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  • #23818
    Jamie Wyant

    I just lost the “Advanced Layout Editor” on the website. Nothing displays. All was well last evening when I stopped work for the day. Today – I used WP plug-in Redirection ( to enter 301’s. When I went to edit pages – the layout editor was “gone”.

    Tried deactivation Redirection – didn’t help.

    Oh – I just activated the theme at this location – moved content from a development location yesterday. If that helps.

    website is

    I am desperate. Please help.



    First, it must absolutely be one of the best themes in ThemeForest! :)

    Couple questions…

    1. How can I set my Layer Slider like Enfold test side. My slider work good to my screen but when I look my site to Ipad or Phone, layers go right side. I want that layer stay in the middle. What I should to do?

    2. How do I remove Secondary Menu top of the page?

    There is my test site:

    Thank you!


    You can use the debug mode to copy the shortcode content. Open up functions.php and you insert this code

    //set builder mode to debug
    add_action('avia_builder_mode', "builder_set_debug");
    function builder_set_debug()
    return "debug";

    at the very top – insert it before:

    global $avia_config;

    2) The debug field will be displayed underneath the editor. Copy this code and insert it into the standard editor (other website). Then save the post and the template builder should convert the shortcodes to an advanced layout.


    In reply to: Isotope-gallery

    Ok thanks for that. I will keep to the galleries you already have. Would be nice to have a gallery which opens up full screen and has the options of images within each image. Like this example…

    At the moment you have to have different galleries for each subject. For example one for location work one for studio work etc etc.

    Anyway thanks for the update, you all do good work :-)


    Hm, I tested it now and my instructions are wrong. You need to add the code to functions,php and you MUST insert it at the very top – insert it before:

    global $avia_config;

    2) You don’t need to switch to to the standard editor but the debug field will be displayed underneath the editor. Copy this code and post here please.


    hi there,

    Ive managed to lock the ‘fixed’ menu and stop it from doing the shrink effect when you scroll the page. How do I now reset the drop down menu line spacing to the right line height as the following code fixes the ‘shrink effect’ but messes up the line depth on the rollover drop down (see ‘ABOUT’ on dummy menu)

    the code that locked the menu is….

    strong.logo img, #header_main .container, .main_menu ul:first-child > li a {

    height: 60px !important;

    line-height: 60px !important;

    padding-top:3px !important;





    In reply to: Isotope-gallery

    Tbh we did not test it. There’s a high chance that it will conflict with Enfold because we use the isotope script for the portfolio sorting and if the plugin and the theme load the isotope script you can provoke a js error/conflict easily.



    You can use following code:

    #top .main_color input[type="text"], #top .main_color textarea{
    border-color: gray;
    background-color: red;
    color: blue;

    Best regards,



    Hi guys , I’m totally clueless with responsive design since I’m more of a fixed width layout kind of a guy. I understand the layout slider uses layers and transparent png files.

    I want to know about

    > In the enfold example, the first slide is this wooden floor , and there’s a monitor, laptop , phone and text .

    This wooden floor << what is the exact size or recommended size for a background in the layout slider ?

    For the transparent png’s , I don’t get it. Do you need to make sure the png’s inside can be contained in a 960 width or lesser layout ?

    Or to sum it up. How do I make the background images , and other images in the slides compatible with most formats ( mobile, pc, etc ) ?



    Insert following code into the quick css field:

    #top div .avia-gallery {
    clear: both;

    We’ll fix this in the next version.

    Best regards,



    In reply to: Portfolio instructions



    Open config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > testimonials.php, find this code

    //final output

    $output .= "<div class='avia-testimonial {$class}'>";
    if($grid) $output .= $avatar;
    $output .= "<div class='avia-testimonial-content'>";
    $output .= wpautop(ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop($content));
    $output .= "</div>";
    $output .= "<div class='avia-testimonial-meta'><div class='avia-testimonial-arrow-wrap'><div class='avia-arrow'></div></div>";
    if(!$grid) $output .= $avatar;
    $output .= "<div class='avia-testimonial-meta-mini'>";
    if($name) $output .= "<strong class='avia-testimonial-name'>{$name}</strong>";
    if($subtitle) $output .= "<span class='avia-testimonial-subtitle'>{$subtitle}</span>";
    if($link) $output .= " &ndash; <a class='avia-testimonial-link' href='{$link}'>{$linktext}</a>";
    $output .= "</div>";
    $output .= "</div>";
    $output .= "</div>";

    Replace it with

    //final output

    $output .= "<div class='avia-testimonial {$class}'>";
    if($grid) $output .= $avatar;
    $output .= "<div class='avia-testimonial-content'>";
    $output .= wpautop(ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop($content));
    $output .= "</div>";
    $output .= "<div class='avia-testimonial-meta'><div class='avia-testimonial-arrow-wrap'><div class='avia-arrow'></div></div>";
    if(!$grid) $output .= $avatar;
    $output .= "<div class='avia-testimonial-meta-mini'>";
    if($name) $output .= "<strong class='avia-testimonial-name'>{$name}</strong>";
    if($subtitle) $output .= "<span class='avia-testimonial-subtitle'>{$subtitle}</span>";
    if($link) $output .= " &ndash; <a class='avia-testimonial-link' target='_blank' href='{$link}'>{$linktext}</a>";
    $output .= "</div>";
    $output .= "</div>";
    $output .= "</div>";




    In reply to: custom js ?


    You can add additional javascript on functions.php. Find this code

    //register js
    wp_register_script( 'avia-compat', $template_url.'/js/avia-compat.js', array('jquery'), 1, false ); //needs to be loaded at the top to prevent bugs
    wp_register_script( 'avia-default', $template_url.'/js/avia.js', array('jquery'), 1, true );
    wp_register_script( 'avia-shortcodes', $template_url.'/js/shortcodes.js', array('jquery'), 1, true );
    wp_register_script( 'avia-prettyPhoto', $template_url.'/js/prettyPhoto/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js', 'jquery', "3.1.5", true);
    wp_register_script( 'avia-html5-video', $template_url.'/js/mediaelement/mediaelement-and-player.min.js', 'jquery', "1", true);

    wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
    wp_enqueue_script( 'avia-compat' );
    wp_enqueue_script( 'avia-default' );
    wp_enqueue_script( 'avia-shortcodes' );
    wp_enqueue_script( 'avia-prettyPhoto' );
    wp_enqueue_script( 'avia-html5-video' );

    You can add your own there. We cannot assure you that every javascript is compatible with the theme.

    To register another script add something like this

    wp_register_script( 'new-script', $template_url.'/js/new-js.js', 'jquery', "1", true);

    Then link the new script with this

    wp_enqueue_script( 'new-script' );




    It is not possible according to Kriesi.





    Ok. Please remove the previous code and use this instead. It will anchor it this time.

    #top .cart_dropdown.visible_cart {
    right: -1px;
    top: 21px;
    display: inline-block;
    position: absolute;





    Please make sure all categories have a description, because when there is no description: Choice 1 below will push down from the category image and on pages with no description everything will look good, however on pages that have a description, Choice 1 will push the description down as well. Choice 2 will push from the category description , creating a space between the description and product images. However if there is no category description, the description container will also be missing, so nothing will change on those pages. So please make sure that **every category and sub-category** have a description and an image.

    Use 1 or 2 (read above for explanation, if both are used, there will be space between category image and description, and space between description and product images)

    1. To create the space between category title and products please add this css, and adjust bottom margin as needed (it is 0 currently). .page-thumb {
    margin-bottom: 50px;

    2. To create the space between category description and products use this css. .term-description {
    margin-bottom: 50px;


    To add a separator will be more difficult and will involve editing the plugin. Since you didnt specify , i just included instructions above on how to add space.


    To change the size/color etc. of title this is the current css (i didnt modify anything, change font size below) .title_container .main-title {
    font-size: 16px;
    min-height: 36px;
    line-height: 2.3em;
    font-weight: 400;


    To modify the space between product images change the % in the code below (top, right, bottom, left) . So keep 2 of the 4 at 0%

    You can use decimals so 1.1% is a good place to start .shop_columns_3 .products .product {
    margin: 0% 1% 1% 0%;




    Hi Ismael, thanks for your answer. However, it seems that you didn’t understand: the first cell of the first column, in Desktop view, disappears from the table in Mobile view. Please see my screenshots ( in the mobile view (first image) the first cell should read: “Contest date” no “Total Days”, just as it reads in the Desktop view (second image). See also this page in my site: and check the table titled “All Active Contests”: the column header “CONTEST” gets replaced by “USERS LEFT” when you change fro desktop to mobile view.


    User: test

    Password: test

    I looks ok with a normal none widescreen. But at home on my laptop with 1366×768 and web browser maxed, there is a strange effect with the portfolio titles not showing properly (look at the links below). The problem i solved when making the web browser window smaller, and also when I hold the mouse over a portfolio (though this solution is only temporary).



    Im using windows 7 and the latest Chrome and version 10 of IE.




    Seems to be easily fixable:

    add this to your custom.css stylesheet in folder /css/ or to the quick-css panel located in your wordpress backend at enfold->styling:


    Best regards,



    Hey there,

    I am wondering if I can make a slight change to the breadcrumb header on my portfolio page.

    Right now, the portfolio title is displaying on the left of the ‘breadcrumb header’. I would like to display the name of the category instead. For example, display ‘Desktop Wallpapers’ would make much more sense from a usability point of view on this page (instead of displaying the portfolio title twice).

    Please let me know.. thanks so much!



    Topic: strange behavior

    in forum Enfold


    please take a look at my site:

    i’m using WPML to translate the site into english & korean. i’m having issues on the homepage.

    #1. the top mega menu is misaligned when in korean language

    #2. the fullwidth slider in the middle of page is showing but not displaying the images

    can you please look into this? your help is greatly appreciated.




    Topic: Isotope-gallery

    in forum Enfold

    Would this plugin with with enfold? I’m guessing is would not with with the page builder?


    hi there,

    having worked out how to add space above and under my menu (in fixed mode) as well as knowing how to move my menu. logo around & stopping the shrinking effect… I find myself left with a few small challenges

    a) How to control the transparency of the background underneath the menu?

    b) As ive now created more space under my menu, my slider is too far up and is appearing underneath the partially transparent background under the menu. How can I move the slider down?

    c) How do I reset the drop down menu to the right position, as its now not starting on the line (below menu) and also the depth of each drop category has altered to being too deep. How do I adjust the vertical linespacing in the dropdown menu to reset it. Ive obiously altered something by accident





    You can use following css code – insert it into the quick css field:

    #top .main_color .av_promobox{
    background: #fcfcfc;




    No, unfortunately this is not possible due to a bug (or tbh it’s more a limitation) of the get_next_post()/get_previous_post() function – see:

    Probably the WP devs will fix this in WP3.6 or 3.7 and then you can also use these functions with custom post types and the portfolio.


    In reply to: Wrap box-shadow

    Unfortunately it’s not possible to add a shadow to the box if you’re using a background image. The problem is the html structure which does not allow you to add the shadow to the box itself but you must apply it to the body element. If you can live without background image you can use following code:

    .responsive .boxed#top{
    -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 15px #111;
    -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 15px #111;
    box-shadow: 0 0 15px #111;

    Otherwise you can’t add a shadow to the box at the moment – I’m sorry.


    Hey there,

    I tried that and it simply took away the portfolio ‘prev/next’ navigation entirely.

    You can check it out here: “;

    I have two items in ‘Desktop Wallpapers’ and two items in “Facebook Covers’

    If you land on the page above.. I want to only be able to navigate to the other “Desktop Wallpapers” by using the Prev/Next. Same thing if you happen to be viewing a “Facebook Cover”. You should only be able to prev/next within the category you’re in.

    Here is the current code (for the line you specified):

    function avia_post_nav($same_category = true)

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