Forum Replies Created
yep, done
May 13, 2014 at 2:54 pm in reply to: New share on Twitter > it do not take the right permalink #263939Yes but Twitter has is own URL Shortener :
That’s what I allready done, I will wait and see what GWT will found… :-)
It’s better! thanksPS: Do you know this social network: Viadeo? Very uselful in France, will be great it if can be available…
in a future Enfold update?
EDIT: sorry, i did not saw you answer above..-
This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by
I ‘m on Mac and i use the standard Mail App V7.2
Why don’t you have used %20 instead of +?
thanksHello Josue
I just modified the loop-index.php to do not display those tags.
It will easier if that was an option in Enfold theme option… :-)
thanksHello Devin
There is no option to hide tags in Enfold theme options.
I hide thos tags with a simple:
.blog-tags {display:none;}
However Google do no ignore them. I have built a lot of sites with some texts with display:none, and yes Google index them.
Is there any wordpress hook to realy remove them?
ThanksMay 8, 2014 at 11:37 am in reply to: Issue with fullscreen slider and the anchor #next-section #261725Hello Ismael
It works!But, as i do not like to modify the Enfold core files, I have had this to my function.php:
add_filter(‘avia_load_shortcodes’, ‘avia_include_shortcode_template’, 15, 1);
function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths)
$template_url = get_stylesheet_directory();
array_unshift($paths, $template_url.’/shortcodes/’);
return $paths;
}And in my Enfold chield directory I have created a directory named /shortcodes and put in this one the modified slideshow.php. :-)
Thanks a lot.
May 7, 2014 at 4:05 pm in reply to: Issue with fullscreen slider and the anchor #next-section #261341I understand that a click on this anchor can not work because the #next-section is … display:none
So how can i do to tell enfold to go to the next>next section ?
thanksApril 30, 2014 at 10:59 am in reply to: reopen my ticket: "Featured image : with or withouk a lightbox effect" #258183ENFOLD V2.7: added: option that allows disabling post feature image on single post
Okey… I just post my request…
Hey Yigit, yes i know all of that, but it’s the hardest way to do it.
I have editors on that site and they don’t know anything about FTP/CSS /-)I just wonder if it should be possible to add a custom meta_box with two choices like:
[x] link the feature image
[ ] Do not link the feature imageWith that enable, it will be easy to add some PHP code into single php that read the user choice and apply (or not) a link to the feature image…
You see what I mean?
here: > the lightbox effect is not useful
here: > the lightbow effect is usefull because the image contact importants informations.Hello Ygit
Yes I looked at the source code and see the mysql query, so i add another plugin who add a real Most Read widget
(to be add to Enfold ?)
;-)yep, I understand…
Enfold will be the best if it was able to manage mobile/tablet/desktop easely :-)Hello Ismael
Visibility do not works on layer slider:
#layerslider_10 {visibility: hidden !mportant;}
do nothing, the slider remain visible.I know wp_is_mobile but:
– this function is not perfect
– Anyway, It’s php, so I’m curious to know how to use it with layer slider ?!thanks
it works but something break the layout and I can’t find what…
I change the code to make it more simple:[insert_php] if (!is_mobile()) {[/insert_php] [av_layerslider id='5'][insert_php]}[/insert_php] [insert_php] if (is_mobile()) {[/insert_php] [av_layerslider id='10'][insert_php]}[/insert_php]
ie my sample page :
It Works !
With that:[insert_php] if (is_mobile()) { [/insert_php] [av_layerslider id='10'] [insert_php] } else { [/insert_php] [av_layerslider id='5'] [insert_php] } [/insert_php]
I also use media query to hide/display Layer Slider, but it’s not (in my opinion) a good way because both the sliders are present in the HTML code so you download extra images that slowdown the page performance on mobile…
I tried to use two Worpdress plugins to only display the right slides depending of the context (mobile/desktop):- mobble
- Insert PHP
But it do not work :(
Here is what I tried:
[insert_php] if (is_mobile()) { echo do_shortcode('[av_layerslider id='10']'); } else { echo do_shortcode('[av_layerslider id='5']'); } [/insert_php]
[insert_php] if (is_mobile()) { [/insert_php] [av_layerslider id='10'] [insert_php] } else { [/insert_php] [av_layerslider id='5'] [insert_php] } [/insert_php]
Here is our custom Enfold :
A lot of customisations…This reply has been marked as private.hello
I think this is not an issue but the way this menu works…
+ Menu A
+ Menu BIf I touch the first link it does:
+ Menu A
+ Menu A child
+ Menu BThe Menu A is a real link and has a page link but as the behavior is to only expand/collapse, a touch on the Menu A will never open the page…
Am I wrong?thanks
Your screenshot is ok (yes please remove it) and clear you cache because it’s not the last version.
Now tap/touch on the link “Carrières”, what does it do? In my case, it just collapse the menu.did you answered me? I read : “This reply has been marked as private. “
This reply has been marked as private.Hello Devin
Anchor are not html? I was not aware about that… Regardless, everybody use anchor, isn’t it ?“I’m not actually getting an issue on the page with the link/location of the anchor but that could be related.”
I do not understand… You are saying that it worls for you?This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private. -
This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by