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  • Hi Ismael,

    Finally I found a solution for this:

    Dev4Press BBPressToolbox have an Option (burried under 1000 others) to completely disable the breadcrumbs of the BBPress Plugin.
    So the Breadcrumbs are made by Enfold without beeing fooled by BBpress.
    This works….

    Thanks for support
    best regards

    Hi Ismael,

    I removed all Plugins – Well I could set up a new site with only Enfold and BBPress but I ‘m pretty shure that will wont change anything.
    All html is from here:
    The itemprop=”name” is in your class-breadcrumb.php linne 559 on

    			foreach( $trail as $key => &$link )
    				if( 'trail_end' === $key ) 
    //				$link = preg_replace( '!rel=".+?"|rel=\'.+?\'|!', '', $link );
    //				$link = str_replace( '<a ', '<a rel="v:url" property="v:title" ', $link );	// removed
    //				$link = '<span typeof="v:Breadcrumb">'.$link.'</span>'; //removed due to data testing error
    				$position ++;
    				$matches = array();
    				preg_match( "/<a ?.*>(.*)<\/a>/", $link, $matches );
    				$link_text = ! empty( $matches[1] ) ? $matches[1] : '';
    				$anchor = str_replace( $link_text . '</a>', '', $link );
    				$anchor = str_replace( '<a ', '<a itemprop="url"', $anchor );
    				$new_link  = '<span ' . $markup_list . '>';
    				$new_link .=	'<span ' . $markup_item . '>';
    				$new_link .=		$anchor;
    				$new_link .=			'<span itemprop="name">' . $link_text . '</span>';
    				$new_link .=		'</a>';
    				$new_link .=		'<span itemprop="position" class="hidden">' . $position . '</span>';
    				$new_link .=	'</span>';
    				$new_link .= '</span>';
    				$link = $new_link;

    Thats exact what can be seen in the inspector
    .. eg:

    <span itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">
    <span itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" itemprop="itemListElement">
    <a itemprop="url" href="" class="bbp-breadcrumb-forum">
    <span itemprop="name">[DE] Renderthemen / Kartendarstellung</span></a>
    <span itemprop="position" class="hidden">3</span>

    … and thats OK = its the Enfold Breadcrumb list – its fine so far

    Only on the last (current) item in the list the BBPress template.php from line 2230 on kicks in for some reasons

    <span itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" itemprop="itemListElement">
    <span class="bbp-breadcrumb-current">Mapsforge Rendertheme Referenz</span>
    <span itemprop="name"></span>
    <span itemprop="position" class="hidden">4</span></span>

    Its a Problem between BBPress and latest Enfold
    I switched bach from buggy BBPress 2.6 to 2.5 latest but the problem persists.
    I’m pretty shure that your test for empty (current) breadcrumb fails for last item because BBPress kicks in.

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by kech61.
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Will do so

    Best regards

    /* you can choose not to use your menu item as mega menu. */

    Mega Menu Items show up right.

    The problem is: If you chose an “Individual link” with no URL or “#” as URL as main/top item in the menu, the sub items do not unfold.
    These top menu items are most often used when it makes no sense to link any contend to an menu item and use the main menu item only as “header item” for the menu items below.

    I’v solved the issue by adding dummy pages to the top menu items – however this no long term solution.

    in reply to: Menu styling wrong in WPML translated version #832229

    Same here.

    However – only the Menu section have to be modified/synched between the languages.

    And dont forget to purge the CDN if you use one.

    My website is multilingual EN/DE using WPML.
    The german site shows the layer of the menu with white background and black chars.
    The english site shows the layer of the menu with transparent background and grey/blue chars.
    NOTE: Solved by purging CDN, sorry

    HOWEVER: The problem with MegaMenu persists !!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by kech61.

    Please try “Projekt” instead of “Kartenstile”
    I fixed “Kartenstile” by adding a page to the main menu item ’cause I cant wait for a fix

    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #386440


    I invested an sometimes wasted a lot of time with different themes.
    Enfold is the first theme I found where features promised at themeforrest and shown on the demo are _really_ working in real live.

    bbpress is working right out of the box
    switch on WPML and the language switcher appears in the upper menu – as it should work!
    code is clean, support awesome – Thanks to the Kriesi-Team

    Here’s my Site, the biggest source worldwide for free vectormaps based on OpenStreetMap:

    Known problem: LangSwitcher should be disabled in BBPress for single topics, replys, views (easy to solve)

    Best regards
    Christian, Austria

    in reply to: Layerslider has suddenly disappeared #354602

    Here too after autoupdate 4.0.1, full width slider stopped, simple slider stopped on all pages.
    EG: and all download pages right beneath the pagetitle/breadcrumb.

    Happens both for sliders made in advanced layout builder and slider-shortcodes in simple editor.

    A solution would be fine ;-)
    … disabled autoupdate but for 4.0.1 it’s too late …


    Hi Eliott,

    Unfortunately this does’nt solve the problem, with this version the date does’nt show up any more.

    Best regards, Christian

    in reply to: Update broke styling of comments on pages #349442

    Hi Yigit,

    Solution was simple: in the new Version the includes/comments.php is missing so WP seems to use its own one.
    i copied the includes/comments.php from a backup prior to the update to the server and ist working now.

    ALB is no solution, sorry.

    Beste regards, Christian
    You can mark this topic as resoved

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