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  • #24273

    It works with the slides you have included in the theme. But many of the features doesn´t work.

    If you import the original layerslider slides, they wont even load on a site.

    The scale layer transition doesn’t work. It works in the builder, but on the site it doesn’t.



    Yes, Kriesi removed some features and implemented the slider into the theme framework. We may add more layerslider features in upcoming updates (eg shortcode support for layouts with sidebars, etc.).

    Best regards,



    But why remove the scaling feature?

    The problem is that scaling works on “Transition out”, but not on “transition in” on the other hand, rotate, works on “transition in” but not on “Transition out”

    It seems silly


    Hi runekjensen,

    Is this with creating entirely new slides or loading in slides created from outside the theme?




    This is creating entirely new slides.

    The work in the preview, but nok on the site


    Can you post a screenshot of the settings for one or link to your site live so we can take a look. I’d like to dig a bit further and try and duplicate it with the current dev version.


    You can just try to scale text or pictures on “transition-in” or rotate anything on transition out, and you’ll see what i mean

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