Forum Replies Created
Ok it works fine in the menu, thanks :)
But how to I add it to an icon in the icon box?
If I could just see the plain html text it wouldn´t be a problem, but if I switch from advanced layout manager to default I can’t see the codeOk thanks, and then just use http://mydomain/nyhedsbrev?iframe=true&width=240&height=360 as link?
No i dont have any resize tool or anything. I just added the pictures along with the preview text and that is pretty much it. You also see the project on the frontpage.
When I click on it on the frontpage it works fine with the ajax settings and all. The problem is if I link to the project from somewhere alse.
When you translate, have you tried (copy content) because it doesn’t copy any of the ajax settings (pictures and preview text)
It will only copy content from the layout builder. Which I don’t use, since I use the Ajax instead
I have also written about these issues
You can just try to scale text or pictures on “transition-in” or rotate anything on transition out, and you’ll see what i mean
This is creating entirely new slides.
The work in the preview, but nok on the site
But why remove the scaling feature?
The problem is that scaling works on “Transition out”, but not on “transition in” on the other hand, rotate, works on “transition in” but not on “Transition out”
It seems silly
Do i need to update the content in _macosx aswell? On the server
Ismael, I don’t think you understand.
1. Does the fade slide work i Layerslider WP
2. The rotate, fade, increase/decrease action doesn’t work. The scaling transition just make the text smaller and doesnt scale op
Ok, but is it not possible to make that effect in Layslider WP?
Another thing. In Layslider WP, if you want a fade rotating action, and you set the trasition scale to fx 0.3, the transition doesn’t work. If just scales the text down.
Sorry. My mistake. I figured it out.
Apparently installing woocommerce changed my sidebar and footer setting. After i set it back to normal, it was fine.
only thin that annoys me, is that I can’t use “show everywhere” because it will screw up the productpage, and not show them as sidebars, but below the product instead
On IE9 there is a lot of problems with things not displaying correctly, on this theme. Especialy pictures. Maybe that is what he is reffering to?
Thank you, but there is no video for updating.
And you didn´t answer my question:
“What about all the changes I made to the theme, like colors, layersliders, footers etc.?”
Is it possible that you add something like this plugin
I can of course use the tabs, but it doesn’t have the same feel and not color options