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  • #932947

    Good day

    i have try many times to change Kriesi facebook page to our facebook page. how to change kriesi facebook page to our facebook page?



    Hey Dxwork,

    Please go to Enfold > Widgets > find Enfold Facebook Likebox > replace to your facebook page.
    If you still have any issue please upload a screenshot/mockup to and share the link here so we can help you better :)

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Yes please, give us also your facebook page link so we can try to change it in the widgets, just post the confidential information in Private Content, so it’s only visible to you (thread creator) and the moderators.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi, this seems a bug. Changing the FB link to anything other than the default does not work. I know FB have made some API changes in the last couple of days. Please can you investigate this on a new install?


    Hi, sorry, this seems a bit inconsistent. I have tried a number of other page links and some are OK (most). Below is a Page that will not show in the widget, and I have no idea why. It is a verified page:


    Hi Dxwork,

    I changed the URL in the widget and it’s working as expected, please review your site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Heathcliffe,

    Please open a new thread and include admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,



    I used the new functions and just created an image to link to rather than a live ‘feed’. Nobody will notice. Thanks.


    Hi Heathcliffe,

    Best regards,

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