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  • in reply to: 2 video on page, one will no longer load #766312

    Really, a great job and you saved the day. I know I have taken a lot of your time today.

    I will keep and eye on things!

    Have a great weekend. Thanks again!

    in reply to: 2 video on page, one will no longer load #766301

    Hi Yigit,

    That seems to work, thank you. You have been incredibly helpful today.

    What was wrong, though? Did I do something? Was a plugin causing the issue? Just trying to causing the same issue in the future.

    in reply to: 2 video on page, one will no longer load #766289

    Hi Yigit, can I turn plugins back on now? Need to crack on…

    in reply to: 2 video on page, one will no longer load #766142

    Video sliders on mobiles is essential, I hope it comes soon.

    All plugins now disabled, masonry still not showing.

    in reply to: 2 video on page, one will no longer load #766135

    Thanks, Yigit. I’m not sure this is quite the solution, but I am grateful. I can’t rely on the client remaining on hover to stop the slider, I need the video to be static while playing. Not a crazy notion. I’m also too far down the line to bring in a child theme, but again, thanks for the code and suggestion.

    Bottom line, there are no solutions with Enfold to slide videos on both mobile and desktop. I am surprised at this.

    Lastly, a masonry gallery at the bottom of my homepage has now stopped functioning as well. I have done nothing here, it was fine and now the images are not displaying. Do you have any theories as to why this has now stopped working, please?

    in reply to: 2 video on page, one will no longer load #766104

    To add further complication, the Our Clients Include section at the base of the page is now not showing the logos I set in there. It was… now it’s not.

    in reply to: 2 video on page, one will no longer load #766091

    Top man. Thank you again. No problem in waiting for a fix.

    In the meantime, sorry to take up more of your time, but I am trying to display multiple videos on the homepage without taking up huge amounts of space, hence trying to use the sliders.

    I tried to use the Content Slider instead, set to auto-rotate 4-5 videos in pairs, but now I notice that when you click play the slider continues to slide and slides the video, now playing, straight off screen.

    1) Is there a way to stop the Content Slider sliding when a video is playing?
    2) Do you have any other possible ideas or suggestions as to how I can display 4-5 video in a slider that will play both on desktop and mobile? Fallback images are no good.

    I just wish I could you use your built in sliders, but I cant as they will not show the videos on mobiles (which you can do with LayerSlider).

    in reply to: 2 video on page, one will no longer load #766085

    Hi Yigit.

    Thank you for confirming the issue and for clarifying the situation. Now I know this is the state of play I will leave this design approach alone until further updates are made.

    With regard to FTP details, I don’t actually use FTP myself, never really leave the WP interface. Is this essential to you at the moment? I can get them if required.

    in reply to: 2 video on page, one will no longer load #765374

    Link to the test page built with just the two sliders on

    in reply to: 2 video on page, one will no longer load #765350

    I have now had my hosting company look into it and run some tests, they have checked for plugin clashes and said there is nothing wrong with the site, plugins and set up. They were, however, able to recreate the problem on a separate page by adding the two sliders together.

    in reply to: 2 video on page, one will no longer load #765344

    Hi guys,

    We enter another day of this problem still not being solved.

    You asked me to set you up a login, which I did, but you haven’t done anything to help rectify this problem. I am unable to build this site if the sliders and videos I need to feature on the site are not going to work.

    Could you please, please help me here or advise how I escalate this issue, or could you let me know if you would prefer to refund me for the cost of the theme and Advanced Layer Slider and I will but a theme that does work?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: 2 video on page, one will no longer load #764863

    Sorry, not sure I follow?

    Why would I recreate everything? Shouldn’t this be something you guys do or identify? It’s your theme and you incorporate Advanced Layer Slider, I’m just using it as you’ve packaged and sold it – and it doesn’t work.

    Recreating everything is going to take ages, do you mean to simply recreate the whole page again from scratch?? I haven’t changed any coding or anything, your product(s) are not working straight off the shelf.

    I would anticipate you guys recreating the issue or if you can’t I’m quite happy to have a refund for the theme and use another one instead.

    Please advise.

    in reply to: 2 video on page, one will no longer load #764733

    Hi Enfold Support,

    I’m really not trying to be a pain here and I know you are all very busy, but I posted on this almost 10 days ago now, my threads have been closed early by accident, responses not followed up, I’ve given you the site location and created a login for you but still no support actions have been undertaken to advise on and/or fix the issue I’ve reported. Could you I ask you very kindly to have a look at this for me, please, as the issue is halting progress of the website build now as I cannot continue to use these sliders if they are not going to work.

    It’s a very simple matter. I have 2 sliders on the homepage, one Enfold full-screen slider and one advanced layer slider. It would seem that one or the other (it varies) will not load/play with the other one on the page too. This doesn’t seem right to me but I am unable to identify the reason. This is where I hoped you would be able to advise.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: 2 video on page, one will no longer load #764147

    Hi Enfold Support,

    Would you be kind enough to provide an update here, please?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: 2 video sliders on page, one wont play. #763315

    Hi, thank you for your follow up here. I have provided the information you requested in the other thread, where we can continue from here.

    Many thanks.

    in reply to: 2 video on page, one will no longer load #763314

    Please find log in details below. Thank you.


    No problem, thank you for following up here.

    in reply to: 2 video on page, one will no longer load #761635


    Any initial thoughts on this?

    It seems to me that on my iMac and section overlays are ON TOP of the section border, whereas the on my MBP the overlays are UNDERNEATH the sections borders.

    I’d be really keen to know if anyone would know why this might be happening?

    in reply to: Buttons on full page slider no longer working #333287

    I’ve found the culprit.

    I have a Twitter follow button in my footer displayed via code generated on Twitter’s website:

    <a href="****" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @****</a>
    <script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');</script>

    Removing this text has caused the site to display properly in Chrome.

    No further help required from your good selves, but if you could help me understand why this code suddenly clashes, that would be great.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Buttons on full page slider no longer working #333174

    No, please, do whatever you need to, try not to actually delete anything but I assume you wouldnt anyway.

    Agree, its very strange and its made stranger by the fact this is only visible in Chrome!?!

    in reply to: Buttons on full page slider no longer working #333150
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Buttons on full page slider no longer working #333148

    Me? lol I didn’t add them at all! I updated to 3.0.1 and all this stuff has started happening :) I didn’t add a tweet button or iframe anywhere. Don’t credit me with such skills lol

    I’ve created a support login for you, details in next post.

    Really appreciate your help, no idea whats going on here.

    in reply to: Buttons on full page slider no longer working #332808

    Actually the situation is worse than I realised.

    The blog masonry page is not displaying either, and Tweet buttons are appearing in the categories header. I turned off sharing in Jetpack, but still there and can’t find any other Twitter related plugins in use.

    Again this is all happening in Google Chrome and not Safari.

    Any help appreciated.

    (Blog linked under “Other Stuff” on original domain posted)

    in reply to: Buttons on full page slider no longer working #332723

    Hi Yigit, thanks for your continued help.

    I removed buttons, saved, updated, re-added them, saved, updated… this did not fix.

    I deactivated all plugins… this did not fix it.

    I checked the site in Safari… the buttons are showing. Buttons also show in Chrome on my iPhone.

    I use Chrome on my iMac and MBP, I deleted all caches and tried incognito mode, but this did not work either.

    Could this issue be unique to my machines at home, or to Google Chrome on desk/laptops?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Wordpressed.
    in reply to: Buttons on full page slider no longer working #332704

    Apologies, I know you guys are busy, but how do you mean re-create the buttons? You can’t “delete” buttons? I have re-entered the settings/links etc. but still the same result.

    I also tried making a brand new slider and the same happens to them :/

    The buttons also never had anything to do with Twitter.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Wordpressed.
    in reply to: Site Wide Notifications #310930

    Sure! :) Thanks!

    in reply to: Site Wide Notifications #310925

    Thank you!

    haha! Great tips, thank you! I will see what I can make with them.

    Sorry, but one more thing, is there actually a recommended dimension for full screen images to work best with Enfold?

    Hi guys, any thoughts here please? I’ve killed the pre loader but still issues reported. Latest on Galaxy S3. Why wont this site work properly? :/

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