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  • in reply to: Author Title Tags & Category H1s #1014370

    Good to know re: the excerpt method but creating excerpts is not a viable option (I would have to modify too much content) for this site right now. I guess it will have to stay this way.

    I am going to remove the H1 from lines 60 and 100 right now so I don’t have an empty H1. (Just a heads up)

    in reply to: Author Title Tags & Category H1s #1014363

    Hi Jordan,

    I spoke too soon. Now I have both an H1 with no content and an H3 with the term title.

    in reply to: Author Title Tags & Category H1s #1014308

    Thank you, Ismael!! Worked like a charm!!!

    One last question. How can I have only a summary of the articles show on these Tag pages instead of the whole article? I have set wordpress to only show a summary. I don’t think that has an effect here.

    Warm regards,


    in reply to: Author Title Tags & Category H1s #1013705

    Hi Nikko!

    Of course!

    See how it says “Posts” at the top of the page?

    I want it to say “Backyard Weddings Posts” (or plain “Backyard Weddings”

    Basically, I want this to echo the Tag Name for every tag page.

    Then, I’ll turn it into an H1 (following the above instructions)

    Please, let me know if this helps.

    Warm regards,


    in reply to: Author Title Tags & Category H1s #1013424

    Hi Nikko!
    I’m going to add one more small request to this ticket. How do I change the “Posts” to a variable that contains the Tag Title (so it’s a proper H1)?
    Thank you!!

    in reply to: Enfold 4.4.1 & Gutenberg #1000074

    You know what would be great? If we had the option to pick either Gutenberg or the ALB for Pages and for Posts. So, for example, all my pages are always done in ALB, I want to keep them that way but the blog posts are just plain TinyMCE for most of the sites I manage and I’d like to see what the hoopla is all about with Gutenberg.
    Then again, I know this is a major change so, if I have to pick, I pick ALB!!
    Best regards,

    in reply to: CSS to Remove Menu from Desktop on Home Page #984928

    Don’t worry! It was cache persistent!!! I had to flush Chrome’s cache several time but now it looks AMAZING!!! (both on Desktop AND on Mobile!)

    Thank you!!!


    Hi Ismael,

    Silly me!! I must have disabled them to make sure cache was updated properly and forgot to enable them back!!

    Thank you so much!!!

    This one will never happen again!! :)


    PS: Enfold’s #1 Fan

    in reply to: YouTube video shows black #976436

    I fixed it!! :)

    I didn’t go the the ESSB guys… I deleted the Enfold theme folder from the server. Then uploaded it again. Presto!

    There must have been a glitch when I SFTP’d it and overwriting it did not quite do the job.

    Thank you for your support guys!! Always!! :)



    in reply to: YouTube video shows black #976113

    Thank you, Ismael!

    I will reach out to the ESSB guys. I had to re-activate the plugin. Social sharing is very important. Their plugin has not have any updates in a while so maybe we’ll have to work together on this one. I’ll keep you posted on what they find. They are really great as well. Both of you are my fav teams of developers.

    Warm regards,


    in reply to: YouTube video shows black #976047

    Hi Basilis!

    Done! Added the GTM tags and uploaded it. I also copied the YouTube URL outside of the avia element and it works. Something is blocking it… so weird…

    Let me know if there’s anything you need, I’m always at the computer… :)

    Warm regards,


    in reply to: YouTube video shows black #975651

    Hi Ismael!

    Huge fan!

    I know, right? It’s so strange. The only modification on the child theme are the Google Tag Manager tags on the header.php and one theme function. Other than that, it’s clean.

    Should I update header.php? I actually updated the theme today but I really cannot recall if the videos were working before. Also, I updated the theme on another install and videos work fine on that one (and it also has GTM tags on the header.php of the child theme)

    Login details in Private field.

    Thank you!!


    in reply to: GDPR & Google Analytics Tracking #973788

    Hi Basilis!

    I thought so… Quick question (as I can write a little tag on GTM) what would be the variable I should be looking for and the two values (on/off) so I can craft it?

    Once I do, I’ll be happy to share so others can use it.



    in reply to: GDPR & Google Analytics Tracking #973381

    Hi Victoria,

    I think I didn’t explain myself correctly.

    When a visitor chooses to Disable Google Analytics (an option now offered via the modal window and shortcode), I can see the GA code still fires and tracks.

    The website property has Analytics code implemented via Google Tag Manager.

    Do I need to add some code to make your feature work? Maybe a Tag on GTM that picks up on a variable or trigger sent by Enfold?

    Please, let me know if I was clear enough.

    Sending you the site on the private content.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Privacy Policy and WP Comments #972967

    Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!! :)

    I will check and let you know. I actually duplicated one of the sites and have it on a development environment so I can easily test everything and once I have my magic formula, I can deploy on all of my client sites (and mine) ;)

    in reply to: Cannot Verify Property on Webmasters #972916

    Thank you, Rikard!! :)

    You guys are always there for me (and everybody) :)

    Yes, you can close this ticket. I’m all set!!



    Hi Ismael!

    Actually it was only happening on Chrome and cleared cache for the last hour and would not go away. But now, I came back to the page and it works like a charm on Chrome…

    I wouldn’t have to update all of the pages, right? (I don’t know which page users will use to land on the page.

    Also, there is no need to use the modal window, right? I could add the shortcodes on the Cookies & Privacy Policy page and let them choose from there. Let them work a little. ;)



    in reply to: Cannot Verify Property on Webmasters #972519

    Hi Rikard!

    Thank you!!



    Hi Basilis!!

    Were you able to login? I changed the setting to Only Load Needed Elements under Performance so it’s easier for you to see the Error on the Modal Window on Chrome.

    Thank you!!


    in reply to: Cannot Verify Property on Webmasters #971873

    Hi Victoria!

    I was already able to verify. There was a DNS error (trying to figure out if it was Cloudflare) but only to Googlebot. Super strange.

    I would still like to know if the solution you shared is something I could implement so I can add the GA code to the <head> If not, I may have to go the GTM route. (I’ve done that one) ;)

    Thank you!!


    in reply to: Cannot Verify Property on Webmasters #971390

    Hi Rikard,

    Unfortunately I was unable to have it verified in any other way as there was some kind of DNS issue and Google was getting an HTTP 500. I would still like to have GA code implemented properly inside of the <head>

    I was able to have it verified and the DNS problem showed up on Search Console. I couldn’t see what was happening until I was able to verify.

    Why wouldn’t that solution work? I don’t want the sites to become unverified by Search Console. They default to the recommended method not the alternative ones.

    Thank you!


    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Cannot Verify Property on Webmasters #970790

    Hey Dude,

    No. That will not work. You cannot verify and remove the method of verification (and I do not want to add a plugin) as the property will unverify itself (this is what happened) Google webmaster keeps on checking t make sure you have rights to the data.

    Also, the implementation of Google Analytics tags should be inside of the head Not on the footer.

    I found several tickets of solutions you were providing to people. Mine was a compilations of many of them and I wanted to run it by you before implementing as code has changed so much.

    This was Victoria’s solution:

    Here is yours (but Ismael said it doesn’t work an it was back in 2014)

    Could you please, provide me with a way to add the Google Analytics code on the Head?

    Thanks you!


    Support please?

    in reply to: Yoast and Sitemaps #958701

    Thanks to you and the whole team, Victoria!! You are always there for all of us so this is the least I can do!

    Warm regards,


    in reply to: Yoast and Sitemaps #957735

    Hi Basilis and Victoria!

    I did place a ticket and got the answer. It seems like the only way to eliminate one of their Sitemaps is to have a noindex directive on the page. Still, this does not work for the attachment pages and I raised that bug to them. The only way to avoid having these attachment pages from being indexed without redirecting them to the image itself (the media itself) under Search Appearance > Media > Redirect attachment URLs to the attachment itself? is to leave this Option as No and set Show Media in search results? (the next option) to No as well.

    You can still re-direct the attachment pages to the posts by using the Attachment Pages Redirect plugin (I did it and it works like a charm) just install and activate and there’s nothing else to do.

    Two words of warning: If you have an attachment that is the downloadable for a WooCommerce product, you’ll be better off creating a new folder under WP Content > Uploads and pointing to that URL
    Next, if you are activating the Attachment Pages Redirect plugin on a Multisite, enable it on each site separately. It works.

    Hope this helps!!



    in reply to: Yoast and Sitemaps #956740

    Hi Victoria!

    I tried their code and it does not stop those Sitemaps from being created. I know this is not your plugin but I wanted to share just in case somebody thought this would work.

    But if you know of some code that will actually work, please do share!!

    Thank you!!!

    Havi :)

    in reply to: All Shortcodes have av_uid='av-d7ng7vw' added #956735

    Thank you Ismael!!

    I may have found this out on my own but I want to make sure.

    I do copy/paste some shortcodes at the end of each post (it’s an easy way to add additional functionality without turning them into pages) ;)

    Is it ok to do so now that this additional value is created as it looks different every time? (please, say yes) :)

    Also, do you know how to delete those particular revisions? (The plugins I found delete history and I just want to delete those extra ones and not the previous versioning history)

    Thank youuuuuu!!


    in reply to: All Shortcodes have av_uid='av-d7ng7vw' added #955565

    Hi Rikard,

    Were you able to find out what happened?

    I don’t know if this helps but all of the posts have several accesses from an unknown wordpress user when you look at the revisions and the changes are all those av_uid=’av-khx6wh9′

    Here’s a screenshot:



    in reply to: All Shortcodes have av_uid='av-d7ng7vw' added #954999
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