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@luizomf except that i see two images with same size (single-shop) all looks fine. And I see you at least have jetpack and a plugin from yith active. Those may influence the product image display.
@richard the forum contains multiple threads about issues with woocommerce 3.0. Enfold as of 4.0.5 is in fact not fully compatible with with woocommerce 3.0. Search the forum or visit this thread as a starting point.
April 9, 2017 at 11:47 am in reply to: WooCommerce 3 issue when using [product_page id="xx"] #774892I have narrowed the issue down to a “timing” problem (priority of hooks) and reported the issue to woocommerce. Anyone interested in this issue can follow it at github.
@mimmt sorry my fault. I was expecting an error message onscreen. Quick look in the php error.log reveals the error. Bug confirmed and caused by Enfold replacing the display of upsell products (Content Buffering !). The called function woocommerce_upsell_display() has changed in WooCommerce 3.0 from the classic WP-Query approach to the new CRUD approach.
Either you don’t use the product_page shortcode or you skip the display of upsell products if the shortcode is used by using the following temporary fix in the functions.php file of a child theme
add_action( 'wp', 'mmx_fix_enfold_for_woo3' ); function mmx_fix_enfold_for_woo3() { global $post; if( has_shortcode( $post->post_content, 'product_page') ) { remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'avia_woocommerce_output_upsells', 21); } }
Although the issue is caused by replacing the call to woocommerce_upsell_display() with a custom call it is NOT a problem of Enfold. I just tested it with other themes and get the same result if I remove the original hook and add my own. I will keep you informed.
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
mensmaximus. Reason: Reason of issue corrected
@luizomf did you use the basic solution? Do you have by any chance a plugin installed to modify the gallery display? And scrolling by mouse wheel works fine.
April 9, 2017 at 12:27 am in reply to: WooCommerce 3 issue when using [product_page id="xx"] #774753@mimmt I cant confirm that issue. Despite the fact the layout will be awful while using that shortcode with the advanced editor there is no error. Try to deactivate all plugins except woocommerce and test again.
@luizomf this issues has been discussed in many threads:
Basic Solution
Enhanced Solution@dethfire I suggest you use the filter hook ‘avf_modify_thumb_size’ in a child theme rather then modifying the functions.php file in the parent theme. Using the filter you can easily unset specific sizes without having to change anything after an update. Just keep in mind the removed size will still appear in the size selector box in the media gallery while adding images to posts, pages and layout elements.
@nonne Post, Pages and Attachments are stored in the Posts Table and use the same mechanism to be saved. The sanitation and verification of slugs therefore take the names of all this post types into account. I already told you “Anyway you have a page, post, custom posttype entry, attachment or revision of one of them in your database wich causes the new entry to get renamed while saving by appending ‘dash’ and ‘amount of entries with same name’.”
@martin_e83 I tried the ‘shop >’ button and confirm the issue. However this seems not to be a pure Enfold issue. I just checked the wordpress shortcode parser and there you need to use ‘& g t ;’ because an angle bracket brakes the attribute parser. The problem: If you use ‘& g t ;’ it will be displayed as angel bracket next time you open the editor and voila saving the post will break the code. This is an interesting issue that needs some intensive testing with other themes and some self developed shortcodes to test different scenarios.
@nonne including the phrase like ‘my-example-image’ or matching ‘example’? If it is an exact match you found the issue.
April 8, 2017 at 4:28 pm in reply to: A way to add something at the bottom of every post in a category at one time #774560@lucille multiple posts for the same issue are contra productive. You best stay with one post and if a solution does not fit your needs just answer and others can reply. This will prevent duplicate answers.
April 8, 2017 at 4:25 pm in reply to: Product variation images not showing after latest Enfold update #774559April 8, 2017 at 3:16 pm in reply to: Replace 'Login', 'Registration' in secondary menu with logged in username #774534@flattext hopefully you made this changes in a child theme otherwise you will loose the customization with the next theme update
@anne-iys87 setup a static page and use the blog element from the advanced layout editor. In the enfold settings und blog layout select the layout editor.
@christianenglen without the layout architect you cant control the sidebar on single product pages in enfold out of the box. Even utilizing the ‘avia_layout_filter’ filter hook wont work. The layout is fixed and the sidebar is displayed below the single product image. The only way to get around this would be to unhook enfolds ‘avia_woocommerce_before_main_content’ function and to write your own.
@nonne yes revisions should get deleted if a post gets deleted permanently using wp_delete_post(). But I have seen many odd things done by developers in the past years. Therefore I suggest looking for orphaned revisions. Maybe I should have answered in more detail in the first step. Anyway you have a page, post, custom posttype entry, attachment or revision of one of them in your database wich causes the new entry to get renamed while saving by appending ‘dash’ and ‘amount of entries with same name’. Do you have knowledge in MySQL and do you know how to work with phpMyAdmin? If you do just search for the ‘example’ slug ( LIKE ‘example%’ ) in the posts table and you will see which entry is conflicting.
April 8, 2017 at 1:14 pm in reply to: How to disable magnific popup for a particular element #774486@architchandra I dont know your plugin put if possible apply the css class ‘noLightbox’ to it and enfold will ignore that link/image
@martin_e83 I just tested this with the button element from enfolds layout architect and put ‘< shop >’ into the text field. The button shows the text on the web page. I have than added addditional elements to the site and saved again multiple times. The text on the button did not change and shows ‘< shop >’ all the time.
Look into the developer console of your browser and you will see you have an access forbidden error. You either have wrong file or owner permissions or an .htaccess protection on one or more of your subdirectories. A firewall or security plugin may cause that issue as well.
April 8, 2017 at 11:11 am in reply to: Enfold Template: Problems after update with avia modules? #774444@dheimberg do you by chance have PHP 7 or 7.1 active? I ask because I have seen this three times in the last days and the error message ” session_start(): open(/nhldata/072/99072/tmp/phpsession/sess_a0983d269f11859c11ab89089c33777e, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13)” sounds familiar to me. As a temporary fix you might return to PHP 5.6. Actually I had no time to debug the issue with my customers so I can’t be more of help right now.
@nmoi If the layerslider shows up in the plugin list than you could check with ftp if there is a layerslider directory within /wp-content/plugins/. Depending on how old your installations is and how many developers or freelancers worked on it one may have copied the layerslider directory from enfold to /wp-content/plugins. This was recommended for those who wanted to use the layerslider shortcode within template overloads. I have seen this a couple of times and as time goes by those modifications may be forgotten about.
@codecreative from an other thread (the hooks) I assume you are an advanced user or even a developer in his early stages. I encourage you to work with css files in your child theme and not to use quick css. This has the advantage of individual load time priorities to make sure those rules are loaded late and in the footer if needed. The quick css is fine for normal users needing a small customization.
@cykelstyrken take a look in /enfold/includes/helper-main-menu.php. You will find a couple of action hooks that can be used to add extra content. Some of them are dependent on the header style you have chosen in the enfold setting (e.g. menu below). First of all you need a child theme either to use the hooks in the functions.php of the child or to overload templates.
For example if one would like to have the search box above the header you would use the following function and style it via css:
add_action ( 'ava_main_header', 'mmx_header_search' ); function mmx_header_search() { echo '<div id="mmx_header_search">' . get_search_form(false) . '</div>'; }
To get the header style like in your example you could use the enfold header style ‘logo left, menu below’ and add the following code to your child themes functions.php:
add_action ( 'ava_before_bottom_main_menu', 'mmx_header_search' ); function mmx_header_search() { echo '<div id="mmx_header_search" style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 2em; right: 3em;">' . get_search_form(false) . '</div>'; }
This examples should give you an idea how to accomplish this task and where to start. Have fun.
April 8, 2017 at 8:47 am in reply to: Woocommerce Error Messages and big fonts after upgrading Enfold and Woocommerce #774377@nonne you need to delete the revision of the old example page too. As long as the revision exist you can’t rename the new page slug. You can easily delete revisions with a plugin like
@maxisgoinghome I did not check your site ;-) until now. Nice work!
@maxisgoinghome if you are on WC 3 your best option is to apply my solution to have 100% working shop.
If you got no new orders since the update you can manually remove the woocommerce files via ftp. and upload the former version. If you got new orders I do not recommend a roll back because the version of woocommerce is stored with the order which may cause problems if an order has a higher version than the active woocommerce version.
If you want a quick, easy and reliable solution take a look at
If you want a native solution you can use e.g. the enfold action hook ‘ava_before_footer’ in a child theme.
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by