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  • in reply to: Problem with Form #124172


    Please see my answer here about the qform

    Copying site

    You need to have a transparent background image and then:

    To replicate the same thing as on the links you showed, make a page. add a color section element, Make the color section background aqua color, and inside it add three 1/3 elements. In first 1/3 element add an image element with the picture of confused clock wearer, in second 1/3 element add the text , and in third 1/3 element add a button.

    Now will need some css to lower the size of the area so that man’s head and shoulders are pushed out on top, and move the button down :

    .avia-button-center {
    margin-top: 50px !important;
    .avia-button .avia_button_icon {
    font-size: 1.3em;
    .avia-align-center.avia_image.avia-builder-el-no-sibling {
    position: absolute;
    top: -160px;

    My Settings on Page:

    My Settings for Color Element:

    **Important, for my CSS to work, the image must be centered and the button must be centered —> My Settings for Image Element … The same must be done when configuring the button element. or change my css to reflect your changes.


    You will definitely need to adjust the css for different screen sizes using media queries,. I suggest you use Google Developer Tools to change the css to by reusing my code but changing the numbers inside the media queries.



    in reply to: Quform Inside the Tabs #126717


    Didn’t I fix this for you? There is one javascript block in a php file that needs to have empty lines taken out. Every other javascript block has them taken out in his code, except this one:

    In file wp-content/plugins/iphorm-form-builder/admin/admin.php between lines 1177-1235 there is javascript between <script> </script> tags. Please replace it all with the code below; i took out the empty lines.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
    function iphorm_generate_shortcode() {
    var formId = $('#iphorm-insert-form').val(),
    formName = $('#iphorm-insert-form > option:selected').text(),
    shortcode = '';
    if (formId) {
    if ($('#iphorm-insert-popup').is(':checked')) {
    shortcode = '[iphorm_popup id="' + formId + '" name="' + formName + '"]';
    url: '<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>',
    type: 'POST',
    dataType: 'json',
    data: {
    action: 'iphorm_set_fancybox_requested'
    shortcode += '<?php echo esc_js(__('Change this to the text or HTML that will trigger the popup ', 'iphorm ')); ?>[/iphorm_popup]';
    } else {
    shortcode = '[iphorm id="' + formId + '" name="' + formName + '"]';
    return shortcode;
    function iphorm_update_shortcode_preview() {
    var shortcode = iphorm_generate_shortcode(),
    $previewArea = $('#iphorm-shortcode-preview > div');
    if (shortcode) {
    } else {
    $('#iphorm-insert-go').click(function () {
    var shortcode = iphorm_generate_shortcode();
    if (shortcode) {
    } else {
    alert('<?php echo esc_js(__('Please select a form first ', 'iphorm ')); ?>');
    return false;



    in reply to: change fontello nav button to png file #126207

    Thanks formateins for catching that! Glad that you got back on track krzysztof_gr. Enjoy the theme.



    in reply to: Advanced Layerslider – element limitations? #124380


    If you can’t ask client to change/update host, the only solutions I can think of would be to either host the slider elsewhere and bring it in using iframes, to remove the 4th slider, or to limit the load in sliders 1-3 so enough ‘juice’ is left for the fourth. Is the clients setup outdated? have you checked what’s in their php.ini? is it Apache? One thing I noticed, is the host is excruciatingly slow for me, like a sleepy turtle on valium.



    in reply to: Customizing Font and Text Bodies #125323

    Great! Enjoy the theme.



    in reply to: Problem with sidebar on archive page #124878


    How about changing the order here, where it is listed on each page, just put a number from 0 to 10 in the pages you want to show up in that order on the menu.



    in reply to: Customizing Font and Text Bodies #125321


    Try this instead

    .avia_textblock {
    -webkit-border-radius: 20px;
    -moz-border-radius: 20px;
    border-radius: 20px;
    border: 2px solid #6640FF;
    background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);
    -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.75);
    -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.75);
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.75);
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-top: 10px;
    padding-right: 10px;
    padding-bottom: 10px;



    in reply to: Header size #126066

    no problem. love your icon. Thats wild stuff. lol


    in reply to: Mouse hover effect in blog is missing #126247


    That’s because you setup a W3TC cache plugin and most likely improperly configured it for CDN, since i see your images are being pulled off a cdn mapped to a subdomain , but none of the images are coming through, which makes me believe that you set it up wrong. If you turn off that plugin , all the images will return. Just clear the cache after disabling it, and any other CDN / Cache plugin you are using and images will be back, that I guarantee.

    I think I know where your error is coming from, you probably setup the DNS records wrong, I set that plugin up too many times not to know where the bottlenecks and learning curves break things.



    in reply to: change fontello nav button to png file #126203


    I just looked in ie10 and i see the two next/previous buttons in the middle of the slider.

    If you are talking about the radio buttons , two of them on the bottom middle of the slider, for me they dont work on Chrome or IE. I think you are missing an image file causing a jquery error , this is the file that’s missing

    http://pakietyedukacyjne/wp-content/themes/enfold/images/layout/dalej.png … Fontello fonts work with IE10 and I think all the way down to IE8 .

    Do you mean on the demo site , all the icon glyphs are not visibile to you -> … What version of IE do you use?



    in reply to: Change image size #126550


    1) Which images? You want to make the middle one bigger? or social media smaller?

    2) Do you mean same style as in, one really huge image in middle but instead have 2 huge images in 2 columns? I am sorry but could you illustrate what you want as an end result with two columns regarding to the style since thats a very subjective word.



    in reply to: Repositioning Breadcrumbs and Page Title? #125493


    What you say makes a lot of sense. However the client will still have to insert something, since after dragging the slider element, they will have to drag a new element containing the title and the breadcrumbs. I think the overall time saving will not be that much over dragging a widget area element. Non the less please hang in there, I will see if I can make you something in the next day or two to hold you over.



    in reply to: Enfold layout and Translation questions #126436

    We will close this request since otherwise it will demand our attention and if you have further questions, just open a new one and reference it please.



    in reply to: Retina Logo in Enfold – Reprise #126275


    You mean it displays at that size on a non-retina browser? at 200 height and 400 width? Are you sure about that , because the theme will resize anything over 120 height or so and maybe 230 width. That’s why I wanted to take a look at it..

    Alright, since you don’t want to go the easy with the plugin, we will go the hard way by installing the retina.js manually. You will need to download it from the src folder here … also as you can see there are some useful tests you can run calibrating it. . Just add the retina.js file to the /js/ theme folder and now in your functions.php file, add the following code to line 200 (which is empty)

    wp_register_script( 'jquery-retina', $template_url.'/js/retina.js', array('jquery'), 1, true );

    and add this code to line 207 of the same file

    wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-retina' );

    Alright now just resize the image exactly twice bigger but save it under the same name as original but with @2x at the end, so that if you had logo.png , you will now have (Email address hidden if logged out) and put it right next to where your logo is stored in same folder.

    Now for your logo, you will need to change the above line you pasted to look like this

    $logo = "<img src=".$logo." alt='' width='200' height='100'/>";

    to look like this

    <img src="http://full-url-to-image/logo.png" data-at2x="http: (Email address hidden if logged out) " />

    And last but not least, here is the css you must use, just add it to /css/custom.css , Just please replace with name of your file, url to file and url to retina image and sizes.

    .logo {
    background-image: url('/images/my_image.png');

    @media all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
    .logo {
    background-image: url(' (Email address hidden if logged out) ');
    background-size: 200px 100px;



    in reply to: Play button for videos in LayerSlider #125979


    This is your homepage.

    Please indicate which one of the objects is the youtube video because like Ismael I fail to see it. (its not the monitor, I tried clicking on it)



    in reply to: Mouse hover effect in blog is missing #126245


    So your question is how do you enable that? That is an effect that I think is automatic with the theme. So if you add an image element to a page and link it somewhere, the image, that effect will be attached to that image on its own. Images in advanced layout elements such as portfolios, gallerys, sliders, thumbnails… they all have this functionality attached automatically. It is CSS manipulated by jquery basically. looks like this

    <a href="" data-rel="grid-1" class="grid-image" style="height: auto; opacity: 1; position: relative; overflow: hidden;">

    <img width="495" height="400" src="" class="attachment-portfolio wp-post-image">

    <span class="image-overlay overlay-type-extern" style="opacity: 0.7; left: 0px; top: 0px; display: block; height: 276px; width: 342px;">

    <span class="image-overlay-inside"></span>



    Was there something specific you wanted to use it for that you couldn’t?



    in reply to: Meta color change.. #126526


    You have to remember the order of the files in the cascade that css that comes at the end , when there is enough specificity, will override the css that was earlier and the child css file I think is the first css file in the cascade. So you best bet is to use the custom.css file



    in reply to: Header size #126064


    Do you remember which post said that?

    Please add this css to your /css/custom.css file

    .fixed_header #main {
    padding-top: 42px;



    in reply to: What have I done wrong? #125758


    Please add this css to your /css/custom.css file OR to Quick CSS located in Enfold > Layout Styling… the text area at the bottom of the page

    .avia-slider-testimonials.avia-testimonial-wrapper .avia-testimonial-row {
    height: 125px !important;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 980px) {
    .avia-slider-testimonials.avia-testimonial-wrapper .avia-testimonial-row {
    height: 175px !important;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .avia-slider-testimonials.avia-testimonial-wrapper .avia-testimonial-row {
    height: 375px !important;

    Your testimonials are causing the lower part of the page to jiggle and jump.. This stabilizes it.


    That table has got to go. Tables are for data like if you were to show how many people in each city of the world own this product, then you would use a table. Can’t use tables to prop up the page’s layout or the div design police will come.

    Instead use an image gallery with small images option. Stick all 6 images in it, and add your text as a tooltip, be nice and animated and responsive as well.

    View post on

    looks good on small phones and rearranges itself properly

    this is how I added the gallery with these settings

    and here is where you set the tool tips that pop out

    Here is the css you will need to add to make the gallery look good on iphone and ipad.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 980px) {
    #top #wrap_all .avia-gallery-thumb a {
    width: 25%;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #top #wrap_all .avia-gallery-thumb a {
    width: 31% !important;

    Good luck,


    in reply to: Responsive layout with grid blog problem #126127


    Please add this css to your /css/custom.css file OR to quick css located in Enfold > Layout Styling… the text area at the bottom of that page.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
    .responsive #top .slide-entry {
    width: 100%;
    margin-left: 0%;
    .avia-content-slider .slide-entry-wrap {
    margin-bottom: 0px;



    in reply to: Even out the transition #id speed request #126283


    Can you please point us on your site or the demo site to the specific page urls which contain an example of both fast and slow transition please.



    in reply to: Mouse hover effect in blog is missing #126243


    If you are talking about this effect

    then you will need to create a page and add to it the blog advanced element, and configure inside to show the blog as a multi-author blog, since that is the only setting that creates the circles using the disqus icons.

    I registered as _spamSauce


    in reply to: Retina Logo in Enfold – Reprise #126273


    What solution? Those lines of code you pasted are lines 425-429 of functions-set-avia-frontend.php

    I am guessing you are following this post? , Do you have a url where you placed this code because you should have uploaded the logo at size 400x200px if you are now displaying at 200x100px, which sounds too even numbered so something isn’t right. Please show the code so we can look at the sizes and get to bottom of this.



    in reply to: Blog Comment Form is Missing #125678

    Good luck Frogdogz. Enjoy the theme!



    in reply to: Button Inconsistencies #124660

    Good luck Tom. Enjoy the theme.



    in reply to: Retina Logo in Enfold – Reprise #126271


    Logo can go bigger.but try to keep it to those proportions. 2×1

    For retina, I prefer to use this plugin Since its well supported and has tons of updates all the time. Its much easier to do it that way.



    in reply to: Enfold layout and Translation questions #126434


    2). Your developer is correct. This post has instructions on what to do.

    3) Its possible but its also experimental. You can turn on the advanced layout builder for posts. That will allow you to add a featured image which will be seen on the main blog page (or wherever you add the blog element to a page) , but on the individual blog posts the feature image will not show, and you will be able to either add it as an image element, or add a slider or have no image, since you will be able to use all the elements available , same as on pages.

    To add the layout elements to posts open config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/config/meta.php and change line 5 to look like

    array( 'title' =>__('Avia Layout Builder','avia_framework' ), 'id'=>'avia_builder', 'page'=>array('portfolio','page,'post''), 'context'=>'normal', 'priority'=>'high', 'expandable'=>true ),

    You will also need to replace template-builder.php in the main folder with this file. Without it, posts with layout elements will not have meta data or comments. This form will also add comments functionality to portfolio items.



    in reply to: Anchor Links with Fixed Header #126145



    <a name="gazebo"></a>

    a bit above , in front of

    <a href="#pavilion">Kidston Pavilion</a>

    This way the top part will be accounted for. And in mobile browsers the small difference will still make it visible. And do similar for the other anchors, just place them a bit earlier , Since i dont think there is another way to ofset the destination of an anchor.



    in reply to: Full screen Slider problem #125931


    Please consider making a mock up , an screen shot showing what you want to do since your description is not easy to understand. You can add the slider using the advanced layout builder. Import some sample sliders and see how they are made and modify them to make your own.



    Hi, is usually what adds the question marks to static resources. There is an option in the panel for that plugin to stop doing that. If you are using jetpack, it is notorious for adding and removing lots of things. It is not done by the theme or wordpress, so one of your plugins is doing it.

    There is also an option in the above plugin as to whether you want to enqueue the javascript at the start or at the end. The only things that really should be in the front is the main jquery.js and avia.js . The rest of javascript all can go in the back.



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