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  • in reply to: Problem with Cookie Modal #1214408

    Yes, its the URL that changes for a split of a second but there is NO ADDITIONAL TAB, like Ismael stated here:
    “A “piwik” tab opens whenever we tick the checkbox in the “Statistik mit Matomo” tab”

    However…i need to inform users that we track and i need to give users the opportunity to disable tracking prior they surf the site

    2: I dont set anything.
    The only thing i do is putting the code prevented from matomo in your cookie modal.
    The code is this:
    <iframe style="border: 0; height: 250px; width: 900px;" src=""></iframe>

    The tracking code does not set any cookies at all (by purpose) – see line 3:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var _paq = _paq || []
    _paq.push(['disableCookies']); // Ab sofort verteilt Matomo keine Kekse (Cookies) mehr
    _paq.push(['enableHeartBeatTimer', 5]); // Matomo bekommt Herzrasen: Der "Herzschlag" von Matomo wird auf alle 5 Sekunden erhöht
    function embedTrackingCode() {
      var u = '//';
      _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u + 'matomo.php']);
      _paq.push(['setSiteId', '1']); // Bei "X" steht normalerweise die ID der Seite die getrackt werden soll
      var d = document,
        g = d.createElement('script'),
        s = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]
      g.type = 'text/javascript';
      g.async = true;
      g.defer = true;
      g.src = u + 'matomo.js';
      s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s);
    setTimeout(function () {
      embedTrackingCode(); // Die Matomo Tracking Funktion wird ausgeführt
    }, 5) // Die 5 steht für die Millisekunden anzahl in der die Funktion ausgeführt wird (kann man natürlich beliebig anpassen)

    3: If i remove the iframe from your cookie modal the tracking works normal, so the reason for not tracking is somehow connected with your cookie modal

    1: I removed the iframe from the cookie modal:
    No change, no tracking

    2: I edited the settings of the tracking code
    No change, no tracking

    3: I made a copy from my website, published it on a testarea, changed the theme:
    Tracking works

    For me it looks like the theme blocks the tracking.

    – I deleted the tracking code of the mataomo-Standalone-Installation
    – I installed the Matomo-Plugin
    The tracking seems to work – at least i see 3 visitors in the last minutes

    But like i said before……the trackingcode works if i install another theme.
    So please investigate that cause i dont want to use the plugin since it probably will have effect on our page speed

    I checked 5 different themes now and the tracking code works & Matomo tracks.
    If i activate Enfold it stops tracking.
    So there cant be any doubt that it the issue is theme related

    in reply to: Problem with Cookie Modal #1212598

    There is NO TAB that opens when you tick!!
    Its an absolutely normal behaviour:
    [video src="" /]

    in reply to: Spam mails sended over my website #1192909

    not sure, i have to monitor it over a longer time.

    What if i have two forms with two different mailadresses, lets say “info@” and “contact@”??

    I have to add them both into the functions, correct?
    But how?

    Like this??
    function change_cf_from() {
    return ” (Email address hidden if logged out) “;
    return ” (Email address hidden if logged out) “;
    add_filter(‘avf_form_from’, ‘change_cf_from’, 10);

    And what if the mailadress that has added to the form does not belong to the domain?
    Domain is
    Mail used for the form: (Email address hidden if logged out)

    in reply to: Problem with Cookie Modal #1192301

    i dont understand what you mean. There is “no other” tab that “opens & closes” …at least not on my end.
    Can you show it via screencast please?

    There are more websites with the same problem: matomo is not tracking.
    So the problem gets more urgent


    OK, i will ask them

    kind regards

    in reply to: Spam mails sended over my website #1190691

    “Please use reCaptcha V3 instead.”
    We want to use as few as possible google services to minify the risk of catching a GDPR lawsuits

    “2.2: Something to care about the Cookie-modal?”
    “2.2- No, links are automatically appended. Here is a screenshot from my local installation –;
    Your answer did not reply to my question.

    “3- ….GDPR however if they need to set a cookie, you can use Additional Custom Cookies section. ”
    In another supportthread you said that Additional Custom Cookies is NOT FOR ADDING cookies. (You want me to search for the thread?)

    in reply to: Spam mails sended over my website #1189761

    1: I guess ” (Email address hidden if logged out) ” is a placeholder and i have to put (Email address hidden if logged out) . Correct?
    2: How does using the “Enfold numeric captcha” influences my GDPR/Dataprotection declaration?
    2.1:Do i need to add something?
    2.2: Something to care about the Cookie-modal?
    2.3.: How good is the “Enfold numeric captcha” in terms of preventing spam?
    3: ” anti-spam plugin” – which one can you recommend? (Please consider GDPR)

    kind regards

    PS: The captcha-description says: “Our form is already spamproof. Enable the captcha only if YOU RECEIVE spam over the form”
    To avoid misunderstandings:
    I dont get spam.
    OTHERS get spam from us.
    And our hoster said that the form has been used to do so.
    Your recomendations are meant to prevent this??

    i dont see how the code you gave me is supposed to solve the issue.
    The documentation says this:
    2. Check if WordPress is able to send e-mails
    Go to the login screen of your WordPress installation and attempt to recover your user password, if you do get the e-mail then it may be that your server is only allowing e-mails sent from the default WP address (should be like “ (Email address hidden if logged out) ”). In this case, you can set the Enfold contact form to send messages from that address, just add the following snippet to your theme/child theme functions.php file:

    But i dont want that my customers get mails from ” (Email address hidden if logged out) ” since this is not the mailadress we communicate with

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Flugtraeumer.
    in reply to: Spam mails sended over my website #1189495

    I got mail from my hoster, saying that the form is the issue:

    Sehr geehrter Herr P.,

    Wir haben eine Rückmeldung von erhalten:
    Von dieser IP-Adresse aus wurde(n) allerdings Spam bzw. Phishingversuche
    bei unseren Systemen eingeliefert, hier der Header einer solchen Mail:

    | Return-Path: <cl…..@……>
    | Received: from de…… ([]) by
    | with (TLSv1.2:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 encrypted)
    | esmtp id 1j6OfN-165WpE0; Tue, 25 Feb 2020 02:05:41 +0100
    | Received: from localhost ([] helo=de……
    | by de…… with esmtps (TLSv1.3:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:256)
    | (Exim 4.92.3)
    | (envelope-from <cl……>)
    | id 1j6OfM-00089P-Q9
    | for …; Tue, 25 Feb 2020 02:05:40 +0100
    | To: …
    | Subject: Neue Information vom Sicherheitsdienst
    | MIME-Version: 1.0
    | Subject: Test mail
    | Content-Type: multipart/alternative;boundary=3046cc842d8456edbff9a7993cedf652
    | From: Amazoп.de <service@amazП>
    | Reply-To: service@amazП
    | List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:service@amazП>
    | Message-Id: <E1j6OfM-00089H-Kp@………>
    | Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 02:05:40 +0100

    Es könnte sich möglicherweise um einen kompromittierten Account auf
    Ihrem System handeln. Bitte berichten Sie uns, welche Maßnahmen Sie
    getroffen haben, um das Problem auch für die Zukunft aus der Welt zu

    Offenbar befindet oder befand sich auf einer der Webseiten im Account cl…. ein Kontakt- oder Registrierungsformular, das ausgenutzt wurde um diese Emails zu versenden. Dafür kommen in Frage:


    Bitte schützen Sie alle Kontaktformulare vor dem Zugriff durch Spammer, beispielsweise indem Sie ein Captcha einbinden. Anschließend geben Sie uns Bescheid, damit wir eine Delistung bei der Telekom erwirken können.

    Bitte lassen Sie uns wissen, falls wir Ihnen weiter behilflich sein können.

    in reply to: Spam mails sended over my website #1189489

    7 days

    in reply to: Spam mails sended over my website #1189226

    6 days.

    in reply to: Spam mails sended over my website #1189029

    5 days

    in reply to: Spam mails sended over my website #1188863

    4 days now.
    Someone at home?

    in reply to: Spam mails sended over my website #1187841

    The hosting company added this:
    “Das kommt darauf an, wie Sie die Email versenden. Per SMTP (also wenn Sie sich mit Emailadresse und Passwort am Mailserver anmelden) wird i.d.R. automatisch die sich authentifizierende Adresse gesetzt.
    Sofern Sie die “mail()”-Funktion in PHP verwenden, beachten Sie bitte deren 4. und 5. optionalen Parameter um weitere Header (insbesondere “envelope-from” im fünften Parameter) zu setzen.
    mail( (Email address hidden if logged out) ‘,
    ‘From: (Email address hidden if logged out) ‘,
    ‘-f (Email address hidden if logged out)
    Siehe auch:

    Bei der Bibliothek PHPMailer kann stattdessen die Funktion “SetFrom” verwendet werden: $mail->SetFrom( (Email address hidden if logged out) ‘, ‘Vorname Nachname’);
    Eventuell bietet auch die von Ihnen verwendete Software eine entsprechende Einstellungsmöglichkeit.

    > 2: “und die von ‘cl……@de……’ (also dem
    > Useraccount) versendet wurden” Diese Aussage ist kryptisch. Bitte
    > verständlich.
    Der Benutzername, den Ihr Account auf dem virtuellen managed Server namens ‘de……’ verwendet, lautet ‘cl…….’. Wenn beispielsweise ein PHP Script (vgl. oben) eine Email an den Server zur Zustellung übergibt, wird das PHP Script vom Benutzer ‘cl……’ ausgeführt. Es wird dann automatisch als Absender ‘cl…..@de……’ nach dem Schema ‘Nutzername@Hostname’ generiert, falls der Absender nicht anderweitig überschrieben wird (erneut vgl. oben).”

    So they still say its the contact form but i have no idea how to solve the task they gave me.
    Shouldnt it be done by the php which is used by the actual contactform?


    in reply to: Which Color scheme …?? #1185250

    The only things i can say is:
    1: I have no clue about PHP
    2: Whatever is in the code has been provided once by Enfold mods to solve some issues

    So it does not make any sense to ask me about the code and why its there.
    But what i can say is: My site was completely foobar and it worked when i removed the code i mentioned.
    But i am not skilled enough to tell you why.


    in reply to: Which Color scheme …?? #1183082

    As i mentioned one thread above:
    We imported a fresh “wp_options”, made all the settings again and than found out that we have TWO problems:
    1: WPML crashes the “wp_options” (this case will be solved here:
    2: The code in the functions.php (once provided by Enfold-mods) is not correct anymore, so we actually removed it from our functions.php

    – funtions.php is responsive for the lost content as shown in the video (reproducable)
    WPML responsive for the crashed DB

    What i need from you now is the overwhauled sequence from my functions.php regarding the eventscalendar


    in reply to: Which Color scheme …?? #1182789

    Now i did it.
    I created a new wp-option and imported it.

    1: All settings are gone….of course
    2: It looked good–the error when i used the “Migration database”-plugin was gone.
    3: So i started to rebuild menu, footer and so on….

    And then:
    a: elements had these warnings although the settings have been “Load all elements”
    [video src="" /]
    b: when i replaced the default widgets (archive, calender) whith our old one the website crashed completely.
    Please look at the part where i open the sourcecode and Firebug – you will see that there is no content
    [video src="" /]

    When i change the theme from “Enfold-Child” to the parent theme it seems to work – although the website is still horrible slow.

    So this means that there is something wrong with the functions.php and the debugger said it to:
    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function tribe_is_month() in /usr/www/users/flugtr/flugtraeumer/wordpress/wp-content/themes/enfold-child/functions.php:37 Stack trace: #0 /usr/www/users/flugtr/flugtraeumer/wordpress/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(290): avia_events_breadcrumb(Array) #1 /usr/www/users/flugtr/flugtraeumer/wordpress/wp-includes/plugin.php(206): WP_Hook->apply_filters(Array, Array) #2 /usr/www/users/flugtr/flugtraeumer/wordpress/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/class-breadcrumb.php(453): apply_filters('avia_breadcrumb...', Array, Array) #3 /usr/www/users/flugtr/flugtraeumer/wordpress/wp-content/themes/enfold/functions-enfold.php(506): avia_breadcrumbs(Array) #4 /usr/www/users/flugtr/flugtraeumer/wordpress/wp-content/themes/enfold/template-builder.php(43): avia_title() #5 /usr/www/users/flugtr/flugtraeumer/wordpress/wp-includes/template-loader.php(98): include('/usr/www/users/...') #6 /usr/www/users/flugtr/flugtraeumer/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/usr/www/users/...') #7 /u in /usr/www/users/flugtr/flugtraeumer/wordpress/wp-content/themes/enfold-child/functions.php on line 37

    All the content in my functions.php has once been provided by you.
    I putted it in the private field

    in reply to: Which Color scheme …?? #1182762

    I researched if creating a fresh wp_option on a new WP-installation and import it into the actual database like described on stackexchange is a solution but unfortunately not.

    To do so i would neet to export settings of:
    – Enfold
    – WPMU

    But WPMU has no export-function. The settings are stored in wp-option and so i would loose all settings.

    in reply to: Which Color scheme …?? #1182321

    Repair results say that all tables are OK
    But when i try to migrate the DB with my favorite tool “Migration database” from Deliciousbrains i get this.
    Migration failed
    A problem occurred when attempting to process the following table (#113) wp_options
    Status: 500 Internal Server Error
    There has been a critical error on your website.

    – I tried it 20 times and the server has not been down
    – Setting “WP_DEBUG’, true” does not help since there is no output regarding that issue
    – The initial problem with not showing the actual colorscheme is still there

    What to do know? ;-(


    in reply to: Which Color scheme …?? #1180991

    Hello Yigit
    1: Yes, maybe.
    No, i dont have this issue anywhere else.
    I already optimized & repaired the DB over PHPmyAdmin without sucess and i suspect (if its the database) “wp_options”.
    Lets assume its the database:
    – How can i find out what exactly the issue is and how can i repair it?
    – if its foobared, whats the fastest way to rebuild the site? Export/Import over XLM?

    Or might this be the right way?


    in reply to: Problem with Cookie Modal #1180692

    Like i alrady said in my other post:
    I dont want to be “supported” by you anymore.
    Please skip my threads in the future!

    for @yigit
    Although we use Auto-Update the Updater says:

    Theme Updates
    No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (

    So we found another issue?


    in reply to: Problem with Cookie Modal #1180369

    I updated it last week and the iframe is visible now,,,,BUT….
    It seems as if the cookie-modal blocks the tracking.
    Please see this….the date i setted up the cookie modal matches exactly with the date matomo stopped tracking:


    Its a very common thing to do,you can do it either with plugins like “Migration Database”, SQL-Statements or direct in the database-dump – so just leave your arrogant sarcasm!!
    Please skip my threads in the future!

    , please!!

    Although it is a general question maybe you want to know my website:

    in reply to: Cookie modal – av_privacy_cookie_info does not work #1170374

    This shortcode creates another weird thing:

    The result is a GREEN slider (green symbols that something IS ALREADY enabled).
    Beside the green slider is a text saying: Aktivieren, damit die Nachrichtenleiste dauerhaft ausgeblendet wird und alle Cookies, denen nicht zugestimmt wurde, abgelehnt werden.
    How can you aktivate something that seems to be already activated??

    Again: You say “Activate to...” beside a green slider that indicates that it IS ALREADY activated.
    This is such a mess that using your cookie modal is more dangerous than just having none cookie message at all.

    in reply to: Cookie modal – av_privacy_cookie_info does not work #1170372

    Omg – this so weird ..

    In Chrome:
    “No cookies from this domain

    In Firefox:

    PHPSESSID ( 82a66b5dff86f78334d87a8ca712dc65 ) – Trackt deinen Seitenbesuch
    aviaPrivacyEssentialCookiesEnabled ( true ) – Erlaube das Speichern von notwendigen Cookies, anderen Cookies und die Verwendung von Erweiterungen, wenn diese nicht abgelehnt wurden (Opt-Out)aviaPrivacyGoogleMapsDisabled ( true ) – Google Maps nicht zulassenaviaPrivacyGoogleReCaptchaDisabled ( true ) – Google reCaptcha nicht zulassenaviaPrivacyGoogleWebfontsDisabled ( true ) – Google Webfonts nicht zulassenaviaPrivacyMustOptInSetting ( true ) – Einstellungen sind für Nutzer, die Cookies und Erweiterungen zustimmen müssen (Opt-In)aviaPrivacyRefuseCookiesHideBar ( true ) – Bei weiteren Seitenaufrufen die Cookie-Bar ausblenden und Cookies verweigern, die nicht erlaubt wurden – aviaPrivacyEssentialCookiesEnabled muss gesetzt seinaviaPrivacyVideoEmbedsDisabled ( true ) – Video-Einbettungen nicht zulassenwordpress_test_cookie ( WP+Cookie+check ) – Unbekannte Verwendungwp-settings-11 ( editor%3Dhtml%26m10%3Do%26m7%3Do%26ngg_show_update_notice196%3D1%26hidetb%3D1%26ed_size%3D543%26wplink%3D1%26posts_list_mode%3Dlist%26libraryContent%3Dbrowse%26align%3Dleft%26imgsize%3Dthumbnail ) – Unbekannte Verwendungwp-settings-time-11 ( 1578159579 ) – Unbekannte VerwendungaviaCookieConsent ( 7ff4260bf2a119ba1df3579f1c898b80||v1.0 ) – Die Benutzung und Speicherung von Cookies wurde akzeptiert. Bei anderen Cookies wurden Einschränkungen festgelegt

    This is so weird because of many things:
    1: “Unbekannte Verwendung” is not allowed. Website owners are obliged to give a clear information what the cookie does
    2: The translation is totaly absurd. This for example suggests that there is an option to disable/enable – but it does not: Google Maps nicht zulassen

    So the shortcode does NOT ALL ALL what it is supposed to.
    Its supposed to just show a list with information and not to confuse or mislead a user

    Meanwhile i removed the shortcode because leaving it there – messy like it is – brings me in severe danger to catch a lawsuit


    in reply to: How to move the search box into the sidebar? #1080755

    Its a royal pain that most of you mods think that your users are idiots and that many of you does not even read what a user is writing in his thread.
    You waste your users time and with this rude and respectless behaviour you produce costs for us since we have to wait and wait and wait until things get solved.
    Seems as if i should rate your item accordingly on themeforst.

    back to topic:
    Did i say somewhere that i did not already activated the debug mode???

    in reply to: How to move the search box into the sidebar? #1075060

    Does not work:

    there is a ajax-search-field in the header of your theme.
    How can i bring this searchbox into the sidebar (ajax!)?

    in reply to: Enfold 4.4.1 & Gutenberg #1048435

    where exctly is that extra setting to disable gutenberg?

    in reply to: Theme-Update not possible #1030938

    What about you fixing your bugs??

    And here it comes again:
    Beim Aktualisieren von Enfold ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: Download fehlgeschlagen. Es wurde keine gültige URL übermittelt.”

    in reply to: Translation Issue in title #1012411

    Hi Ismael
    thanx – that worked.

    Question: What does these two numbers in the code stands for?
    99, 2

    Kind regards danny

    in reply to: Theme-Update not possible #1012201

    [sarcasm] oh, thanks for helping[/sarcasm]

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