Forum Replies Created
September 10, 2018 at 2:15 pm in reply to: How can I remove or edit the powered by Enfold WordPress Theme? #1007929
You can add the shortcode mentioned by guenni to the copyright options field (I added it for you now).
I made a screenshot of the settings page (see private content).
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 10, 2018 at 2:12 pm in reply to: Yoast SEO Premium – Missing Facebook preview image #1007926Hey!
No – my code just forces Yoast SEO to use the featured image as facebook image if a featured image is set for the post. It does not automize the facebook debugger, etc.
PeterSeptember 10, 2018 at 2:00 pm in reply to: Get specific meta data of an image via shortcode #1007922Hi,
Please add this code to your child theme:
function avia_display_image_copyright( $atts ) { $atts = shortcode_atts(array('id' => ''), $atts); $copyright_text = ''; if(!empty($atts['id'])) { $copyright_text = get_post_meta($atts['id'], '_avia_attachment_copyright', true ); } else { if(has_post_thumbnail()) { $post_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id(); $copyright_text = get_post_meta($post_thumbnail_id, '_avia_attachment_copyright', true ); } } return $copyright_text; } add_shortcode( 'av_display_image_copyright', 'avia_display_image_copyright' );
You can then use this shortcode:
to display the copyright information of the featured image. If you want to display the copyright information of another image (which is not the featured image) you can use this code:
[av_display_image_copyright id=852]
and replace 852 with the (attachment) id of the image.
Best regards,
I think this issue is caused by the floating text around the image. Please try to add this code to the quick css field or child theme style.css file: { float: none; padding-top: 30px; }
Best regards,
This issue is probably caused by the missing mediaelement javascript. This script is not loaded by default but only if media elements (i.e. slideshow, video element, etc.) are used on the current page/post. If a video is embedded in the sidebar the script is not loaded by default. However we’ll introduce a new filter with the next theme update which enables you to always load this script and to embed videos in the sidebar too. To fix the issue with the current theme version please add this code to your child theme functions.php:
add_filter( 'avf_enqueue_wp_mediaelement', 'avia_always_load_mediaelement', 10, 2); function avia_always_load_mediaelement($condition, $options) { $condition = true; return $condition; }
Then switch to the poarent theme enfold and on line 419 in enfold/functions.php replace this code:
$condition2 = ( version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), '4.9', '>=' ) ) && $condition;
$condition = apply_filters( 'avf_enqueue_wp_mediaelement', $condition, $options ); $condition2 = ( version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), '4.9', '>=' ) ) && $condition;
The next theme update will already contain this change – you don’t need to modify the enfold/functions.php again.
Best regards,
Great, glad I could help you :)
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 10, 2018 at 12:48 pm in reply to: Ajax Portfolio not showing on translated website #1007882Hi,
You first need to translate the portfolio entries and categories (click on the + symbol below the chinese flag) to display the portfolio grid on the chinese homepage.
Best regards,
Please create us an admin account and I’ll check if I can find any reasons for this error.
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 9, 2018 at 3:37 pm in reply to: Yoast SEO Premium – Missing Facebook preview image #1007613Hi,
I fixed b adding this code to the child theme functions.php:
add_filter('wpseo_twitter_image', 'avia_set_yoast_og_image', 10, 1); add_filter('wpseo_opengraph_image', 'avia_set_yoast_og_image', 10, 1); function avia_set_yoast_og_image($url) { if(has_post_thumbnail()) { return get_the_post_thumbnail_url(); } return $url; }
Please note: In the backend (wordpress editor page) you won’t see any changes on existing posts/pages. The reason is Yoast saves the social data (facebook image, title, etc.) to a post meta and you would need to reset this data to see the changes (please ask the Yoast support how to reset the og meta data which is used in the settings panel). Also Facebook uses a cache for the shared entries. You can use this tool: to refresh the cache (click on “scrape again”) and reload the page several times, sometimes you need to click on “scrape again” two times.
I tested the fix on this page and it works (in the frontend; the backend shows the old image because of the reasons I mentioned above).
Best regards,
There’s no ETA for the release but you can download the developer build (see link in preview content) which fixes the instagram cache issue. You can use ftp to install the update ( ).
Best regards,
Ok, need a lil Enfold dev help here…
A while back Ismael mentioned using the ‘avf_preview_window_css_files’ filter to load a specific CSS file into the preview pane. I have tried…and tried…and tried to figure that out but nothing I try is working to do so. Can someone help me out with that? That will allow me to show several of the items in the preview pane and have them display correctly. I’m working on the new ACF Testimonials element and it will only load the stock styles and not the needed CSS.
I did a quick test and the avf_preview_window_css_files filter woks just fine for me.
I added this code to the child theme function.php:
add_filter('avf_preview_window_css_files', 'avia_custom_preview_css', 10, 1); function avia_custom_preview_css($css) { $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); $css[$template_url.'/preview.css'] = 1; return $css; }
and created a new preview.css file in the child theme folder (url wp-content/themes/enfold-child/preview.css). Then I added some css stylings to the stylesheet – i.e.:
#top label { color: #ff0000; }
which changes the color of the contact form labels in the preview view to red.
If it doesn’t work for you (with a plugin) there’re two possible reasons:
1) It’s a cache issue – maybe you need to clear browser or server caches.
2) The line:
$template_url = get_stylesheet_directory_uri();
returns the url to the child theme folder. Maybe your code does not return the right url to the plugin folder (folder which contains your custom elements). If you i.e. want to add the preview.css to the plugin folder use this code:
$template_url = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'preview.css';
This code would return the url (my-plugin stands for your plugin folder).
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 9, 2018 at 9:33 am in reply to: [GDPR] Tracking Pixels Firing AFTER Visitor has Accepted Cookie Policy #1007544Hi,
in our view it is just not necessary to have this feature to make your site GDPR compliant. We use the anonymize_ip parameter to anonymize the tracking data (which results in non personal data). In addition the user can opt out with the disable tracking parameter. There’s an interesting article which sums it up here: regards,
We don’t build websites (we’re no web agency) but we just sell (stock) wordpress themes like Enfold. The website was built with Enfold but we’re not responsible for it and we also can’t provide any code or templates which were used to build the website. We’re also not in contact with the website owner. If you really want to copy the website please contact the website owner and ask him if he/she wants to sell the website code and/or content. If the website owner gives you the code you can use your Enfold license to install and use this code on your server.
If the website owner doesn’t give you the code you can select one of the demos to build a new website. You can also hire a freelancer (i.e. here: ) to customize the theme for you and to copy the design of .
Maybe I deactivated some to check if there’s a script conflict. Otherwise it’s difficult to debug why the popup script doesn’t fire. I’m sorry if this caused any problems.Cheers!
PeterSeptember 7, 2018 at 2:21 pm in reply to: Toolset – Custom Search – Problem with Enfold (AJAX?) #1007125Hi,
Glad I could help you :)
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 7, 2018 at 2:20 pm in reply to: Remove item from shopping cart WIDGET button (x) ? #1007123Hi,
This would require some code changes to the cart widget js script. Probably the easiest solution would be to trigger a page refresh as soon as the remove button is clicked. Try to add this code to the child theme functions.php:
add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_remove_cart_click'); function ava_custom_remove_cart_click(){ ?> <script> jQuery('#top .dropdown_widget_cart ul.product_list_widget li a.remove').click(function() { window.location.reload(true); }); </script> <?php }
Best regards,
I added the code to the funcztions.php :)
Best regards,
Best regards,
DudeSeptember 7, 2018 at 2:00 pm in reply to: Form search results (sorry, I don't know where to post this) #1007114Hey Jason,
Thanks for the suggestion. At the moment it’s not possible to only display the topic title. However we’ll look into it – maybe we can add an option in the future.
Best regards,
Great :)
I also wish you a nice day :)
Kind regards,
I exactly know what design I’d like, but I’m not sure if Enfold can adapt to it (see private content).
Could you please tell me if it is doable?Yes it’s doable but it probably would require css (and maybe html/php) code changes. If you’re familiar with CSS/HTML and maybe a bit of php coding it shouldn’t be a problem.
Furthermore, how is the support? Do we have a dedicated mail for support or do we have to write directly into the forum ?
We only provide support in the forum. There’s no e-mail, telephone, etc. support. Please note we can assist you with small modifications (color changes, text size changes, how to hide certain elements, etc.) but we can’t (re-)design the website for you. If you’re not familiar with CSS/HTML coding you probably would need to hire someone to create the website based on Enfold.
Best regards,
If you use the default google maps element you simply need to select the “User must accept to show” setting ( ) to make the map gdpr proof. Enfold then does not load and initialize the map scripts before the user clicks on a button.
It’s not easily possible to add this logic to an iframe.
Best regards,
If you need further assistance please let us know.
Best regards,
Great, glad everything works now :)
Best regards,
I think I understood the issue now. I think the problem was that the second language (en) wasn’t properly configured. I now selected the english version of the page in the english option panel and the italian version of the 404 page in the italian option panel.
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 7, 2018 at 10:18 am in reply to: ADDING A QUANTITY FIELD to woocommerce archives pages breaks buttons postion #1007019Hi,
You can use this code to show the quantity selectors above the add to cart button – you can add it to the style.css or quick css field:
#top #wrap_all div .products form.cart div.quantity { display: block; }
Best regards,
PeterHey raslade,
Please try this code instead (you can add it to the functions.php):
add_filter('avf_title_args', 'avf_title_args_mod_excerpt', 99, 2); function avf_title_args_mod_excerpt($args,$id) { $excerpt = get_the_excerpt($id); if(!empty($excerpt)) { if(!empty($args['subtitle'])) { $args['subtitle'] .= ' ' . $excerpt; }else{ $args['subtitle'] = $excerpt; } } return $args; }
Best regards,
I’m not sure if I understand the issue. Please read the private content.
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 7, 2018 at 9:46 am in reply to: Toolset – Custom Search – Problem with Enfold (AJAX?) #1006994Hi,
I found the culprit. The search function requires wp_mediaelement script which is not loaded by default by Enfold (because of performance reasons and to decrease the loading times). To fix the issue add this code to the child theme functions.php:
add_filter( 'avf_enqueue_wp_mediaelement', 'avia_always_load_mediaelement', 10, 2); function avia_always_load_mediaelement($condition, $options) { $condition = true; return $condition; }
and replace line 419 in enfold/functions.php:
$condition2 = ( version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), '4.9', '>=' ) ) && $condition;
$condition = apply_filters( 'avf_enqueue_wp_mediaelement', $condition, $options ); $condition2 = ( version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), '4.9', '>=' ) ) && $condition;
The next theme update will already contain this change – you don’t need to modify the enfold/functions.php again.
Best regards,
I fixed it by using the code from here: – this seems to be an incompatibility issue with wordpress. I added this code to the functions.php:
function avia_custom_head_javascript() { ?> <script> // Fill in your MailChimp popup settings below. // These can be found in the original popup script from MailChimp. var mailchimpConfig = { baseUrl: '', uuid: '8e6cb1cf9675fdb6769c3732e', lid: 'eea4db8087' }; // No edits below this line are required var chimpPopupLoader = document.createElement("script"); chimpPopupLoader.src = '//'; chimpPopupLoader.setAttribute('data-dojo-config', 'usePlainJson: true, isDebug: false'); var chimpPopup = document.createElement("script"); chimpPopup.appendChild(document.createTextNode('require(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function (L) { L.start({"baseUrl": "' + mailchimpConfig.baseUrl + '", "uuid": "' + mailchimpConfig.uuid + '", "lid": "' + mailchimpConfig.lid + '"})});')); jQuery(function ($) { document.body.appendChild(chimpPopupLoader); $(window).load(function () { document.body.appendChild(chimpPopup); }); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_head', 'avia_custom_head_javascript');
Best regards,
Peter -