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  • #23701


    1. I tested my site on ipad and I make use of the custom repeated background images uploaded through the styling editor.

    This works fine on desktop, but testing it on iOS (with chrome and safari browser) I see no backgrounds. Background is white, none of the backgrounds uploaded through the editor are visible on ipad. This happens with all of them (header, socket, main content,…)

    2. A weird issue with the menu, visible in safari and chrome (on both desktop and tablet): When a menu item has a submenu, the menu item right to it appears to be thinner. It’s visually pretty disturbing. See screenshot here:

    normal state (thin news) :

    hover state (ok news):

    You see that “news” is thinner. If I remove the submenu from “activities” news appears normal again. When having the submenu and I hover activities “news” appears normal as well. When I hover away it becomes thin.

    It ain’t the shadows or any custom css, I removed all custom css to find the bug and I still had this.

    Thanks in advance for any feedback.


    Nevermind problem 1. Migration problem which is solved (images still referred to localhost) Doh! :)

    Problem 2 is a hard one though. Can’t find the issue at all.



    I can’t reproduce the number 2 issue on my end. You got a sharp eye, it takes me minutes to see the difference, might as well be the case for other visitors who will visit the site. In my honest opinion it is not really a big deal. A link to your website will help.




    Hello !

    please help.

    I have the same problem №1 like Spiv

    1. I tested my site on ipad and I make use of the custom repeated background images uploaded through the styling editor.

    This works fine on desktop, but testing it on iOS (with chrome and safari browser) I see no backgrounds. Background is white, none of the backgrounds uploaded through the editor are visible on ipad. This happens with all of them (header, socket, main content,…

    I can see backgroud image just a 1-2sec. until page loading. Then – background comes white.

    If I set up background attachment = scroll . Everything works fine. When turn to “Fixed” – background disappear .

    This bug – only on iOS devices . Android – works fine.

    Themeforest Demo-site haven`t this bug, but there is no sample page in XML demo content :-) . May be Helpdesk can put here the code of page : “Meet the team” ?


    The temporary solution :

    1. Don`t switch on Background Repeat = “No repeat” ! turn off “no repeat”!

    2. Play with Background Image Position for best look

    3. Background Attachment = Fixed

    For helpdesk : please, check with “No repeat” option + 3-4 fullscreen background image . ( with 1-2 it works , for more than 2 – not )




    same problem for me, my background in a colored section appears black in chrome on my macbook. The issue is that the same background appears correctly on another page on the same website!

    It also appears correctly on chrome on a PC.

    Finally, I must use the “Repeat” option because my original image is small.

    Any idea?

    Kind regards,



    Please show a url to where this problem is taking place so that we can give you the css code because otherwise we would need to guess. Please use to mask the url if you want.





    The temporary solution above doesn’t work. The problem is with all background images that are set using the Color Selection in Layout Elements. Problem is consistent with all Apple devices (i.e iPad, iPhone, and Safari on Desktop).

    Link to website:



    I checked your website using this:

    It looks perfectly fine. It might be different on a native iOS environment. Let me tag Devin to check this out.



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