Forum Replies Created
August 30, 2018 at 12:56 pm in reply to: reference a custom class within another custom class #1003536
This is possible. First go to Enfold > Theme Options > Layout Builder a tick the “Show element options for developers” checkbox.
Afterwards go to the advanced layout builder. There you can set a custom id for each color section (i.e. footer_section like in this screenshot: (Email address hidden if logged out) &Expires=1535798957&Signature=Sx8FbgjA59bXm6umPVTn7Ew6rdz2FBV2zKYdC6Xqz9%2BYrDBT7VRrhj9yYA7PWNl%2BdEqEBMZAZ4tfEa1NA3y7CHjRluSg7rZHr6XzqaaJxees7rRTFAEFjNYgmvDd8sHZ81R8skWYWibDwx2S2e4%2BInj36GndeE%2BkEDh5nel1JjvRCNgOkhDKw%2BRYc9OXnyLrnLP%2FdgcXnkZzzGYT7JsdvXJO0y7TyNiNz4anpHp0Tuq%2FeyO85gj5p%2Bf5kCC63H3S1l%2FohWvebC6FAzMm8s%2BWzmOGOvegAUq9oxDlKpBWKbeMNYDleuHN2o7rlRbjiOT3OLCu03zOYL9MjXJcgT83Qg%3D%3D&md5=38863184e64f4b331dba54773139694b&NOT_A_LINK”>Link).
You can also set a custom css class for all elements inside the section – you just need to scroll down to the “Custom Css Class” settings field (Screenshot: ). Please insert all ids or classes WITHOUT css selectors, you don’t need to add # before ids or . before classes (note this only applies to the layout builder setting fields, not to the css code you’re using to style these elements).
Best regards,
DudeAugust 30, 2018 at 12:43 pm in reply to: Change woocommerce price position on single product page #1003526Hi!
1) You can try this code to display the price near the quantity input field (maybe it requires additional styling):
function move_price(){ ?> <script> jQuery(window).load(function(){ jQuery( '.single-product.woocommerce-page' ).each(function() { jQuery( this ).find( '.av-woo-purchase-button .woocommerce-Price-amount' ).insertAfter( jQuery(this).find('.quantity') ); }); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'move_price');
2) This would require more work and is beyond the scope of our support forum. Please hire a developer if you need this feature.
Please try this code instead:
#top .av_header_transparency .logo { display: none; }
It will hide the logo if the menu is transparent. As soon as the user starts to scroll the logo will be displayed.
Best regards,
DudeHey Alexander Feldt,
Eine Funktionsbeschreibung findet sich hier: und in der Dokumentation:über hinaus können die Funktionen auf der Demoseite hier: ausprobiert werden.
WPML wird von uns unterstützt. Die anderen Funktionen müssten durch Drittanbieter-Plugins ergänzt werden, da Enfold kein Reservierungssystem anbietet.
Best regards,
Please move your local development website to a live server and post the login credentials. I can’t reproduce the issue on my test servers (local or online) and there’s no obvious reason why the widget doesn’t work.
Best regards,
DudeHey KaISBC,
Yes you can only load packs from Flaticon. Enfold does not support all font packs from flaticon but just those packs which contain an icon font. If you take i.e. this pack: you’ll notice the zip file contains a folder called “font” (screenshot: ). Other icon packs (i.e. this one: ) won’t work because they do not contain font files.
Best regards,
DudeAugust 30, 2018 at 12:14 pm in reply to: Enfold live search not compatible with custom roles? #1003503Hey rup!
We do not limit the ajax search to certain user roles or capabilities. We also use the wp_ajax_nopriv_(action) hook to fire the ajax call for users which are not logged in (and have no capabilities at all – see ). I’m not aware of any limitations regarding the capabilities or user role; you can check the code in enfold\functions-enfold.php starting with line 211.
I’d recommend to deactivate all plugins – maybe a plugin blocks the access to the ajax api. If this doesn’t help I’d recommend to stick with the default wordpress user roles or to hire someone to debug the code for you.
Best regards,
I fixed it now. I replaced this code in portfolio.php:
//postk puplic funktion for search and filter public function use_search_and_filter_query($query) { $this->entries = $query; }
//function that allows to set the query to an existing post query. usually only needed on pages that already did a query for the entries, like taxonomy archive pages. //Shortcode uses the query_entries function above public function use_global_query() { global $wp_query; $this->entries = $wp_query; } //postk puplic funktion for search and filter public function use_search_and_filter_query($query) { $this->entries = $query; }
and added this code to the child theme functions.php:
add_filter('avia_load_shortcodes', 'avia_include_shortcode_template', 15, 1); function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths){ $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory(); array_unshift($paths, $template_url.'/shortcodes/'); return $paths; }
Best regards,
DudeAugust 30, 2018 at 11:45 am in reply to: Apply CSS to full width submenu ONLY when it goes sticky #1003492Hi,
Thanks tjswarbs78 for helping us out. Scott if you need further assistance please post a link to your website and I’ll check the code of the menu.
Best regards,
DudeeHey kpenner36,
Can you please post a link to your enfold website. When I visit the website I just see a landing page (with the headline “Get a free night stay at ….”) which does not run Enfold.
Best regards,
DudeAugust 30, 2018 at 11:33 am in reply to: Adjusting Vertical Position of Text on Search Submit Button #1003487Hi,
Please try to decrease the line-height with this css code:#top #wrap_all #searchsubmit { line-height: 28px; }
Best regards,
Please make sure you’ve selected one or more attributes for your products and set up attribute values (screenshot: ). The attribute filters won’t work if no attributes/values are assigned to products.
Best regards,
I think the columns element is not the best solution in this case. I’d recommend to use the “Grid Row” element (Layout Elements) and to set up a grid with two columns. Then set a background image for each column and use the minimum height setting to set the image height. The size of the columns controls the image width.
Best regards,
1) You just need to set a minimum height value for the container like:
#top .inner_product_header { min-height: 98px; }
The min-height value depends on the length/size of the product titles but 98px gave me good results on your homepage.
2) Please use this css code to move the password link to the bottom:
#top .woocommerce .login .lost_password { top: 0; }
Best regards,
Please excuse the late reply. To be honest I think the logo resizes because of the mobile menu (burger menu) which is used between 480 and 767px screen width.
You can use following css code to resize the logo:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px){ .responsive .logo img { max-height: 58px!important; } }
If you want to align the logo with the menu icon use this css code:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px){ .responsive .logo img { max-height: 58px!important; } .responsive #top .av-main-nav .menu-item-avia-special { display: block; margin-top: 10px; } #header_main { padding-top: 18px; } }
You can add the code snippets to the child theme style.css or the quick css field.
Best regards,
DudeHey jayflavs!
Try to add this code to your .htaccess to redirect all requests to the new https url:
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
If this doesn’t help try to download and install the php script from here:
Use ftp to upload it to the main wordpress directory (where the wp-content, wp-admin, etc. folders are located). Then replace all occurrences of the old http:// url with your new https:// url.
PeterHey Christian,
Please try following:
1) Add a custom id to the footer section (i.e. footer_section – screenshot: )
2) Then add this css code to the quick css field:
#footer_section + div { display: none; }
(you need to replace footer_section with your custom id)
Best regards,
DudeAugust 29, 2018 at 4:00 pm in reply to: Main Content – Benutzerdefiniertes Hintergrundbild pro Seite #1003207Hi,
Sehr gut, schön dass ich helfen konnte :)
DudeAugust 29, 2018 at 3:59 pm in reply to: Custom 404 Page doesn't recognize properly by WebSite Auditor #1003205Hi,
Great, glad it works now :)
Best regards,
DudeAugust 29, 2018 at 3:58 pm in reply to: Portfolio-Entry / How can I select a parent-page for a single entry? #1003203Hi,
Ja sicher – verändere einfach beim Code den ich oben geschrieben habe folgende Zeile:
Plugin Name: Enfold Anpassungen
zb durch
Plugin Name: Enfold Anpassungen Menüpunkt XY
Du kannst auch neuen Code zu bestehenden Plugins hinzufügen, indem Du diesen einfach am Ende der Datei anhängst.
Best regards,
I’ll leave this thread open in case you need further assistance :)
Best regards,
To be honest I didn’t test recent versions of the plugin with Enfold. However it worked in the past and I’m not aware of incompatibility issues. I’d recommend to try the free version of the plugin:
Glad I could help you :)
Best regards,
DudeAugust 29, 2018 at 1:57 pm in reply to: Custom 404 Page doesn't recognize properly by WebSite Auditor #1003136Hi,
I fixed this error with following code now:
/* fix 404 pages with wpml redirection */ add_action( 'template_redirect', 'redirect_404_to_any_url' ); function redirect_404_to_any_url() { if(is_404()) { $error404_page = avia_get_option('error404_page'); $url = ''; if($error404_page) { $error404_page = apply_filters('wpml_object_id', $error404_page, 'page', TRUE); $url = get_permalink($error404_page); } if($url) wp_redirect($url); exit; } } function av_error404_wpml($posts) { return $posts; }
So basically I just added:
function av_error404_wpml($posts) { return $posts; }
which overwrites our wpml 404 function. Afaik our dev already fixed some incompatibility issues with the latest wpml version and these fixes should be part of the next theme update.
Best regards,
Great, glad I could help you :)
Best regards,
This is also possible please try this code:#top .widget ul li { font-weight: bold; } #top .widget ul.children li { font-weight: normal; }
Best regards,
Glad you found a solution :)
Best regards,
DudeAugust 29, 2018 at 12:58 pm in reply to: Error – class-avia-font-management-base.php on line 429 #1003116Hi,
@Munford – please create a new thread – we’ll help you there.Best regards,
DudeHey Birgit Schümann,
Wenn “plötzlich” Fehler auftreten liegt es meist an WordPress Plugins. Versuche einmal alle Plugins zu deaktivieren und überprüfe danach, ob der Fehler weiter besteht. Falls nicht, aktiviere die Plugins wieder nacheinander und siehe nach, welches Plugin den Fehler auslöst.
Peter -