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  • in reply to: Licence transfer #348535


    Did you create your current forum account with the license key from this client? If thats the case I can remove the license key from our database so its possible for her to register a new account here if needed.

    As for theme updates: directly downloading updates from themeforest will only work with the account used to purchase the theme and there is nothing I can do about that. Thats something only envato could change if they wanted. However you can set up her backend at enfold->updates with account name and API key so she can update the theme from the backend. Hope this is sufficient :)


    in reply to: banners in header WHAT WORKS? #348164

    Apart from the fact that support is not mandatory on themeforest and not part of the purchase you make, we do try to offer it nevertheless, because we simply think its good business. And even though customizations are usually not part of our support I think we could have solved this problem. But asking for free support and customization and at the same time dropping a one star rating is so disrespectful that I will now simply close this thread.

    Advice for the future: Would recommend to not try and bully other authors with one star ratings since it might get you banned from themeforest.

    in reply to: Toggle customisation #347205

    Hi Marie!

    I am glad you understand. The problem is not the money. We would gladly provide all the customizations for you if we had the time for that but we currently simply lack the manpower. The problem is that if we solve all of those customization requests that our other customers need to wait longer until we can fix their problems ;)

    Thats why I think it would be smart for you to hire a developer for a few hours at who can help you to get the things done that the theme can’t do out of the box :)

    I wont charge you for the previous requests and I got no problems if you ask for help if you run into an actual problem (a bug, incompatibility with a plugin etc) but I think it would be great for everyone if you could handle customizations with the help of an external developer ;)


    PS: currently also has a promo running and they give 20$ for free to new customers, so good timing on that ;)

    in reply to: Zoom plugins not working #347004

    I just checked it on my local installation and the plugin seems to have changed in a way that it now completely messes up the enfold code structure. I am afraid that right now the plugin and the theme are not compatible, even if they were at some point in the past :/


    in reply to: Zoom plugins not working #346997

    Hey GCSkye!

    Can you create us a hidden test page (you can password protect it so users cant see it) ;)


    in reply to: Toggle customisation #346911

    Hey Marie!
    Here we go, I think this is all you need: (your other code changes should not be necessary)

    /*toggle iicon on the right*/
    .mc-toggle-team-member .av_toggle_section .toggle_icon {
    left: auto;
    right: 0px;
    top: 0;
    /*toggle header - no border and bg color*/
    .mc-toggle-team-member .av_toggle_section .toggler, 
    .mc-toggle-team-member .av_toggle_section .toggler:hover{
    border: none;
    padding: 0;
    background: transparent;
    /*highlighted toggle icon*/
    .mc-toggle-team-member .av_toggle_section .toggler:hover .toggle_icon, 
    .mc-toggle-team-member .av_toggle_section .toggler:hover .toggle_icon>span{
    border-color: #00C472;
    /*toggle content with border top, no padding, no bg color*/
    .mc-toggle-team-member .av_toggle_section .toggle_content {
    border: none;
    background: transparent;
    padding: 0;
    border-top: 1px solid #E4E4E4;
    margin-top: 9px;

    Please be aware that in general our support covers bugfixes and problems with the theme and we don’t do customizations. Of course we will help with the occasional customization request nevertheless ;)

    However I took a look at your accounts post history and you seem to need a lot of customization help so I would kindly ask you to use a service like for customizations that go beyond small fixes that require a simple 3 line css rule ;)

    There are quite a few CSS/Wordpress experts there who are really affordable ;)


    Just checking before I edit anything else: You are currently running 63 plugins which is really quite a lot. Since you are having an issue that others do not have my best bet is that we are facing a plugin conflict. Have you at any time tried to disable your plugins to see if that solves the problem?


    in reply to: LayerSlider is not responsive #346397


    I removed all the fixes, I think the only issue you were encountering is actually that the image you used as a background image was not large enough. I replaced your current image with the larger version. I also changed the value for the “responsive under” setting in the slider options to 1140px and it now seems to work fine for me on all screen sizes.

    Can you confirm that this is the way its supposed to be?


    PS: i am talking about the large image version of the first slide of the frontpage: – i havent changed the other images so you apparently would need to replace those with larger images as well

    in reply to: List of Entries by Author #346393

    Hey momon!

    I am afraid this is not that easy. The author page query is a default wordpress query that does not include any custom post types like the “portfolio” post type. My first idea was to search for a plugin for that but it seems there are none. All I could come up with is a a bunch of tutorials that allow you to add a few filter functions to your functions.php file to add this:

    eg: – you need to make sure to also add the “portfolio” post type to the post type array mentioned in the tutorial ;)


    in reply to: Probleme mit Responsive Layout Windows Phone #346391


    Da ich leider kein Windows Phone besitze: könntest du uns evtl einen screenshot posten? Vielleicht hilft uns das schon.
    Auf mobilen geräten erhält das html element die klasse “avia_mobile”. auf windows solltest du dann also extra CSS regeln via

    .avia_mobile.avia-msie oder .avia_mobile.avia-windows hinzufügen können


    in reply to: issue with portfolio items and portfolio view #346389

    glad you fund the problem. its probably an incompatibility with WPML and the plugin, rather than the theme and the plugin so I would recommend to let the WPML team know ;)


    Hey Guys!

    Please also add a link to your site as well as the login credentials (in the “private data” field) , so we can take a look at your backend.


    in reply to: The Events Calendar 404 page #346243

    Yes, the fix will be added to version 3.0.3 which will probably be ready later this week ;)

    in reply to: Auto Suggest Funktion der Suche #346241


    Leider konnte ich auch nicht feststellen warum die ajax suche und die normal suche da nicht ordentlich zusammenspielen wollen, fürchte aber fast das die von dir vorgeschlagene option die einfachste und beste ist, nämlich die ajax suche zu deaktivieren.

    Die beste Möglichkeit wenn du auch in Zukunft das theme updaten willst ohne jedes mal die modifikation erneut durchzuführen wäre es unser Enfold Child theme zu aktivieren und diese zeilen in der functions.php hinzuzufügen:

    add_action('avf_frontend_search_form_param', 'av_disable_ajax_search',9);
    function av_disable_ajax_search($params)
    	$params['ajax_disable'] = true;
    	return $params;


    ps: falls das mit dem updaten nicht so wichtig ist kannst du auch die von Elliott beschrieben lösung verwenden ;)

    in reply to: Shortcode not working in Catalogue #346225

    Thanks for the notice, we will add this fix to the next theme version as well (3.03)


    in reply to: Noindex subpages of archives when using avia builder 'blog' #346215


    The problem in this case is that due to the flexibility of the builder you are actually using a default “page” as a blog. However wordpress and other seo plugins usually dont want to prevent indexing of those pages, because most of the time they are actually not overview pages like in this case but pages with unique content that is distributed among several subpages.

    I will see if there is a smart solution that I can apply but right now I am afraid you will indeed need to use the approach that Isamel suggested

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Unable to edit gallery on ipad #346210


    Just checked it on my ipad. Adding captions works fine for me but moving images does not work. However it also does not work when I use the default wordpress theme so this currently seems to be an issue with wordpress itself and as ismael mentioned a limitation that the iPad currently has. Once the WordPress team updates the core files accordingly drag and drop will also work for the enfold theme ;)


    Hey Guys!

    I think I was able to improve compatibility so the content checker of the plugin should now find at least all content that is added in content areas (eg: textblock, the description in iconboxes and tabs and toggles etc)

    We will release this update (version 3.03) during the next few days.

    Best regards,

    PS: @matthewwoodard: since your issue is probably not related to this thread: please make sure that you run the latest versions of wordpress, the theme and the plugin. If the issues persists feel free to open up a new thread ;)

    in reply to: The Events Calendar 404 page #346197


    I was able to add a small workaround to the breadcumb navigation so the user does no longer see the error 404, however the plugin itself sets all the variables that tell wordpress to handle the page as a 404 page, so although I added a quickfix the real issue is not with the theme but with the plugin.

    This is something that might change in the future according to the threads that Ismael found but we will need to wait for to implement those changes in the plugin core.


    in reply to: Fullwidth Sub Menu Alignment Issues #346047


    Next small update will include a few bugfixes regarding the mobile version of the submenu and also add some styling options ;)


    in reply to: Single Post Image Problem #345772


    Seems to be an oversight with the post image format. we will change that with the next update ;)

    in reply to: iPhone 6 issues? #343793

    Checked. Looks perfectly fine on my iPhone6. No error messages or any other weird stuff.
    Everything loads fine…

    Hey Val!

    Its something that I hope to add again in the future, but right now I had to remove any kind of deep integration because it caused more problems than it solved (especially if there were 2 or more big plugins like woocommerce, yoast seo and WPML invloved)


    There are several reason I cant really believe that the theme update is responsible for you rank change. First of all: the frontend output has not changed a bit. Your source code looks the same with version 2.8 and 3.0.2. I can tell that because there is not a single template file that was changed and the template builder elements have changed only marginally (an extra div, or an extra class), certainly nothing that would cause google to kill your rank.

    I am also running enfold on several sites (eg: ) and our rank has not changed a bit. I think its more likely that you might be affected by one of the recent google search engine changes.

    It might be that the theme has worked better with yoast plugin in previous versions, but my guess is that somewhere in the last months they have changed something as well, because when I look at how the content keyword count in the backend currently works (a javascript counter that does not track the field where enfold saves the output of the template builder) its pretty much impossible that it would have ever worked with this way. So my guess is that not only Enfold has changed but the SEO plugin as well.


    in reply to: Urgent: Need to disable widget areas #343648


    I am actually not sure what you mean by “Enfold not following WordPress practices” Enfold adds its widgets exactly like its recommended on the official wordpress codex page:

    If you have any additional insight or resources feel free to let me know ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: SEO #343638


    Google states that the description shown in the search result is not necessarily the description you used on your homepage. The description on google is tailored to the search term and might change depending on what and how you search…

    Best regards,

    in reply to: iPhone 6 issues? #343633


    Just checked the sites with my iPhone 6 and everything looks perfectly fine for me, so yes, we might need some screenshots…


    in reply to: Yoast SEO Plug IN #343617

    Hi Ed!

    The latest issue (3.02) is a feature not a bug. I explain it in the thread. As for the other problems: I am afraid I have no idea why the theme and the plugin dont work well together and especially that the problems are so erratic and almost always impossible to reproduce for us.

    Thats the reason this takes so long, because its basically a try and error approach with each new release. It works fine for 99% of our customers and also for us.

    Every new version that I release works perfectly fine for me on multiple setups, yet there are always a few customers who report issues. I hope to figure that out but currently I can’t promise that the latest version will fix any issues that users are having.

    Best regards,

    The warning occurs because I have added it to the template builder. The problem is that there is no way for the SEO plugin to properly fetch the content of the advanced layout builder. That does not mean that the plugin does not work with the theme. It just means that it can’t tell you right away in your backend about the content that has been used. Basically all that is disabled is counting the number of keywords in your backend and showing it to you.

    It will work fine in the frontend and google will see every bit of content as well as the enhancements provided by the SEO plugin :)


    PS: If that wasn’t clear: thats a message we display on purpose. Its a feature not a bug. If we wouldn’t do that you would always see a zero.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Kriesi.
    in reply to: Enfold and #342736


    Only thing that I can tell you is that the theme checks performed by this website are extremely arbitrary. Every theme on themeforest has to pass the themecheck plugin that is mentioned on the website, but this website itself adds so many questionable rules that I cant imagine that any theme with more than basic functionality can pass.

    Eg: It throws errors for base64encoding data or iframes within the code. Those are necessary for data import/export and video embedding. The plugin checks for those functions because people who rip the theme and upload it for others on pirating sites often add their own code or backdoors using these methods. Thats obviously not what we do, yet the thinks, that because these functions are available in the theme, that it has been compromised, which is of course not the case. Thats pretty much true for all the security errors and warnings…

    What you get in the end is an endless list of false positives because the website labels a ton of perfectly valid functions and methods as “evil”, without the possibility to distinguish if its used to add malicious code or for genuine features…


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