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  • in reply to: H3 Tag in footer #1256714

    Could you give me a solution please ?

    in reply to: H3 Tag in footer #1255716

    Hi Enfold team,
    I have another problem with H3. It seems that my cookie bar generates automatically an h3 tag named “Paramètres de la barre titre” as you can see in this code. How can I replace this by a simple div please ?
    Thank you !

    in reply to: Cookie consent message bar #1252583

    I’ve tried to add this code in custom.css only (not in quick css) and it seems that it doesn’t work… Why ?
    When I add this code in quick CSS, it works…
    Thanks for your help

    in reply to: Cookie consent message bar #1250889

    Ok it works thank you. Just have to add !important at the end ;)

    in reply to: Cookie consent message bar #1250619

    I mean having a fullwidth cookie message bar :)

    in reply to: Layerslider premium update #1248102

    Hi Victoria,

    If I do this, which option I have to choose in Enfold > Layout Builder > LayerSlider :– deactivate and keep files – remove files of the plugin and keep slides – remove entire plugin ?
    Adding an advanced layer slider in advanced layout builder will still work ?
    Adding an activation code in product activation wouldn’t be the easiest way ?

    Moreover, I’d like to create a layerslider popup which appears when visitors scroll at a position in my page (that’s why I look for purchase a license). In advanced layout builder, should I adding an advanced layer slider block ? where ? (if my popup automatically appears at a position)

    Thank you,

    in reply to: Layerslider premium update #1247800

    Ok thank you,

    Should I :
    – deactivate and keep files
    – remove files of the plugin and keep slides
    – remove entire plugin

    I have several slides that I want to keep…

    Thank you,

    in reply to: H3 Tag in footer #1240691

    additional information

    in reply to: H3 Tag in footer #1240690

    Thanks for your help (details in private content)

    in reply to: H1 in layerslider #1230580

    As I say, I’ve not found the solution because I would like to move my texte and H1 left 33% on smartphone. To do that, I have to target the wrapper of the H1 not the H1 itself. I haven’t find the solution to do it…

    Thanks for the CSS code and ID of the layerslider.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: H3 Tag in footer #1230438

    It’s ok you can see Theme Editor now !
    Could you tell me in private what modifications will be made please ?
    To remind : I just want to have simple titles without h3 tag :)
    Thank you !

    in reply to: H1 in layerslider #1229936

    Moreover is there a way to target a layer slider with its ID in CSS and how can I do it please ?
    Thank you,

    in reply to: H1 in layerslider #1229935

    Finally, it’s not a really beautiful solution…
    I really want to target the wrapper and make it move to 33% left on smartphone…

    in reply to: Video icon play in layer slider #1229710

    Yes it really works even on chrome ! It was because I was on a preview admin page :) !!!

    in reply to: Video icon play in layer slider #1229709

    It works on firefox but not on chrome !

    in reply to: Video icon play in layer slider #1229708

    arf no it doesn’t work…

    in reply to: Video icon play in layer slider #1229707

    I think that I’ve found the solution !

    In your slider settings / video section, have you let “automatically play media” ?
    I don’t want to play automatically media, but if I want to keep youtube iframe, I have to let this setting “automatically play media” on, and change youtube iframe code with an autoplay = “0” like this :

    <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”; frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay=”0″; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>


    in reply to: Video icon play in layer slider #1229702

    ? I don’t understand why you have the youtube iframe and not me (with the same code !) !…

    in reply to: H1 in layerslider #1229701

    Hi Rikard,

    I don’t want to create a new layer or slider because of a SEO need. In fact, even if the h1 mobile slider (or h1 mobile layer) is hidden, when Google crawls my site, it discover two h1. In the source code it shows the 2 sliders… (or layers). You know what I mean ? :)

    For anybody who wants to have only one h1 crawled, it seems that I’ve find a solution by playing with CSS and margin. In order to move my h1 header only on smartphone, I’ve named my layer h1conf (for exemple) in the “link and attribute”. Then, in quick CSS of Enfold, I’ve added :

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .h1conf {
    margin-left: -95px !important;
    font-size: 42px !important;

    (I’ve taken the opportunity to enlarge my font-size :))


    in reply to: H3 Tag in footer #1229691

    Hi Victoria,
    Thanks for your reply.
    Here it is in private content.

    in reply to: Video icon play in layer slider #1229689

    Hi Mike,
    Could you give me the HTML code please ?
    I’ve retested and it doesn’t work. As you can see again on this page (private data), I’ve added a new video (at the left “a bee” :)) in HTML layer with the youtube code and I’ve always the layerslider iframe, not the youtube iframe.

    I’ve added this iframe from youtube :
    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Thanks for your help,

    in reply to: H1 in layerslider #1229467

    In fact, I would like to move the h1 title at 33% left on smartphone. So, I’ve tested this CSS : {
    left : 33% !important;

    But it doesn’t work. It seems that I have to target the ls-wrapper before but I didn’t find how to adjust this wrapper only for this h1… (I don’t want to move all the wrappers at 33% left)

    Can you help me please ?


    in reply to: Video icon play in layer slider #1229214

    Thank you Mike. Actually, I have found this option “no skin” but it doesn’t change the video skin. Even if I use the “HTML” layer to display the YouTube iframe code, it go back to the layerslider skin…
    Thanks for your investigations.
    Best regards,

    in reply to: H3 Tag in footer #1228935

    I’ve already tried but H3 is still here after modifying class-sidebar-generator.php and functions.php

    Apparently, it requires a custom widget area. But, I use the columns created by enfold by default. In fact, I cannot use a custom widget area in my footer !
    In my enfold parameters, I’ve chosen 3 columns and then in my widget area, I use the widget areas created automatically : footer – column1 ; footer – column2 ; footer – column3.

    Any idea to help me ?


    in reply to: H3 Tag in footer #1228818

    Thanks Jordan, but I want to keep my titles. I just want to have a basic title, without h3 tag.
    How can I do this please ?

    in reply to: H3 Tag in footer #1228674

    Hi Victoria,
    I just want to hide them.

    in reply to: Video icon play in layer slider #1228627

    Thank you Mike. Is it possible to deactivate layerslider skin in order to show the default youtube skin (with logo, title, progress bar…) ?
    Best regards,

    in reply to: HTTP in .php files enfold #1184218

    It’s ok Rikard ! I have moved my site to https and resources are loading over https.
    Thanks !

    It’s ok with this topic Jordan.
    Thank you,

    Ok I have found the solution :
    I’ve moved the video block into my first color section and now it works :
    It would be nice if this problem could be solved in the futur update ? (to not have a white block in desktop view if a video block is only displayed in mobile view)

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