your help!


    In reply to: Header space

    Hi Hotel,

    On issue 1:

    To fix your header, please add this to Quick CSS or to /css/custom.css file

    .fixed_header #header {
    top: 0px !important;


    on the hotel page, you also have 1 error on that url with the following image not loading.. i put xxxx in image name ,. but you can figure it out.

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://xxxxxxx/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Luxxxx-kamexxxx-slider3.png


    Add this css because on page you showed in issue 1, the drop down boxes and input boxes on right side cut name in Chrome browser ( )

    #checkout-select, #checkin-select, #adults, #children, #rooms {
    height: 2.5em;


    On issue two are you sure that is the right link, I see a Japanese website with nothing about a Dutch hotel :) ?

    I looked on the first URL and I found the Boek Nu but i don’t see where the meer information is.




    Hello, Ismael,

    Thanks for your response. I tried the codes but just work the first one. The 2nd and 3rh Don’t work for me….some other suggestion?



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