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  • in reply to: WPML and Advanced Media Editor #123835


    Please read directions about how to use the WPML plugin first.

    Create a page in your initial language.

    Then switch to your translation language by clicking on the flag of the other language. Now you can just click Copy Content from English (on right side or whatever language you selected. And the shortcodes will appear in the text area. Now just switch to Advanced Layout Editor, and make the translations of what needs to, and save.



    in reply to: Translating search vol.2 #123803


    These are the only locations in the theme that have the words ‘the header’ that would be visible to end user.

    file: /config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/config/meta.php

    lines: 202, 207, 208



    in reply to: NextGEN Gallery #124039


    If I am not mistaken, that may already be on the request list of future Enfold functionality. I am not very familiar with NextGen, so I am not sure just how challenging it would be to integrate it with the layout builder or even what priority a request like that would have in the overall direction that Kriesi is shepherding the theme towards.



    in reply to: Logo huge in IE8 #122886


    Sorry for the delay. Endless power failures.

    I think the reason for the logo not resizing is because of this css specific to IE8 which forces the logo to be displayed at a specific size. You are forcing 150 height. You should take that css out. 1st 2nd and 4th block.

    <!--[if IE 8]>
    .logo a{
    max-height: 100% !important;

    .logo a img{
    height: 150px;

    body .avia-button.avia-color-theme-color, body .avia-button.avia-color-theme-color:hover {
    background: #a6ce39;

    #header_main .container {
    height: 150px !important;
    line-height: 150px !important;



    in reply to: Optimize Enfold Responsive Theme (Speed) #123164

    Hi, is a lossy optimizer; it doesn’t do lossless optimizations.

    You are not using correct optimizers if you can’t shrink a 1070k sized png image ( ). First, an image of that type should be in jpg format since it already has a blurry background and besides its not digital art but a photo.

    I optimized this one to 76k and still 1700px as a jpg

    I optimized this one to 388k at 1700px as a png

    For the png I used ( ) and for the jpg i first converted it to a jpg with Photoshop and then used ( with 61 optimization and no crop )


    If you are serious about your image optimization you need the heavy duty plugin like


    I would recommend for you to host on nginx instead of Apache server. I would recommend that you use opcode cache (php accelerator) like APC.On Apache you can ask host to use mod_pagespeed . The pagespeed mod is now available in more than one hosting company and that thing if correctly setup will optimize everything. Otherwise look into w3tc + apc + cdn to offload static images/css/js + cloudflare (pay version) +varnish.



    in reply to: Logo huge in IE8 #122884


    Please use Ismael’s code above.

    But yes, IE8 has problems with display, but IE is getting a little better complying with web standards with each new version. I think IE2 only supported Morse Code for background colors… that must have been rough.



    in reply to: How to make horizontal thumbnails #122961


    Good luck. For now, add the css I gave you to your /css/custom.css which will at least make sure that you dont have that empty space under the images in the gallery.




    Since I can’t see your code to give you the correct css for your situation, I will guess. Please add this to your /css/custom.css or to Quick CSS located in Enfold > Theme Options – Layout (textarea at the bottom) . If it doesn’t fit change 247px to a lower or higher number.

    .fixed_header.social_header #main {
    padding-top:197px !important;

    Switching to mobile navigation at larger screen size will annoy tablet owners. I think a better solution would be to lower the menu , however to change the screen size that triggers the mobile menu please open up /js/avia.js and find line 1099 which looks like

    switchWidth: 768,

    Change that number above (768) to 790

    and also please add this css but change 767 to whatever number you put above minus one. so if instead of 768 you put 777 then put 776 below.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
    .responsive .main_menu {
    position: static;



    in reply to: change fonts and fonts size… #123446


    You can change it like this, just chose whatever font you want, as I used times new roman

    #menu-main-menu {
    font-family:"Times New Roman",Georgia,Serif;
    .header_color .main_menu ul:first-child >li > ul, #top .header_color .avia_mega_div > .sub-menu {
    font-family:"Times New Roman",Georgia,Serif;

    in reply to: Adjust width fixed layout #123437


    This controls the width`

    .boxed#top {
    width: 1010px;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 1140px){
    .responsive .boxed#top {
    width: 1130px;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 989px) and (min-width: 768px){
    .responsive .boxed#top {
    width: 782px;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) and (min-width: 480px){
    .responsive .boxed#top {
    width: 478px;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
    .responsive .boxed#top {
    width: 318px;

    Just change them as you wish, the top 2 probably, the others are media queries for smaller screen sizes.



    in reply to: Easy Slider stops after second slide #123432


    You have a large number of errors generating from two external js files and the slider stopped just as 5 errors pop up. 7 error total. i added the url to each file behind the error)

    Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLLIElement> has no method '_each' prototype_1_7.js:828 ( )


    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'disable' of null searchAtlasUtilities.js:143 ( )

    I am not sure what this stuff is, but looks real estate relevant. Overall you have something like 40-45 javascript files, some duplicates on this page, which is a bit of an overload.




    Do you have a url where this is taking place because I am not seeing this on my local. You can mask the url with



    in reply to: Google webfonts not working on iPad #123431


    Please open up header.php and on line 63, before the </head> tag, please add this

    <script src="//"></script>
    google: {
    families: ['Droid Sans', 'Droid Serif']

    Just make sure you add the correct google font family. See if that makes a difference. Seems to do the trick.




    Its not a good idea to designate the width in % and the height in pixels in a responsive theme , since you will run into problems on different screen sizes.

    Your main image is nearly 900k which is also gonna cause problems especially for visitors on mobile devices. You can compress it down to 100-200k easily. ( )

    Please update the theme at as version 1.6 is out and you are using 1.31 and there are lots of fixes in the update. You may install the update using FTP , just please be aware that it will overwrite all theme files, so make a backup first if you modified them.



    in reply to: Logo huge in IE8 #122881


    Your logo is 250×243 and displays as 144×150 . You should resize it to 144×150 and reupload it and IE8 will show it at full size as its doing now while other browsers display it at smaller size.




    You can assign the initial height, The smaller height is based on a percent of the initial height.

    Please open up /js/avia.js and find line 776 that looks like

    el_height       = $(elements).filter(':first').height(),

    and change it to something like this, but using the height of the header you want (big). Don’t forget the comma at the end,

    el_height       = 120,



    in reply to: BUG: background images not showing on ipad #120829


    Please show a url to where this problem is taking place so that we can give you the css code because otherwise we would need to guess. Please use to mask the url if you want.



    in reply to: Top- and Sub-Menu Background Colors #123169


    Please examine the block of css in this post

    It has almost everything you need to customize the menu , rollovers, etc.. You can try it as is to get idea first. You should add it to your /css/custom.css file OR to Quick CSS located in Enfold > Theme Options Styling .. the text area at bottom of that page



    in reply to: How to make horizontal thumbnails #122959


    Your images are not of the same size. The initial image of the lady with wine glass is 468×608 (original 515×651) but then when i put my mouse over the next image, it is 468×322 (original size 947×651)

    Your images are of completely different size and aspect ratio, so the only way to make them proportional is via cropping or preferably you can prep the images prior to uploading them so this way you ensure you control the crop, or otherwise you will have to trust WordPress’ cropping talents.

    You should first install the Simple Image Sizes plugin ( ). The plugin will give you complete control over images: setting constraints for specific locations like blog, thumbnails, portfolio, gallery, shop, etc. along with the ability to set whether to crop an image or not in Settings > Media.

    Changing the dimensions of images does NOT automatically change all the images already uploaded but only affects new uploads. To change the sizes of images already uploaded, you will need to use the Regenerator – also a part of the Simple Image Sizes and found on the bottom of Settings > Media. Don’t forget that images scale down, so always upload images bigger (or the same) as the constraints you set in Settings > Media (with the plugin) or you will get blurry (stretched) or incomplete images.

    You should add the code below to your Quick CSS or /css/custom.css file. this will just force all images to be same size as they are (initial image will be smaller so there is no empty space below some images.

    #top div .avia-gallery .avia-gallery-big {
    width: 468px;
    height: 322px !important;



    in reply to: Translating search #122190


    Yeh, I also saw that. That is not always there , it appears depending on the length of the word being searched for. Only 30 characters are allowed in this entire line .. and sometimes it gets cut off in middle of character encoded quotes “” as in &quot

    Search results for “Снимок”…

    I would cut the size of this ‘Результаты поиска для’ because that has too many letters, so the actual search term never gets printed. Try it like ‘ ‘Результат для” … or even smaller, since these are useless letters, while the keyword is useful



    [edit] this reproduces it

    in reply to: Header Border (bottom) #121327


    Could be anything.. cache, browser, not sure. But I looked and this is the code that’s hitting and making it not show up, the other block isn’t working.`

    #top .title_container {
    display: none !important;



    in reply to: Submit form to open a new page #123210


    Please open /framework/php/class-form-generator.php and find like 165 that looks like

    $this->output .= '<input type="submit" value="'.$this->form_params['submit'].'" class="button" />';

    and change it to look like

    $this->output .= "<input type="submit" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'form' , 'submit', 'email subscription', 10]);" value='".$this->form_params['submit']."' class="button" />";

    If you are new to Analytics and not sure what you are doing it is best to leave this alone.

    But there are useful free tools such as this

    or form tracking code like this

    But such advanced Analytics integration and the installation of these scripts would be outside the scope of the support form i think.




    Please provide a URL to the location where this event is taking place. Since there are so many ways to customize this theme, and with a number of updates already released, -there is no sure way for us to provide you with a reliable answer without first looking at the code on the page this is taking place,.

    Your best bet is to mask the link using or show a page on the demo site which displays the behavior. However. a screenshot alone is not very helpful since we need to see the html/css/js code particular to your situation in order to provide a meaningful solution.



    in reply to: LEFT MENU LISTING PROBLEM #123179


    Please update your theme at You are using v.1.3.1 and current version I believe is 1.6 and there were updates to the breadcrumbs. Please upload the update using ftp and please be aware that the update will overwrite all the theme files so make sure to make a backup first.



    in reply to: Submit form to open a new page #123207


    After the visitor clicks the submit button, you will notice that the form disappears and a thank you page in essence is displayed. You can customize that portion to record an event in analytics. You can also record the event when the button is clicked. You can add something like this to any link or button on your site to track when someone clicks them

    <a href="" onclick="javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview('/important-event/submit-button-clicked');">click me</a>



    in reply to: Header Troubles #123002

    Glad that Peter put you back on track,



    in reply to: Entypo Font in Safari (Win) #123114


    You use Safari for Windows? They stopped making Safari for Windows over a year ago. This theme doesn’t support Safari for Windows as far as I know, since neither does Apple. :)

    I myself am unhappy that Apple ended support, but eh, why support a browser that is not even supported by the manufacturer and that accounts for .03% of web visitors?




    Can you show an image on the demo site if you can’t post url to yours where this is happening please?



    in reply to: responsive / problems with portfolio #123147


    I am not sure why. Must be a reason for it… or maybe not. In any case you can remove the code that does that and let us know if it improved mobile look of prettyphoto.

    Please open up /js/prettyPhoto/css/prettyPhoto.css

    and put /* on line 173 and then put */ at the very end of the file so its the last thing in the file.

    Now mobile pretty photo will look the same as desktop prettyphoto. But i do vaguely remember that there is some reason for that code and without it everything looks like … not good.



    in reply to: LEFT MENU LISTING PROBLEM #123177


    Please make your menu like this, (notice the indents between the parent and the children). If you do it like this, then the breadcrumbs will also show the parent.



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