Forum Replies Created
December 24, 2014 at 3:44 am in reply to: Advanced Styling is great, how do we set the weight of the font?, Set to bold? #372367
Yes, you have to add custom CSS to change the font weight of elements.
If you need help with the CSS code just provide us with a link to your seite and tell us what you want to change.cheers
The best way to change to font sizes would be to use custom CSS. for the default sizes, see the font sizing in the CSS code
h1 { font-size: 34px; line-height: 1.1em; margin-bottom: 14px; } h2 { font-size: 28px; line-height: 1.1em; margin-bottom: 10px; } h3 { font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.1em; margin-bottom: 8px; } h4 { font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.1em; margin-bottom: 4px; } h5 { font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.1em; } h6 { font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.1em; }
If you can provide me with a link to the website, i could check out where the border is coming from and how to remove it.
please try to install Enfold over FTP:
your link is not working. Please make sure it’s correct.
Font-size ist für Schriftgröße.
Text-decoration für effekte wie unterstrichen.
Benötigt wird hier text-transform.h1, h2 { text-transform: none !important; }
Bei interesse ist hier mehr Info dazu:
Please update the Enfold theme to version 3.0.4. That should solve your problems (you’re running 3.0.2)
I see at least 5 different font stylings.
Please tell us which of those you wish to change, and what you want to change about them.cheers
To assign classes to elements please take a look at the documentation:
If you need further help with the CSS code, i’d need a link to the website.cheers
#header_main .logo { background: -webkit-linear-gradient(red, blue); /* For Safari 5.1 to 6.0 */ background: -o-linear-gradient(red, blue); /* For Opera 11.1 to 12.0 */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(red, blue); /* For Firefox 3.6 to 15 */ background: linear-gradient(red, blue); /* Standard syntax */ }
making your post private just makes it harder for me to help you as someone who is not part of the support team :({ background-color: #FF0000; }
Hi there,
i am not part of the Enfold-team but you can see how to customize links with CSS here:
Here you can see where you can add custom CSS:
But I’d suggest using a child theme and put the code into the style.css file of the child theme: change the properties of all states of a link you can use:
a { color: #d92b6d !important; }
The “
” is needed to overwrite other definitions.cheers
Hi stewroids,
i am not sure if anyone here can help you with the logo.
But depending on what you want to customize on your website, you can get some support here.
Mostly it will be custom CSS that you have to add into a file.
If you can tell us what exactly you want to customize, we could either help you with it or would recommend you to hire a freelancer.I don’t know if someone from the support team would do it though.
December 15, 2014 at 11:23 pm in reply to: URGENT….MENU APPEARINg ON TOP OF SCREEN AFTER LOGO CHANGE #368651what menu are you talking about?
Also i noticed something is wrong with some of the custom CSS i gave you last time:#header_main .social_bookmarks { top: 40% ; }
Did not see that the icons move next to the search bar when you scroll down.
So now the icons are kinda off when you scroll down and the header shrinks.Haven’t looked into how the different CSS is applied when you scroll down and to tired to look into it at the moment.
And you might not have seen my last answer to your last topic.
It was just a suggestion to modify the search bar a bit since the button is 1px higher then the input field: i guess the support could also help you to change the above code to only apply when the header is not shrinked.
you are using Enfold 3.0.1.
Please update to 3.0.4.There are at least some problems with the contact form when you use WP 4.0.1 with an older Enfold version.
zuerst zu deinem Problem:
Sowas wird normalerweise von einem cache verursacht.
Um diesen im IE zu leeren siehe: cache kann aber ebenso ein wordpress plugin sein oder dein Webhoster hat einen Cache aktiviert.
Und stelle sicher, das du nach dem Bearbeiten des Menüs auch auf speichern klickst. Ist mir auch 1-2 mal passiert und habe mich gewundert warum sich nichts geändert hat ;)
Des weiteren sehe ich, dass das erste Bild im slider fehlt. Es wurde womöglich gelöscht, verschoben oder umbenannt.
I really just like helping others :)
And i read your profile description in this forum.
I’d suggest you to learn at least some basic HTML / CSS stuff.
It’s not that hard and might help you in the feature.
This is a really great resource to learn HTML and CSS: help alot is to use the developer tools of your web browser.
Firefox has some nice tools where you can inspect elements and see all the CSS that affects them.This shows you how to work with it:
If you ever any question, just feel free to ask :)
The page is inside the enfold theme folder.
You modify it with a text editor.You could simply delete the whole <div> container from line 15 to 47 and replace it with anything you want.
Also the search icon looks a bit strange to me.
The search button is 1 pixel higher then the input field.
Just a suggestion when you read this:#top #searchsubmit, .ajax_load { border-left: solid; height: 38px; right: 1px; top: 1px; }
Fixes the different height and adds a border between them.
#header_main .social_bookmarks { top: 40%; }
And i see you kept my previous code as it is.
Don’t know if you want the icons change to round icons again on mouse over.
That was just for demonstration :)Bei mir wird er korrekt in Firefox angezeigt.
Stell bitte sicher, das du in firefox keine Erweiterungen installierst hast, die scripte blocken.Mir fällt nur auf, dass das Logo nicht angezeigt wird und in google chrome der alternative text für das bild nicht angezeigt wird.
Aber in meinem Firefox läuft alles Problemlos + Slidermfg
Hey jacokooistra,
you should not edit the files you meantioned above.
To modify the CSS, please use the Quick CSS in the theme options or the custom.css file. even better option would be to create a child theme and place your CSS in the style.css file inside the child theme.
If you then provide us with a link to your website, we can help you to write the custom CSS a modify the page like you want to
just another theme userHey,
the custom CSS you’d use to create a margin above the header would be:
.boxed #wrap_all {
}But i dont think that would help you much.
If i had a link to your side i could provide you with something that would work better.
#top #header_main .social_bookmarks li a { background-color: #fff; border-radius: 4px; color: #000; } #top #header_main .social_bookmarks li:hover a { background-color: #83c900; border-radius: 100px; color: #ffffff; }
Play around with the values however you want.
The first half is the normal icon.
The second one is for the mouse over effect.cheers
What do you need the h1 tag for exactly?
Depending on where you want to add it, you just write <h1>Heading<h1>cheers
Yes, you can add some custom CSS.
h1, h2 { text-transform: none; }
I think it’s only h1 and h2 headings that normaly get transformed to uppercase.
Also there seems to be extra letter spacing for those headings.
So you could also use the following code instead of the one above to remove this spacing as well:h1, h2 { text-transform: none; letter-spacing: normal; }
if you have problems with other headings being uppcase, just add h3 – h6 seperated by commas in the first line.
see this line of the code:
$('.custom-fwd-btn .avia-button').on('click', function(){
The class is “custom-fwd-btn”
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by
hey, i get the same error.
looks like there is a slash to much in the URL.
if you click the following link, everything is fine: this is a bug that should be looked at.
if you’d post a link to your website, i could take a look.
But if you allready have a link in the private section for the support team and don’t want the link to be seen for everyone, we’ll have to wait for someone from the support team :)cheers
you should be able to change the width in the enfold theme options.
I have no idea why it should not work. Maybe a cache plugin?The following CSS code should force the width (so changing width in the enfold theme options gets overwritten)
#top.boxed, .html_boxed.html_header_sticky #header, .container { max-width: 1310px; width: 100%; }
If that does not work, i am pretty sure that there is either a cache plugin or your webhoster has some kind of cache.
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by