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  • in reply to: Remove Price from Products on Product Slider #139138

    You can find it in wp-contentthemesenfoldconfig-woocommerceconfig.php – search for

    if($product->product_type == 'variable' && empty($output))
    $output = "<a class='add_to_cart_button button product_type_variable' href='".get_permalink($product->id)."'><span class='avia-font-entypo-fontello'>". $avia_config['font_icons']['details'] ."</span> ".__('Select options','avia_framework')."</a>";

    if($product->product_type == 'simple')
    $output .= "<a class='button show_details_button' href='".get_permalink($product->id)."'><span class='avia-font-entypo-fontello'>". $avia_config['font_icons']['details'] ."</span> ".__('Show Details','avia_framework')."</a>";

    You need to replace avia-font-entypo-fontello span with an image or another font icon if you want to change the look of the icons.

    in reply to: Conditional shortcode around layout objects #139519

    Textblock elements also support shortcodes. The workaround in this case would be to to create a textblock element and then you can insert your code into the TinyMCE texteditor field

    [s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_customcap2)]
    [av_portfolio columns='2' items='16' contents='excerpt' preview_mode='auto' image_size='portfolio' linking='' sort='yes' paginate='yes']

    2) No, the ALE Code is saved in a custom field and if you delete this post/page the corrupt code won’t affect other database entries.

    in reply to: conflict with easy table plugin #138665

    I’m sorry but in this case we can’t help you because we need to investigate the source code first hand. I’d suggest to build the website without the plugin for now and when it’s live we’ll look into it.

    in reply to: Google Map not showing correctly #134301


    please try to insert following code into the quick css field

    #top #mapCanvas img{
    max-width: none;



    in reply to: sidemar menu as main responsive menu #139467

    In fact Enfold even hides the sidebar on mobile devices. If you want to display it insert following code into the quick css field

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #top #main .sidebar {
    display: block !important;

    It will show up underneath the main content. It’s not easily possible to turn the sidebar menu into a mobile menu and we can’t help you with this customiztion because it’s beyond the scope of our support forum. You can try to hire a freelancer for this job though.

    Sometimes it’s not possible to overwrite the php settings with the htaccess file. If the htaccess code gives you an server error I’d suggest to contact the server administrator/hoster to change these values in the php.ini. More details can be found here:

    in reply to: PHP Error, what is it, how to solve it? #139172

    Try following – open up /wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/class-framework-widgets.php and replace

    $twittercount = wp_remote_get( ''.$twitter );

    if (!is_wp_error($twittercount))


    $twittercount  = '';

    if (!is_wp_error($twittercount) && !empty($twittercount) )

    I guess Twitter removed the old api completely now and the twitter follower count doesn’t work anymore. We’ll fix this in the next update.

    in reply to: Need additional sidebar #133703

    Tbh I doubt this makes sense and it will probably hurt your seo because you’ve duplicate content on your page but the process is exactly the same. Follow chilli-mind advice above but select the same widget area for both sidebars. Then all sidebars (left & right) will output the same content.

    in reply to: Get new language to work #139179

    1) Yes you can translate the dummy data. Open up wp-contentthemesenfoldincludesadmindummy.xml and translate the text strings within the xml nodes. If you want to import the translated text string on the client server replace the original dummy.xml file with your translated version and import the dummy content afterwards. Alternatively translate it on your server and use a db migrate tool (like: WP MIGRATE DB to clone the translated posts to other servers. You also don’t need to import the dummy data if you clone the db directly.

    2) The admin page is not fully translatable but most text strings are translatable (eg the layout builder elements & descriptions) and use the avia_framework textdomain. Please try to re-scan the theme files and make sure that you generated a mo file based on the po file.

    in reply to: One column portfolio option #138311

    I think I’ll implement this feature in the next 2 weeks but it can take a bit longer because we do not release an update every week and the update release itself can take another week or so. Last week and this week I worked on the logo slider and content slider element which should be part of the next update.

    in reply to: Hide Menu item, theme dasn't work with If menu plugin #139293


    You can use the “conditional menu” feature instead:



    in reply to: Support for Internet Explorer 6 #138041

    1) There’re basically two solutions.

    a) You can use the read more quicktag: to separate the content from the excerpt text:

    b) You can replace following in loop-index.php

    $blog_content = !empty($avia_config['blog_content']) ? $avia_config['blog_content'] : "content";


    $blog_content = !empty($avia_config['blog_content']) ? $avia_config['blog_content'] : "content";
    if(is_home()) $blog_content = "excerpt_read_more";

    – WP will then use the get_the_excerpt() function to retrieve the excerpt and will truncate the post content automatically if no excerpt text is set.

    2) You can use a seo plugin like: which will take care of the facebook opengraph meta tags.

    in reply to: Customization of the portfolio URL format #139212


    Yes, if you don’t use pretty permalinks wordpress will just add the custom post type name to the php query vars. In this case the post type is called “portfolio”.



    I also can’t reproduce the issue on my test servers. I modified your code several times, saved it several times, switched between visual mode and html, viewed the page several times and then edited it again, etc. but the quotes always work fine for me:

    Please create me a wordpress admin account and send me the login data to: (Email address hidden if logged out) – maybe the problem is server specific and we need to check the configuration first hand.


    I can’t reproduce the issue on my test server. Please create me a wordpress admin account and send me the login data to: (Email address hidden if logged out) – I’ll look into it.



    in reply to: Slider Dot Navigation? #139075

    Use Devin’s code above but replace

    #top.single-portfolio .av_slideshow.avia-slideshow .avia-slideshow-dots a:first-child{
    display: inline-block;


    #top.single-portfolio .av_slideshow.avia-slideshow .avia-slideshow-dots{
    display: inline-block;

    This code will work for slide 1-27. The last slide link won’t display properly (because the css code can’t fetch the number of the last slide dynamically and the output “28 of 28” is not possible) but nevertheless it’s a good workaround.

    in reply to: Get new language to work #139176


    It means that our theme does contain several text domains and not all text domains are translatable with the theme po & mo files. You just need to translate the “avia_framework” textdomain and you can ignore the others.

    in reply to: Please contribute and translate Enfold #114985

    The translation seems to work for me(search field, post meta text strings, etc. are translated): – maybe try to clear the browser cache if it doesn’t work for you. Please note that not all text strings are translatable with our theme files – i.e. the login form here: is not part of the theme code but it’s a third party widget (plugin code) and you must translate the plugin to translate the login form.

    in reply to: Kontakt Form 7 und Layer Slider #139039


    Wenn du die Formularfelder nebeneinander darstellen möchtest verwende folgenden CSS Code

    .ls-wp-container .input-text, #top .ls-wp-container input[type="text"], #top .ls-wp-container input[type="input"], #top .ls-wp-container input[type="password"], #top .ls-wp-container input[type="email"], #top .ls-wp-container input[type="number"], #top .ls-wp-container input[type="url"], #top .ls-wp-container input[type="tel"], #top .ls-wp-container input[type="search"], #top .ls-wp-container textarea, #top .ls-wp-container select {
    display: inline;

    in reply to: Customization of the portfolio URL format #139210


    1) Go to Settings > Permalinks and select a “pretty” permalink structure

    2) Go to Enfold > General Settings and insert “course” in the “Portfolio: Enter a page slug…” option field.



    in reply to: Post Slider #139252


    Enfold does not support a vertical post or image slider. You can try third party plugins from here:



    in reply to: Post slider from RSS #139065


    No, the post slider does not support rss feeds or external news sources. It can just display/query entries from the wordpress database.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Where can I find this background file? #139024


    1) Probably it’s a stock image and Kriesi is not allowed to distribute it with the theme files. However you can download it here:

    2) I didn’t test Nextgen pro with our themes yet. I’ll try to get hold of a copy and hopefully we can make it compatible with Enfold…

    Best regards,


    in reply to: multilingual page cause some Element not working #137965

    I’d recommend to translate all strings otherwise you risk that some parts of the front end are not translated. However you can also try to visit all pages of your website and then search for English text strings on each page. If you find a string use Codestyling to search for this string in the po file and translate it.

    in reply to: [Latest News Widget] Replace date by "Read More" #138805

    We wrapped all widget classes in a class_exists() function. This function makes sure that the child theme code can overwrite the parent class without triggering a php error. You just need to copy the entire “avia_newsbox” class into a child theme file (eg into functions.php or any other php file which you included with require_once() or include(). Then modify the class in your child theme and the parent theme will load the modified widget code instead of original parent theme code.

    in reply to: Create New Gravity Form Modal Issue On Enfold #135052


    Yes, my solution does basically the same thing but you don’t need to use Firebug afterwards :)



    in reply to: Something wrong with breadcrumbs #138163


    Personally I didn’t use such a service yet but is very popular.



    in reply to: Staging plugin question #138809


    No, unfortunately not. Never used or tested the plugin with our themes or with any other theme.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Something wrong with breadcrumbs #138161

    Probably not because all breadcrumb plugins use the standard wordpress functions to query the relations between entries and it’s simple not possible for single portfolio items because they don’t have a “parent page” in a common sense.

    I think it’s possible to use the “ajax content navigator” portfolio with the enfold breadcrumb function but this would require some custom work and I’d suggest to hire a freelancer for the job.

    in reply to: Something wrong with breadcrumbs #138159

    Ok, now I see what you mean. I’m not sure why it doesn’t work but I guess it has something to do with the “ajax content navigator” plugin which will not write/save the right portfolio page id into the session and thus the breadcrumb does not display the correct path. Please try to replace the “ajax content navigator” with the default portfolio grid element and check if the breadcrumb changes.

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