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  • rrdr

    I would really appreciate if you could tell me if there is a way to create nested elements. For example, creating a box with an image background that has text on top of the image.

    There is an example found on this page,, all the way at the bottom that reads “In case you need help”. This would be an example of a nested element, the background image is laid behind some other text/images. Did you use a rotator to create this item?




    If I understood you correctly, please add the code below to Quick CSS located in Enfold > Layout .. text area on the bottom of the page OR add it to the bottom of /css/custom.css

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1140px){
    #top .avia_mega_div.avia_mega3.nine.units {
    right: -662px !important;




    Hi madebynoemi,

    Try adding the following CSS to your Quick CSS (located under the Styling Tab in the theme options) or the custom.css file in the css folder of your theme files:

    #top.single-post .big-preview.single-big {
    display: none;

    This is the most straightforward way of removing the featured media are on the single posts.



    Glad we could help :)

    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues. I’ll close this topic for now since the main issue has been resolved.





    Well after seeing all of these posts, I just got on my HR Directors iMac and tried it in Safari and Chrome. For some reason it was smooth as could be and then I tried her assistants MacBook Pro and it was smooth too?

    Now I’m back on my MBP’s (I have a personal and a work MBP and all of these Mac’s are 2011 or 2012 models), and both have the issue but the iMac and assistants MBP dont’t?! I’m happy that it’s been narrowed down to my two laptops but so confused as to what the issue may be…

    I’ve tried both of my laptops on three different Wifi connections and no matter what my site is choppy?

    Thanks for the help guys.

    Ismael i did exactly that but it doesnt show on “blank pages”

    Devin i just tried that also and the full screen background is still not showing.

    below are the screenshots

    1.) here is where i uploaded background the regular way

    and it shows like this on the website page(s)

    2.) here is the color selection and background added

    it shows as orange on top and images below but no full screen stretched background




    Now the fixed header doesn’t resize and I’m left with a big white space under the header. Also, how can I add the layerslider without using the advanced layout builder? When I place the layer slider shortcode in the code it gives me white space on top, because it is placing it in the content.



    I can choose “Which categories should be used for the portfolio?” Yet all categories are still displayed as options at top of the page. How do I only have the options that I chose displayed? Thanks.

    Hi kriru,

    I’m not sure which theme you are using, but generally you can change the color of the bold text by adding the following CSS to your Quick CSS (located under the Styling Tab in the theme options) or the custom.css file in the css folder of your theme files:

    #top p strong {
    color: #333;

    Just change the color code to the color you want.




    Glad we could help :)

    If you have any other video requests for tutorials I’m looking to do some more when the current overflow of support topics calms down. Just make a post in this topic with any requests:





    Ok thats good, however that won’t always work. You need to add #top before everything (which is from the body tag) , this way you will get more specificity and override the original code. Sometimes for some real hard cases, you need to add !important; to the end of the statement — color: red !important;

    if your code ignored, do this. Open up chrome developer tools like this ( ) find custom.css file in there step 2, then you add your changed code into the screen in middle, just don’t forget to copy it if you need to refresh ) and enter the css directly, if nothing changes, add #top, take something off, and you will see results live, so this way you don’t have to copy and paste and save every time to see whats working and what isnt. also you can edit the html live too and any of the files, but as soon as you refresh, its all gone.

    also don’t use media=”screen” unless you see something like @media only screen and (max-width:767px) { .. if you see that, you need to grab that since that’s a media query (which is css that works on a specific screen size for mobile/tablets).

    so first try (your code with #top directive)

    #top .avia-icon-list .iconlist_icon {
    color: #fff;

    Then as you get comfortable you will see that css is like a postal address country, state, city, street, house.. further you go in the more specific it becomes. So you can take the less specific stuff off sometimes.

    #top .avia-icon-list .iconlist_icon {
    background-color: #d73119;

    I wish you had a url, where I can look at these disks. when i click url from your name , a website loads, but nothing there.

    Don’t give up on this tool, watch a youtube tutorial for it because its as easy or complex as you want it to be. Its the only one I use and only one many (if not all) use to debug or modify any website.




    Enfold should be compatible with Gravity Forms (I tested it and I couldn’t find a conflict) and we even added some css code for better styling/css integration (based on the code I posted here: ).

    I can’t say if Gravity Forms is worth the money – it definitely comes with more options, features, etc. and if you need an advanced contact form (which supports conditional logic, etc.) you should use it. However if you just need a simple form with a text message field, etc. it’s not required at all. Btw a good alternative is Formidable – I use it on my websites and it works with Enfold too.


    In reply to: Logo container height


    Insert following code into the quick css field

    .fixed_header #main {
    padding-top: 151px;

    Best regards,



    In reply to: buttion problem in ie8


    Yes, exactly – just take the code I posted here: and insert it into the quick css field.

    Best regards,




    Make sure you have the Enfold version 1.4.

    1.) Download the Woocommerce plugin.

    2.) Install the plugin then activate it.

    3.) After activating you will be redirected to the Woocommerce setup page. On the very top there is a quirky violet box with ninjas. Click the Install Woocommerce Pages to get you started. :)

    4.) Add Products. You might want to add the Shop page on your menu. Go to Appearance > Menu to add the shop page, my account, cart, checkout etc.





    My bad, please try this instead.

    boxed#top {
    box-shadow: 100px 100px 50px black;

    I exaggerated the value. :)





    The video tutorial for setting up a shop page is currently in the making so for the meantime please follow these simple instruction.

    1.) Install the Woocommerce Plugin.

    2.) After installation you will be redirected to the Woocommerce editor. Just click the Install Woocommerce Pages located at the very top with the violet quirky background and you are good to go.

    3.) All you have to do now is to add a menu item for the Shop page on Appearance > Menu.

    4.) Add some products. :)

    Make sure you have the Enfold 1.4 version.




    I pasted the code into the sidebar and “top portion” that Mailchimp recommended to post into header.


    Hi there,

    I think we got our wires crossed as the section I was referring to is the ‘Avia icon_list’ the discs which contain the entypo glyphs. I wanted to change the disc and the outline and leave the entypo glyphs white. I also want to resize them too

    When I use the inspector I come across the following…

    .main_color .avia-icon-list .iconlist_icon {
    background-color: #d73119 !important;

    and whilst changing the color works in the inspector as soon as I drop it into the CSS of my child theme nothing changes. I thought adding !important might help (assuming I understood its importance which I guess now I dont!!) but it did nothing.

    Thing is, this is where I usually come stuck as ive followed your instructions but things like this wont change. Im clearly not doing something but what is it that im doing wrong? Can you help me understand as my next thing is changing the dropdown background on the top nav and I know that will be the same issue.



    When I download the ‘Installable WordPress File’ I don’t get an option to extract here when it’s on my desktop?



    thx Devin & TechShad for the codes.

    In fact both work but if I also add the…

    #top strong {

    color: black ;


    … unfortunately the headlines in the footer (I’m using Enfold Latest News widget) also turn from white to black, which make them illegible.

    Any ideas how I can fix that as well? thx!



    This is the url of the About Us section of the demo … There are no icons here , but I am guessing thumbnail photos – like when you run the mouse over harrold houdini’s photo?

    I got this css exactly the same way as shown on the above video using chrome developer tools

    /*---these are the colors when mouse hovers--*/
    #top .avia-team-member .twitter:hover {
    color: rgb(70, 212, 254);
    #top .avia-team-member .dribbble:hover {
    color: rgb(228, 72, 133);
    /*---this is the regular color of the icon inside circle--*/
    #top .main_color .team-social a
    color: grey;
    /*---this is complete settings controlling size, shape, background color, position of the circle itself--*/
    #top .team-social a {
    text-decoration: none;
    position: relative;
    border-radius: 30px;
    padding: 0 16px;
    background: rgb(224, 17, 17);
    margin: 3px;
    display: inline-block;
    height: 53px;
    line-height: 54px;
    width: 53px;

    Keep playing with developer tools, i know at first it seems oppressive, but there is nothing better than this to use to quickly be able to edit css of any site.




    This seems to be the same problem I am having still:

    I thought it was fixed because I only tested it in Chrome. Then my thread was closed. It is still happening in FF just as the OP shows in his image.


    In reply to: Shrinking Logo

    Hi joe88,

    Can we take a look at the site live? The header shrinks as part of the option to have a fixed header. You can also set your header to a fixed height using the css Kriesi posted in the FAQ for the theme here:

    We can assist if we can take a look at the site live but otherwise you can use that css and adjust as you’d like it (if that is what you are looking for).

    As an aside, our support queue goes by oldest post first so when you self respond or bump a topic it actually sends it to the back of our queue. I just happened to have this topic still open from earlier and when I clicked on it I saw the new response (otherwise it would not have been in my queue).




    Hi, I’m still new to WordPress and your theme, but I’ve been searching for a way to get structure in both the site and the cms. The following example is exactly what I intend to achieve, but instead of based on “posts” I’d need it to be based on the “portfolio” of the Enfold theme.

    You can see an example here (go straight to 2:10):

    Instead of “Recipes”, “Photos” and “Videos” I would set up “Customers”, “Partners” and “Products”. Because “Posts” are too limited in content layouting (Advanced layout builder) I would need these to be exactly like the Portfolio category in your theme, even the way they are listed on the site (isotope) needs to look exactly like the portfolio.

    So my question is: Can I ‘duplicate’ the Portfolio category the same way that video showed by duplicating the posts category? I really hope so! (I would do all the coding myself, based on the extended tutorial and I have a PHP developer to assist me if necessary)


    The above fixed the colors in PAGES.

    however, I also had to do this to make the Bolds black in Blog posts;

    #top b {

    color: black ;


    I hope that does not break anything else ?




    no such a feature/option is not supported at the moment. However you can add it to the feature request list:

    Best regards,




    Have a look at this post: – it will be fixed in the next version.

    Best regards,



    In reply to: header option


    Open header.php and find this code

    $phone = avia_get_option('phone');
    $phone_class = !empty($nav) ? "with_nav" : "";
    if($phone) echo "<div class='phone-info {$phone_class}'><span>{$phone}</span></div>";

    Move that code at the bottom of this code

    $extraOpen = $extraClose = "";
    if(strpos($headerS,'bottom_nav_header') !== false){ $extraClose = "</div></div><div id='header_main_alternate' class='container_wrap'><div class='container'>"; }

    Edit custom.css or go to Quick CSS then add this code

    .social_header .phone-info {
    right: 140px;
    top: 40px;
    position: absolute;
    float: none;

    Adjust the top and right position.




    Hi Nick,

    thats great and I think when we talk basic changes like H1 text, logo heights etc… the way you mention seems relatively straight forward for a novice. Where Ive become continuously unstuck are things like the discs (behind the icons) if I want them a different colour or size, or to change things that have (what i call) nested button states – the drop down menu for instance as I want to change the colours of the ‘drop down’ background but because there are several states (off, rollover and sometime on) I cant quite find the right piece of code using the method you mention. I also want to alter the (moving) thin underline when you rollover the top nav so that I remove the middle ‘tick’ mark and increase the thickness slightly but again I can’t see where the correct code is amid a sea of other comments. This im sure is my inexperience but any clue as to how to deal with such things would be warmly received


    all the best


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