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  • in reply to: Social Icon at Socket #127249


    There are only 3 ways to solve this:

    1) Make the text “© Copyright – – Theme by Ayush” shorter by removing some of the words.

    2) Make the text use a smaller font size

    3) Put a <br tag before the word Theme so that Theme by Ayush will be on second line below the Copyright.



    in reply to: Centering Testimonial Grid #127437


    You perfectly described it, but I just wish you included a link since you never said if you have 1 or 10 testimonials, whether its a grid or a slider. Please provide a URL.

    Try this: add three 1/3 column elements inside your color section, and add the testimonials into the middle 1/3 column. This way it will be centered.



    in reply to: Problem with sidebar on archive page #124884


    I spend 1/2 hour and finally see what you are talking about. Sorry about that. I am looking into this now.

    Recent Posts Widget is a WordPress Core Plugin that is automatically added so there is not one line of code about it in the theme.. My suggestion is to reinstall WordPress itself since there is no way for Recent Posts Widget to display pages instead of posts unless your core WordPress install has problems or you’ve edited core wordpress files.

    I tried to replicate your error, and thought I did but no, since one of your widgets shows only blog posts while the second widget shows only pages. For me categories show the same Recent Posts as any other post or page on the website.

    Can you update to WordPress Core 3.52 or you customized it?



    in reply to: How to change height and opacity non-fixed header #127220


    A non-fixed header is the type of header that this page has, so when you scroll, the header disappears. The fixed header shrinks but stays on top of the page when you scroll down.

    Your question is about a non-fixed header (like the header on this page you are reading now) though I think you are asking about the fixed header.

    The fixed header shrinks by 50% including the logo by use of jQuery. I don’t think opacity is used. Logo size on the demo site ( is 231w/116h and it shrinks down to 116w/58h automatically via jQuery. The code is located in /js/avia.js in the function that starts on line 809 called avia_header_size()



    Hi 500Webmaste,

    How’s this?

    Please add this to you /css/custom.css file OR to Quick CSS located in Enfold > Styling Layout.. the text area at the bottom of that page.

    .avia-table-2 .pricing-table>li:last-child {
    height: 150px;
    .avia-table-2 .pricing-table-wrap ul li, .avia-table-3 .pricing-table-wrap ul li {
    height: 55px;

    What you can do if you want a different look for your tables, is

    Install free plugin called Enhanced Text Widget ( ),

    Then go to Appearance > Widgets and create two custom sidebars – call one: left-side, and the other: right-side

    create a new page with no sidebars

    Add two 1/2 column elements.

    Inside each of the two column elements add a widget area element.

    Set the widget area elements to the sidebars you created earlier (left and right)

    Go back to Appearance > Widgets and add one Enhanced text widget , to each of the two custom sidebars (left and right). Check option to not display title of widget.

    Now you can just use an html table generator like this one to style and create each of your tables and then just paste whatever code from the generator right into the Enhanced text widgets.



    in reply to: Grid Blog Format Not Working Properly #126782


    Ahh.. So you had a working site with Thesis, then you changed over to Enfold, and now the new posts show the featured image while the old ones from Thesis do not? Thesis uses a non standard way of attaching images which prevents the featured image from being recognized by wordpress without Thesis , (a rather clever way of ensuring that past customers remain current customers). You can read about it here ( ) since you aren’t the first to try to solve this issue.

    However you are in luck if you only have 10 featured images that aren’t showing up. You will need to re-attach them yourself again in Enfold which should take 10-15 minutes total. Just get the original images and re-attach them one at a time. Now if you had 1000 images , that’s when things get ugly.



    in reply to: Google Custom Search #127126


    If you can add the Google search functionality to the regular search box widget I will be able to tell you what’s needed to add it into the top search box once I see the code. There are multiple Google search plugins. Try them out till you get one working on the regular widget search, and then we will get it into the Ajax searchbox.



    in reply to: button in menu #126306


    Yes, Devin ofcourse is correct about the 8 pixels. You can also instead subtract 8px from my javascript code above in 2 lines where there are numbers 52 and 23.:

    newTopMargin = 23-8;


    newTopMargin = 52-8;




    Where did you get the first example using unordered list from? Was it from the theme? Because I formatted your html and there is an error in it with an unclosed /ul everywhere. I am looking into this now.

    I just checked and I am getting the correct html for pricing table. Are you using at least v. 1.71 of the theme? If you are not, please updata as there were changes made to the table from the older versions.

    Can you show the page where your code is, because word wrapping can be removed easily with some css.

    *Please read the bottom portion of what I wrote here … You can use the same process to add *any* price table you find on any website to yours.



    in reply to: Removing Image Overlay #126725


    The overlay is a css background color with a % transparency. To remove it please use this

    #top .image-overlay {
    background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);



    in reply to: Grid Blog Format Not Working Properly #126780


    Your OptinSkin plugin is injecting 4 jQuery files in the header and a block of javascript all compressed and all for front end alterations. I can’t tell what it does since its compressed mostly. Can you remove them for now since Your images are also gone in related posts on the bottom after the blog post as well as on the sidebar – popular posts widget. I haven’t seen this type of behavior before.



    in reply to: button in menu #126302


    Ohh, I thought that was the design, lol.

    Ok in that case:

    1) replace the button code you are using with this (i trimmed some of the fat off it, and lot more can go i think, but ok for now):

    .menu #menu-item-2193 a {
    background:#a1ce5e url( repeat-x;
    border-bottom:1px solid #a1ce5e;
    border-left:1px solid #a1ce5e;
    border-right:1px solid #a1ce5e;
    border-top:1px solid #a1ce5e;
    font:normal normal 600 14px 12px 'Open Sans',HelveticaNeue,'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
    height:30px !important;
    line-height: 19px !important;
    outline:rgba(0,0,0,0.5) none 0;
    padding:5px 16px 10px;
    text-shadow:rgba(255,255,255,0.09) 0 1px 0;
    zoom: 1

    2) open up /js/avia.js and find block of code between lines 809-846 and replace it with this one below, they should look nearly identical but for 3 lines:

    function avia_header_size()
    var win = $(window),
    header = $('.fixed_header #header'),
    logo = header.find('.logo img'),
    elements = $('#header_main .container, .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a:not(.avia_mega_div a)'),
    element_button = $('.menu #menu-item-2193 a'),
    el_height = $(elements).filter(':first').height(),
    isMobile = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement,
    scroll_top = $('#scroll-top-link'),
    set_height = function()
    var st = win.scrollTop(), newH = 0, newTopMargin =0;

    if(st < el_height/2)
    newH = el_height - st;
    newTopMargin = 52;
    newH = el_height/2;
    newTopMargin = 23;

    elements.css({height: newH + 'px', lineHeight: newH + 'px'});
    element_button.css({'margin-top': newTopMargin + 'px'});

    if(!header.length) return false;

    return false;


    Ok now if you ever change the menu, when you go to a live server, you need to remember to edit line 815 which has the menu-id hardcoded in there (#menu-item-2193) and to change it, as well as change it in the css, since any new website will obviously have new ID numbers.

    Check you quick css, you have a block of css commented out, dont know if accidently or on purpose starting with this block below the button code –> /*blockquote {



    in reply to: button in menu #126300


    @comlor We need a url at this point since it would turn into a frustrating guessing game otherwise.


    Here is the css to pull up the text into the button

    .menu #menu-item-2193 a {
    top: -40px;
    position: relative;



    in reply to: Google Custom Search #127124


    This is from the plugin.

    Don’t use it. It is not compatible with WordPress 3.52 and throws lots of nasty warnings the moment it is activated. Find something else.



    in reply to: Loss of Formatting with Avia Layout Builder #127054


    That sounds like a low wp memory issue. Please boost your wp memory to 96-128megs. Also check the version you are using as the current version is 1.71.




    If I understood you correctly , you want the information about each product to flow horizontally in rows. I believe the table element had in mind that the information will flow vertically (in columns) .. something along this line ->

    Do you have a url where we can see the code in order for us to give you the css to resolve your issue.



    in reply to: Enfold Twitter/RSS widget #126982


    The Twitter Widget has been disconnected due to the retirement of Twitter API v. 1.0 on June 9, and with the new API v 1.1, Twitter placed some restrictions on the distribution of its proprietary content (your tweets). I think Kriesi will either release an update or perhaps you would be better off getting a plugin to take care of Twitter

    The icon you like is really a glyph, or a font and not an image, so you can add the font wherever you want in any size you want. See –>



    in reply to: Font Farben in Widgets #126954


    Bitte installieren Sie Erweiterter Text Widget Plugin die Ihnen erlauben, Ihre Text-Widgets anpassen viel mit ihren eigenen Klassen sowie Einsatz php oder jQuery direkt im Widget wird. um Farben in einem Textblock hinzuzufügen beinhaltet zwei Schritte.

    1) Umgeben den Text in <p-Tags oder <div-Tags oder am wenigsten aufdringlich sind die <span Tags

    <span class="myclass1">your text</span>

    2) Fügen Sie die Klasse Name, den Sie in Schritt 1 auf die / css / custom.css Datei erfunden, nachdem es Styling

    #top .myclass1{
    font-size: 15px;



    in reply to: How can i insert image to data table? #126697

    Glad that Devin got you squared away. Enjoy the theme!



    in reply to: Problem with sidebar on archive page #124882


    Please update both to 1.71 which is the current version.

    If you need to document differences between two old versions of the theme you can use to get a line by line differences when comparing any two folders. Compare 1.1 folder to 1.6 folder and you will see every single difference between them. Then its a matter of trial and error of changing one block of code in 1.6 at a time (degrading it to 1.1) until you hit the line of code that changes the order of the menu items.

    Your request in my opinion is outside the scope of the support team , however there are many freelance developers available to help you find the answer (if you do not wish to update both to 1.71 thereby resolving your issue).



    in reply to: Contrasts with portfolio and WPLM media #126737


    I did a test and saw no problems with portfolio or categories. I made a video of me doing it, so perhaps you can spot what you do different. I think the main thing are the settings I show with the radio buttons.



    in reply to: Advanced Layerslider – element limitations? #124382


    With managed hosting I am always suspicious about the real memory allocation. In my experience too many places oversell with a 3.99/month hosting promotion that for some reason new clients always fall in love with and then wonder where the bandwidth is when they share the same ip/box with a few thousand like minded bargain hunters.



    in reply to: Problem with sidebar on archive page #124880


    A blog post by definition can be ordered by date, by author, by tag, by category, by title, by id or randomly. You want them ordered in a specific way that are outside the parameters of what a blog post is capable of. You can delete your posts, and enter them again this time in the order you want from last to first , and since blog posts are normally ordered by date, that is how they will be displayed. You can create a custom menu and set the order of posts in that menu and display it as a widget. I have no idea what you are trying to achieve as an end result so there is not much I can suggest, but to me it seems you are trying to use posts as though they were pages.



    in reply to: Reduce size between elements #126786


    Yes. Some elements have a padding option that you should never use if you want it tighter. Others do not and CSS is required to change the margin. I can”t provide you with code since you gave no specifics and each element has its own css.



    in reply to: Grid Blog Format Not Working Properly #126778


    Please add this css to your /css/custom.css to make the page stop jumping each time the slide changes

    .avia-content-slider-active .slide-entry-wrap {
    height: 275px;

    I see you are using the multi-author blog format on your blog page

    If you are still experiencing this problem please set up a blog on a different page using the grid so that we can see what the problem is.



    in reply to: EMAIL FORM ISSUES #126753


    Are you using English? Because there were issues with Cyrillic in the contact form. Besides that, are you sure your smtp or php mail are working? Could you please install this plugin to see if thats the case –



    in reply to: left Side bar excess free space #126643


    You can entirely remove the sidebar and instead add a widget area as an element. This way the top of the page will have a sidebar but when the sidebar runs out, the page will switch to full size. add a 2/3 column element and 1/3 column element and in 1/3 element position the widget area element with a custom sidebar you’ve made containing the widgets you want to display. Then when you added enough content in the left 2/3 column that its now longer than the widgets, you add a 1/1 element under the two above, and continue adding content, this time in full screen.



    in reply to: What have I done wrong? #125760


    I am not sure how else I can help you after showing you a way to do this. As I explained, tables are for tabular data and are not layout elements for images. If you are asking how do you make 6 columns and 1 row to become 3 columns and 2 rows on smaller screen sizes, I don’t think that is possible. My suggestion is to use a gallery since that is what is currently done. Here is a random theme to illustrate my point, about what you are trying to do with the table.

    A border color can be easily changed with css.



    in reply to: Mouse hover effect in blog is missing #126254


    A cdn is not used for php files since those files must be executed by wordpress on the server. Only static content should be added to a cdn : css, js, xml, html, jpg, png, gif, .txt

    Please remember that there are 2 caches. One is on your server that caches a file and serves it to new visitors. However , repeat visitors have a cache on their local computer made by the browser (as directed by the cache plugin to keep it for a month or a year). So deleting one cache doesn’t mean you are looking at the same thing as a first time visitor to your website. Both caches need to be clean.

    If you really have more than 8-10 plugins, you are overdoing it, unless the plugins are not bulky. You should install this plugin with them all running and see what chunk of load time its having + which plugins are slowing you down, you may find the most useless one hogging most of the space.

    Good luck!


    in reply to: Anchor Links with Fixed Header #126147

    No problem. Enjoy the theme!



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