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  • in reply to: Do we have to delete the Enfold folder contents? #954901

    Thank you, Yigit!!!

    I will try that one on the next one… ;) Wish me luck!!


    in reply to: Do we have to delete the Enfold folder contents? #954898

    Hi Victoria!

    I got an HTTP 500 I am running PHP 7.1 on Nginx. I just deleted the contents of the Enfold folder and uploaded it again vis SFTP and now it works.

    Will deleting the enfold/config-templatebuilder/ folder work in this case? (I have three more sites to update) I’ll wait for your reply!

    Thank you!!



    in reply to: All Shortcodes have av_uid='av-d7ng7vw' added #954412

    Hi Rikard!!

    It’s in the posts and only gets attached to the shortcodes (all of the shortcodes and all of the posts. Please let me know if this helps or if you need anything else.

    text text text
    [av_sidebar widget_area='LCOL1R-BAS' av_uid='av-p80oafh']
    text text text
    [av_button label='Check Out the Photo Gallery' link='manually,' link_target='' size='medium' position='center' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' color='pink' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av_uid='av-os3e019']

    [av_masonry_entries link='category,242' wc_prod_visible='' prod_order_by='' prod_order='' sort='no' items='3' columns='3' paginate='none' query_orderby='date' query_order='DESC' size='fixed' orientation='av-orientation-portrait-large' gap='large' overlay_fx='' id='' caption_elements='title' caption_styling='' caption_display='always' color='' custom_bg='' av-medium-columns='' av-small-columns='' av-mini-columns='1' custom_class='' av_uid='av-netnelp']
    <h3>Discover More Stunning Wedding Ideas</h3>
    [av_sidebar widget_area='googlerelated' av_uid='av-msr4ft9']

    [av_hr class='custom' height=’10' shadow='no-shadow' position='center' custom_border='av-border-fat' custom_width='50px' custom_border_color='#7bb0e7' custom_margin_top=‘5px' custom_margin_bottom='5px' icon_select='yes' custom_icon_color='' icon='ue808' font='entypo-fontello' av_uid='av-m84mral']

    [av_one_half first av_uid='av-lzgjbzh'][av_sidebar widget_area='LCOL2EOA' av_uid='av-l6k8mod']


    [av_one_half av_uid='av-ksg10p9'][av_sidebar widget_area='MCHNewsletterE' av_uid='av-khx6wh9']



    Thank you for this solution!! It worked perfectly for me!!



    in reply to: Do we have to delete the Enfold folder contents? #953167

    Hi Ismael,

    I do have child themes, The problem is updating the theme. It breaks the site.

    I get a blank screen if I override the Enfold files manually. The automatic updates don’t work because of the host.

    Having to delete all parent theme files and then uploading the theme again brings the whole site down for too long.

    Thank you so much!


    in reply to: Do we have to delete the Enfold folder contents? #952363

    Hi Rikard!! :)

    And getting in trouble with them as well!! LOL

    I have to manually update the theme as the host does not allow for automatic updates. And when doing so, I just drag and drop the contents of the Enfold Theme folder with the new ones. This used to work until the last release. Now when I do this I get a blank screen. Even if I clear the browser’s cache, Nothing. I cannot get to the wp-admin screen either.

    So I deleted the content of the Enfold folder on the server and then re-uploaded the theme’s files to that folder. This works. Problem is, the site is unavailable for 6 to 7 minutes while this happens and that’s bad for SEO and UX.

    I understand that there’s many thing that have changed and some files need to be removed. Is it possible that I just manually remove only those files after copying the theme files to the server’s folder instead of the process described above?

    If so, which are the files that I need to manually remove?

    Thank you sooo much!!

    I also made a little mess I made on one of the sites where I removed the blog under performance and then the media does not show clean permalinks anymore. I cannot manually change the permalinks (tried every method) and the only way is to re-upload all of the images for the woo commerce products. Ouch! Maybe you have a more elegant solution. Here’s the site: (I don’t know if this helps!

    Thank you!! Thank you!!



    in reply to: GDPR Compliance? #949295

    Hi guys,

    Here’s a few plugins just in case:


    But I’d love to have an option on the Contact Forms to add the Accept or Not options.

    For those looking to update the Privacy Policies, I found that iubenda makes it easy to pick and choose all of the services (not all hosting companies are listed though) and the list of GDPR compliance providers is super long!

    If anybody has any ideas, solutions and/or suggestions maybe we can help each other here!

    Thank you!!!


    in reply to: Paginated posts not Showing res NEXT and PREV #942929

    Hi Ismael!!

    Thank you!!! :)

    I just received an email from Yoast that the original issue was their bug and they will fix it. The original problem was that the /2/ etc pages were not being included in their sitemap. I guess their first reply was not valid and they’ll hopefully fix it soon.



    in reply to: Automatic Enfold Updates don't Update #939400

    Hi Yigit,

    Kinsta confirmed they are one of those platforms. Manual update it is!

    Thank you so much!!


    in reply to: Automatic Enfold Updates don't Update #939344

    Thank you, Yigit!!

    The API keys are correct. I’ll look into the wordpress transients… This client is on Kinsta (it’s so ultra cached, the update may not work… Do you happen to know if it’s because of them?



    in reply to: Structured Data Markup Errors #939322

    Hi Ismael & Basilis,
    I will review this again. Am I supposed to upload something to that site or were you replying to Steve?
    Thank you guys!!



    in reply to: Portfolios Appearing on Feed #939319

    Hi Basilis!

    Sorry for the delay. Here’s one of the screenshots where it shows the feed is still being created:

    Thank you for your support!


    in reply to: Portfolios Appearing on Feed #926962

    Hi Basilis!

    I let things cool off and posted a new portfolio and it created a /feed/:

    It now shows up as a 404 on the Search Console:

    Linked from

    Any other ideas?

    Thank you!!!


    in reply to: Portfolios Appearing on Feed #915761

    Thank you, Basilis!!

    I’ll install it and I should know in a few days!!! :) Crossing my fingers!!!

    The new search console gives so much data it’s been giving a lot of extra work!! :)



    in reply to: Portfolios Appearing on Feed #915675

    Hi guys!!

    I think I am onto something here. This may be the solution.

    We need to exclude the Portfolio Pages from the WordPress RSS feed via the Child’s functions.php file.

    Here’s why:
    1- these are pages, not posts and now they have started appearing on the New Search Console’s report as a Crawling Anomaly.
    2- if they are treated as posts, then they cannot use the advanced layout editor, correct? It would be the same as using the Advanced Layout Editor on a Post. It turns it into a Page.

    Can you please help me exclude the Portfolio Pages from the WP Feed? (Or provide me with more feedback on my reasoning)

    Thank you so much!!!



    in reply to: @type": "ImageObject" #912890

    Thank you, Ismael! Done and done! :)



    in reply to: Portfolios Appearing on Feed #912882

    Hi guys!

    This is just an update.

    I reached out to Yoast, they indicated this feed should not be getting indexed and to check for conflicts.

    I decided to run several experiments with the portfolios setup in different ways:
    1- Title inside of the page and remove social media buttons from the plugin
    2- Title from theme (not Advanced Layout Editor) so Social Media buttons appear right after it
    3- Portfolio page with standard editor (not Advanced Layout Editor)

    So far, no errors have been detected by Google Search Console on the above scenarios. So, I think there may be an issue somewhere in there.

    I had to add a bit of CSS to the Title so it would show the proper color when it was displayed above the page body.
    /*title portfolio*/
    #top .alternate_color.title_container .main-title a {
    color: #80b7b3 !important;

    I will keep an eye on it for a week or two and let you know if the error gets crawled again. It maybe too soon.

    Personally I think it could be the ESSB Plugin blocking something (as it seems to happen when those buttons display above the Title.

    I’ll keep you posted!!



    in reply to: Content Slider Question #911489

    :) I’m super happy!!! :)

    Yes, the pictures are Disney-like! I want the brides to click, click, click!!

    I’m going to see if I can make the arrows of the other sliders as big as this one!!

    Thanks again!!



    in reply to: Content Slider Question #911447

    Hi Nikko!!

    I thought you would want to see how beautiful the sliders look right now (on the real site) :)

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!



    in reply to: @type": "ImageObject" #911446

    Hi guys!

    I think I am having the opposite problem. ImageObject = The property ImageObject is not recognized by Google for an object of type WebPage. And failing the structured data markup on the pages where a logo slider, team member, testimonials, image appears.

    <div class=’slide-entry-wrap’ itemprop=”ImageObject” itemscope=”itemscope” itemtype=”; ><div class=’slide-entry flex_column no_margin post-entry slide-entry-overview slide-loop-1 slide-parity-odd av_one_third first real-thumbnail’><img itemprop=”thumbnailUrl” width=”300″ height=”135″ src=”


    Thank you so much!!


    in reply to: Content Slider Question #908386

    Thank you Nikko!!

    More than likely I will have to make the arrows appear lower than they are, so just adjust the top value, right? That’s from the top of the slider, correct?

    This is going to be awesome!!

    Thank you so much!!!



    in reply to: Content Slider Question #908336

    Hi Nikko,

    Thank you!! :) Quick question, will it work with any image size? (Height)



    in reply to: Content Slider Question #908242

    Hi Victoria!!

    No problem. I disabled caching and minification. What I’d like is those arrows to stand out.

    background: #67b6e1 !important; (without the gray overlay – it is white right now to be able to show your the gray that dulls the color)
    color: white;

    and it’s not a font, is it? It’s a char code? Can I use \ue888 & \ue899? If not, how can I make the arrow bolder?

    Is it possible to add rounded corners and shadow (like the theme buttons)?

    My goal is to make them stand out and work with the theme.

    Thank you so much!!!



    in reply to: Js stops working #907788

    Hi Victoria!

    Thank you so much! I’ll pass it on to the Kinsta guys so they can do that. Crossing fingers!! :)



    in reply to: Content Slider Question #907787

    Hi Nikko!

    Yes, that’s what I had in the beginning but it doesn’t quite work. There’s a gray overlay. I’d like to make the arrows more visible (that’s why I moved the title under them – so that the eyes go towards the navigation) That has been my goal all along. Make it really clear to the site visitors how to navigate te slides.

    Here’s the CSS I have for all the changes you see on that page:

    /*slider arrows css */
    #top .avia-smallarrow-slider .avia-slideshow-arrows {
    width: 150px;
    height: 50px;
    #top .avia-smallarrow-slider .avia-slideshow-arrows a {
    background: white !important;
    color: #67b6e1;
    width: 50px;
    height: 30px;
    font-size: 25px;
    font-weight: bolder;
    .html_elegant-blog .avia-content-slider .slide-entry-title {
    padding-top: 1px;
    font-size: 1.1em !important;}

    .html_elegant-blog .avia-content-slider .slide-entry-title {
    text-align: right;
    text-transform: none !important;
    padding: 0 40px 15px !important;



    in reply to: Js stops working #907624

    Hi Victoria,

    Here’s KInsta’s reply:

    Hi Havi,

    Here are the current settings for your container:

    post_max_size = 128M
    upload_max_filesize = 128M
    max_input_vars = 10000
    max_execution_time = 300
    max_input_time = 300
    memory_limit = 256M

    You’ll note that a few of these are below the developer’s “requirements”, but I don’t think they’ll help. As far as I’m aware, every single one of these if you hit that limit, PHP will scream loudly into error.log, and as they’re already rather generous (half a gigabyte max POST size is incredible!) I would question why they even need to be any higher (it’s my personal opinion that outside cron jobs, PHP’s max execution time should be substantially lower to improve site reliability).

    I mean, it’s your container and it will only affect your site if we raise them, I just don’t see it helping, only potentially hurting. Let me know if you want us to raise them.

    BTW, another one of my sites has lower settings than these and I don’t have this particular issue of frozen portfolio pages. I do have the missing ALT text on some of the images (the second issue but so do they) after having entered it via the Advanced Layout Editor (not when the image is uploaded the standard wordpress way of add image) I don’t know if this additional info helps. I hope so.

    Let me know what the next step is.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Js stops working #907613

    Hi Victoria!

    I will pass this on to the Kinsta guys. There is not an .htaccess file on Nginx (that’s only on Apache) but the ESSB plugin checks the resources and I did see that max.input.vars is 10000.

    Would adjusting this take care of both issues?

    I’ll keep you posted on their reply.

    Thank you!!


    in reply to: Content Slider Question #907608

    Thank you, Victoria!

    I wouldn’t want anybody developing custom code for the theme. I try to follow the KISS principle. And I’d rather not add another plugin for sliders given that you already offer great sliders.

    Do you have a way to modify the next/previous buttons on this slider so they pop -up? For some reason, the CSS for the background color does not display properly (it gets dulled or grayed out) and is there a way to change the text from > to NEXT and < to PREV? Or make the character bolder? And maybe making the buttons s bit more 3-D?

    This is what I am trying to achieve: The clearance highly visible buttons and calls to action are super important to me.

    Any suggestion is highly welcome!

    Thank you in advance!


    in reply to: Content Slider Question #907341

    Hi Basilis!!

    Tried it but it didn’t work. I think it need one more reference to the slider itself. I’m sending you the credentials to get in and check it out for yourself. It’s a bit complicated to explain but I know when you see it, you’ll know exactly what I am referring to. :)

    Thank you!!!


    in reply to: Portfolios Appearing on Feed #907300

    Hi Basilis,

    I use their free version but I am about to get their premium version. I’ll check and let you know. Meanwhile, 404s are better than blocked ;)



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