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  • Hi!

    After some debugging it seems this seems to be a z index issue that can be resolved by adding this to your custom.css stylesheet in folder /css/ or to the quick-css panel located in your wordpress backend at Enfold->Styling:

    .avia_mobile #top .av-parallax-section{z-index: 0;}

    This will of course also be added to the next update :)


    in reply to: Items not clickable on iOS devices #238951


    After some debugging it seems this seems to be a z index issue that can be resolved by adding this to your custom.css stylesheet in folder /css/ or to the quick-css panel located in your wordpress backend at Enfold->Styling:

    .avia_mobile #top .av-parallax-section{z-index: 0;}

    This will of course also be added to the next update :)


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 12 months ago by Kriesi.
    in reply to: Enfold Demo not shrinking menu on tablets #238935


    This is intended behavior. Since android and ios dont execute scripts when scrolling the header shrinking would happen without animation and it would also reduce the click size of the main menu, which is also not really recommended so I disabled that behavior by default

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Fullscreen slider button link to page removed? #238887


    this is because of a limitation in the framework that I was not able to fix yet. Each Modal window currently only allows a single “linkpicker”. Adding multiple ones unfortunately messes things up and fixing the whole thing will take at least 1-2 days. Its on the todo list but there are a lot of issues and requests with higher priority so right now you will have to do with a simple text input field.

    Sorry for that


    in reply to: Anchor Text not working on iOS #237658


    Just to keep you updated: I am investigating the issue and once I find a fix will release another update, probably at the beginning of the next week ;)


    in reply to: LayerSlider Enfold 2.6 Issue on Safari #237297

    Hey jeff!

    Sorry for the delay. did some testing but could not figure out what is causing the problem on your installation. I have uploaded the previous version of the layerslider which at least seems to work. Would recommend to stay on this version of the slider for a few releases, since its probably a bug with the layerslider that I can’t fix right now and needs to be addressed by the creator :/

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Enfold seems to add cache-disabling headers #237134


    Unfortunately I have no idea were this is coming from since enfold itself is not sending any additional headers. I did a quick source code check for some keywords like “must-revalidate” and there are non in the source code so I am not sure why this is happening for you :/


    in reply to: Header issues after updating to version 2.6 #235982

    Just checked your site: you are using a child theme with header.php file which overwrites the new header.php file and therefore the styles are not applied. you need to base your child themes header.php file on the new one :)

    in reply to: Header issues after updating to version 2.6 #235977



    without the link to your site there is no way your access data is going to help me :D

    Best regards,



    In your case the server was causing the problem and the codesnippet in the first post by @robinwo solved the issue. Just in case that you ever run into that problem again please try to add this snippet to your .htaccess file :)

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by Kriesi.
    in reply to: Header issues after updating to version 2.6 #235966

    Hey guys!

    Version 2.6.1 is already out now. please do an update and let me know if it helps. If it does not: please post a link to your site as well as the login credentials to your site in a private reply if you didnt already do that


    in reply to: Video features are messed up in version 2.6 #235962


    Thats planned in the long run, but there were simply to many incompatibilities for now to make that a viable user experience. Each service (youtube, vimeo, self hosted) had its own set of problems that a user needs to be aware of and this is nothing I consider a good experience for the people building the site…

    I will see what we can do in the future to streamline the experience and once I am satisfied I will release that update :)

    in reply to: LayerSlider Enfold 2.6 Issue on Safari #235960

    Hey Jeff!

    Yep stil working on your version. Unfortunately its already 11pm here in austria so I guess I will not be able to fix it today, unless I find the solution within the next few minutes ;P


    in reply to: LayerSlider Enfold 2.6 Issue on Safari #235936


    I think you are save. it seems the topic creator only got the private mails. I just changed that as well so this should never happen again, thanks for the notice ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Video features are messed up in version 2.6 #235919

    Hey stenblokken!

    Thanks for the notice. I am currently uploading a patch with a few bugfixes. among them is a better mobile detection that will no longer trigger on chrome on windows 7 :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Mobile Site Rotation Problem #235916

    I changed your theme settings to the way it is now and posted the screenshot. “Full width” was previously enabled and I disabled it ;)
    Glad it works now

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by Kriesi.

    @worko: think I found the issue. next update will be released in a few hours ;)

    I am closing this thread for now to prevent further hijacking. If you encounter problems after the next update feel free to open another one ;)

    in reply to: Mobile Site Rotation Problem #235909

    I just deactivated it on your slider. Please try it on your mobile device. it works fine on my ipad now

    in reply to: LayerSlider Enfold 2.6 Issue on Safari #235906

    Good to know :)
    So I guess you can pretty much ignore my previous 2 posts about plugins, older layerslider versions and whatnot ;D
    I also responded to your other thread, rotation resize seems to work fine now on my ipad

    in reply to: Mobile Site Rotation Problem #235901


    its actually super easy: just an option in the backend that needs to be deactivated. layerslider has a “compatibility fullwidth” mode for themes that do not support fullwidth out of the box and this is somehow causing the issue. Deactivating this mode makes the layeslider resize properly on rotation:


    in reply to: LayerSlider Enfold 2.6 Issue on Safari #235899

    ok. is it just me or did the slider suddenly start working correctly?

    in reply to: In reply to: Enfold 2.6 Image Handling #235871

    Hey Jakob!
    The next update should fix the issue. should be released later today ;)

    in reply to: Enfold 2.6 Image Handling #235868


    Found the problem. an update later today will fix the issue ;)
    I am closing this for now, if you got a problem with version 2.6.1 let me know :)


    in reply to: LayerSlider Enfold 2.6 Issue on Safari #235789

    addition: how did you guys update the theme? One thing that I found both your themes have in common is the fact that when you click on the “plugins” menu item in your backend you can still see the layerslider menu item in the sidebar.

    This is something that should not happen (thats a precaution if someone wants to activate the “real” layerslider plugin from the plugin folder) This behavior was added with the latest version and it might simply be that there are one or more files which are not properly updated on both installations…

    in reply to: LayerSlider Enfold 2.6 Issue on Safari #235784

    Hey Guys!

    Unfortunately there is not much I can say at the moment without further investigation…
    You 2 seem to have very different issues with the slider and I cant tell yet why this is happening. I would like to try and install a fresh version of the slideshow files in order to test if anything was corrupted. would you mind posting me your ftp credentials as well?

    : the backend is running fine at your installation, and actually the front end as well (no javascript errors of any kind). the only problem is that for some unkown reason the layerslider calculates the image height and width with 0 which basically makes them invisible. I am not sure why this happens but before you send me the ftp data you can also try to disable the 17 plugins you are running, maybe one of them is causing a problem…

    : your backend on the other hand is throwing a lot of javascript errors. i did a quick google search and it seems that this is also happening for other themes so not sure if I can do anything in that case but to report the issue and wait for a new version of the slider. but I will try to upload the latest 2 versions and see if something changes if you post me the ftp data



    please post a link to your site so we can take a look :)


    in reply to: enfold > bbpress > thread #235573

    No unfortunately not, sorry. Can’t really say which of the dozens of login widgets out there does the best job :/


    Uploaded the files again (exactly the ones in the 2.6 folder) and it seems to once again work. Not sure why this is happening for you. Your steps in general are nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe filezilla is causing problems here… not sure why this could happen.

    Would recommend to try and use the auto update feature for the next release, maybe this works better


    in reply to: Layer Slider vs. Revolution Slider #235561


    At the time of building the theme I liked the 3d transitions that were not available in rev slider back then :) Thats pretty much all there is to it :)


    in reply to: Latest Theme Update Damaged Blog Page & Home Page Fonts #235538

    Update: i was able to identify and fix the blog image problem as well. update should be available within the next 12 hours or so :)

    If you got any issues after the update let me know ;)

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by Kriesi.
Viewing 30 posts - 811 through 840 (of 1,282 total)