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  • in reply to: Enfold Version Update #1350677

    Thanks Rikard.
    That plugin worked with a new API token.

    in reply to: Logo Not Showing after latest update #1323690

    Perfect!! Worked like a charm.
    Thanks for the quick response.

    in reply to: Disable Post CSS #1321134

    Think I found the solution.
    Here – on GitHub

    function custom_avf_post_css_create_file( $create )
    	return false;
    add_filter( 'avf_post_css_create_file', 'custom_avf_post_css_create_file', 10, 1 );

    Not ideal, but bypasses issues with post.css

    Having same issue on several sites. Subscribing to hear about solution, when available.

    in reply to: Portfolio Items Role Capabilities #1275838

    Thanks Ismael,
    Yea, I’ve tried these however, I’m trying to set it for existing role of Author (actually disable for Author role). It doesn’t seem remove those capabilities at all. My main issue is when I use “portfolio” or “portfolio_item” it doesn’t work. And that plugin doesn’t even see the Portfolio as a post type to control capabilities for.

    I wonder if it could be that capabilities are not set on the post type when registered. There for I can’t set them per user.
    Capabilities Mapping, As explainer here.

    Wonder if it is possible to map those capabilities for the portfolio content type in a function in the child theme, without hacking the parent theme?
    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Spacebar not working in "Special Heading" #1243154

    Here is the fix, if you can’t wait for theme update.

    Looking forward to seeing it implemented in next update.

    in reply to: Inconsistent Image Hover Overlay Behavior #1242869

    Thanks for looking at that Yigit.
    I think I found the issue. If the image is 100px or less in height, than the arrow doesn’t appear on hover (can’t see it).
    I have a test site with no plugins and have recreated the issue here.

    Tested in Chrome and Firefox.

    Maybe by design?
    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Inconsistent Image Hover Overlay Behavior #1241742

    Logos just under lead-in paragraph, and mid-way logos in the content slider element.

    in reply to: Inconsistent Image Hover Overlay Behavior #1241741

    oops. Thought I did.

    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Recaptcha problem expired session time #1204466

    Thanks Rikard. I just switched to Enfold Captcha (Math Question).

    in reply to: Recaptcha problem expired session time #1203718

    I’m having the same issue and guess I’m confused.
    I thought the V2 was used as a fallback for V3?

    So I have an API key for both V2 and V3 set in Theme options (verified). Then on the form, I’ve selected Recaptcha V3 with V2 fallback. Is that correct?

    I get that same error when trying to submit.
    “Sorry, but the session time for this page has expired. Please reload the page.”

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    in reply to: Some social Icons not appearing. #1166192

    Works Great!
    Thank you.

    in reply to: Some social Icons not appearing. #1166110

    That temporary Style Sheet solutions the Michael mentioned works good, until they get it updated.
    Seen Here

    Just make sure to “Add to your Quick CSS in Enfold Child Theme Options > General Styling”

    in reply to: Some social Icons not appearing. #1165949

    Thanks Michael.

    Sorry for the dupe post. I searched for an answer and didn’t find that.
    Hopefully be resolved in the next version.

    in reply to: Enfold overide The Events calendar CSS settings #1158670

    I applaud Enfold for integrating TheEventsCalendar, but it seems the CSS is a bit lacking compared to other Enfold design. Specially with the Photo View.
    Looking closer at the latest version of Enfold, the function is now

    if( ! current_theme_supports( 'deactivate_tribe_events_calendar' ) )
    	require_once( 'config-events-calendar/config.php' );			//compatibility with the Events Calendar plugin

    So instead of messing with the parent theme. I just added this to my child them functions.php
    add_theme_support( 'deactivate_tribe_events_calendar' );

    That now allows me to choose the style under Events->Settings.
    In addition to making my own style sheet changes.

    However, it would be great if there was something in the Theme Options to alter this. Or possibly even edit The Event Calendar styles under the Advanced Styles panel. Lastly, maybe even revisit the CSS for the built in Enfold styles for the calendar.

    Thanks for the great theme!!

    in reply to: Stop MP4 from looping #1143992

    Thanks Nikko, That worked great.
    But I still had to implement in v4.6.2
    Maybe a feature request would be to add the ability to choose if the Video loops and/or autostarts in the Video Element settings. So this isn’t a site wide setting.

    I would add this to the feature request forum, but that still isn’t accepting requests.

    Thanks again.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by jberg1.
    in reply to: Reverse Column Stacking Order for Mobile #1131757

    My solution was to combine DavidKFry’s and Nikko’s solutions.

    Put your columns in a Color Section. Give that Color Section a class of .flip-mobile.
    Set first column in each row to be “Equal Height”. Then add this css.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    	.flip-mobile .flex_column_table {
    		display:flex !important;
    	.flip-mobile .flex_column_table .flex_column {
    		flex:0 0 auto;

    Be sure to use a separate Color Section for each group you want to flip. If you do your entire page in one Color Section it will show the bottom at the top.

    I would like to see enfold use Flex for those equal columns, instead of the display: table and display: table-cell. But I know that wasn’t always supported.
    Hope it helps others.

    in reply to: Help with Post Link Format #1130473

    Hmm. that came up with some other issues.
    1. It only runs my custom filter/function on the most recent post (in loop and on single post), the others use default behavior.
    2. It shows the title twice and I get a weird '> in between the duplicated titles.

    Trying to troubleshoot code, but I’m just copying and pasting the exact code from avia to my custom function with the same modifications and remove/add filter.

    I’ll keep diggings.
    Any thoughts?

    Thanks again for your help.

    in reply to: Help with Post Link Format #1129856

    Thanks Ismael,
    Unfortunately, that didn’t work. I removed line 269
    $current_post['title'] = $link;
    but, there was already
    $current_post['title'] = $link[0];
    on line 279.

    This is what I ended up doing. Changing line 311 from
    $current_post['title'] = "<{$heading} class='post-title entry-title {$css}' ".avia_markup_helper(array('context' =>'entry_title','echo'=>false)).">".$current_post['title']."</{$heading}>";
    to this
    $current_post['title'] = "<$heading} class='post-title entry-title {$css}' ".avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry_title','echo'=>false))."><a href='$link' rel='bookmark' title='".the_title_attribute('echo=0')."' $markup>".get_the_title()."</a></{$heading}>";

    But I guess I’m wondering about overwriting when theme updates.
    Can helper-post-format.php be overridden in child theme?

    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Enfold 4.2.6 Update Issue #924311

    Thanks Mike, I figured that might be the issue. Using a legacy GoDaddy cPanel account that tops out at PHP 5.6.
    I’ll use the file you linked until I remedy that PHP version.

    Thanks again.

    Doesn’t look like Enfold 4.2.6 update came with LayerSlider 6.7.1. Still using 6.6.8.
    Will it be part of the next update? Another update coming the 3rd week of March?

    No big deal, just curious.
    Thanks for your help.

    Ah, great idea! Keep it simple.

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