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  • in reply to: Enfold menu with Polylang #1163554

    Hi Günter,
    is there anywhere a more detailed description on how it works with this filter in functions-enfold.php?

    So I find line 1005 and would copy this to my child theme function.php, replacing the value for alternate_menu with the ID of the translated menu right?

    The thing is I didn’t get where to find the ID of my alternate menu and also not where $header[‘alternate_menu’] is located?


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by TanSmi.
    in reply to: Cookie consent bar comes all the time #1143646

    Hi Rikard,
    how would I implement this fix with the shortcode for a site with two languages? How can I change the text the shortcode inserts?
    Thanks TanSmi

    in reply to: Resized images much bigger than original ones #1126172

    Hi Nikko,

    I followed your conversation with SakuraD because I also really have huge loading problems for a website with a lot of pictures.
    And even, if we optimize and compress images BEFORE upload, the images Enfold creates are heavier than the original ones.

    I now tried the code for functions.php you provided and as far I can see this works, so images created at least are not heavier than the original ones. So thank you for this solution.

    Now my question is: Why is this not implemented be default in ENFOLD? Also, I am not sure how to optimize everything now the Website already is created with these huge Enfold images… would I have to replace all of them again manually?

    I mean, I really love Enfold and would like to use it for many more projects, but at the moment the loading problem caused by images is really a pain…

    Thanks, Tanja

    in reply to: Responsive Content Images & Retina Screens #1125699

    Ok, thanks, that’s what I meant… In this case, the browser only resizes the images for previews, but still loads the original size I guess.
    Thank you Rob,
    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Responsive Content Images & Retina Screens #1125526

    Hi Rob,
    thanks again.

    So I understand, that there are those two different types of images for the gallery (thumbnail and fullsize). But my question is, how do I tell the system to take the thumbnail picture for the preview strip and the fullsize image for the lightbox?

    Or are you saying, that the browser then decides which one to use and loads the smaller one for thumbnail automatically?

    I mean if I create the Mansonry gallery, I only have the option to choose one image for the gallery and no possibility to distinguish between thumbnail image and fullsize image…

    Aaaah! Or I just select the images in preview size in Masonry gallery and then link each of this pictures to the one in full size in the gallery settings? Is that what you mean??

    Sorry, again…
    Kind Regards, Tanja

    in reply to: Responsive Content Images & Retina Screens #1125452

    Dear Rob,

    thank you very much again for the explanations!
    I tried your solution know just for one header image and I really have to say it works awesome!

    The only thing now I don’t completely understand and where I would appreciate your input: how do you handle this with masonry gallery or other galleries? I mean the thumbnails before the picture is openend in the lightbox after clicking on it would always have the original size, right? Also, if the thumbnail image container is lets say just 200px width, it would load the big original size?

    Or do you have a solution for that?

    Thanks again, Tanja

    in reply to: Responsive Content Images & Retina Screens #1125172

    Dear team Kriesi,

    looking into my pictures more in detail I think a realized, that the image sizes created from Enfold really result in way bigger sizes than the original uploaded image is…!? Also if the image in width and height is originally smaller, the created image of Enfold results in more KB… Can that be true?

    If so, maybe you can up with a solution to avoid this explained in detail (also using Robs input) – I think this is of interest for many Enfold users…

    Thanks, Tanja

    in reply to: Responsive Content Images & Retina Screens #1125163

    Dear Rob (or Kriesi team),
    thanks a lot for sharing your solution – but still I don’t get the why and how…
    I also have problems with Enfold and image load times and retina displays and I am not sure if I understood your solution right:

    • –> so you disable Enfold from uploading different sizes of images and also WP from creating the three standard sizes
    • –> you deactivate the “responsive images functionality” from WP –> WHY?
    • –> you just look which sizes you need for which area (portfolio, masonry, gallery and so on) and upload the correct Retina size (in width and height) which you prepare with high compression
    • –> in the End, it will always be used this same image no matter if Retina or not, right?

    Sorry, but I really would love to use your solution if it works and results in less loading time and good image quality on Retina, but still I am not sure.
    And also, if I do all of this, when already created a site before –> what will happen to it? hopefully it won’t break and I just would have to select images again?

    Thanks, Tanja

    in reply to: image sizes – page load #1067879

    Thank you Mike for your try,

    I tried your function, but as it turned out, this leads to an even higher load time of the site so I changed it back again…

    I really don’t get how image sizes are selected and I would love to optimize it so that load times get better, maybe you have another suggestion?

    Kind regards,

    in reply to: image sizes – page load #1062385

    Thank you Basilis,

    but I am not quite sure if you understood what I meant. I know I can disable sizes (and already did) and I also know I can choose different sizes in section etc. but my question is for example if I choose a certain size – let’s say for a gallery picture – how does this size adapt in tablet and mobile view? And can I control this? Or would it be better always to create several elements of the same picture and hide the bigger one in screen options for mobile, hide the smaller one for desktop and so on?

    And another question because of retina displays – should the size chosen for mobile always be doubled?

    Also for some parts actually I cannot define picture sizes like for news feed preview pictures for example. As I said the preview pictures are tiny like 28×28 but I got the impression it is loaded a bigger picture.
    Do you understand my issues?

    Thanks, TanSmi

    in reply to: Datepicker in contact form not working #1056510

    Hi Nikko,
    thank you very much! I actually also tried to uncheck this setting before but I didn’t notice any change so I guess this was a caching problem then…
    You can close this topic,
    thanks again!

    in reply to: Datepicker in contact form not working #1056329

    Thank you Victoria,
    I drop you temporary access in the private box.
    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Regular Licence #1055815

    Ok, thank you very much!

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Cleaning up multiple picture sizes #1041958

    Okay, now everything is clear – thanks a lot! Topic can be closed,

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Cleaning up multiple picture sizes #1041729

    Thank you Mike,

    but one question: does this really delete unused images or does it just define new picture sizes for future upload?
    I tried it on my local installation and I get the impression, that old image sizes are still there…?

    Kind regards, Tanja

    in reply to: Mixed Content with SSL – fonts loaded over http #1038973

    Hi Rikard,
    it was in the Console, but somehow it disappeared… so we can close this, thanks
    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Mixed Content with SSL – fonts loaded over http #1038386

    Hi Victoria,

    thanks for those infos.
    I actually moved to HTTPS quite as stated in your links:

    1. Changed in WordPress URLs to https
    2. Changed .htaccess
    3. Used the Plugin “Better Search and Replace” to replace remaining http with https
    -> then I had still mixed content, so I
    4. Installed the Plugin “Really Simple SSL”
    But in the end still there was the problem that fonts were not loaded via https

    Now I thought maybe if I upload fonts freshly and it seems like it helped – at least fonts are shown now also in Firefox and Safari! (I then deactivated “Really Simple SSL” as it didnt really help with the problem)
    I still get errors for the fonts for example:
    Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED – montserrat-bold.ttf:1

    Any idea how I could fix this?

    in reply to: Picture Upload not possible any more #1036406

    Dear guys,
    the problem is solved – no need for further assistance needed.

    Anyway – if anyone has a similar problem I can tell you what was the solution for me (which my hoster told me):
    – Filezilla open wp-content
    – right click on “upload”
    – change rights to 755
    – activate that subfolders are included – click OK
    – then open every subfolder of “upload” folder and choose all the images with right click and change rights for every file to 640

    This did the trick for me – hope it helps,

    Regards TanSmi

    in reply to: Cannot activate Facebook share links for blog posts #1017957

    Hi Rikard,
    it’s okay – you can close it. Thanks anyway,

    in reply to: Cannot activate Facebook share links for blog posts #1017815

    Hi Rikard,
    I am also running 4.4.1 and I tell you what – when I just looked into it, now the Facebook setting was there!
    Where before it statet “Link Bewertung” (Rating), now there is “Facebook Link”.
    I have no explanation for that, but I am happy with it. :) Maybe there was an update in the meantime?
    Anyway, thanks a lot,

    in reply to: Masonry Blog witz filter function #1017519

    So sorry! I found it! I was just searching in the wrong place assuming it has to be an option in the “blog posts” layout, but actually it is within Masonry…
    You can delete/close this – I am sorry again..

    in reply to: Cannot activate Facebook share links for blog posts #1017493

    Hi Rikard,
    I am sorry, I cannot send you admin etc. as I am preparing the website locally with MAMP.
    But I made a screenshot to show you what I mean.
    Kind regards,

    Thank you very much Ismael,
    I tried it on mobile device and it works!
    Kind regards,

    Hi Peter,

    thank you soooo much! I was spending the whole day searching for a solution – this is it!

    Kind regards,

    Hello everybody,

    I found a solution that works for me with viewport units and scaling in this feed:

    I adapted the css to my needs (at full screen, for mobile I have to adapt it again):
    div.mfp-iframe-scaler {
    width: 70vw;
    height: 90vh !important;

    iframe {
    -moz-transform: scale(0.80, 0.80);
    -webkit-transform: scale(0.80, 0.80);
    -o-transform: scale(0.80, 0.80);
    -ms-transform: scale(0.80, 0.80);
    transform: scale(0.80, 0.80);
    -moz-transform-origin: top left;
    -webkit-transform-origin: top left;
    -o-transform-origin: top left;
    -ms-transform-origin: top left;
    transform-origin: top left;

    So now the complete iframe is visible.

    Thanks, Tan

    Hi Rikard,
    I send you the link where I uploaded a screenshot in private content. Here you can see that on the right side of the screenshot for example the button “Details” is cropped
    Thanks for your help,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Rikard,
    thats actually the link as I implemented it. If you click on it, you will see what I mean…
    For the moment I have the site only locally here on my computer, so I can’t offer another link, sorry.
    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Topbar – different content for each page possible? #1012257

    Ok, thanks Victoria, I just wanted to make sure, that there was no “out-of-the-box” solution for this…
    Best regards,

    Hi Nikko,

    1) I mean something like in the demo here
    masonry portfolio, but with no linking to portfolio or posts, but linking to pages. So I can use it like entry/header to the site? Also, I want not just to show pictures but some cells could have only text with colored background.

    2) The second thing is something like on this site:
    On the header image they use something like a content slider with special offers sliding… Is it possible to make something similar?

    Thanks, Tanja

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