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  • in reply to: Unable to publish a new page #1470761

    Hello to all the team

    I’m coming back to you, as I think I’ve solved the problem thanks to some external help.
    Indeed, it’s possible to implement these pages with new content and without difficulty, however, after a while in a more or less random way, but after the page has been filled with several dozens of Enfold builder blocks, successive records refuse to update the content whenever anything is added, even something fairly standard like a 1/1 block.
    I really looked everywhere, and even cleaned up my database to optimize it, but nothing helped. It seems that the code generated by Enfold and Avia gets corrupted after a while.
    I don’t know if it’s related, but for the sake of faster modifications, I use the option of displaying the entire page content via the function

    add_action('avia_builder_mode', “builder_set_debug”);
    function builder_set_debug()
    return “debug”;

    To solve the problem, I came up with the following solution:
    Delete the huge block of code in the debug window, and let Avia generate new code… And miraculously, everything falls back into place and I’m back to being able to add blocks and see all the modifications.
    This has nothing to do with my plug-ins, hosting or child theme, but with the builder.
    I don’t know if you’ll be able to understand it better or test it locally.
    Thank you very much and once again for your help.

    Have a great day!

    in reply to: Unable to publish a new page #1470498

    Yes, of course!
    Thank you for your action

    in reply to: Unable to publish a new page #1470428

    I’ve already tried, because the title of the current page is “random” (to distinguish myself from the original page, which suffered from the same defect).
    So, to sum up, the answer is yes, whatever the page, I find the same behavior

    in reply to: Unable to publish a new page #1470418

    Hello Rikard

    Thank you for your quick reply.
    I suggest you log on to my site using the address below and go to the link on the page mentioned.
    Just add a color section and save the draft.
    # results: the section no longer appears after saving and refreshing your page


    in reply to: Optimising Masonry Gallery #1336852

    Hello Mike

    Don’t thank me for my patience…it’s only natural. I would like to thank you very much for your 5 star support. Everything is indeed solved
    I wish you a great week

    in reply to: Optimising Masonry Gallery #1336512

    Ah…fantastic it works perfectly
    But there must be a damn is_admin() function lying around somewhere because these features only work once you are logged in.
    Do you know why?

    I thank you very much

    in reply to: Optimising Masonry Gallery #1336502

    Thank you very much for this code
    I integrated it on functions.php, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work, even when adapting the CSS classes that are called.

    I wish you a very nice day

    in reply to: Optimising Masonry Gallery #1336361

    Sorry…I was wrong ; I’m talking about “POST SLIDER” and not Masonry

    Thank you very much for your quick response. Herewith some more explanations (because my first draft was not very comprehensible).

    1 – The codes I use in the functions.php file of the child theme are the following (there may be a bis repetita). The following image shows that the code is visible when connected, and not effective when not connected

    2 – In PJ we see images of what would want for the clickable area : in fact, I will need, the image, the title (actually clickable) AND the text to be clickable and link to the concerned url.

    I thank you once again
    Kind regards

    in reply to: Show Portfolio Category on Portfolio Pages #1326523

    many thanks Ismael !
    I use the block code to prevent any additional html formatting.

    I will test this shortcode
    Kind regards

    in reply to: CSS Minification #1324926

    Thanks to your analysis I was able to trace the trail and for information, it is a setting present in Infomaniak (advanced settings) and which allows this minification on the server side.

    I have been using this host for a short time and I was surprised.

    Thank you for your always efficient help
    Have a nice day

    in reply to: Portfolio excerpt #1324726

    Hi Rikard

    I thank you warmly for your reactivity and your efficiency (usual from your team). I don’t even know why I missed this information. I must have confused the portfolio summary with the excerpt.

    Kind regards Rikard

    in reply to: Portfolio excerpt #1324511

    Many thanks for your quick response Rikard
    I quickly created a -almost- empty site with updated Enfold + the minimum of plugin. There is only one portfolio with a title + a content + an excerpt who illustrate the issue (Title + content displayed instead of Title + excerpt)

    Thank you very much for your assistance

    Thank you very much for your help always so precious Ismael !

    If anyone has the same problem, the following code should be added to the CPT code
    'taxonomies' => array( 'category' ),

    Thank you for your quick and complete help.
    Nevertheless, I added the code in functions.php placed in my child theme.

    I have of course customized it, but I don’t get the expected effect.

    Did I forget something?
    Many thanks


    in reply to: Socket per language #1252214

    Thanks Victoria !!
    Enfold Support is always 5 stars rated

    Many thanks
    Kind regards !

    PS : little clue for another case, just add an empty space in admin footer to prevent the copyright by default to be displayed

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Ikyo.
    in reply to: Socket per language #1251086

    Hi Victoria

    I understand :)

    I couldn’t leave this field free while waiting for the problem to be solved, that’s why I added credits next to [nolink]. But even if I remove these credits, the function doesn’t appear.

    Thanks for your help

    in reply to: Socket per language #1250381

    Thanks for your answer
    I left a short credit in my socket, but the reel lines of credit are still undisplayed

    Have a nice week !

    in reply to: Add text below Title in Woocommerce slider #1235130

    Ah, really fantastic.!
    Many thanks Nikko

    Kinds regards

    in reply to: Add text below Title in Woocommerce slider #1234772

    Many thanks Nikko

    I’ve tried to applicate such a hook in a code like

    //function add tag in WooCommerce product
    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'show_tags', 20 );
    function show_tags() {
      global $product;
      // get the product_tags of the current product
      $current_tags = get_the_terms( get_the_ID(), 'product_tag' );
      // only start if we have some tags
      if ( $current_tags && ! is_wp_error( $current_tags ) ) { 
        //create a list to hold our tags
        echo '<div class="auteurs_tags">';
    	echo 'par :';
        // for each tag we create a list item
        foreach ( $current_tags as $tag ) {
          $tag_title = $tag->name; // tag name
          $tag_link = get_term_link( $tag ); // tag archive link
          echo '<a href="'.$tag_link.'">'.$tag_title.'</a>';
        echo '</div>';

    The problem is each product is presented as follows :
    Title of the product
    Extra text line (like tag list for instance)

    While I will desire :
    Title of the product
    Extra text line (like tag list for instance)

    Many thanks for your kindful help

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Ikyo.
    in reply to: No products found which match your selection #1231724

    You can close the subject
    Many thanks

    in reply to: No products found which match your selection #1231664

    Thank you very much for your tenacity and motivation in solving this problem Mike !

    That’s a easy one in english, but a toughest one with the french version : the translation might be wrong : face the Woocommerce hiden visibility, there 2 options (indeed). If I re-translate what’s in french there’s :
    > Voir la fiche produit, , literally, “See the product sheet” as Show all prodcuts
    > Masquer les contrôles video, literally, “Hide video controls” as Show hidden product only
    …Given theses choices, I didn’t realize that this was the right place to act.

    More other, it seems there’s a missing item in french compared with english version (see image)
    Translation issue

    So Everything is correct now for me, but the french translation (for the further version)

    Many thanks Mike
    Have a nice week !
    Kind Regards

    in reply to: No products found which match your selection #1230509

    Please consider the home page (see link within)
    I’ve added some extra notes for you


    in reply to: No products found which match your selection #1230207

    Many Thanks Victoria

    Regards !

    in reply to: Empty list slider in layer slider #1182610

    Thanks for you useful return of experience
    Problem is the actual and invisible slider ine the B.O have already a NULL value in an added column named group_id
    A new slider created has the exact same values, column by column
    So i’m stuck :(

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Ikyo.
    in reply to: Empty list slider in layer slider #1181871

    …and sorry but nothing change on my side either
    I had wait, hoping the problem will cure by itself after your intervention
    Empty my cache, navigate in private mode
    Update with the last enfold theme

    Still nothing in the back-office
    Many thanks for your help


    in reply to: Empty list slider in layer slider #1180174

    Many thanks for your work
    The slider have always been correctly displayed in the front office
    But they’re always missing in the back office :(


    in reply to: Empty list slider in layer slider #1178614

    Yes it’s allright
    I’ve installed an extra plugin to do so (please see the private content), because the client does not control the database access which is on a foreign server.

    Thks !
    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Ikyo.
    in reply to: Empty list slider in layer slider #1178583

    Hi Ismael

    I’ve re-added the column and seen it appear in PHPMysql
    Same (no) result for the moment
    What should I do now for this aprticular site and another (who is running with enfold and present the same issue ?).

    Many thanks Ismael

    in reply to: Empty list slider in layer slider #1178095

    Many thanks Ismael

    I’ve update and change the password, so the access will be granted now.
    I’ve also followed the recipe you gave with the database
    I’ve add a column in wp_layerslider with an SQL command

    ALTER TABLE wp_layerslider
    ADD group_id INT NULL

    The column have been created, but whithout effect.
    Please help and give a step to step method, because I encounter this similar issue in another site (with enfold theme) since last update

    Many thanks
    Kind regards

    in reply to: Empty list slider in layer slider #1176218

    Hi Rikard
    Please find then Within

    Kind regards

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