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  • in reply to: Styling On Cookie Bar #967225

    I tried the code you suggested but with no luck. What is strange is that although in the advanced settings sections I have both buttons set to blue with white text no border I am seeing one button as blue with black text and one as black with a white border.
    I am seeing this in chrome, firefox and android which is all I can directly test.

    in reply to: Lightbox display alt tag below image #966655

    Thanks So Much.

    in reply to: Cookie Consent Dismiss Adds # To URL #964147


    Yes. I just disabled the plugin and enabled the enfold cookie bar and it seems to be working for me too.
    How odd. I did spend a bit of time with it before flushing caches etc and could not get it to display properly but now it looks just right .
    Happily I think we can close this.

    Thanks for the help.

    in reply to: Cookie Consent Dismiss Adds # To URL #963316

    Hi Mike

    Sorry. I put the other cookie plugin on because the enfold option was blocking people using the site on mobile because they couldn’t dismiss the notification.

    Is it possible you can you can deactivate the cookie notice plugin ( third plugin in the list) and enable the enfold cookie options to test?
    The settings I used for the enfold cookie option was
    cookie consent message bar enabled
    first box as standard OK,
    Second box enabled with message, Read More and a link to the privacy policy page.

    If that is absolutely not possible I can set it up for a time slot it you give me one so I can avoid the site being out of action for too long.


    in reply to: Using Child Theme – identifying 'whole function' #959691

    Thanks. It worked fine.

    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #959192

    I’d like to say how helpful the forums have been for me.
    I was a total beginner and found almost all I needed to know there or if not enough clues to work out what I needed to do.

    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #958840

    Here is my effort

    in reply to: Page Content Element Underlining Text #958229

    Don’t bother replying to my last message. I can see what you are on about now and I think you can mark this ticket as answered.
    Thanks for pointing the way here for me.

    in reply to: Page Content Element Underlining Text #958228

    Hi Yigit

    I can see the style css you have added but am not sure where you have added the <div id=”included” class=”.anchor-point”></div>

    I have cleared all caches browser, litespeed etc and the behavious is still happening.

    I do want all anchor texts to be underlined in text blocks.

    The page that is at the root of the problem is here

    It has one text block for which the code is

    <h3>What is included in the price?</h3>

    • All meals onboard
      We provide breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Obviously if you choose to eat ashore this is at your own expense. We can cater for most diets but special diets must be advised at the time of booking.
    • Non alcoholic drinks
      Ships rules are no drinking alcohol at sea or if we are about to sail. This does not mean Trinovante is a dry boat. There is no bar onboard so everyone brings their own.
    • Use of life-jackets and wet weather gear

    <h3>What is not included in the price?</h3>

    <h3>Have Some More Questions?</h3>
    Check our Frequently Asked Questions Page or just get in touch for a chat.
    It will be Su or John picking up the phone

    If the page is viewed it displays correctly.
    However once this page is used as the source for an avia page content block all the text is underlined from
    the start of the content to the end of ‘This is compulsory for all voyages apart from Sailing Weekends.

    This can be viewed on pages such as

    This behaviour is happening in chrome, firefox and edge and I have been told it is also happening on safari.

    Thanks for you input on this. The site is about to go live and I do need to sort this out.

    in reply to: Page Content Element Underlining Text #957998

    OK so it’s five and a half days now waiting for some support and I must admit to feeling disappointed with the level of support I am receiving.

    A question has been raised over the log in details I sent. So as well as retesting the login details myself I have now sent exact copies of the information I sent to enfold support to three friends in different countries. One is almost computer illiterate. They all managed to login successfully to the to wp admin.
    Just in case the login details are posted again privately.

    Can you please respond and let me know what the problem is here?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Sujohn.
    in reply to: Page Content Element Underlining Text #957774

    Hi I don’t want to hassle but can you let me know if you have now managed to get into the site OK?
    I would like to get this issue sorted out before the site goes live so and am waiting on this.
    I have now been waiting patiently for four days.

    in reply to: Page Content Element Underlining Text #957745

    Can you let me know did you manage to get into the site OK?

    in reply to: Page Content Element Underlining Text #957729

    Also a little more info on the problem.
    I have so far tried recreating the text/html from scratch in a new page.
    I have also tried copying and pasting into notepad in case there was any hidden formatting.
    When I recreate the content for the first couple of reloads it seemed to display OK and then starts underlining all the text.
    Also the same page content block is inserted at the bottom of all the sailing holidays pages –
    on some the text displays correctly and on some it displays as underlined.
    It is very odd


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Sujohn.
    in reply to: Page Content Element Underlining Text #957711

    Are the login details I sent not working for you? I and a couple of other are using them fine.
    Can you let me know why you can’t get into the site. What specifically is stopping you?
    I can then sort it out.
    Thanks again

    in reply to: Page Content Element Underlining Text #957675

    Just wondering – is it possible to let me know when you might have time to look at this for me?

    in reply to: Page Content Element Underlining Text #957061

    Just wondering did you manage to get in OK?

    in reply to: Page Content Element Underlining Text #956911

    Thanks for getting back to me.
    I have re sent the info for logging in below.
    I just retested and it is working for me.
    The site is in a password protected folder so you need to get past that first.

    in reply to: you tube related videos turn off #942012


    And thanks once again from me.


    in reply to: you tube related videos turn off #940535

    Thanks so much for your input. Exactly what I needed. You totally nailed it.

    in reply to: you tube related videos turn off #940462


    Adding the &rel=0 to the end of a you tube ‘watch’ URL seems to cause a playback error message.
    I have updated the test page and added text to all the images showing what URL and URL embeds are used with each one.
    In a nutshell
    you tube URL Embeds opens full screen &rel=0 works when used

    you tube URL ‘watch’ does open in a lightbox, &rel=0 causes a playback error message

    have also tried
    and the you tube ‘share’ URL

    Thanks for any input on this you have.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Sujohn.
    in reply to: you tube related videos turn off #939342

    Yes I did try this plugin before I contacted but it does not work with images linked with either the url or embed code.
    What I have seen mentioned on this forum is having an image which links to the you tube video and then opens in a lightbox.

    I have installed the plugin you mentioned and set up a test page here so you can see what I am getting at

    The first video uses the enfold video player and a URL – seems to work fine with no related videos at the end.
    The second is linked with an embed code – this opens the video full screen (which then cannot be closed) and shows related videos.
    The third image is linked with a url and when the image is clicked it opens in a light box but has related videos at the end.

    I’m thinking it might not be possible to use the lightbox route without also having the related videos popping up at the end?


    in reply to: you tube related videos turn off #938893

    Thanks – You’re right I was only using Enfold 4.0
    I have got the you tube videos working fine in the video Avia Builder now.
    Is there any way to disable the related videos if I used an image with a link to open the videos in a light box or is that hoping for too much?

    in reply to: Help With Styling #930933


    Don’t worry I eventually found the info elsewhere on the forum. I seem to have got this working for images with
    .your-custom-class img
    and for buttons with
    .your-custom-class .avia-button-fullwidth

    For the record the full code that seems to be working is
    .your-custom-class .avia-button-fullwidth, .your-custom-class img{
    border-radius: 0 !important;

    in reply to: Help With Styling #930924

    Attached as private content. I now have the right selector for removing the radius on the images which is
    .your-custom-class img
    but can’t seem to get a working one for the button radius.

    in reply to: Help With Styling #930860

    That seems good if I want to change the styling for the whole page but is there a way to do it if I just want to change a row so that I can get the same styling as my test page?

    in reply to: Content hidden on desk top still uses space #930858

    That leaves me with a white margin at the bottom of the background image.
    I think I am going to accept that I can’t have the combo – colour section /hidden header /colour section.
    So you can close this one now.

    in reply to: Help With Styling #930844

    That worked. Thanks.
    I could really do with using this styling on an individual row on another page.
    Is there any way to do that?

    in reply to: Help With Styling #930802

    Yes for the moment but I could do with getting the hang of how to use the custom css too.

    in reply to: Help With Styling #930782

    Hi Jordan

    If I don’t want to change images and buttons site wide if I put the css name
    in the custom css box for the element

    Would the code for the quick css then look like

    .su-radius {
    border-radius: 0 !important;


    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Sujohn.

    Found the note about the latest wordpress update causing the issue. The functions php code you supplies was the fix.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Sujohn.
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