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  • in reply to: Woocommerce Payment checkout #1317821

    Thank mike,
    I decided to do a restore of backup, and re-updated almost everything on a staging site, and got it all back to normal. ( does indeed pay to have backups!)
    Thanks for the info on the Parallex, I’ll modify them as you suggested.

    Thanks for your great support.

    in reply to: Top Menu instantly goes shrunken size (know as small!) #1267119

    Thanks, of all the things I didn’t check, is the version! Doh! I totally forgot to add the token for update checks..

    This has resolved the issue, thanks, please set the issue as solved.

    in reply to: Home Pages not showing up. #1264414

    Oh sorry Jordan, I should have said, please close the topic. All is fine for me.

    in reply to: Home Pages not showing up. #1264224

    I have found the issue.

    For whatever reason Siteground cached this page, just enabling the Sitegroud “SG Optimizer” plugin and everything was working.
    I had disabled as I was developing the site on a local WP NAS box.

    I can assume some reason that siteground plugin thought nothing had changed ever! even with the plugin disabled just decided to give the initial setup of site as the page results.

    Natural with admin backend it maybe just does things differently and all working fine from admin perspective.

    I hope if anyone comes across this issue can find this answer here.

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