Forum Replies Created
September 28, 2021 at 5:26 pm in reply to: The Cookie bar keeps on coming back at multiple visits #1322661
@zimbo : thanks for your input. Unfortunately in my case this makes no difference. I deleted all cookies in Chrome but the behaviour stays the same.
@mods : about the time delay: I noticed it is shorter than the 10 min I mentioned earlier. It is about 1 min.September 25, 2021 at 5:40 pm in reply to: The Cookie bar keeps on coming back at multiple visits #1322294…Is there any progress on this issue?
September 21, 2021 at 6:56 pm in reply to: The Cookie bar keeps on coming back at multiple visits #1321816Hi Rikard,
I can reproduce the problem consistently on the and (the associated test site) by just waiting some 10 min and then reloading the page (Shft Ctrl R).
The cookie consent settings for both sides are slightly different. The test side reloads after clicking OK; the normal site doesn’t. This, however, does not influence the problem behaviour.
Note that the problem occurs consistently on Ubuntu FF & Chrome and Windows 8 FF & Chrome.The problem reoccurred for, however, in this case it is far less consistent. It reoccurred again after I reloaded an old back-up, but I can not reproduce the problem by reloading the same back-up again. Also the problem does not reoccur by simply waiting 10 min for this site and the associated test site.
So it is better to focus on and I wonder if you also can reproduce the problem by just waiting 10 min. Note that both these sites have the latest WP (5.8.1) and Enfold ( updates. Furthermore, the credentials for the normal site are the same as for the test site (see private date of my former update).
I hope this information enables you to locate the cause of this problem. Please let me know if you need more information.
Best regards,
JanSeptember 20, 2021 at 5:23 pm in reply to: The Cookie bar keeps on coming back at multiple visits #1321673Update:
I noticed that the problem also reoccurred on Do you also get the cookiebar again now on this site?September 20, 2021 at 4:09 pm in reply to: The Cookie bar keeps on coming back at multiple visits #1321652Hi Rikard,
Thanks for your reply.
About the incognito browser. It is not clear to me how this would help solving this problem, but I visited the site in an incognito browser and got the cookie bar, as expected. Visiting the site incognito as well as clicking okay on the cookie bar in the incognito browser did not affect the cookie bar behaviour for the non-incognito website/browser.
I reproduced the problem on the associated test site by reloading an old backup of the site (WP 5.7.2 dated May 18, 2021). However, reloading more recent backups (also WP 5.7.2) as well as updating WP, plugins or the Enfold theme does not reproduce the problem.
On the other site ( the problem reoccurred. Last week I updated and visited this site (and the associated test site ( and there was no cookie bar. However, when I visited both these sites today the cookie bar popped up again. Note that I did not change anything since last week, so I am clueless why this happened. On I clicked OK in the cookie bar, but in the test site I left the cookie bar open, so we can investigate this set up (see private content for credentials). Note that the problem occurred on both, FF and Chrome on an Ubuntu desktop and a Windows laptop, so it is not browser or OS related.
Best regards,
This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by
Hi Ismael,
I cleared the transients entries and that indeed solved the problem. Although I had another problem on one site that the update itself did not work, but again clearing the transients solved also this issue.
Thanks for your support!
Best regards,
JanHi Rikard and Victoria
I was wondering, is there any progress in this matter on your side?
Best regards,
JanHi Victoria,
I Installed the plugin but it does not change anything. So yes, please, I need your further assistance in this
Best regards
JanHi Rikard,
Today I received an answer from my provider. They checked the settings at their server and there is nothing that should block the communication. They pointed me to another thread on the Kriesi forum. I followed the suggestion to create a new token as mentioned there, but to no avail.
And as I said in my last message: I receive notifications from plugins and also from other themes, which leads me to the conclusion that the cause of this problem is somewhere in the Enfold update process, also because I don’t am the only one who reports this problem.
So I ask you if you can please trouble shoot this issue at your side.
Best regards,
JanHi Victoria,
Thanks for your reply. I got it working now.
This thread can be closed.Best regards,
This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by
Hi Ismael,
Thanks for your reply. I also added the plugin you suggested, but I don’t think this is the way to go.
May be my problem description is not clear.
The Enfold theme does already provide translations of the texts in the Cookie Modal. The theme detects my language settings and provides Dutch text in the tabs in the cookie modal, however, it does not do this in the Enfold Theme options / Privacy and Cookies. If I select the option “Modal Window Custom Content” under Cookie Handling then the contents of the different tabs are shown, ready to be altered, however they are in English and not in Dutch. So in the frontend all is fine but in the backend the Enfold theme defaults to English, when “Modal Window Custom Content” is selected, despite my language setting being Dutch.
So my questions is: what needs to be done to make the Enfold theme options under the “Modal Window Custom Content” default to Dutch?
You can see this phenomenon on the test site (see credentials in my earlier message). In the footer of the site there is a link “Cookie Instellingen” (under “Overige Informatie”) where you can easily open the Cookie Modal. If you now switch “Modal Window Custom Content” on and off you will notice the language switches from English to Dutch
Best regards,
I am sorry to piggyback on this thread, but I can’t find the option to start a new thread again.
I am using Dutch translations and the text in the cookie modal is in Dutch indeed. So far so good.
However, if i want to customise this text I have to select “Modal Window Custom Content”. When I do so the texts shown in the backend switch to English. If I accept the changes then the texts in the frontend are also changed to English. Deselecting the “Modal Window Custom Content” returns the texts in the front-end back to Dutch again.
Is this a bug or am I missing something here?Best regards, Jan
PS1: if you also could inform me on how to make a new thread, that would be helpful (Edit: In the meantime I found out how to create a new thread)
PS2: please find attached the credentials for the subject siteHi Rikard,
Thanks for your answer. Because of the holiday season it will take some time before I get an answer from the hosting provider. So, I don’t have a definitive answer yet, but it is not my impression that the provider is blocking anything.
I get update notifications from other themes (twenty nineteen & twenty twenty) as well as from plugins. I also have Installatron running which does cron jobs for minor WP updates (I assume this works with cron jobs) and which is working fine too.
So I think the problem is somehow with the Enfold theme (unless the other the update notification processes work in a different way than the Enfold process)
Best regards,
This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by
Hi Rikard,
I have bought two Enfold licenses. I have checked my Envato/ThemeForrest account and there are two downloads listed. I hope this is okay or should I do more to link these Enfold products to my Envato token?
I will also check with my provider. I will let you know the results.
Best regards,
This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by
Hi Kriesi team,
1. Theme update not working
I am having the same problem. I don’t get the Theme Update under the theme options. It says that there are no updates available. Also checking manually for an update does not solve the problem. When I select that I get a WP dashboard page saying that I have the latest theme version.Currently I run 4.7.4 while currently the latest version is
Please advise on how to get the update function working again.
Please find attached the credentials
2. Theme update notifications
I get notifications from Envato when new theme files are available. However, it looks as if Envato is missing some updates. I have a messages from Envato at 22/07 and 27/03. If I check this against the Enfold change log I notice that I did not get a message for the Version 4.7.5 (May 26th) update.
My question is: how do I get proper update message about Enfold Theme UpdatesBest regards,
February 26, 2020 at 1:50 pm in reply to: Icon grid stacked on top of each other (no spacing) #1188064Hi Ismael,
Thanks for the fix.
I noticed that the fix in the Extra CSS field was different:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { ul.avia-icongrid-numrow-4 li{ padding:50px 0!important; width:100%!important; text-align:center!important; }}
I used the CSS code from your message as it is more clean and it works as well.
Unless you want to comment on the difference in code, this thread can be closed.
Best regards,
February 20, 2020 at 11:39 am in reply to: Icon grid stacked on top of each other (no spacing) #1186299Hi Rikard,
Sorry, I see that my info was incomplete. See attached info
Best regards,
This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by
Hi Ismael,
Sorry for the late reply. The situation is kind of strange, but it is very hard to trace everything back.
Main thing is that the initial problem (some elements not been shown) is solved.
So yes, please, close the threadBest regards,
Hi Ismael,
I have not made any changes to header.php. I also checked the header.php file from the live site versus a back-up from July 24 of the staging site and I see no difference. However, strangely enough if I restore the header.php from this back-up I am not able to reproduce the error.
I noticed 4 changes in the header.php:
- the line commented out <!– <meta name=”theme-color” …. was removed
- onload=”preloader()” was removed from the body tag
- php script “/** *WP 5.2 add a new function – stay backwa…” was added
- php closing tag “?>” was removed.
I assume all these changes were made by you. Am I correct?
There is a differences though in the functions.php: between staging and live site. On the staging site I used a script (from this site) to check for plugin update errors. I don’t see how this can be related, but I just mention it FYI. (Please note that I included the functions.php file in the check to reproduce the error).
I also noticed that in the functions.php the line “wp_register_style ….” was commented out, which I assume you did just prior to changing the header.php. Is my assumption correct?
Furthermore, I noticed that on the home page of the staging site a <br> tag went missing most likely in the process of restoring the staging site from a back-up as part of trouble shooting this whole issue. I noticed a similar issue with an other site lately on the same server, so I start to doubt the integrity of Installatron.
So because I can not reproduce the situation and because I have to put a question mark on the back-up/restore/clone process of Installatron, I think there it is no use to further pursue this issue.
Or.. how do you see it?
So I would like to know if you did indeed make the changes as I describe here (to rule out any other “interference”) but apart from that I think we better stop this thread unless you have a new and fresh idea about this situation
Best regards,
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
Dear Ismael,
Thank you for reply and update to the staging site. The staging site is indeed working again as it should. I checked FF, Explorer and Chrome.
However it raises an obvious question: why does the live site not have this problem although it had the same header.php? Clearly it is a combination of factors of which (at least for me) one other factor is unknown.
Some other observations:
- Today on both the live and the staging site it says that there are 2 updates available and 1 plugin update. When I check: no update is actually showing. (I had a similar problem before but that was resolved with entering the Envato private token). However, as this issue is the same for both sites is is likely to be not related.
- On the live site the ‘All in One SEO’ option is shown in the menu right under ‘Dashboard’ but it is missing on the staging site, although the plugin is installed on both sites. As this is a difference between both sites, it might be related.
Also please note that the malfunction was different: only Explorer affected verses all browsers affected.
So in other words:
1. What causes the difference in behaviour between both the live and the staging site?
2. Why is the ‘All in One SEO’ option not shown anymore? (possibly induced by the change to header.php?)Best regards,
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
Hi Mike,
Thanks for uploading the beta version. Sorry that it took some time before I could respond to you. The situation became a little more complex, so I needed a little more time to relay it back to you.In short: the live site is okay now on explorer, but the staging site (which I also changed to beta version) now has the same problem for even more browsers. I will open a new thread for this.
Furthermore: I will do the cleaning up of the enfold-old, no prob
Best regards,
hi Mike and Basilis,
I noticed that the problem still exists. Are there any developments on your side?
Also I am a bit confused: are you Mike going to upload the new beta version or should I create my own ticket as you Basilis say?
Best regards,
Hi Mike,
See attached FTP credentials.Some remarks:
1) Does the beta version present the same solution as this one: FYI: I already tried the modified shortcodes.js file, but it does not have any effect (subsequently I changed it back to the original file).
2) I recently changed from Enfold 4.5.2 to 4.5.7. I restored the old 4.5.2 situation (on staging site) and I noticed that this version works fine with Explorer.
3) I also noticed another issue in Explorere: In the most upper part the phone number is mentioned. Left of it a phone icon is shown. This icon is shown too small and too light. It seems as if the css coding I did for this icon are not been taken into account.
Best regards,
Dear Kriesi team,
I am experiencing the same problems as luckylobo10. In our case the first section on the homepage is not shown, which gives a bad impression to customers.
I also tried the proposed fix, but it is also not working for me.
I left credentials in private section.
Please advice on what to do
Best regards,
I installed the 4.5.2 update of Enfold theme and I noticed the issue is solved.
This thread can be closedBest!
JanHi Rikard,
Sorry for my late reply, I somehow missed the notification of your message.
I now have Enfold 4.5.2 installed and I tried the “Load only used elements” option again, but unfortunately I the problem remainsBest,
JanThis reply has been marked as private.Hi Ismael,
Yes I did.. and I completely forgot about it. It has the purpose of limiting full height sections on portrait devices but it also affects less than full height sections. I resolved it with a dedicated CSS class
Sorry for having bothered you with this.
This thread can be closed.
Best regards,
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
Dear Kriesi team,
When can I expect a solution for this issue as I want to go live with the site tomorrow / next tomorrow?
Best regards,
JanHi Milano,
I agree with your comments. I implemented the suggested fix of Rikard as I wanted to move on with the project, yet in broader view it does not fix the root cause.@ Rikard: Please note that “Load only used elements” is the option that is identified as recommended in the menu. I expect options, that are presented without some kind of warning, to work, let alone options that are recommended. I think it would be good ‘house keeping’ of Kriesi to get this option working again, or at least to clarify the situation as external factors, such as PHP versions are at play.
With regards to the latter: I am not sure what PHP my site is running on because I have conflicting information: ?php phpinfo() shows 7.1.10 yet PHPadmin says 5.6.31. I dropped a question at my provider and I let you know when I have more info.
This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by