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  • in reply to: Diagonal Color Sections: Degrees, Sizes, etc. #1475828

    you can manage it by clip-path.
    But the following section had to be handled the same way on top of that section
    see ( css code including ):

    the shift of that edge you like to have – had to be the same value on both sections! so % will not be ok ( the % is in relation to the section height – and that maybe different for both sections) for the shift. It had to be a absolute value – or a relative value that is the same for both sections ( f.e. screen width)

    now only the polygone points declare the form of your separator. The points coordinates are starting top left and goes clockwise.
    see f.e. : Clippy


    to explain what I mean by shift: Starting from a rectangular polygon with an additional point at the bottom, in the example I move this point upwards by an amount (10vw). This means that the y-coordinate is 100% – 10vw. The same goes for the bottom left point.

    So that there is no gap, I have to do the same with the following section. But then for the first and second point of the polygon.

    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 4 days ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: increase font size of Subheading Text #1475805

    besides the possibility to set it directly in the element itself:
    (here an example with screen-width less than a given value)

    you can manage it by quick css too:
    (you only missed to select the p tag inside your selector)

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
      #top .av-special-heading .av-subheading p {
        font-size: 24px
    in reply to: Video in Header #1475803

    Dear @bemodesign, like you, I am just a fellow participant here, but I am happy to help where a solution might be interesting.
    I have no idea why publicly accessible pages – your example page you mention above – are not allowed to be mentioned here. If this is exactly what you want to use as a realisation for your site. This limits you to solutions from moderators only. So I am no longer involved in the process of finding a solution.

    in reply to: Contact Form – center submit button and styling checkbox #1475792


    input[type="checkbox"]:checked {
        position: relative;
        pointer-events: none;
        opacity: 0;
        width: 3.4rem !important
    .input_checkbox_label .required {
        position: relative !important;
        left: 0 !important;
    input[type="checkbox"] ~ label {
        position: relative !important;
        display:  block;
        min-height: 2rem !important;
    input[type="checkbox"] ~ label::before {
        position: absolute ;
        display: block !important;
        content: "";
        top: 0;
        left: 0 !important;
        width: 3.0rem !important;
        height: 1.6rem !important;
        pointer-events: all;
        border-radius: 0.8rem;
        background-color: #fff;
        border: #adb5bd solid 1px;
    input[type="checkbox"] ~ label::before {
        transition: background-color .15s ease-in-out,border-color .15s ease-in-out,box-shadow .15s ease-in-out;
    input[type="checkbox"]:checked ~  label::before {
        color: #fff;
        border-color: #adb5bd;
        background-color: #fff;
    input[type="checkbox"]  ~ label::after {
        content: "";
        position: absolute !important;
        display: block;
        width: 1.4rem !important;
        height: 1.4rem !important;
        top: 0.16rem;
        left: 0.25rem;
        background-color: #832c32 !important;
        border-radius: 50%;
        transition: background-color .15s ease-in-out,border-color .15s ease-in-out,box-shadow .15s ease-in-out,-webkit-transform .15s ease-in-out;
        transition: transform .15s ease-in-out,background-color .15s ease-in-out,border-color .15s ease-in-out,box-shadow .15s ease-in-out;
        transition: transform .15s ease-in-out,background-color .15s ease-in-out,border-color .15s ease-in-out,box-shadow .15s ease-in-out,-webkit-transform .15s ease-in-out;
        background: no-repeat 50%/50% 50%;
    input[type="checkbox"]:checked ~ label::after {
        background-color: #00841b !important;
        -webkit-transform: translateX(1.2rem);
        transform: translateX(1.2rem);

    PS: on that demo page this is working on the scratch – but it might be necessary to adjust display option and left positioning. Depends on setup.

    in reply to: Images open in new page instead of presenting as lightbox #1475767

    On theme options : “Lightbox Modal Window”. – this is checked?

    in reply to: Warning: fopen #1475765

    what is this matomo script for? that is the console error warning – maybe deactivate it – and refresh all cache and merging after that and have a look.

    fopen warning : maybe a caching problem – do you have a caching tool working – i can see Comet Cache – maybe try to deactivate that too- and see.

    by the way where is this /volume4/web/ directory ? Warning is : no permission to that directory …

    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 5 days ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Contact Form – center submit button and styling checkbox #1475751

    these settings are all browser controlled.
    There is only the way to have a background-color from external css – see:

    Styling the radios or checkboxes could be achieved – if you put the f.e. checkbox to opacity : 0 and then place a styled version to replace it:
    see :

    or see:

    you see this is always based on :

    input {
      opacity: 0;
      cursor: pointer;
      height: 0;
      width: 0;

    you find different solutions in the internet – f.e. on

    in reply to: Translation of Fold/Unfold text #1475721

    yes – i think you are right . Allthough there are translatables in the code of enfold

    __( 'Read More Text', 'avia_framework' ),
    __( 'Read more', 'avia_framework' ),
    __( 'Read Less Text', 'avia_framework' ),
    __( 'Read less', 'avia_framework' ),

    on many languages these ( f.e. on german) tranlations are missing.

    but for dutch there is: Lees minder and Lees meer inside the lang files – so i guess you only want to change that translation? One solution could be to have your own translation files – or to use a plugin to change these translations.

    I don’t know how you have implemented multilanguage support for your installation. With WPML you have separate pages. There you could rename it manually in the element.

    in reply to: Video in Header #1475719

    So now not only your own websites that you create for your customers are secret (which I can understand), but also an example page that you find on the public Internet?

    in reply to: Add the URL of the current page to the form #1475671

    Why not using the code tag for your code? Link
    No one can copy paste the code for his own use.

    in reply to: Add the URL of the current page to the form #1475646

    Since I use contactform 7, I can’t say whether this has always been the case: the subject in the email header is always :
    sent by contact form at bloginfo.

    in reply to: Add the URL of the current page to the form #1475642

    if a hint on the bottom of your e-mail is enough – you can put this to your child-theme functions.php:

    function add_page_info_to_form_email($message, $new_post, $form_params) {
        // Get the current page URL and title
        $page_url = get_permalink();
        $page_title = get_the_title();
        // Append the page information to the message
        $message .= "\n\n--\nSent from the page:\n" . $page_url . "\n";
        return $message;
    add_filter('avf_form_message', 'add_page_info_to_form_email', 10, 3);
    in reply to: increase size of account login icon #1475631

    yes – and your mentioned code above : a.cart_dropdown_link leads me to the wrong direction.
    But better is to post the link to that page – so i can inspect it there. – is it the priver page?
    (f.e. the demo page Enfold Shop does not have that account login icon inside main nav. it is on header_top.)

    #top #header .av-main-nav  #menu-item-wc-account-icon > a {
      color: #f19809;
      font-size: 28px;

    or if you like to have a hover effect on this:

    #top #header .av-main-nav  #menu-item-wc-account-icon > a {
      color: #f19809;
      font-size: 28px;
      transition: color 0.7s ease;
    #top #header .av-main-nav  #menu-item-wc-account-icon > a:hover {
      color: #1c60c7;
    in reply to: increase size of account login icon #1475627

    the data-av_icon is on the following span tag:

    #top a.cart_dropdown_link {
      right: 15px;
    #top a.cart_dropdown_link span[data-av_icon] {
      font-size: 28px;
      color: var(--enfold-header-color-color);
    /* === to influence the counter === */
    #top a.cart_dropdown_link span.av-cart-counter {
      height: 20px;
      left: 64%;
      font-size: 18px;
      line-height: 20px;
      border-radius: 50%;
      background: var(--enfold-header-color-primary);
      color: var(--enfold-header-color-constant-font);
      margin: -22px 0 0 2px;
      padding: 2px 6px;

    i inserted above the default colors – change them to your needs

    in reply to: Add the URL of the current page to the form #1475608

    maybe it is possible via that filter: avia_contact_form_args ?

    in reply to: lightbox css no longer working with enfold theme update #1475526

    First : this is not the enfold implemented magnificPopup lightbox. Next: what is wrong with those iframe popups? What you like to see or rule for those lightboxes?

    in reply to: Background Image on Color Section Responsive? #1475454

    you are talking about a color-section – and its background image – right? i can not see the header image in your question.

    vw is another relative length value.
    1vw is equal to 1% of the width of the viewport ( viewport width = vw)
    so if you like to have the background-image to have full width – you can set the bg-image to cover the container – so it has a width of 100vw.
    Now if you got a background-image that has a 16:9 aspect ratio then. 16 = 100vw and 9 = x vw ?
    Simple rule of three the height of the container had to be 56.25vw.

    you see my example page that this is a responsive color-section. The only problem is that now the height of the container no longer grows with its content. But if you only got a heading f.e. with fluid font-size – this will work in that manner.

    in reply to: Background Image on Color Section Responsive? #1475448

    you had to know the aspect ratio of your bg-image. then you can calculate the height of that section in relation to 100vw of width.
    f.e. if your bg-image is a 16/9 image – then the height should be 56.25vw. So you can force the height to be of that height of the image.

    This will work if your content does not grow over that height.
    See an example here:

    in reply to: Need help removing lines of text from a site #1475364


    #all_coupon_container .text-xs > div:nth-of-type(2){
      display: none !important;
    in reply to: Adobe Fonts #1475334

    Everything you need is already available in Enfold. You are not forced to use an additional plugin. If you are the licence holder (including web font usage), you can convert and use your desired font f.e. by :
    my recommendation is to generate woff2 and as fallback solution the ttf fonts.
    The downloaded zip file could be used allready by enfold Font Manager, but however, I would only advise you to rename the zip file. In the Enfold Font Manager, the name of the zip file will appear as the font name (the css font name is not affected by this, it is generated from the font itself).

    in reply to: Add Icon to a colored Menu Button #1475267

    i do not know if shortcodes are allowed on default – but you can set that filter inside child-theme functions.php:
    ( then Ismaels Code will do the job )

    add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items', 'do_shortcode');
    in reply to: Transparent Header not functional #1475266

    on default – the padding-top for transparency header setting is set to zero ( padding-top: 0 ) – check if you have a different setting on your page.
    Maybe your header is transparent – but there is no content under that area ;)

    in reply to: Background video in colour-section not responsive #1475265

    Yes, you are right – that even if you select the last option (responsive) for that color-section in “Section Minimum Height” and set it to, say, 56% (for a 16:9 video) – this setting will have no effect on small screens.
    The reason for this is that if it is forced, there is a high probability that the content of the colour section will grow beyond the then quite small height.

    ( 900 / 16 = 56.25)

    .responsive #top .avia-section[data-section-video-ratio="16:9"] {
      height: 56.25vw !important;

    see here what is the problem:

    in reply to: too much distance – no idea anymore #1474969

    ja – genau Ismaels Code.

    lest ihr etwas die Posts nicht durch?
    hier steht präzise wo der große Abstand herkommt!: und das man diese Standard Werte ändern soll.

    Ich fürchte, die werten Mitstreiter lesen nicht mehr – sondern copy pasten irgendeinen Code der angezeigt wird und das wars dann.
    Echt frustrierend für jemand der Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe praktiziert. Ich habe doch nichts davon, wenn ich nur Code anbiete, der zwar funktioniert, aber den ihr nicht nachvollziehen könnt. und der auf der nächsten Seite auch nicht mehr funktioniert. Sorry Martin, das es jetzt dich traf – aber langsam habe ich keine Lust mehr.


    yes – Ismaels Code.

    are you not reading the posts?

    it says exactly where the large gap comes from! – and that you should change that default values.

    I’m afraid that the other participants don’t read any more – they just copy and paste some code that is displayed and that’s it.
    Really frustrating for someone practicing self-help. I have nothing to gain from offering code that works, but which you can’t understand and which doesn’t work on the next page. I’m sorry, Martin, that it’s you who’s getting my frustration now, but it’s no fun anymore.

    in reply to: Creating a wide footer #1474966

    Better to have a sample page to inspect. From previous posts to this site, I can’t see a footer that attempts to do that.

    in reply to: Align the icon box #1474965

    and to center the flex_columns itself :

    #av-layout-grid-2 .flex_cell .flex_column {
      display: flex;
      flex-flow: row nowrap;
      justify-content: center;

    but as always all rules here do work on all elements that fit- better is to work more specific by a custom class set by you f.e. on that grid-row element.

    in reply to: Logo sliding option in bar #1474952

    you are talking about marquee but with images

    in reply to: Mute button in Vimeo video #1474885

    Yes – but don’t miss to do that on all languages. ;)

    in reply to: Mute button in Vimeo video #1474876

    can you try to insert the video like this:

    in reply to: Mute button in Vimeo video #1474829

    i do not know if this works – because the button is inside an iframe – so external.


    .ToastBase_module_toast__fb6cbe17 {
      display: none;

    but isn’t that an option that could be made on vimeo itself on editing there the settings?

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