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  • in reply to: ENFOLD: WPML switcher in toolbar or top banner #168607

    Hey kriga!

    Actually Enfold will add the flags to the main menu automatically and you don’t need to insert the language switcher. If you still want to add the default language switcher you can use the

    <?php do_action('icl_language_selector'); ?>

    function in header.php to show it. It’s difficult for me to tell you which code line you need to modify because I don’t now what you mean with “toolbar” or “in the banner area”.


    in reply to: Breadcrumb/Portfolio #168604


    This is a technical limitation. WordPress doesn’t know which “portfolio grid” is the parent page of a “single portfolio entry” because the portfolio grid is actually just a shortcode which is embedded into the content. Kriesi found a workaround and Enfold now stores the id of the portfolio/grid page into a session. If this id is set the breadcrumb will show the portfolio grid link in the breadcrumb, otherwise not. So if the user first views the grid page the server will save the id into the session and as soon as the user views the single portfolio entry Enfold uses the session data to build the breadcrumb. On the other hand (if the user accesses the portfolio entry directly) it won’t save a session/id and the breadcrumb won’t show the portfolio grid page link.


    in reply to: semi transparent wavy divider #168603


    I’m not sure what you mean with “black line” but I think you want to remove the section border? If yes just insert following code into the quick css field

    .avia-section {
    border: none !important;


    in reply to: IE8 Issues + others? #168602


    Kriesi uses the background-size attribute ( ) to stretch the image which is not supported by IE8. If you want to hide the section background for IE8 user insert following code in header.php – before the closing </head> tag

    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    .avia-section {
    background: none !important;

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Header with Bottom Navigation Changes #168597

    Hi antoniahv!

    1) Add following code into the quick css field

    #header_meta {
    display: none;

    2) Use followingg css code to align the tabs to the right

    .bottom_nav_header.social_header .main_menu ul:first-child {
    float: right;
    width: auto;

    3) You can change the color with

    #header_main_alternate, #top .main_menu .menu>li>a{
    background: #eee;

    Best regards,

    Hey CooperDevon!

    Glad MAXcdn could provide a solution. I’ll tag this thread for the other support staff members in case someone else reports issues with the maxcdn service…


    in reply to: 2 Bugs in the Advanced Layout Editor #168587

    Hey swissfilm!

    1) Please update to the latest version Enfold 2.3 and check if this solves the advanced builder bug.
    2) If not, please check your allocated php memory and increase it to 128M if necessary ( )
    3) If 2) doesn’t help deactivate all third party plugins except woocommerce and bbpress and check if the plugins affect the layout builder in some way.


    in reply to: Many issues with logotype and menu #168585


    Please update Enfold to v2.3. We improved the menu script and it will now try to reduce the menu paddings and the logo width with javascript if the logo and the menu items overlap each other.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Please contribute and translate Enfold #168099


    Yes, thanks for the hint. Will be fixed in the next version.


    in reply to: menu items goes into the logo when resizing browser windows #168085


    Great, I’ll update the code and include it in the next update.

    If you think the logo is too small you can try to reduce the number of menu items in the first level and add them to a submenu dropdown or you can try to increase the “switch width” which determines when the mobile menu replaces the standard menu links. Open up enfold/js/avia.js and replace

        	if(first_level_items > 8 && !bottom_menu)
        		switchWidth = 989;


        	if(first_level_items > 7 && !bottom_menu)
        		switchWidth = 989;

    You’re using 8 menu items at the moment this code mod will increase the switch width from 767px to 989px.


    in reply to: menu items goes into the logo when resizing browser windows #168058


    Yes, it’s actually a problem with the win.on scroll event which does not always work properly. I replaced it with an interval function which checks the header position on a regular basis and re-size the logo/menu if necessary. Please clear your browser cache and check your website again.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Mouseover Farbe #168048


    Der Code den ich hier: gepostet habe sollte funktionieren. Falls nicht, nimm bitte die spans mit den Inline styles aus dem Code. Daher

    <span style="color: #eeeeee;"><a title="Marco Behrens - Dein Weg zur VOLLKOMMENEN Freiheit" href=""><span style="color: #eeeeee;">Home</span></a> / <a title="Impressum" href=""><span style="color: #eeeeee;">Impressum</span></a> / <a title="Kontakt" href=""><span style="color: #eeeeee;">Kontakt</span></a><br>

    wird zu

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    in reply to: Sidebar with downloadable pdf's #168037

    Hey gianmarizzi!

    Tbh there’s no user friendly way to manage different pdf files for products with sidebar widgets. I’d recommend to purchase this extension:


    in reply to: LayerSlider problem with links #168033


    It seems like just the first image/layer is wrapped into a link. All other images do not have a link. I need to check the slider configuration first hand to find the issue – please create me a wordpress admin account and send me the login data to: (Email address hidden if logged out) – I’ll look into it.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Transparent background on alternate rows in data-table #168032


    I think your code doesn’t work because of the table background color. Try following code

    .main_color table.avia-data-table, .main_color div .avia-data-table tr:nth-child(even) td {
    background-color: transparent !important;


    in reply to: 3 bbpress questions #168028

    Hi stunna42!

    1) In functions-enfold.php replace

    if($breadcrumb) $additions .= avia_breadcrumbs(array('separator' => '/', 'richsnippet' => true));


    if($breadcrumb && is_bbpress()) $additions .= avia_breadcrumbs(array('separator' => '/', 'richsnippet' => true));

    2) Use following css code:

    #top .main_color .bbp-body p{
    color: #333;
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-the-content-wrapper textarea.bbp-the-content {
    color: #333;

    The first rule will change the text color of the posts and the second rule will change the editor text color.

    3) In functions.php search for

    $avia_config['layout']['fullsize'] 		= array('content' => 'twelve alpha', 'sidebar' => 'hidden', 	 'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'eleven');
    $avia_config['layout']['sidebar_left'] 	= array('content' => 'nine', 		 'sidebar' => 'three alpha' ,'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'nine');
    $avia_config['layout']['sidebar_right'] = array('content' => 'nine alpha',   'sidebar' => 'three alpha', 'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'nine alpha');

    and replace it with

    $avia_config['layout']['fullsize'] 		= array('content' => 'twelve alpha', 'sidebar' => 'hidden', 	 'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'eleven');
    $avia_config['layout']['sidebar_left'] 	= array('content' => 'nine', 		 'sidebar' => 'three alpha' ,'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'nine');
    $avia_config['layout']['sidebar_right'] = array('content' => 'nine alpha',   'sidebar' => 'three alpha', 'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'nine alpha');
    $avia_config['layout']['sidebar_right'] = array('content' => 'ten alpha',   'sidebar' => 'two alpha', 'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'ten alpha');

    Now the sidebar uses two units of the 12 units grid (instead of 3) and the content will use 10 units instead of 9.


    in reply to: Custom Sidebar Error #168019


    I tagged this thread for Josue. I hope he’ll report back soon.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Using Portfolio for Custom Post Types #168017


    3) I had the same problem on my website and solved it with following css code

    .title_container .main-title {
    width: 100%;
    margin-bottom: 35px;
    .title_container .breadcrumb {
    top: auto;
    bottom: 10%;

    It will extend the title container to 100% and push the breadcrumb to the bottom – i.e. like here:

    Josue’s code should also work but maybe you need to add an !important tag like

    .title_container .breadcrumb {
    position: static !important;

    6) Not right now but we’ll release an update next week (Enfold 2.3) which allows you to upload ANY icon font zip file you generated with: and the theme will then allow you to select your uploaded font icons too.


    in reply to: Facebook Like button z-index? #168016


    Please try the code here: – I added the code line to the file (based on Ismaels instructions). You just need to replace the entire Code in functions.php with the code from


    in reply to: Video is playing, but i hear only the audio? #168015


    Just a small update on this – we now decided that we’ll give the user the choice if he wants to set the paths manually or use the “automatic fallback”. If you add


    to the functions.php Enfold will show 3 url fields instead of one and you can set more than one video url. Without this code Enfold will try to load the other video files automatically.


    in reply to: menu items goes into the logo when resizing browser windows #168013


    I fixed it. I had to rewrite my function a bit because it was just intended for the “pull out” mobile menu and not the “dropdown” menu but now / created a separate function which will always check the menu size and resize the paddings of the menu items if necessary.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: menu items goes into the logo when resizing browser windows #167823

    Hi solsikkehaven!

    I added a function in Enfold 2.2 which should fix the issue but in your case it does not kick in. I’m not sure why it doesn’t work but please try to replace the entire code in enfold/js/avia.js with the code from here: – does it change anything? If not please create me a wordpress admin account and send me the login data to: (Email address hidden if logged out) – I’ll look into it.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Main Navigation Issues #167822


    Another user reported the issue and we’ll fix it with the next update. For a quick fix please copy/paste the code from here: into your enfold(js/avia.js file. You can remove/delete the “old” code in avia.js

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Please contribute and translate Enfold #167817



    1) You can ignore the warning message. It just tells you that the php files contain text strings of several textdomains and that not all text strings are translatable with the theme language file. However you just need to translate the avia_framework textdomain to translate the entire theme.

    2) You don’t need to create translation files for the English website version because all original text strings are already in English. If you want to use the English version of the theme you must install the English version of wordpress ( ). Maybe you need to remove the DE_de value from the WP_LANG constant in wp-config.php if you used the German version before.

    If you want to switch between the languages (German, English, Danish, etc.) you need to install a translation plugin like WPML.

    : We always appreciate if our users send us the translations files. However we don’t offer any rewards for them but you may profit from the community feedback (suggestion for a better translation of a certain phrase, etc. ).

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Use tool tips elsewhere? #167805

    Hi mgma!

    No, right now there’s no user friendly way to use the tooltip script elsewhere. You can try the html5 abbr tag though: which creates a simple tooltip popup too.


    in reply to: Alternative text for "0 Comment" #167798


    For issue 1) replace

    if ( $commentCount != "0" || comments_open($the_id) && $entry->post_type != 'portfolio')
    $link_add = $commentCount === "0" ? "#respond" : "#comments";
    if($commentCount == "0")
    $text_add = __('Contribute', 'avia_framework' );
    $text_add = $commentCount === "1" ? __('Comment', 'avia_framework' ) : __('Comments', 'avia_framework' );


    if ( $commentCount != "0" || comments_open($the_id) && $entry->post_type != 'portfolio')
    $link_add = $commentCount === "0" ? "#respond" : "#comments";
    if($commentCount == "0")
    $text_add = __('Contribute', 'avia_framework' );
    $commentCount = '';
    $text_add = $commentCount === "1" ? __('Comment', 'avia_framework' ) : __('Comments', 'avia_framework' );

    Best regards,

    in reply to: IE & Responsive #167794

    Hey raptusag!

    Which IE version did you use to test your website? I tried to reproduce the issue with IE9 and 10 but the progress bar and the partner element work flawlessly for me:

    IE8 does not support the css3 media queries and won’t support the responsive layout at all.


    in reply to: Codestyling Localization display several errors #167793


    This is probably an issue with the folder reading/writing permissions on your server. Use a ftp client (i.e. Filezilla) to connect to your server and navigate to wp-content/themes/enfold/lang/. Set the folder permission to 777 and check if you can translate the file afterwards. If not I’d suggest to install Codestyling on your localhost and to translate the theme on your PC/Mac and the upload the generated files into the wp-content/themes/enfold/lang/ folder.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Main menu in IE8 broken since v2.2 #167782


    Please try to add following code into the quick css field and check if this makes any difference

    #top .main_menu .menu>li>a {
    min-width: 150px;

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Theme conflics with audio plugin #167536


    We use the standard mediaelements player which is bundled with is also bundled with wordpress3.6. You can remove the player js/css file by deleting following code in functions.php

    		wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-mediaelement' );


    		wp_enqueue_style( 'avia-media');


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