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  • in reply to: Enfold – Team members photo/box alignment #213178

    Thanks but that also centers the bio so that does not work /sadface

    Any idea on how to center the title but not the bio/description

    in reply to: Enfold – Team members photo/box alignment #212060

    Nevermind I think I ll play with the width of the team members images instead of spending too much time trying to tweak the css

    That s what I call awesome support.
    Thanks Peter worked like a charm and one less plugin to have running

    Nevermind, found them being set in the Functions-enfold.php lol the only place I didn t look
    'html' => "<div class='{class} title_container'><div class='container'><{heading} class='main-title entry-title'>{title}</{heading}>{additions}</div></div>",

    in reply to: Enfold – Fullwidth Gallery centering #204428

    this also now centers the text :(
    Is there a way to only align the gallery and not touch the text?

    in reply to: Enfold – Fullwidth Gallery centering #204319

    Can t do as this is an internal build

    I think to test you only need to look at a fullwidth page and change

    #top .fullsize .template-blog .post .entry-content-wrapper > * {
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;
        max-width: 1100px;

    then add images to a gallery and you should see the image gallery being left justified because there is a Float left somewhere
    Its really no big deal just that if you want to center like the title its rather difficult.

    Happy New Year again :)

    in reply to: Update Problem – Fatal Error #202248

    I posted about this also yesterday.
    Can t be a coincidence that several of us have had fatal errors while doing the dashboard update
    Maybe you should disable the intheme update until you figure out why some of us are getting fatal errors

    in reply to: error after update #201716

    I just updated the theme from the wordpress dashboard, it killed the site
    The site was stuck in maintenance, removed the .maintenance file getting blank page

    No time to troubleshoot so I am reinstalling WP and the new version of the theme
    Not sure I will ever trust the automatic update now, gave two fatal errors while upgrading but was too busy trying to resolve that I didn t screenshot them.

    Just so you know something was very fishy with the automatic update

    Thankfully this was not production but a sub folder used for testing

    Thanks for the response, that s what I thought.
    So I made a new layout for certain posts, then I rendered a page with the parallax effect, then copied the code an inserted it in the new layout I made. This requires a little work and I could describe it more in details if someone needs it but now I have a parallax effect for some of the posts I want that use that custom look.

    I can now make a handful of looks where there is a large parallax background on the top of some of the posts. When a post is about “Restaurants” for example, I pick the layout that has the parallax effect with a large image of the inside of a restaurant. When I have a post about a movie theater I pick the layout for posts with a Large theater background image…maybe an idea to incorporate in a future version as custom posts layout is really helpful

    in reply to: Enfold Feature Requests #192628

    Having more control of the Featured Image would be great

    At the moment you can not set a particular size for the Featured image so that on a post with fullwidth you are stuck with a giant image instead of being able to select one that could be less tall. The feature image works very well for thumbnails on other pages referencing the article/post but if lets say you want the featured image at the top of a fullwidth post to be a particular height for example you must remove the featured image and add an image manually and it will be below the meta infos meaning you have to modify the js to make ALL images on fullwidth to be a certain size.

    The best solution would be a featured image for thumbnails references on other page and a customizable featured image on the post/page itself so one could decide what should be the width and height or have the same options to pick the options from 80×80 to fullsize.

    At the moment the only solution I found was to remove the giant size image at the top of the fullwidth layout and reference a custom field that points to the image to be picked up. That gives way more control of what the size of the featured image should be for each post/page and it also leaves the Featured image to still be used on other pages.

    I hope this makes sense :)

    I see…so you would have to build the whole page via the default interface to be able to add elements within a tab.

    in reply to: Better hosting for Enfold #189107

    Not sure I agree that finding a host close to you is important as with all things being equal the time to access your site should be relatively the same from Australia to Tokyo or Paris.

    What is more important is the tech support you get and how quick can you get it. We use Hostway. I think they are based in Chicago and in Texas and we have dedicated servers so we get quick and excellent support. To me its the quality of the tech support that matters when your site becomes the target of a dos attack or a hack…how quick the techs are able to help you and work on your issue. Being able to pick up the phone and talk to someone in less than a minute and knowing that the person is a unix/php/mysql admin really helps with peace of mind.

    With dedicated servers you know you will get easy and quick service usually because your machine and database are not shared. With ANY service provider where you will be on a shared server then you take the risk that your site could go down or slow to a crawl due to another site creating infinite loops or database errors or simply using too many resources.

    If you are serious about hosting you need to find a host that provides a good dedicated hosting for a low fee and be sure you can get in touch with tech support 24hrs a day. Also make sure they offer daily backups. Some companies don t offer direct backups of mysql so ask them to create a nightly cron job that dumps the database in a folder above your www root so nobody can access it besides via ftp and back those up yourself once a week. Having a local backup of the mysql database can save you an awful lot of time when doing a restore.

    My 2 cents

    EDIT: Wpengine seems to be good and serious (an really cheap) but I doubt you get a dedicated server. I suspect you have a cloud site meaning you are still suceptible to other sites taking your down as you share resources. The good thing with them is that they focus on WP hosting so they should be expert at database recovery and hosting for WP sites

    in reply to: Enfold Bug – Buttons in sidebar, text color issue #187593

    Thanks Devin
    Just what I needed. I didin t know about the ‘custom’ option, this worked like a charm.
    I would strongly recommend adding your code as an example on this page to let people know…unless I missed it in the docs.

    Thanks again

    in reply to: Enfold Bug – Buttons in sidebar, text color issue #186508

    Sorry…did not work. The theme is rewriting on top of the custom css for this one.
    I ll try to install on an external site but that did not work, the sidebar still picks the theme font color and overides the button css

    in reply to: Enfold – Turn off mobile version, force same look #185944

    Thank you for the response but that is not what I wanted

    By mobile version I mean that the phone version gives a rather annoying long menu list of all the menu options.
    Lets say I have 4 main menus and each have 10 sub menus. On the homepage only 4 menus shows unless you mouseover.
    On mobile/ipad the menus are replaced with an icon for menu that when you click it gives you the very long list of lets say those 40 options.

    What I want is for mobile and ipads to see the exact same menus as browsers and not being given a leaner site.
    I am fine with the content re arranging itself depending on the screen size but the menu system takes way too much space and is too long in mobile. That s what i want to disable…the reformating of the mobile menus.

    Thanks in advance

    in reply to: Enfold Bug – Buttons in sidebar, text color issue #185936

    As I mentioned this is an internal site so no links and that is why I gave the procedure to reproduce.

    I noticed that the font color for the buttons in the sidebar is taken from the Main content Font Color. Change the default font color to red in the Main Content Style tab and the button default color is now red.
    Does this help?
    If the button is in a page then it seems the button text color takes over, if the button is in the sidebar then the site Main Content Font Color is used instead
    I tested it both with the shortcode version and the html output version and both give the same results

    [av_button color='#FFFFFF' label='Click me' link='manually,' link_target='' color='blue' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' size='medium' position='center' icon_select='yes' icon='ue80c' font='entypo-fontello']
    <div class="avia-button-wrap avia-button-center avia-builder-el-0 avia-builder-el-no-sibling ">
    <a class="avia-button avia-icon_select-yes avia-color-blue avia-size-medium avia-position-center " href="">
    <span class="avia_button_icon" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello" data-av_icon="" aria-hidden="true"></span>
    <span class="avia_iconbox_title">Click me</span>
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Monsoon.
    in reply to: Enfold Feature Requests #184621

    – I will add my request for being able to use Masonry in a fixed width…not sure why the only option was fullwidth
    – It would be nice to have as an option the same header option as on this site ie social icons right of menus
    – Customization of Feature Image as in previous themes like Corona where the Featured Image could be linked, not linked, custom url’ed and text captioned
    – in theme option to have a fixed sidebar when scrolling down to avoid wasting a lot of white space on long posts/pages
    – Accordion slider from corona option. This is enormously helpfull for websites that run many events as a simple way to show what s coming

    ok so no way to add something to the img or href tag?

    Its either all off or all on?

    in reply to: Tooltips #116199

    What i meant is isnt’t there a way to simply add something to the href that would bring a tooltip…lets say for a normal link for example so that you can have tooltips on any href or img you want

    in reply to: Portfolio Order #116196

    I was able to re order them using a plugin:

    But I would prefer not having to. Any recommendations?

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