Forum Replies Created
Please create me an admin account and post the login data as private reply.
PeterHi formateins!
Yes sure, I guess some other users will find the child theme useful too.
Ok :)
hast du schon probiert kurz zum Standardtheme zu wechseln und die htaccess dann neu zu beschreiben? Ich habe dies jetzt einmal ausprobiert und hatte noch immer das gleiche Problem. Dein Server scheint die Archiv Permalinks nicht zu akzeptieren und dies unabhängig von den verwendeten Themes (und vermutlich) verwendeten plugins.Cheers!
Enfold doesn’t support such a layout on product pages. You’d need to rewrite major code parts in /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-woocommerce/config.php to build a right sidebar template. I’d suggest to stick with the default layout or to hire a developer if you really need such a layout. However note that you probably need to create a complete new layout because the sidebar on the right and the image on the left take too much space away and you need to find another place for the product description text, etc.
Best regards,
PeterThis reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Hi Jan!
Ich würde ein Update per FTP empfehlen. Devin hat hierzu ein kleines Video gemacht:
Best regards,
I couldn’t reproduce the issue on my test server. If possible please create us an admin account and we’ll look into it. You can post the login credentials as private reply. If you can’t create an admin account post the layout builder code and I’ll try to reproduce the issue with your code. You can activate the debug mode (see: ) to get the layout builder code.
Great, I’ll close the thread now.
Best regards,
PeterOctober 12, 2013 at 1:48 pm in reply to: See the code generated by the Advanced Layout Editor? #174590Hello!
You need to add the code at the very top of functions.php – otherwise it will not work. Afterwards Enfold will display a text field underneath the visual composer/editor field which allows you to manipulate and view the layout source code.
PeterHi tglawe!
Please create me an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply. I can’t reproduce the issue on my test server or websites and I need to check the configuration first hand.
PeterHey n_z_r!
Yes, maybe you need to add the Cyrillic subset to the google font – see:
– i.e. use “latin,cyrillic” instead of “latin,latin-ext”.
The post navigation works now. I’ll ask Kriesi to fix the issue in the next version.
I tried to log in but it seems like you just created an subscriber account and not an admin account. Please make sure the user can edit pages, etc.
You would need to build a custom comment form template if you want to re-position the input fields. A basic guide can be found here:
Enfold just uses the default comment form and the comment_form() function to call the default input fields and you can’t modify the output directly. You can try to use the comment_form_after_fields action though (see code in /wp-includes/comment-template.php and this thread: ) to add additional input fields to the form.
PeterHey weball!
Yes, with a small trick you can use any slider as fullwidth slider as long as the slideshow script supports responsive layouts – see:
PeterHello dreedijk!
Our breadcrumb is already seo optimized and you don’t need to install the Yoast breadcrumb. However if you want to use it replace following code in header.php
<!-- end header --> </header>
<?php if ( function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb') ) { yoast_breadcrumb('<p class="yoast-breadcrumbs">','</p>'); } ?> <!-- end header --> </header>
and then insert following code into the quick css field
.yoast-breadcrumbs{ display: none; }
to hide it. Personally I do not recommend this customization.
PeterOctober 12, 2013 at 10:56 am in reply to: Fixing up Product Page and Woocommerse Professor Cloud #174557Hello!
Please insert following css code into the quick css field to fix the issue
. single-product #av_section_1 { height: auto; }
PeterHi turner2f!
Single product pages display the sidebar on the left side underneath the product thumbnail. You can use the “Single Product Pages” widget are to add widgets to the product pages.
Best regards,
PeterHi Pedro!
I marked this thread for Kriesi – I’m sure he already created some custom code for his child theme.
Best regards,
PeterHello ltladmin!
Please update your theme to the latest version (2.3.2) and check if the update solves the issue. If not please create us an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply. I’d like to switch to another theme, deactivate the plugins, etc. to find the culprit.
You can use following code to change the title on event pages: – insert it at the very bottom of functions.php and replace “Events List”, “List all events”, etc. with your custom text.
It seems like you’re using the “image” element. You need to set the title/description in the modal window which pops up when you click on the element field. I made a short screenr video:
Best regards,
Still wondering though if there is a way to reduce the width of the left sidebar to 2 units
Yes – see
Ich konnte den Fehler so auch nicht reproduzieren –
Bevor ich diesen Thread für Kriesi markiere (damit er es auf seinem Mac testen kann) aktualisiert das Theme bitte auf 2.3.2 – möglicherweise behebt das Update den Fehler.Cheers!
PeterOctober 11, 2013 at 3:00 pm in reply to: Fixing up Product Page and Woocommerse Professor Cloud #174169Hello!
This thread: will probably help you to fix the incompatibility issue.
Tbh I’ve no idea why WP adds pages to the post query in your case but I found a simple fix. I replace following line in index.php
$atts = array('type' => 'grid', 'items' => get_option('posts_per_page'), 'columns'=> 3, 'class'=>'avia-builder-el-no-sibling', 'paginate'=>'yes');
$page = get_query_var( 'paged' ) ? get_query_var( 'paged' ) : get_query_var( 'page' ); $query = array('posts_per_page'=> get_option('posts_per_page'),'paged'=> $page); $atts = array('type' => 'grid', 'custom_query' => $query, 'items' => get_option('posts_per_page'), 'columns'=> 3, 'class'=>'avia-builder-el-no-sibling', 'paginate'=>'yes');
and the blog grid works now.
PeterIch konnte das Problem nicht reproduzieren:
Vielleicht liegt es am Browser oder einer Browser Erweiterung, welche den Texteditor beeinflusst? Komisch ist, dass es “plötzlich” nicht funktioniert, da zwischenzeitlich irgendeine Änderung eingetreten sein muss.
Please update Enfold to the latest version (v2.3.2). If the update still doesn’t fix the issue please create an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply.
Peter -