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  • Hi,

    thank you for your reply, and thanks for the clarification that

    the removal of content (including table headings, and table content) is intended behavior of the Enfold theme. (For me this does not feel like that should be the intention :-D)


    if you say yes, do you confirm this as a bug in the enfold theme css? (because my fix is NOT in the enfold)

    Or is the removing of the table intentional on small devices?!

    View post on


    it is only working because of the fix I applied manually as mentioned.
    Yet if that css code is disabled (e.g. with developer tools in a browser: In Firefox Developer Edition: Select the empty area around one of the table headings->right click->inspect this element-> developer tools open -> applied css rules are shown, the top one is my fixed one (with display:block) and the one below is the original one (with display:none) ) the described issue reappers (yes I have cleared all cache also on the website).

    Unfortunately I can not upload images here…

    Modifications from “config-events-calendar” are still present!

    Anyway I tracked down the problem:

    Enfold renders the a single event with its own template offered in “wp-content/themes/enfold/config-events-calendar/views/single-event.php”. There it renders the meta information two times! (TWO TIMES, important in a moment). It creates a “av-single-event-meta-bar-mobile” and a “av-single-event-meta-bar-desktop”. The bar-mobile is hidden on desktop devices and the desktop bar on mobile devices. Despite being hidden, the meta divs are created at two locations. (Careful by following the recommendations to add your own “single-event.php”, enfold hooks into the selection process of theme files, forcing the usage of theirs at config-events-calendar/config.php:34 !)

    Now the script from events tickets plus “wp-content/plugins/event-tickets-plus/src/resources/js/meta.js” (take note: the minified version “meta.min.js” is used, and has to be altered if you want to fix it yourself instead of the non minified verbose version), that is responsible to create the form divs for the additional meta data, calculates the amount of meta divs to add based on the existing divs. BUT that code uses a DOM CLASS selector to find the amount of already appended meta divs. Therefore the current behavior is wrong with enfold! Because the following happens:

    – Having 0 products/items selected, does not render addiitonal attendee-meta-divs
    – Changing to 1, renders 1 additional attendee-meta-div, but really appends 1 div in BOTH bars (desktop/mobile). leading to TWO/2 new divs.
    – Changing to 2, renders NO additional attendee-meta-div, because the var current_count = $fields.find( '.tribe-event-tickets-plus-meta-attendee' ).length; gives already “2”.
    – Changing to 3, renders 1 additional attendee-meta-div, because there are already two (one in each bar), but really appends 1 div in BOTH bars (desktop/mobile). leading to FOUR/4 new divs.
    – And so on!

    I assume the code from enfold from “single-event.php” has to be changed to include only one “bar”.Possible fix:

    This can be applied in a child theme under “tribe-events/single-event.php” but still requires to alter the main theme in “enfold/config-events-calendar/config.php:34:

    Change the line

    		$redirect = array('default-template.php' , single-event.php' , 'pro/map.php' );


    		$redirect = array('default-template.php' , /*'single-event.php' ,*/ 'pro/map.php' );
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by kmindi.

    I assume you are answering something other than my question. Can you read it again? It has nothing to do with the gallery or similar, thank you.

    Sure, I already did that and I am looking forward to their answer.

    Yet it is weird, that you developed that customization for woocommerce and don’t want to support it further. Is there a way to disable the complete woocommerce customizations with a hook or something including the template overrides?

    But the fix is there and I guess the changelog line is “- fixed: issue with 3rd party custom post types saving and ALB”

    This has been fixed by the Enfold Theme in version “2018 February 21st – Version 4.2.4” (

    in reply to: Blog posts don't show in Widget "Enfold Latest news" #490434

    I recognized the same problem, please fix

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