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  • @Mike,

    I had to downgrade to PHP 5.6.38 to remove the error message.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Cliffy.
    in reply to: How to prevent Enfold adding ?s= to search url #1016244

    I have been seeing this issue too. I had no idea what it was. WHY does this happen?
    Here we go with yet another “default” hack setting to turn something off / fix something that Enfold should really be doing themselves in errr, an update at any point in the future?
    Working with Enfold and all these little issues is making the the theme far less attractive to use. It used to be an out of the box solution, but not any more :(

    I despair at suggestions to turn features off (like search), because your theme is so messed up in code. Why are you asking users to fix these issues instead of feeding it back to development and getting it fixed, making the theme better?

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the info. I would have no idea if I had the latest version or not because they do not update the Themforrest Changelog. The last update was May 22 2018 4.4 yet I think there is a 4.4.1 out. I despair over this.

    I did downgrade the PHP version as mentioned, but this caused a whole host of other issues. But I will try update the theme files and then roll back.
    Many thanks for the reply.


    in reply to: Change layout of caption background in fullwidth slider #1014838
    in reply to: Advanced Styling for does not work … #1014818


    Sorry, user error. I have a disable right click plugin that seems to be getting in the way.
    Huge apologies. I had forgotten all about the plugin.


    in reply to: Advanced Styling for does not work … #1014811

    Hi @Rikard,
    Sorry for the delay.
    I have since tried this on my default Enfold 2017 theme test and it works fine. So I am really confused as my page and the whole color section that the icon list is within is exactly the same. I started the site with the Enfold 2017 demo.
    The site is under a staging name at the moment, link in private.
    I have made the first bullet of the first set of icon lists as a Mark, but the colour or font weighting won’t change.

    in reply to: bug with insert short separator #1012074

    ah gotcha!

    Sorry @Ismael, yes, now I understand the cause and how to avoid.
    Many thanks,

    in reply to: Full width slider Caption Frame transparent background color #1011824

    It’s about time this was in the standard settings!
    Thanks for posting the question, I too was looking. Will this work with fullscreen slider?

    in reply to: Change layout of caption background in fullwidth slider #1011821

    wow guys, I was also looking for an answer to this. It’s a simple question really. Slider text in a box – simple. One heading, one subheading in the same box so it looks nice. With the option to change the background colour and text colours. You say you give feedback to development, but nothing ever happens. This has been asked for time and time again. ANY option you give for CSS has to be mobile responsive.
    The current theme does not support mobile devices. A full screen slider with buttons displays awful. The buttons go off the page. The buttons do not align central if the caption is right aligned. It’s a complete mess and again we have to find a work around or just stick with bottom alignment and no buttons or centred with buttons.

    in reply to: Google Map API issue (works on one site but not another) #1011332


    Many thanks for this. It was driving me nuts, completely nuts.
    Have you contacted TEC to get them to fix the issue?


    in reply to: bug with insert short separator #1011323

    Thanks @Ismael,

    Surely if this is the case, you would not expect the theme to add styling and instead use a parent container set to NO border.

    Yes, I figured it out, but not with CSS.

    Thanks for the reply. Hope the comments goes back to development ;)

    in reply to: bug with insert short separator #1009748

    Hi @Vinnay,

    Thanks for the reply. The issue is not a “gap”, the issue is the color section displays a border at the bottom ONLY when you insert a short seperator between the two color sections. Remove the short separator and it goes. put it back again, and the border comes back.
    Both color sections are defined as having NO border or padding.
    I made a workaround, but went back to reproduce it so you can take a look.

    This is before I insert the short separator:

    This is after I insert the short separator:

    I hope this helps. I know it seems a real small issue, but it is a huge issue when trying to get a clean page with whitespace ;)

    in reply to: Horizontal Gallery is not responsive on mobile #1009744

    That’s good to know @Basilis, thanks for the reply :)

    in reply to: Google Map API issue (works on one site but not another) #1009743

    Hi @Basilis

    This is the way the API key works. You create a key and then add restricted domains.
    This is how I have always done it and it’s always worked fine.
    This is the way Google has designed the API key to work. Otherwise, I would have many API keys to manage and (with the billing) I would also have to set individual quotas so I can keep under the free credit limits.
    If I don’t set restricted domains, then the key can be open to abuse.

    Google says the website is using the key-less script tag:
    and it should be updated to include the API key parameter by adding `key=YOUR_API_KEY” to the script.

    Not sure if this helps?

    in reply to: Horizontal Gallery is not responsive on mobile #1008614

    Thanks @Victoria

    I wonder just how long you expect your users to put up with this?
    The first post is dated Feb. Over 6 months later and it is still an issue.
    This is my gripe with Enfold.
    People report problems constantly and repeatedly but they never seem to get fixed. Instead, you rely on your users editing code.
    This is great if you have all the time in the world to build websites, but our customers do not expect to pay for the time it takes to do things these kinds of edits and tweaks. Enfold is advertised as Responsive yet, not much of it is really.
    I voiced my concerns last week and it was noted they would be forwarded to Kriesi for review.
    If a fix for this is not on the roadmap (and I have no idea, as there is no roadmap), then I have to remember each time I build a website that this particular Element had problems. Not only this element but the other element and the other and the other and the other.
    I am moaning a lot lately about the theme, I know. I would not bother to share my views if I didn’t like the theme, but it is getting harder to compete with some of the other themes (and page builders) that are now on the market.

    in reply to: Horizontal Gallery is not responsive on mobile #1007054

    Hi Victoria,
    So you created a gallery as above and it works fine for you on mobile?

    in reply to: Header Layout Sucks with Enfold! #1005565

    This is not a cache issue Vinay.

    It just doesn’t work.

    Have you told anyone, anywhere that this documentation sucks and is old and outdated and needs revision?

    If, reporting issues like this are not fed back and improved, then I am wasting my time with Enfold.

    in reply to: bug with insert short separator #1005220

    Forget mobile. This is not a mobile issue, sorry for the confusion. (I am creating the short separator because of limitations, but that’s a whole other issue with Enfold).

    If you create two colour sections (but do not fill them with a background color or you will not see the issue).
    My content for Colour Section1 is 2/3 Easy Slider 1/3 Header + Custom Separator (fat 50px, 10px top margin, 15px bottom margin, no icon) + Text Box
    My content for Colour Section2 is 2/3 Text Box 1/3 Easy Slider.

    No Borders or padding.
    Now if you add a short separator between the two color sections the bottom of the Section 1 has a bottom border.

    Has Enfold support considered taking an active role in the Facebook Groups (or created their own where they can help their user base) this would be most useful where it is much easier to paste screenshots etc and involve many other people?

    in reply to: Enfold & Woo-Commerce Colors #999390

    Really pleased to see how you pay attention to feedback!

    in reply to: Enfold & Woo-Commerce Colors #999014

    Enfold needs to really up its game with colour settings. You change the setting for one colour and it changes another!
    Custom code is fine, but it gets so unmanageable – unless you want a really basic two colour website its a nightmare to use.

    in reply to: The Events Calendar #991491

    It seems it was a bug with TEC, it’s fixed with the latest revision.

    in reply to: Scroll down arrow in LayerSlider #987664

    I appreciate that Victoria, I really do. But I feel Enfold has lost its way. There are so many inconsistencies throughout the various avia elements that it is hard to remember what is best for what use. For example, some components allow you to change the font colour, others do not. Some allow you to change font size, others do not. They are really simple things to implement. I have purchased unlimited licences for both Elementor and Oxygen. With each new project I work on, I get closer to giving them a go. Please feel free to pass this to Mr K himself ;)

    in reply to: Scroll down arrow in LayerSlider #985469

    Thanks Victoria,
    I did consider them before contacting support, but they do not work. If you take a look, one of the suggestions is actually to NOT use the Layerslider at all. These are so old, I can get as far as a down arrow but seem unable to move it to the bottom middle of the screen.
    Its a shame that nothing reported here in the forums actually gets filtered back to the devs. I had a reply notification from a bug I reported 5 years ago – it is still a bug. When you include bloated code to add extra functionality to your theme, one would expect you to support that code as much as you can.

    in reply to: Scroll down arrow in LayerSlider #983097

    I realise that @Victoria but providing the html code for an arrow that works within the Enfold embed of the plugin would help ;)

    in reply to: Scroll down arrow in LayerSlider #979584

    Great to see this has been ignored since forever! Having a simple down arrow on the bottom of your full screen layerslider is essential!
    I can’t believe this is so hard.
    Making things like this SO hard to do, just tempts me further away from Enfold – it is getting too difficult to work with compared to other builder options out there.

    in reply to: Social Profiles #975219


    I used the new functions and just created an image to link to rather than a live ‘feed’. Nobody will notice. Thanks.

    in reply to: BIG Bug with ICONS not working – Performance Settings #975210

    Hey Victoria,
    Icons, Icon List, does it really matter? Should the theme not detect which Elements I am using? Because it obviously didn’t in this case.
    Yes, in this case, we are talking about Icons.
    I am inserting an Icon next to my Footer heading:

    [av_font_icon icon='ue821' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' size='20px' position='left' color='#5e7de2' av_uid='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_font_icon] <h3 style="color:white;">OUR ADDRESS</h3>

    One site works fine with only load used Elements.

    Another site does not work and I get the error message about enabling the Icon Element. The difference being. The one with the error, the code is pasted into a Custom HTMLwidget and the site that works, the code is pasted into a Text Widget (it’s an older site).

    Hope this helps

    in reply to: BIG Bug with ICONS not working – Performance Settings #974053

    Hey Victoria,
    I think you misunderstand. The setting is enabled. i.e. The setting is set to Load Only Used Elements (recommended).
    I use an element (icons) and the theme is not recognising I am using it.
    It’s a bug, not a user error ;)

    in reply to: Strange bug with Code Snippet #971441

    That’s awesome! Many thanks @Vinay, I really appreciate your help on this. You guys Rock!

    in reply to: Strange bug with Code Snippet #970032

    Not sure what you mean by a local issue, unless you mean local to the person using a specific version of a specific browser?
    Yes please, any checks / solutions / suggestions / workarounds that you can come up with would be most helpful.
    Is it possible for example to isolate the code for the snippet and use some css to remove the circle-arrow link? (sorry I’m not good enough to do that).

    Much appreciated Rikard.

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