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  • #1038017

    Dear guys,

    after changing our website to https there is a lot of mixed content alert, especially fonts are loaded over http
    but for example also the facebook image ‘fake_facebook.jpg’ from Enfold images is loaded via http
    After searching here, I installed Really simple SSL, but it didnt help.
    If I open the site in firefox, fonts are not loaded at all.

    Can you guys please help me??

    I will add my credentials so you can look into it.
    Thanks, TanSmi


    Hey TanSmi,

    Here are some links for you to consider

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    thanks for those infos.
    I actually moved to HTTPS quite as stated in your links:

    1. Changed in WordPress URLs to https
    2. Changed .htaccess
    3. Used the Plugin “Better Search and Replace” to replace remaining http with https
    -> then I had still mixed content, so I
    4. Installed the Plugin “Really Simple SSL”
    But in the end still there was the problem that fonts were not loaded via https

    Now I thought maybe if I upload fonts freshly and it seems like it helped – at least fonts are shown now also in Firefox and Safari! (I then deactivated “Really Simple SSL” as it didnt really help with the problem)
    I still get errors for the fonts for example:
    Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED – montserrat-bold.ttf:1

    Any idea how I could fix this?



    Thanks for the update, though I can’t see that error message on your site. Where exactly are you seeing it?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    it was in the Console, but somehow it disappeared… so we can close this, thanks
    Kind regards,



    Great, glad it’s working normally again. I’ll close this thread for now then, please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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