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  • in reply to: Header Widget CSS Help for Mobile Version #786534

    Thank you, Victoria!! :) Brilliant!!! Works like a charm!!!



    Hi John!

    I just consulted with a developer and it’s not a hook that I need. It’s the product_category template from woocommerce that needs to be modified.

    From where does Enfold load the archive-product.php template? (Folder location and functions.php needed to pick it up on the child’s theme?)

    Thank you so much!!!!


    Thank you, John!!!

    That’s exactly what I was looking for!! I need to create a new Action Hook for the product category page!!!

    You are a genius!!

    I’ll get to work on it…



    in reply to: Header Widget CSS Help for Mobile Version #785932

    I probably have to add this link for the image: Header Search Box & Logo Overriden

    in reply to: Header Widget CSS Help for Mobile Version #785931

    Hi Rikard,

    I’m confused. Is this CSS for the Mobile/Responsive version of the page? Because the Desktop version looks perfect as is. I removed the CSS that was prohibiting the Logo from being displayed on mobile.

    So, now it look like this:

    Search Box Oveerlapping Logo on Mobile

    I think there are 3 options here:
    1- add the CSS code I had the removes the logo from displaying
    2- Making the logo smaller and the search box smaller too?
    3- Making sure the Search Box displays below the Logo and the Hamburger Menu (I think this would be the nicest one and many people would love to have this)

    For #3. we would need to adjust this CSS, correct?

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #header .widget {
    left: 40%;
    padding-top: 1.5em;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    transform: translate(-50%);
    z-index: 1;
    max-width: 55%;

    Thank you so much for your kind help!!


    PS: I just referred you two more Enfold licenses. ;) Love Enfold!!!

    in reply to: Header Widget CSS Help for Mobile Version #785436


    I added the following CSS to remove the logo from the mobile/responsive version (but I need to bring it back):

    /*remove logo from mobile version to allow space for search box*/
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive .logo img { display: none !important; }


    Thank you!!!


    Hi Basilis,
    I cannot find the instructions to add a custom php file for Enfold/Woocommerce. All I found was add the modified php file to a woocommerce folder inside of the Enfold Child theme folder.
    Am I missing something? Do I need to add some code to the Child functions.php file?
    All I am trying to do is to move the Product Category Description to display after the Product Grid instead of before it.
    Thank you in advance for your kind support,

    Hi @craigriches !

    If you added this as a feature for Enfold, I’ll upvote you!

    I have modified the archive-product.php > added it to the enfold child theme under woocommerce>templates but it’s not picking it up. :(

    Also tried adding it under the woocommerce folder on the child theme and it didn’t pick it up either.

    If you got somebody at Codeable to do this for you and recommend them, please feel free to share!


    in reply to: AMP pages #785293

    Hi guys!

    I had the compatibility problems taken care of. I hired a brilliant developer who created an enfold for amp plugin for me. It works like a charm. Cost me a pretty penny but it was worth it. You can see it here: (on any post with Enfold sliders and/or Galleries)

    Contact me if you are interested in using it!


    PS: Planning on adding the functions needed for YouTube video soon

    in reply to: Word Press 4.7 #781742

    For those who have main product image fuzzy, if you don’t want to implement the solutions shared on this forum, you can also switch to advanced layout editor and use Enfold’s format. Images will look amazing then!

    lol! I got the opposite effect on two multisite installs. I had to adjust all of the font-sizes. In a way, now they seem to be properly responding to the size set (I used to set an H2 to 28px so it would look like a 21px)

    It all looks good now. But I thought this additional info might help somebody else.

    in reply to: WooCommerce 3.0.0/3.0.1 and the images issue #781384

    Thank you @mensmaximus for your generous contribution!

    My client barely has any orders or visitors to her site, so I will wait for an update from the Enfold team, they always solve any problem that comes this way… :)

    BTW, if you use and Enfold layout for single products instead of the WooCommerce one, this does not happen. (it could be an option, if you don’t have too many products) and you can switch to the Enfold Product Layout. It really looks amazing!

    in reply to: Blurry Single Product Image WooCommerce #781347

    I am experiencing the same! Is yours a multisite?

    in reply to: Word Press 4.7 #781326

    Hi guys,

    I updated to the Enfold latest version on single wordpress sites and it all seems to run well with WP 4.7.4

    The exception being WP Multisite installs.

    Here’s what i see (besides having a pile of server errors that I don’t know if they are theme related yet – under investigation with host and they come from both single site and multisite installs):
    1- Font Sizes have increased in size (not inside of the settings but on how they are rendered) I had to manually adjust them on all the sites.
    2- Sliders stopped rendering properly on mobile unless you set the minimal height (which I did)
    3- Images do not follow the constraints set and appear blurry and take over the whole space on the page (I have not found a solution to this one yet, please help)
    a- (I had to force 2 column display as it started displaying 3 columns and the images were really not the proper size)
    b- I always have a top image flushed right with a 400 to 450px width that allows for text to wrap around it. Image now takes over 90% of the space on all blog posts that have this type of image

    4- You can see how font-size is now larger than life (I still need to go into the site and modify font-sizes)
    5- I usually update the theme manually for me and for my clients but I set one of my clients to manually update with her own license and her Enfold version does not read 4.0.5, her is 3.8.4. Which version is she running?

    Thank you!!


    in reply to: AMP pages #777595

    Hello everybody!

    Troubleshooted until death and passed it on to a developer but here’s what I identified so far.

    The issue appears when switching a page to AMP (GitHub wordpress plugin) with Gallery and Easy Slider (I have not tried anything else) because it does not work like a “wordpress standard gallery” (and wordpress standard galleries do not work with Enfold either) ;)

    It may be something that needs definition on the Enfold side or maybe Enfold would like to contribute to the to make sure their CSS (the one that strips all Enfold CSS and creates its own) understand Enfold’s language and displays properly on AMP posts. I imagine that you are plenty busy but I would look into which LOE is lower. Re-writing Enfold for AMP or making sure the CSS on the GitHub project works, amirite?) ;)

    I will see what the developer says about this (it has nothing to do with the AMP for WP plugin) and if they can provide me with a fix for the space created after the Easy Slider or remove the dots and arrows from avia that do not seem to be stripped on the AMP page.

    I’ll keep you posted!! Feel free to chime in!!


    in reply to: AMP pages #776813

    Hi Andy!!

    Trying to… posted on several places but cannot find too many that fully understand Enfold and I don’t want any developer…

    I also discovered that the CSS that affects the space after the Easy Slider cannot be overridden from inside Enfold and it seems not to be able to be overridden with the plugin CSS wither as it comes from a CSS hosted somewhere else.

    I did, though, find that I may add some CSS to the Plugin (they have a box for that) and modify visibility for the Gallery elements so it doesn’t show the previous next and the “hyperlinks” to the slides. It would show the first image twice but I don’t think that would be much of an issue.

    I would have to switch all the sliders to Gallery and that will take me a few days but it can be done. ;)

    Let’s see where this takes me. Also, if you have a developer of list of developers, please feel free to share here or send me an email so I can contact them because I would loooove to be able to use both the Easy slider and the Gallery to show photos on the weddings site.

    Thank you so much Andy!!!



    in reply to: Enfold AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) #775230

    Kahil, meanwhile I also reached out to the developers of the AMP for WP plugin to see if they can help with some of the CSS. :)
    I’m sure Kriesi will tackle AMP soon. Enfold is the best theme I have ever worked with and I have all my clients switch to it.
    I’ll keep everybody posted!
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Enfold AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) #775220

    I hope they do too, Kahil. I am trying to pick which one would bother visitor’s the least because I have to implement AMP no matter what.
    Here’s to hope!

    in reply to: AMP pages #775212

    Thank you Nikko!! Voted big time!!!
    I don’t really care about the pages but the Galleries and Sliders on the posts not acting as pages… I left a note explaining on the other ticket…

    I am thinking of hiring a developer to adjust these little aspects but if it has to do with modifying the theme’s html maybe that’s not the solution. Even if I were able to adjust the look of either the slider or the Gallery I would switch all of them to the one that works and go from there!!



    in reply to: Enfold AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) #775211

    So far of all the AMP plugins I tested with Enfold is the one that gets the closest and can show Advertising, tracks GA and does not need anything more than the basic AMP plugin.

    Only one thing missing. Sliders on Posts do not display properly. Of course, you cannot expect them to show as sliders but they have just a couple of issues:
    Easy Slider shows the images one after the other (that’s great) but leaves a blank space right after it and it could make people think that the page ended up there. This is for mobile so…

    The Gallery also displays all of the images (also great) but repeats reads “PreviousNext
    1234” (or the number of images on the gallery) as if you could hyperlink to them but it doesn’t and the first image gets repeated. No space after it though…

    Cannot pick which one looks the least unprofessional… (I actually run a test on a site I don’t actively work/promote and here’s the link if you want to see what they look like)

    If anybody has been able to implement AMP with Advertising and Galleries/Sliders properly, please share! I need to implement AMP asap!! Already got a message from Google.

    Feel free to vote on which option looks most professional as well… Easy slider or Gallery.

    Pages looking like a list look great and this is AMP. There’s no need for fancy. There shouldn’t be any fancy.

    Thank you all!!!

    in reply to: AMP Plug-Ins for Enfold Theme #766369

    Thank you Andy!!!

    I tried the code on the Quick CSS but nothing happens. It still shows the blank space.

    But if AMP for WP is not compatible and Glue for Yoast throws AMP errors. Do you have any other suggestions that are compatible with Enfold? I am getting messages from Google Webmasters to create AMP pages for one of my sites and I am losing on SERPs for not doing so.

    Best regards,


    PS: I reached out to this plugin developers and will see what they can do for all of us, Enfold long time users. It’s the only plugin that actually works and looks pretty good except for this. But being a free plugin their support is not quite all there.

    in reply to: AMP pages #766364

    Hi Ismael!
    You are right. The theme works really well with Amp and Amp for WP (recommended by Yigit) except for how the sliders and galleries are displayed. I am trying to find the AMP feature request to Vote it up. Do you have the link?
    Thank you!!!

    in reply to: AMP Plug-Ins for Enfold Theme #764905

    Hi Andy,

    They are both the same issue related to AMP pages.

    Here’s the two screen shots:
    1- Slider on AMP:
    2- Gallery on AMP:

    Maybe there’s some CSS that can be added for AMP pages so they look as beautiful as regular Enfold pages!

    Best regards,


    in reply to: AMP Plug-Ins for Enfold Theme #763340

    Ok. a bit more info:

    With the slider there’s a space added right after the slider but not repeated images.

    With the Gallery there’s a Prev/Next and number of images added up on top of the main image and then all of the images, repeating the main one are displayed with no space after.

    Any help/suggestions from the amazing Enfold theme is ore than welcome!! :)

    I will be leaving this particular page with both types of image displays as not too many people visit this site but I’d love to have it solved before I install it on the big sites ;)



    in reply to: AMP Plug-Ins for Enfold Theme #763335

    Hi guys,

    Here’s how to implement AMP and it looks amazing with Enfold. Just a couple of adjustments would be awesome. I list them below.

    Here’s the page with amp (You can see it without by removing /amp/)

    Install AMP by Automattic and Activate. Nothing else to do but on every step, verify the URL with the Amp Validator. It has to pass.

    Now install AMP for WP Plugin, activate and set it up (it adds formatting, Analytics, Ads! and social sharing!)

    I love that you can pick a different menu for AMP and that you can modify the order in which the elements of the page are presented to the viewer.

    I had barely tweaked anything.

    I tested inserting a Slider and on the amp version the images come out with dots in between – I then tried the Gallery and if you avoid choosing Thumbnail size for the bottom images, the only thing left is that the first image repeats.

    I will test another slider with text for each slide and see what it looks like.

    All in all, it’s really sweet and it all passes validator. I tested Glue for Yoast and it failed validator. Not needed. I will update in a week with Google Search Console feedback.

    Cheers!!! :)


    in reply to: On Page Section Links not responding #755239

    Hi Yigit!

    I added
    .custom-anchor { clear: both !important; display: none; }

    to the Quick CSS Section (there is no Custom CSS on the row element itself – just on each cell but the row is the one that carries the anchor name)

    and it still doesn’t work. The Code Block does display.

    I am going to remove the links from the images as it looks really bad that they don’t go anywhere and the client’s campaign is now in full swing. But feel free to send me ideas to test so I can bring this back. I can always test it at night.



    in reply to: On Page Section Links not responding #754631

    Hi Yigit!

    When you say adding the code block element, do you mean inside of each grid rose section? I just tested adding it on top of the grid and it adds a white space ruining the page look. :(

    Thank you!!!


    in reply to: On Page Section Links not responding #752711

    Hi Yigit!!

    Something must be wrong… each section has its own unique ID and each link is set manually as #uniqueanchortext

    I have done this with Enfold a lot of times (I have been using Enfold for years now) :)

    Do you see any setting that could block this from happening? Is it because the slider is inside of a color section and the rest is in rows? I’m grasping at straws here!!

    Thank you for your kind assistance!!!



    in reply to: On Page Section Links not responding #752461

    Hi Yigit!!!

    Each row element has its own unique ID. What am I missing?

    Thank you!!!!


    in reply to: Search button on Mobile #748090

    Thank you, Andy!!

    Here’s my code to do this. all in one piece just in case somebody wants to use it. I added a bit less margin for the search button as it was a bit under the hamburger menu. Tried to add a bit more space between them but this is as far as I can go. Suggestions are always welcome!! :)



    /*add search to mobile menu*/
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .main_menu .avia-menu, #header_main_alternate {
    display: block !important;
    .av-main-nav > li { display: none; }
    li#menu-item-search {
    display: block!important;
    margin-top: -86px;
    right: -27px;
    .responsive .main_menu {
    float: right;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    li#menu-item-search>a {
    font-size: 28px!important;
    nav.main_menu { float: right; margin-right: -3.1%; margin-top: 2%; }}
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #menu-item-burger {
    display: none !important;

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