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Hi Jason,
I found this post:
Enfold with the ALB shortcodes has some overhead to load in php, css and js. We added the .min files for css and js on user request as HTML 5 is optimized for that. You could try this instead of the merged files.
Maybe increase of memory might also help – and use of a cache plugin and responsive images (but this you probably know/use already).
Best regards,
Thank you for breaking down the problem. WP introduced class WP_Textdomain_Registry with 6.1 and this class caused the problem.
If you need a hotfix please modify enfold/functions.php:
Around line 173 you find:
if( ! function_exists( 'avia_lang_setup' ) ) { add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'avia_lang_setup' ); function avia_lang_setup() { $lang = apply_filters( 'ava_theme_textdomain_path', get_template_directory() . '/lang' ); load_theme_textdomain( 'avia_framework', $lang ); } avia_lang_setup(); }
if( did_filter( 'after_setup_theme' ) ) { avia_lang_setup(); }
If you need help let us know and we can do it for you.
Do not forget to make a backup of the original file for a fallback.Best regards,
GünterApril 7, 2023 at 7:07 pm in reply to: Cant find how to translate “Found errors in the following fields” #1403838Hey Butterfly44,
Hi, in 5.6 it will be possible with the translation files found in /lang directory. These are either contributed by other users or you need a plugin like to translate it by yourself.Best regards,
Next release will have improved settings for some widgets in core.
See regards,
I uploaded an optimized version:
If you replace line 64:
$this->use_blog_meta_settings = false;
$this->use_blog_meta_settings = true;
then theme options blog layout settings are used to show/hide categories and time
Best regards,
At the bottom you have the code to paste into function.php of your child theme:
/* * Snippet to replace Newsbox widget with your custom Newsbox widget * * @since 5.5 */ function custom_avf_widget_loader_widget_classes_newsbox( array $default_widgets ) { $namespace = '\\aviaFramework\widgets\\'; // Create a folder widgets in enfold-child: enfold-child/widgets $path = trailingslashit( get_stylesheet_directory() ) . 'widgets/'; // Replace link to original file with your child theme modified newsbox widget $default_widgets['newsbox'] = array( 'class' => $namespace . 'avia_newsbox', 'file' => $path . 'class-avia-newsbox.php' ); return $default_widgets; } add_filter( 'avf_widget_loader_widget_classes', 'custom_avf_widget_loader_widget_classes_newsbox', 10, 1 );
This is a modified newsbox widget with the categories:
Put this file in folder enfold-child/widgets.
It will replace the original newsbox.
If you need help please provide ftp access and we can do it for you.
Best regards,
I’m afraid this is not so easy.
Lets say your product has the ID 6499.
Then in the post meta for this post_id you find meta_key:
This is I think the “old” field (has meta_value e.g. outofstock, instock).
For the new tax query have a look into enfold\config-woocommerce\config.php around line 2981 function avia_wc_set_out_of_stock_query_params(…)
Database tables involved are wp_terms, wp_term_taxonomy, wp_term_relationships.
To be honest, I did not dig deeper how it is set by WC. But I think you need to set the “outofstock” term to wp_term_relationships
object_id = post_id, term_taxonomy_id = term_id of “outofstock” found in wp_termsHope this helps you a little.
the only real solution is to change the import
Yes, this would be the future safest way
Best regards,
I digged into the core code of WC.
With WC 3.0 the info for stock/out of stock was moved from meta data query to tax query and the meta data query was deprecated and is no longer supported by WC core.
It seems, that your import plugin does not take care of that. As mentioned above, after saving a product stock/out of stock is recognized correctly.
I think to be backwards compatible with older code WC still fills the meta data field – but this is nothing to rely on.
The only thing I can offer is to add a filter that allows you activate the meta data query instead of the tax query. This is not an option to select but you will need to add some php code we can provide you.
The preferred way would be to contact the import plugin authors that they should fix this. Or you add a script that sets the taxonomies correctly after import.
Best regards,
This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by
March 5, 2023 at 5:44 pm in reply to: Einbindung von F12 Captcha/Honeypot auf der Kontaktseite #1400174Hi Alexander,
Google Maps Alternative:
WP Dashboard -> Theme Extension Tab -> OpenStreetMaps ist die Alternative. Links dazu findest Du in der description dazu
Contact Form
Eine einfache Brücke ist das numerische captcha – komplett ohne irgendwelche requests.
Borlab plugin bietet eine gute Möglichkeit für die DSGVO – da kann @Guenni007 mehr Informationen liefern.
WP Armour soll laut Beschreibung in der Bezahl Version Enfold Contact Form unterstützen – wie oben schon erwähnt.
Leider habe ich momentan dazu noch keine näheren Info.
Best regards,
GünterMarch 5, 2023 at 12:42 pm in reply to: Einbindung von F12 Captcha/Honeypot auf der Kontaktseite #1400157Hi,
Danke @Guenni007.
In WP Armour Extended (Bezahlversion) ist Enfold aufgelistet (siehe Link oben). Bezüglich der false positiv Ergebnisse sollte man mit dem Support des plugins abklären, ob es etwas mit Enfold zu tun hat.
Falls ja und sie ein Filter benötigen (oder etwas anderes), können wir das gerne einbauen.
Leider haben wir so weit ich weiss keinen Kontakt zu den Autoren – werde das aber noch abklären mit unserem Team.
Best regards,
GünterFebruary 24, 2023 at 12:09 pm in reply to: Search Results Page (avia_product_slider) – get_style_tag() on null error #1399140Hi,
Thank you for sharing the solution.
I added it to our compatibility class Avia_Relevanssi for next release 5.5
In case you want to check it please replace enfold\config-relevanssi\class-avia-relevanssi.php with
Best regards,
GünterHey Marcel,
You can search for the shortcode of the ALB contact form element in the database in table wp_posts -> post_content
Look for [av_contact or [/av_contact
Best regards,
Thanks for clarify. I did not check that it is the shop banner.
For the layout of the banner check function avia_woocommerce_parallax_banner in the config file.
And/or action ava_after_main_container and the 2 handlers
You probably will need to modify:
action woocommerce_before_main_content – handler avia_woocommerce_before_main_content
and create your own breadcrumbs using action ava_after_main_container before shop banner
using function avia_title()I hope this helps you.
Best regards,
GünterHey Tim,
I’ve uploaded a pdf with a screenshot how I see your link.
Images have scrset and sizes.
I’m a bit confused.If you want to make changes to config-woocommerce/config.php file you should stick to hooks and filters or define the functions you want to modify before our config file is loaded.
Most of the functions are wraped inif( ! function_exists( 'xxxx' ) ) { ...... }
To modify the complete file is not recommended as it might change at any time, when we find a bug or extend WC support.
Best regards,
I added the following to bottom of quick CSS:
.av-video-service-youtube.av-video-events-bound .av-click-overlay{ display: none; /* @since x.x.x In fullwidth easy slider preview controls are blocked after user starts video */ }
Seems to work now.
Will become part of next release.
Best regards,
GünterFebruary 15, 2023 at 4:44 pm in reply to: Lightbox swipe feature request & Gallery navigation #1398104Hi,
thanks for this input.
Added it to our dev repo (maybe already in next release).Best regards,
GünterFebruary 14, 2023 at 5:15 pm in reply to: Lightbox swipe feature request & Gallery navigation #1397955Hi Tim,
ALB Gallery element
I’m checking it for next release.
only the closest is decisive
Yes, the last value assigned to $condition is used, in your case
$condition = ( isset( $options['header_position'] ) && $options['header_position'] == 'header_top' );
Best regards,
GünterFebruary 14, 2023 at 3:49 pm in reply to: Lightbox swipe feature request & Gallery navigation #1397941Hi,
I forgot to mention, that the fix will be part of next release 4.5.2.
So you can actually replace the 2 original files in ..\enfold\js\…
No need to copy to child theme.
Script from Yigit is not correct, as it loads the same code twice (.min is minified only).Your code should work. Depending on theme option either the normal version of the file or the .min. version is loaded.
If you do not upload a .min. version you can skip {$min_js} (or set it to ” hardcoded).Best regards,
GünterFebruary 14, 2023 at 1:18 pm in reply to: Lightbox swipe feature request & Gallery navigation #1397910Hi,
Update for swipe feature:
Please replace enfold\js\avia-snippet-lightbox.js and enfold\js\avia-snippet-lightbox.min.js
with not forget to clear server and browser cache (or toggle theme options if using merged js) and make a backup of the files for a fallback.
Best regards,
GünterFebruary 11, 2023 at 10:50 am in reply to: Avia editor don’t appear anymore after upadting PHP (7.4 to 8.1) #1397540Hi,
If you do not need the WP block editor (= Gutenberg) Enfold has an integrated option to disable it without the need of any plugin:
Theme Options Enfold -> Theme Options tab -> Select Your Editor at bottom.
And if you want to switch depending on page/post you edit you can also do that with
add_theme_support( 'avia_gutenberg_post_type_support' );
This adds additional options on options page and links to open a page/post
Best regards,
I uploaded our latest dev version that fixes a problem with Google Maps.
There is a problem with your server sending js files to client. It adds characters that cause syntax errors. These characters are not in the original files.
I switched theme option to load minified files – and that works. Switching back to unminified again causes the error described above.
To check with your hoster:
File themes\enfold\framework\js\avia_advanced_form_elements.js line 811:
This is what is rendered to browser:
if(the_value != “” && the_value != null && baseurl) {Â the_value = the_value.replace(‘{{AVIA_BASE_URL}}’, baseurl); }
instead of
if(the_value != “” && the_value != null && baseurl) { the_value = the_value.replace(‘{{AVIA_BASE_URL}}’, baseurl); }
And the same happens to other js files also.
If you correct it with theme file editor (backspace and add blank) on your server and save the js file the additional character is no longer present.
I hope this helps your hoster to solve/locate the problem.
Best regards,
GünterHey Guenter,
Thanks for pointing at this.
We missed to update it. Kriesi will upload a correct version.
Best regards,
GünterHi Roger,
Thank you very much. I added it to core.
Have a great day.Best regards,
Glad we could help.
Have a great day – I will close this topic.
Best regards,
I added a working filter to functions.php in your child theme.
You also find it here:
But please keep in mind that displaying ALB content might break the layout.
We had users who faced this problem, thats why we removed it by default.We will add it to the description of the option.
Best regards,
I understand the intention, but you have the risk of nested or circular called shortcodes which leads into endless loops or broken layout.
That’s why we added a check for ALB Posts and force ‘excerpt_read_more’ for these.see includes\loop-index.php line 69.
Good news is that there is filter at line 86:
$blog_content = apply_filters( 'avf_blog_content_in_loop', $blog_content, $current_post, $blog_style, $blog_global_style );
You can return ‘content’ to show the complete post content.
But be sure to add logic to check where you want to change it.Best regards,
GünterHey Guenter,
This is the intended and default Enfold behavior that in a blog content created with ALB is not executed.
If you use a standard editor (even with shortcode) it is displayed correctly.see loop-index line 130 ff.
If you really want to display the executed shortcode you can use the filter (line 130):
$current_post['content'] = apply_filters( 'avf_the_content', '', 'loop_index' );
and return whatever you like.
Best regards,
GünterJanuary 10, 2023 at 11:45 am in reply to: "Menu Links in overlay/slide out" not available under Advanced Styling #1378104Hey dominictschupp,
Thank you for using Enfold.
Very sorry for this – there happened a small typo error in the latest version.
Will be fixed in next release 5.4In file enfold\includes\admin\register-backend-advanced-styles.php around line 452 you find:
'group' => __( 'Main Menu (Icon )', 'avia_framework' ),
Replace this line with:
'group' => __( 'Main Menu (Icon)', 'avia_framework' ),
Do not forget to make a backup of the original file for a fallback and clear server and browser cache.
If you need help let us know please and we can do it for you.Best regards,
Günter -
This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by