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  • #989298


    I’ve tried every single code I could find on this subject (mostly from 2014 and 1 from 2017) and none of them worked.

    I’d like to have the option for a light or dark frame. Now it’s a black or close to black transparency. I need a white transparency – or the option to change color altogether.

    Frustrating spending so long looking for the answer and the documentation on snippets – it doesn’t give the code for the Enfold options CSS changes.

    I’m not able to do a child theme and don’t need one. Just need the code that will change this caption frame (background) color.

    PLEASE help!! Thanks


    Hey Intell,

    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    .caption_framed .slideshow_caption .avia-caption-title {
        background: rgba(255,255,255,0.5) !important;

    Best regards,


    It’s about time this was in the standard settings!
    Thanks for posting the question, I too was looking. Will this work with fullscreen slider?



    Yes, that same code should work with the full screen slider.

    It’s about time this was in the standard settings!

    We just can’t add every little options in the theme. This kind of changes can be done with css or minor template adjustment without adding unnecessary bloat to the theme.

    Best regards,

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