Forum Replies Created
Thanks for that! We have setup the test page please check private content for the link.
We had to a color section since 1/1 sections cannot take an #ID.
We added the new code in functions.php and removed the old on as both were conflicting.
Added the below code in Quick css
/* Your css styles for active menu item*/ .current_page_item .avia-menu-text, .active-menu-item { background:gold!important; }
Created a new menu from Appearance > menu > Test menu
Added a full width menu on page and selected > Test menu
Created a few color sections with #ID’s to link menu Items.
That’s it :)
this jQuery script will work for all full width menus without any edits and can be used in other projects easily.
Vinay KashyapHi!
I tested this code on my installation it worked fine when i was trying it on your child theme the server is giving 500 error. Please post FTP access or remove the first block of code that say’s and let us know so we can continue the work.
//One page nav highlight function activateMenuItem(){ ?> <script> jQuery(document).scroll(function() { var sections = jQuery('.avia-section'), menu = jQuery('.av-submenu-container'), nav_height = menu.outerHeight(); jQuery(window).on('scroll', function() { var cur_pos = jQuery(this).scrollTop(); sections.each(function() { var top = jQuery(this).offset().top - 300, bottom = top + jQuery(this).outerHeight(); if (cur_pos >= top && cur_pos <= bottom) { menu.find('a').removeClass('active-menu-item'); menu.find('a[href="#' + jQuery(this).attr('id') + '"]').addClass('active-menu-item'); } }); }); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_head', 'activateMenuItem');
Best regards,
Vinay KashyapHey!
Please use the below CSS to hide the filters marked in RED.
/*Hide Category */ #js_sort_items .sort_by_cat { display: none !important; }
Vinay Kashyap-
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by
This usually happens if the theme is not correctly installed. Please login to the WordPress Dashboard>Updates > Re-install of WordPress
After, do a full re-install of the theme files over FTP:
Vinay KashyapHi WolfvanHaeren!
You can disable the directory browsing
and use some security plugins please check
Best regards,
Vinay KashyapHi!
@begrafiks thank you for your help!Please enable custom class name support and use the css below in Quick CSS and add 2 images on the page and use class name “only_mobile” or “only_desktop” on the Advanced Layout Builder elements
/*Show only in mobile or desktop*/
@media only screen and (min-width: 769px) { .only_mobile { display: none !important; }} @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { .only_desktop { display: none !important; }}
Best regards,
Vinay KashyapHey!
We checked on the latest version of chrome FF and IE looks fine to me
What browser are you on?
Vinay KashyapHey!
To change the slider transition speed please edit js > shortcodes.js, find this code:
//transition speed when switching slide<br /> transitionSpeed:900,
Replace it with:
//transition speed when switching slide<br /> transitionSpeed:3000,
To change the font style
h2.avia-caption-title { font-family: Arial, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif; }
Please check this link for more info about font family
Vinay KashyapHey!
Please check the site now we fixed it by adding the original code provided by Rikard. That was was added but without media queries hence it was affecting all the screens.
Thank you for using Enfold :)
Best regards,
Vinay KashyapHi Oliviasimone!
To change the phone number please use the below css in Enfold > general styling > Quick CSS
#menu-item-6729 .avia-menu-text { color:gold!important; }
To change the background of the button
#menu-item-7580.av-menu-button .avia-menu-text { color:#000!important; background-color:#fff000!important; border:none!important; }
Best regards,
Vinay KashyapHi mcraig77!
The “New Pilot FAQ” looks right as there is no content to scroll any further up it stops at the bottom.
The “Email us ” Don’t look right.
Please add the #ID selector to the color section in edit option.
If that is what you have done we would like to inspect it closely please create a temporary user with ‘administrator’ role and share in private content with permission to deactivate all plugins and add custom code if necessary to help you resolve this issue.
Vinay KashyapHey!
Please use media queries to target styles in mobile
/* For screen size less than tablets */ @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { /* Your CSS here */ }
The one below is for screens larger than tablets
/* For screen size more than tablets */ @media only screen and (min-width: 767px) { /* Your CSS here */ }
In your case it would be the first one
/* For screen size less than tablets */ @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .sub-menu .sub-menu { left: 20px !important; } }
For more specific media queries please check this link
Vinay KashyapHey!
Please use the below css to collapse the section seen in the screenshot in tablets and mobile
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .responsive #top #wrap_all .slide-entry { width: 100%!important; margin: 20px 0!important; } }
Please use the below css to collapse the section seen in the screenshot in mobile only
@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) { .responsive #top #wrap_all .slide-entry { width: 100%!important; margin: 20px 0!important; } }
Best regards,
Vinay KashyapHey doperdoll!
please use the below css to make the dropdown look similar to megamenu
#top .av-main-nav ul a { padding: 3px 12px 3px 12px; font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px!important; line-height: 23px!important; } #top .av-main-nav ul a:hover { font-size: 14px!important; }
Vinay KashyapMarch 9, 2016 at 6:14 am in reply to: Nav customization: Text Block above Nav – make disappear on scroll up #595315Hi!
Please share the link to the page where we can inspect the element in question and help you with custom CSS :)
Vinay KashyapHi symulakrum!
Please goto Enfold > Import/Export and export all settings from child theme NAME-1
Once you change the name to NAME-2 goto Enfold > import/Export and import theme settings. :)
Please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions.
Thank you for using Enfold :)
Vinay KashyapHey!
To use a different menu you need to add a condition to load a different menu if it is a specific page you can do that using plugins like by editing the code here is some helpful info
Vinay KashyapHey!
Please use this plugin
more detailed info here
Please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions.
Thank you for using Enfold :)
Vinay KashyapHey!
In the contact form options are you using multiple emails separated by comma ? or just one email?
There is a known issue with multiple email’s but it should work absolutely fine if you are using just one email.
Did you check the spam folder? If your mails are getting delivered into spam please contact your hosting provider.
If you are not getting any autoresponder emails at all we would like to take a closer look please create a temporary user with ‘administrator’ role and share in private content with permission to deactivate all plugins and add custom code if necessary to help you resolve this issue.
Best regards,
Vinay KashyapHi!
You have a very nice site :)
If the below code was previously added please change 100px to 120px
.html_header_top.html_header_sticky #top #wrap_all #main { padding-top: 100px; }
If you do not recall anything similar added please use the below code in Enfold > General Styling > Quick CSS
.html_header_top.html_header_sticky #top #wrap_all #main { padding-top: 120px!important; }
Vinay KashyapMarch 9, 2016 at 5:25 am in reply to: Woocommerce product images are blurred on mobile version #595299Hey!
Glad it is working fine :) We have put together some info about enfold theme please feel free to check it out here –
Thank you for using Enfold.
Vinay KashyapHey again Julie!
Please change the left value 205px to 20px or anything close to 20 to suit your design :)
Something like this
.sub-menu .sub-menu { left: 20px !important; }
Vinay KashyapHi!
The form looks great now! Glad you got it sorted :)
Vinay KashyapHey Jory!
It depends on the font that you are using some font’s have a script that do this automatically and it’s the default function. PLease try using a different font or send us the link to the page where we can inspect the element and take a closer look :)
Vinay KashyapHi!
We are working on your ticket please wait while we update the results here soon.Please use “Yes” in lightbox options
Vinay Kashyap-
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by
Glad you got it sorted :) Please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions.
Thank you for using Enfold :)
Vinay KashyapHi!
We are working on your ticket please wait while we update the results here soon.Please check the homepage now
We added the below CSS to quick CSS and class name “custom-bg-1” to the color section and removed the background image from the color section.
/* Color Section Bg Image*/ .custom-bg-1 { background: #FFF url(; background-size: cover; background-position:bottom right; } @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .custom-bg-1 { background: #FFF !important; background-size: cover; background-position:center center; } }
Your text looks pretty close to the image instead of using different lines by hitting the Enter key which create a new <p> tag use one single line with <br> where ever you need a line break and adjust the line height and letter spacing using CSS.
Vinay Kashyap-
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by
You are most welcome!
The equal height settings work in responsive mode but they collapse only in devices that are smaller than tablets.
If you are interested we have put together some info about enfold theme please feel free to check it out here –
Thank you for using Enfold :)
Best regards,
Vinay KashyapHi!
It is actually a CSS gradient if you like to achieve the same effect.
Here you go
.main_color .av-striped-bar .theme-color-bar .bar { background-image: linear-gradient(-45deg, #c3512f 25%, #e5734f 25%, #e5734f 50%, #c3512f 50%, #c3512f 75%, #e5734f 75%, #e5734f); }
Vinay Kashyap -
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by